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    2,000 buyer satisfaction seal Jobs gefunden

    Für eine Social Recruiting Agentur suche ich derzeit eine/n FreelancerIn, der/die hauptsächlich META Ads schaltet, die Performance analysiert und Funnels baut. Du verantwortest den META Business Manager, erstellst Creatives anhand von Vorlagen, erstellst Kampagnen Reports und bist du Schnittstelle zum Videografen sowie zur Recruiting Abteilung. Fully Remote möglich. Copywriting Skills sind ein Plus. Der Kunde sitzt in Braunschweig. Projektstart: Asap

    €38 / hr Average bid
    €38 / hr Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Hallo, Wir suchen zur Unterstüzung unseres Teams einen Deutschspachigen Media Buyer. Du kennst dich mit Facebook, Instagram, Youtube und TikTok aus. Bingo! Du arbeitest Hand in Hand mit unserer Marketingabteilung, und bekommst fertige Creatives gestellt welche du auf den genannten Plattformen pushen darfst. Wir würden uns über deine Bewerbung freuen. Dein HG Power Glue Team

    €48 / hr Average bid
    €48 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote courses via member areas. In the sales process of Digistore24 it is currently only possible to capture the data (first name, last name, email address) of one course participant, even if multiple accesses are purchased. If two or more accesses are purchased in one order process, only the first course participant is currently transferred to Builderall in the member area. In this case, the buyer has to send us an Excel list of all course participants and we enter the remaining persons manually. We want to fix this by programming our own generic IPN connection. For this Digistore24 provides developer documentation: We thank you for your support and your package offer. If the work is satisfactory, follow-up orders are possible

    €952 Average bid
    €952 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    Wir suchen einen Media Buyer / Performance Marketer für unser junges, fünfköpfiges Agentur Team. Nun benötigen wir einen Media Buyer, der für unsere Werbekampagnen verantwortlich ist. Die Position kann auf Freelance-,Teilzeit- oder Vollzeitbasis besetzt werden. (Vergütung pro Stunde) Ziel ist es, mithilfe von verschiedenen Werbeformaten ein effektives Marketing zu betreiben und Kunden für unseren Service zu interessieren und zu gewinnen. Ein Studium in Wirtschaftswissenschaften/Wirtschaftsinformatik mit dem Schwerpunkt "Marketing" ist wünschenswert, jedoch keine Voraussetzung. Relevante Berufserfahrung solltest du mitbringen. Die Aufgaben des Media Buyers sind vordergründlich folgende: >Das Aufsetzen der Wer...

    €22 / hr Average bid
    €22 / hr Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote
    Trophy icon Seal Design / Siegel entwerfen
    Beendet left

    My fiancé and I are getting married in July 2021 and are looking for a family seal to be used from that day on. The design should be round and fit a regular seal stamp. Contents may be our names or initials, roman (latin) proverbs, or nautical/marine elements. Our names are Verena and Michael, our last name is Miro. Maybe the initials can be merged somehow. We prefer classical design and do not like modern arts. Please do not make it wedding-specific, as we would like to use the seal even after the wedding is over. Meine Verlobte und ich heiraten im Juli 2021 und suchen nach einem Familiensiegel, dass wir von dem Tag an nutzen können. Das Design sollte rund sein und auf einen Siegelstempel passen. Inhalte können unsere Namen und Initialen, aber auc...

    €234 Average bid
    119 Einträge

    AUTOMATICALLY OFFERS will be taken as unserious and will be ignored Hi everybody, I own online-shop (wordpress landing) - , it's about 2-sided keychains, where the buyer can configure they keychain by himself (chose whatever he wants on first and second side, it can be license plate number(!!!) (right now 3 countries, i want to add 2 more), text, picture, logos etc. Direct link to "configurator" - So it's working through the custom plugin with woocommerce cart, which was made by another freelancer. !!! But now I want to remake design of it it AND MAKE IT LOOKS ANOTHER WAY on WooCommerce PRODUCT PAGE instead (maybe with help of woocommerce plugins or it's needed to create it from scratch etc???). So the NEW product page should be on

    €232 Average bid
    €232 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote

    Hey, Danke, dass Sie dies lesen! Wir sind eine Agentur in Berlin, Deutschland, und suchen jemanden, der unser Team mit ihrer/seiner Expertise bereichert. Wir suchen jemanden, der an einer langfristigen Partnerschaft interessiert ist und in der Lage ist, mehrere Kunden zu betreuen. Wir schätzen: + Offenheit + Ehrlichkeit + "Out of the box"-denken + Spaß Bevorzugte Sprachen: Deutsch oder sehr gutes Englisch Wir sind alle junge Leute unter 25 Jahren und haben mit über 30 Kunden wie McFit, berühmten internationalen Personal Brands (Prof. Dr. Jack Nasher, Eike Becker) und vielen anderen gearbeitet. Wenn Sie sich gerufen fühlen, senden Sie uns bitte eine nette Nachricht. Wenn Sie keinen Uni-Abschluss und solche Sachen haben - keine Sorge, das ist uns ni...

