Change osx airport mac address leopard Jobs
Benötigt wir ein Softwaretool ähnlich der Serienbrieffunktion (Word/Excel) welches sowohl auf Windows / Mac / IOS / Android also universell läuft und folgendes können muss: Es wird eine Eingabemaske für eigene Daten (Absender) und eine für Empfänger ( Adressen, Ansprechpartner, Aktenzeichen, Datum ) als Tool zum kostenlosen Herunterladen benötigt. Mit dieser Anwendung sollen Schreiben in Word / PDF, Wiedervorlagen für Fristen mit Erinnerungsfunktion bzw. ToDo-Listen generiert werden. Anbindung an Drucker, Faxdrucker, Email (Outlook) etc.. Bei Veränderung der Word-Vorlage bzw- der unterschiedlichen Word-Vorlagen muss es dem Admin ( uns möglich sein, eine Update-Variante des Tools zu erstellen mit Push-Funktion und neuer Varian...
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...Startup, das inhouse einen Debian Server betreibt. Darauf läuft im Moment schon Samba4 mit LDAP als ActiveDirectory. Die Clients laufen in der Domäne mit ein paar Einschränkungen. Wir benutzen im Moment owncloud und möchten in Zukunft parallel mit Fileshares für Projektdaten arbeiten. Es gilt nun im ersten Schritt, das bereits (Basis)installierte SOGO einzurichten, mit LDAP zu verbinden, Open X-Change einzurichten und den Outlook-Connector zum laufen zu bringen. Am Ende soll der Server einen Exchange-Server imitieren und mit Outlook 2010 auf unserern Clients und Mobile Devices laufen. Unsere Mails müssen von googleapps migriert werden und die Kalender von den lokalen Rechnern in den Exchange kopiert werden. Die Synchronisation muss danach funk...
Hallo, wir haben von einer Designerin die Signatur als pdf erhalten (eine eps Datei kanne ebenfalls zu Verfügung gestellt werden). Nun muss diese in HTLM umgesetzt werden, so dass wir diese über Apple Mail benutzen können. Zudem soll der Empfänger die Email Signatur in allen gängigen Emailprogrammen unter Mac und Windows (Thunderbird, Mail, Outlook etc.) und auch in Outlook 2003 richtig angezeigt bekommen. Dass sich die Signatur auf dem Smartphone, egal welcher Herstellen, dann entsprechend verkleinert, sollte sich von selbst verstehen.
...notwendig… Hier folgende Beschreibung von ihm… Den Pfad von herausfinden: " + Nutzereingabe + "&sensor=false&language=en (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) Daten von holen und kombinieren: " + (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) + "/ " + (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) + "/ Wetter icons in: Auf Deutsch übersetzten für die Ausgabe: " + Nutzereingabe + "&sensor=false&language=de formatted_address Dann wäre noch wichtig, dass die Unwetterwarnungen des deutschen
Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren, gesucht wird ein Programmierer, welcher in der Lage ist ein kleines Programm, welches ich bereits vor Jahren für Windows-Plattformen entwickeln liess, MAC OS tauglich zu machen. Die Software besteht aus ungefähr 20-30 Datenbanken, welche unterschiedlich viele Affirmationen zu bestimmten Lebensgebieten beinhalten. Es sollte möglich sein, einige dieser Datenbanken auszuwählen um dann, nach Start einer Session, diese Affirmationen auf dem Desktop des Computers anzuzeigen, in immer gleich bleibenden Intervallen und dies immer im Vordergrund. Ausserdem sollte man die Details dieser Anzeige verändern können, bspw. die Transparenz, Zeitintervall, Länge der Session, Grösse, Farbe und Ort, an dem diese ...
...notwendig… Hier folgende Beschreibung von ihm… Den Pfad von herausfinden: " + Nutzereingabe + "&sensor=false&language=en (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) Daten von holen und kombinieren: " + (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) + "/ " + (country, administrative_area_level_1, locality) + "/ Wetter icons in: Auf Deutsch übersetzten für die Ausgabe: " + Nutzereingabe + "&sensor=false&language=de formatted_address Dann wäre noch wichtig, dass die Unwetterwarnungen des deutschen
I need addresses in an excel list! Name, Address, Post zip, Telephone, E-Mail and Homepage (the list hast been to select) for this Links: This should be a table in Exel. Please only offer if you are able to do this! IMPORTANT: Please send me a sample in advance! Thank YOU!
...log size = 1000 syslog = 0 panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d security = user encrypt passwords = true passdb backend = tdbsam obey pam restrictions = yes unix password sync = yes passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %nn *Retypesnews*spassword:* %nn *passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* . pam password change = yes #map to guest = bad user usershare allow guests = yes log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 acl2:10 winbind:2 hide unreadable = yes access based share enum = yes map untrusted to domain = yes force user = masterjob [testshare] nt acl support= yes acl map full control = yes inherit permissions= no comment = testshare writeable = yes force directory ...
...log size = 1000 syslog = 0 panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d security = user encrypt passwords = true passdb backend = tdbsam obey pam restrictions = yes unix password sync = yes passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %nn *Retypesnews*spassword:* %nn *passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* . pam password change = yes #map to guest = bad user usershare allow guests = yes log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 acl2:10 winbind:2 hide unreadable = yes access based share enum = yes map untrusted to domain = yes force user = masterjob [testshare] nt acl support= yes acl map full control = yes inherit permissions= no comment = testshare writeable = yes force directory ... die Aufgabe zu erkennen. Gefragt ist ein Programm welches aus den gegebenen Analystenstatements (Spalte D+E) die folgenden Daten extrahiert (sofern gegeben): Location Analyst Company Analyst Name Analyst First Name Analyst Last Name Analyst Gender (if detectable by the grammer) General Recommendation (old) General Recommendation (new) Change of Recommendation (better / same / worse) Target Price (old) Target Price (new) Change of Target Price (up / down / no_change) Currency of Target Price (Hintergrundinformation (nicht Teil dieses Projektes- wir voraussichtlich von uns selbst gemacht): Im Anschluss an die Datenextrahierung wollen wir statistische Auswertungen mit den Daten machen und dies für Forschungszwecke nutzen. Dazu werden die historisc...
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Prestashop - change the format of prices in frontend of the store - open to bidding'
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Change After Effects Template'
Einrichten der Homepage und Unterstützung beim Einrichten der Themenvorlage von Yootheme. Ich benötige die Page so schnell wie möglich und möchte gerne Unterstützung. Ich schaffe die Einrichtung einfach nicht. Arbeite mit Mac.
Eine vorhandene Applikation zur Messung von IT Servicequalität erzeugt etwa im Minutenabstand einen Datensatz, der lokal auf dem Messrechner (OSX 10.7) in einer csv Datei gespeichert wird. Beispiel für einen CSV Datensatz: 2013-08-16 13:05:22,lync_osx,837359,1.4,0.99,4.36476,0.3451 Mit: 2013-08-16 13:05:22 Zeitpunkt, zu dem dieser Messdurchgang abgeschlossen wurde (Timestamp, Format anpassbar) lync_osx Gruppierung der in diesem Datensatz folgenden insgesamt vier Messwerte (Text) 837359 Name des Messwertgebers (Text) 1.4 Messwert 1: IT-Ressourceneinsatz (Double) 0.99 Messwert 2: Verfügbarkeit (Double) 4.36476 Mes...
...suchen wir bundesweit und speziell für den Standort München auf Interimsbasis: Großprojektleiter / Projektmanager für Projekte im Bereich Schieneninfrastruktur und –verkehrsanlagen Aufgabenstellung an Sie: • Anforderungsmanagement und konzeptionelle Neu- und Umplanung von Großprojekten • Gesamtüberwachung der Termin- und Kostenplanung, Qualitätscontrolling und deren Steuerung • Aktives Change- und Risikomanagement als Integraler Bestandteil des Plan-/Ist-Vergleiches • Offenlegung der Risikopotentiale und Ergreifen von Maßnahmen zur Gegensteuerung Führung von Teams mit 25 und mehr Mitarbeitern Anforderungen an Sie: • Technischer Hochschulabschluss / Ingenieurwesen / Bauingenieurwesen ...