    €1664 Average bid
    €1664 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    DUB ist schon jetzt der größte private Marktplatz für Unternehmensverkäufe in Deutschland. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation wollen wir schnellstmöglich unsere Insolvenzbörse starten, über die Investoren sich an Unternehmensteilen in Insolvenzsituationen beteiligen können. Neben den bisher erreichten Investoren müssen wir dazu Reichweite zu solchen aufbauen, die sehr schnell handeln können. Das können ausgewählte strategische Investoren sein, Beteiligungsgesellschaften oder auch der lokale Wettbewerb des insolventen Unternehmens. Um diese Reichweite schnellstmöglich aufzubauen, suchen wir einen Freelancer: Aufgaben: - Initiale Erstellung einer Mediastrategie (On- und Offline) für o das Bekanntwerden der Börse u...

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...kurz die Gig/Account Analytics (von Fiverr bereitgestellt) zusammenfassen, etwas aufbereiten und mit Feedback zur generellen Entwicklung an mich berichten) - Verkauf mit Gesamt-Umsatzbeteiligung! (über den Chat kann man den Interessenten, die einen anschreiben, Angebote in Sekunden erstellen und senden, das reicht dann oftmals schon, um sie um Kauf zu bewegen. Ansonsten kann man auf sogenannte "Buyer Requests" (öffentlche Interessentenanfragen) antworten) Was du also mitbringen musst: - Englische Sprache fließend, fehlerfrei beherrschen (meiste Kommunikation in Englisch, aber auch deutsche Kunden) - Deutscher Sprache fließend mächtig sein - App-fähiges Smartphone besitzen und viel erreichbar/online sein - grundlegendes Online Marketing/...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    Hallo, Wir suchen Leute die Auf der ganzen Welt verteilt sind und Lust haben Geld zuverdienen. Wir sind ein Deutsches Unternehmen, dass die Höchste Qualität im Bereich Real Doll besitzt. Wir Arbeiten mit den größten Herstellern eng zusammen, in der Inn und Weiterentwicklung Helfen wir den Herstellern. Real Dolls Lebensechte Puppen werden immer angesagter bei Jung und Alt, werden Sie jetzt Teil von etwas großem. Verdienen Sie mit uns. Deine Aufgabe: Finde Verkäufer für Real Dolls Baue einen eigenen Online Shop (alle Daten die du brauchst bekommst du von uns zur Verfügung gestellt) Was machen Wir: Wir kümmern uns komplett um alles, Versand der Ware Produktion der Ware, Qualitäts Kontrolle. Sie müssen nur...

    €680 Average bid
    €680 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hallo, Wir sind ein Deutsches Unternehmen und Suchen für den Europ Weiten Verkauf Partner. Wir sind im Bereich Lebensechte Puppen auch Real Dolls genannt. Sie bekommen pro Verkauften Produkt eine gute Provision, Sie müssen sich um nichts kümmern nur Verkaufen. Den Rest machen alles wir. Vielen Dank

    €549 Average bid
    €549 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote
    Research Writing
    Beendet left

    Auf Deutsch. Es handelt sich um eine Master Thesis 40-60 Seiten. Wissenschaftliche Arbeit über die Korrelation zwischen WORKPLACE Satisfaction und Work Performance. Es wird eine Umfrage gemacht und eine Statische Bewertung daraus um die Korrelation zu bestimmen. Antrag ist bereits erstellt und akzeptiert.

    €1611 Average bid
    €1611 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    ...Suchmaschinenoptimiert (SEO) Es soll alles vollautomatisch funktionieren, so dass für mich so wenig wie nötig aufwand generiert wird. I run a kitchen service page. My goal is to bring the kitchens together with the kitchensellers. This is to be done automatically. The website is built with Wordpress, as plugin I use SABAI and UPME and many more. The following changes are to be made: Target group buyer: On the homepage, you can leave your details on the link. Which kitchen shape they want, color, surface etc., contact details. This data is stored in a database. This information I can review and when everything is ok. Target Group Seller: For kitchens studios, there is a directory where sellers can specify your address, photos, opening hours, kitchens...