...the bottom of the app should be 2 fixed Buttons an hold they have to send the keystroke strg+alt+ö and strg+alt+ä and on leave the butten both should send the keystroke strg+alt+ü. Above These buttens i want an raster of 20 buttens wich is scrollable. Each of the scrollable Buttons should send a keystroke by clicking. I want to Change the keystroke for These by my self so you have to tell me were i find it in the code. Each button Needs an dummy png which i can Change.rnrn...
Wir haben ein AS3 Desktop Air Projekt (entwickelt im Flash Builder). Wir benötigen nun eine AS3 Library die uns die Seiten einer lokalen PDF Datei umwandelt in einzelne Bilddateien ODER einzelne SWF Dateien. (5 Seiten) -> 5 einzelne Dateien mit den Inhalten der PDF Seiten. WICHTIG: Das ganze muss im Adobe Air laugen (am Windows Rechner und am MAC).
Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Design change in an existing ipad project - repost'
German Es geht um das editieren einer eps anhand eines Bildes (auf eps udn Bild sind die gleichen Sachen aber leicht unterschiedlich). Dazu müssten in der eps verscheidene Pfade verändert werden und so angepasst werden dass sie dem Bild möglichst nahekommen. Bei Interesse bitte melden! English I would need...sind die gleichen Sachen aber leicht unterschiedlich). Dazu müssten in der eps verscheidene Pfade verändert werden und so angepasst werden dass sie dem Bild möglichst nahekommen. Bei Interesse bitte melden! English I would need somebody to edit an .eps file in a way that it looks like a picture, which contains the same things but slightly different. You would need to be able to change some paths and change the eps so that it...
Entwicklung einer iOS Anwendung auf Basis eines Mac Produktes in einem kleinen Team. ObjectiveC ist Programmiersprache.
...München arbeitet. For finalizing a Magento Webshop Project in GERMAN, we do need a developer with knowledge in Backend AND Frontend of Magento Some Magento-Extensions must be integrated and adapted, and the Frontend Design must be finalized as well. It is very important, that the Freelancer can start IMMEDIATLY. The Freelancer should work (at least the first days) in our office nearby Munich Airport (Germany)....
...damit er den Content der Webseite sehen kann. Trägt er sich ein, kann er die Seite aufrufen und den Content anschauen und muss sich nicht erneut eintragen. English description: The task is quite simple: I need a script which generates a login screen when calling my web site and the actual web page in the shade. The login window will disappear only come if the user has registered with his email address. The script should also recognize when the user has already entered - then it should not appear viz. Here's a live example: A new visitor has to register, so he can see the content of the website. He wears a, he can access the site and view the Content and does not need to register again....
I Just need to update a smartsheet candidates sheet after I get a meeting in calendly with that candidate, updating statud and date in the sheet. And at the same time update a tag in mailchimp contact list to know that candidate have a pending interview. Once the interview date ocurrs update the mailchimp status when I change the status in Smarsheet control sheet. I would like be made with Make better than zapier or otheer tools no so expensive as Zapier.
Our team is on the brink of publishing and selling a Shopify theme, but we need a skilled developer to enhance it with advanced customization options. We have a few specific areas of focus: - Color scheme settings: The theme needs to allow users to easily change the color scheme to suit their brand or personal preferences. - Typography control: We want to give users the ability to customize the typography to their liking, enhancing the theme's flexibility. - Custom layout options: The theme should be able to support a variety of different layouts, giving users the freedom to arrange their content as they see fit. We don't require any specific plugin compatibility, as the theme should be standalone and not reliant on external plugins. Therefore, a strong background in Sho...
I'm in need of a uniquely crafted clay table to: 1. Find exhibitors at an event at the NEC in Birmingham, 2. Find an appropriate contact name, job title, linkedin URL + verified email address This table will be used for an outbound email campaign aimed at generating B2B leads for one of my clients. The table must be built in an efficient, streamlined and well organised way Ideal Skills: detailed understanding of building clay tables for outbound email marketing/lead gen
Please apply only if you worked on any "Disposable Email Application" Please attach similar kind of experience. I'm looking for a skilled develo...web-based Disposable Temporary Email Application. The application should be capable of generating temporary email addresses and auto-deleting emails after a certain period. It should also involve a mail server setup. Key Requirements: - Generate temporary email addresses - Auto-delete emails after a certain time - Mail Server setup - Web-based user interface Security Features: - Implement email address verification - Incorporate end-to-end encryption Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web application development - Experience with mail server setup - Knowledge of implementing security features in applications Looking servi...
I'm in need of someone based in Switzerland, who can assist with printing, packaging and mailing a document for me. Requirements: - Print the document on standard A4 paper - Follow specific instructions on how the paper is to be packaged (instructions will be provided) - Mail the document to the correct address (recipient's full name and address will be provided) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Reliable and detail-oriented - Access to a printer and mailing services - Familiarity with packaging instructions and able to follow them accurately - Good understanding of addressing and mailing processes
...sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like name designation contact etc. If both isn't possible, just take their details like name of person whom you met, their designation, contact, or their visiting card. 5- If locations is not found on given address, then take 7 to 8 geotagged photos of exact address with right left name boards and make a small few seconds video of address. Also get the details of any nearby business (name of person, business name and contact who can tell you whether the institution existed or not) 6- Please ensure that the name on the document matches the name on the signboard of the authority you visit. If there is a different name, ask them for ...
Objective: Develop a Python script to extract Solana contract addresses from screenshots. Input: Screenshots containing text overlays that include Solana contract addresses. Output: A list of extracted Solana contract addresses printed to the console. Requirements: Proficient in Python programming. Strong understanding of image processing techniques (e.g., OCR, image manipulation). Experience with extracting specific text from images (e.g., using libraries like OpenCV, Pytesseract). Familiarity with the Solana network and the format of Solana contract addresses. Exclusions: The script should not handle QR codes or photographs. The focus is solely on extracting addresses from screenshots with text overlays. Deliverables: A functional Python script that accurately extracts Solana contra...
City parking operator developed an operational Android application for use on-site. This application is linked to a main web panel developed using PHP and hosted on GoDaddy's cloud platform with a dedicated domain. We are seeking to address several key areas: Enhance Transaction Efficiency: Improve the speed and reliability of parking transactions within the application and web panel. Optimize Transaction Procedures: Streamline the transaction process to minimize errors and improve overall efficiency. Expand Functionality: Add new features and options to the application and web panel to enhance user experience and operational capabilities. To facilitate these improvements, we are prepared to share the source code for both the Android application and the PHP web panel, enab...
I'm in need of an effective affiliate marketer to help drive signups for an email marketing tool Key Responsibilities: - Generate 100 signups per day - Earn $1 for every 2 free trial signups Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in social media marketing - Any country, any audience is acceptable - Invalid emails and fake details will not be accepted. - Each signup must be unique, from different IP address and different device. - Do not signup on user's behalf. - Credit card info and Billing details will be required from user's end for starting free trial. - Affiliate link will be shared.
I am seeking a skilled freelancer to develop an online form for a community endorsement initiative. The project requires the following features and functionalities: 1. Online Form: • The form must capture the user's name, surname, and email address. • Include a pre-written message/text that users can read and endorse by submitting the form. 2. QR Code Integration: • A QR code must direct readers to the online form. This QR code will be used in a letterbox drop. 3. Email Notifications: • Upon form submission: • Send a confirmation email to the user. • Automatically send the local council an email containing the user's name and surname in a scripted message. • Send a copy of the council email to a designated mailbox. 4. Testing Support:...
...history area with clear timestamps and sender information. ○ Provide a space for users to input and send messages to the candidate. ● Timeline Section: ● Purpose: Visualize the candidate's progression through the hiring process. ● Functionality: ○ Present a chronological sequence of status changes, such as "Applied," "Screening," "Interview," and "Offer." ○ Display the date and time for each status change. ○ Provide context or description for each stage in the process. ● Tasks Section: ● Purpose: Manage to-dos and reminders related to a candidate. ● Functionality: ○ Display a list of tasks for that candidate assigned to multiple users. ○ Allow users to see due dates and assignee information for each task. ○ Provide interaction for mana...
I'm looking for an advanced Docker expert to help me get a sample code running and debugging in a Docker container using VS Code and .NET 8 on my Mac. Key tasks include: - Getting the sample code from GitHub up and running in a Docker container. - Creating Docker files to start up both the .NET container and the RabbitMQ container. - Using VS Code for the entire process. If you can provide a video about the process, I can accept your bid immediately and we can start working on the real project. Please note: Any unnecessary proposals will be cancelled.
...fix a problem with displaying Google Address search via Google Places, and add a background colour to one view. - Specifically, this issue pertains to the Autocomplete functionality a) In the previous version the Google Places Address Search worked fine. However a change was made to the UI of the registration page. Now tapping on the Address field opens the Google Places search fine, however as soon as you enter a character, the places screen closes. The strange thing is that very occasionally it works Ok, but 90% of the time the view just closes. Images attached. Need this bug fixed please. Hopefully it is simple because it did work. img1 Registration screen img2 Just shows the current places screen that closes when I try to enter an address...
Note: Bid amount more than set budget will be ignored, Else don't bid and not to ask to increase thebudget. Read the project details first then bid. I have existing android app which is based on Live train status app. In the app some of api is not showing the results and data due to expired api. I need t...budget will be ignored, Else don't bid and not to ask to increase thebudget. Read the project details first then bid. I have existing android app which is based on Live train status app. In the app some of api is not showing the results and data due to expired api. I need to replace the api with new rapid api to show the results in same way. The app is developed in java. 4 api need to replace/change only which are related to: Train schedule PNR Trains Between statio...
Apdate card designs with agreed CARDLAB logo, adjust colour palette, make change to the animation in line with these requests including some changes to the back of the card in the animation.
I'm in need of professional assistance to identify a TikTok account using its username. This is for a legal purpose, so utmost discretion and adherence to the law is paramount. Key Requirements: - Locate the name and IP address of the TikTok account associated with the provided username. - Ensure the use of ethical and legal methods in this search. - Maintain confidentiality and professionalism throughout the process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media investigations. - Strong understanding of legal constraints and ethical considerations in digital investigations. - Excellent research skills and attention to detail. - Ability to handle sensitive information with discretion.
I'm seeking an experienced WooCommerce developer to help fix some bugs on our website. A significant portion of this job will involve auditing the site's code. Key Tasks: - Fixing issues with website changes reverting to pre-change mode - Enhancing minor design elements at the HTML level, primarily focused on improving the site layout - Conducting a thorough audit of the site's overall performance This project requires a professional with a deep understanding of WooCommerce, a keen eye for design, and strong coding skills. The ideal candidate will be able to identify and rectify the issues with the stability of the code, ensuring the site functions smoothly and reliably.
...For:** - Fresh graduates (no prior experience required). - Strong communication skills. - Passion for the stock market and finance. **About Us:** At Choice Equity Broking Pvt. Ltd., your success is our priority. We provide the training and support you need to build a rewarding career in the stock market industry. **Apply Now!** Contact: **Vinay Sharma** **Phone:** 777088609 **Address:** 102, Regar Side, Malwa Tower, Old Palasia, Indore **Limited seats available! Don’t miss this opportunity – call now or walk in for an interview....
I need a professional to list 5000-7000 home goods products on Amazon. Some product descriptions are ready, but assistance will be needed for the rest. Drop-shipping business, List thousands of products from other platform to Amazon. Use AI to change details. Fix 10-15 INR per listing. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in product listing on Amazon - Proficiency in creating SEO-friendly product descriptions - Familiarity with home goods - Excellent attention to detail
I'm seeking a professional resume writer to help me create a comprehensive resume from scratch. Given that I'm transitioning careers, the resume needs to effectively highlight my skills as a qualified plasterer and my significant sales experience. The purpose of the resume is to apply for a range of jobs across different sectors. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in resume writing, particularly for career changers. - A deep understanding of various job sectors. - Excellent ability to showcase transferable skills. - Strong writing skills with a knack for creating engaging content. Ive attached an older resume for reference, aqua bird, eveready and snb plastering is no longer relevant. In the 5 years ive been working for myself plastering ...
I require assistance in purchasing an in-store IKEA item, the ÄSPERED headrest in Tibbleby beige/grey (item number 405.643.23), and shipping it to a specific address. Key Tasks: - Purchase the item from an IKEA store in Australia or Japan - Calculate shipping costs and suggest the best shipping options - Ship the item to my specified address Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity with IKEA stores and their purchasing process - Experience in international shipping - Proficient in cost analysis and comparison - Strong communication skills for updates and confirmations Please bid only if you are located in Australia or Japan, and can easily access an IKEA store. Your prompt assistance will be greatly appreciated.
...device's microphone as the user speaks or makes sounds. Real-Time Playback: The captured audio will be played back in real time. Noise Cancellation: The app will have a button ("Noise Cancel") that will send the captured audio to the RNNoise C library for noise cancellation and return the processed, denoised audio for real-time playback. Customization: Users should be able to adjust a slider to change the "column" (likely related to audio parameters like volume or noise cancellation intensity) during real-time audio capture. Offline Functionality: The entire app, including noise cancellation, must function completely offline without the need for an internet connection. User Interface: A Start button to begin capturing audio in real time. A Noise Cancel...
...Terrace" Reference photo showcasing the off-white brick from a different development. CAD files, and floor plans of the apartment block. SketchUp file Key Requirements Design Details: Focus on the updated materials: Replace red brick with off-white brick (as shown in the reference photo "The Grange") for the proposed renders. Add ivory-colored tiles to the first floor in the proposed version. Change balcony glass panels to dark charcoal steel balustrades referencing "The Grange". Windows and window panels should match the balcony colour. Ensure the landscaping and surrounding context are realistic and cohesive. Comparative View: Show how the apartment block integrates with the neighboring red-brick property, highlighting both current and proposed mate...
...within a set time, budget, and scope. They plan, organize, and direct the project from start to finish, ensuring that all goals are met. Project manager need strong leadership and communication skills, and the ability to manage complex projects across different departments **What I Need:** **The Challenges:** Our team faces hurdles that require a proactive, solution-oriented mindset. You'll address: - **Communication Gaps:** Bridging the divide, ensuring clear and efficient communication lines within the team. - **Coordination Hurdles:** Streamlining coordination efforts to ensure that tasks are aligned and interdependencies are managed. - **Task Master:** Overseeing task allocation and tracking, making sure everyone is on the same page and deadlines are met. - **Pushback ...
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer to set up a hypothetical online auction for a fundraiser using Auctria. The project involves: 1. Creating a free Auctria account for a hypothetical organization. 2. Populating the event with three 'experiences' as auction items. 3. Designing an event website. Once the setup is complete, please provide me with the email address used for the account. Additionally, I'd appreciate your feedback on the process, including your thoughts on the platform's features and potential areas for improvement.
...freelancer to create three official letters for me. I will supply the content for each letter. Your task will involve formatting the letters on three different formal letterheads and sending the completed Word Document back to me. Key Responsibilities: - Incorporate company information and logos sourced from their websites onto the letterheads. - Ensure all letterheads contain the company's name, address, and contact information (general enquiries email and telephone number). - Format the letters using the Times New Roman font throughout. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Microsoft Word. - Attention to detail, particularly in sourcing and accurately representing company information and logos. - Strong understanding of formal letter formatting and design. - Excellent time mana...