    €180 Average bid
    €180 Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    ...Suchmaschinenoptimiert (SEO) Es soll alles vollautomatisch funktionieren, so dass für mich so wenig wie nötig aufwand generiert wird. I run a kitchen service page. My goal is to bring the kitchens together with the kitchensellers. This is to be done automatically. The website is built with Wordpress, as plugin I use SABAI and UPME and many more. The following changes are to be made: Target group buyer: On the homepage, you can leave your details on the link. Which kitchen shape they want, color, surface etc., contact details. This data is stored in a database. This information I can review and when everything is ok. Target Group Seller: For kitchens studios, there is a directory where sellers can specify your address, photos, opening hours, kitchens. There will b...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...Suchmaschinenoptimiert (SEO) Es soll alles vollautomatisch funktionieren, so dass für mich so wenig wie nötig aufwand generiert wird. I run a kitchen service page. My goal is to bring the kitchens together with the kitchensellers. This is to be done automatically. The website is built with Wordpress, as plugin I use SABAI and UPME and many more. The following changes are to be made: Target group buyer: On the homepage, you can leave your details on the link. Which kitchen shape they want, color, surface etc., contact details. This data is stored in a database. This information I can review and when everything is ok. Target Group Seller: For kitchens studios, there is a directory where sellers can specify your address, photos, opening hours, kitchens...

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote
    Design a Logo
    Beendet left

    ...Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit Außerdem beinhaltet der spätere Name den Buchstaben "P", falls das weiterhilft. Dankeschön! Hello! I urgently need a logo for a company or brand establishment . This is to a pet company . This logo will be on the theme a bit : rotate " satisfaction for animals and humans " . It should be modern, but still designed so that even the normal or slightly older citizens can realize what it is actually . Sorry, I 'm not visionary . Some of these features is to have the logo : - satisfaction - Improved products over the competition - Quality , Sustainability In addition, the subsequent name contains the letter " P " , if this helps . Thank you very much!...

    €62 Average bid
    €62 Gebot i.D.
    38 Angebote

    Anbindung von externen Datenquellen und erstellen von Reports auf Basis von einem der folgenden Open Source BI Tools RapidMiner SEAL REPORT SpagoBI Jedox Jaspersoft ReportServer Es kann auch eine andere open source Plattform sein. Datenquellen sind REST Schnittstellen abzufragen: Erste Datenquelle:

    €743 Average bid
    €743 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Design eines Unternehmens-Siegels // Design a company seal'

    €34 - €34 / hr
    €34 - €34 / hr
    0 Angebote

    eCommerce Marketplace(Buyer Pannel, Seller Pannel, AdminPannel,) Using Apache Web Server, Apache Tomcat, J2EE, JavaScript, MySql, JQuery, CSS, Ajax, HTML5, OpenSearch, PhoneGap.

    €1055 Average bid
    €1055 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Ich suche einen IT affinen, technisch interessierten Blogger o...oder Journalisten der regelmäßig Artikel über folgende Themenbereich schreiben soll: Hardwarewartung, IT-Wartung, Kosten Einsparung in der IT, neueste Entwicklungen am Hardwaremarkt. Eine weiter Option ist das Kuratieren von anderen Blogs oder Tech-Seiten. Das Ziel ist qualitativ hochwertige Inhalte zu produzieren, die unseren Buyer-Persona Mehrwert liefert und auch Backlinks produzieren. Anforderungen: - Schreiben von Artikeln basierend auf Buyer-Personas - Schreiben von Artikeln basierend auf Keywords - Kuratieren von Artikeln oder Blogs - Grundlagen in Link Building Methoden Zeitraum und Häufigkeit: Je nach Qualität und Preis ist ein wöchentlicher Artikel o...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Ich benötige ein Logo / Siegel für die Anfangsbuchstaben J und G Um die Anfangsbuchstaben soll ein Siegelzeichen erstellt werden.

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    I already have switzerland 40K emails from yellow pages that's contain follow category: Architekten, Ärzte, Bank, Bauunternehmung, bodenbeläge, Coiffeur, Elektroinstallationsgeschäft, Entsorgung Recycling, Garage, Gartenbau ,Gipsergeschäft ,Immobilien ,Kosmetik ,Malergeschäft ,Massage Gesundheits- und Sport- ,Personalberatung ,Physiotherapie ,Räumungen ,Rechtsanwälte ,R...Massage Gesundheits- und Sport- ,Personalberatung ,Physiotherapie ,Räumungen ,Rechtsanwälte ,Reinigung ,Restaurant ,Sanitäre Anlagen und Installationen ,Schmuck ,Spenglerei ,Spital ,Stellenvermittlungsbüro ,Temporärbüro Dauerstellen ,Transporte ,Umzug ,Versicherung ,Webdesign ,Wellness ,Zahnarzt If u want to interest my emails list. Please write in...

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote
    Find me a Buyer
    Beendet left

    Liebherr - L 514 Schnellwechsler - Wheel loader For sale Vechicle type Construction Machine Category wheel Loader Scout id 15107149 Tyre size 17,5 x25 Shovel volume 2 m3 Colour Yellow Used yes Power 72 kw Fuel Type Diesel Additional headlights, Air Conditioning, All wheel drive, Cabin, Standard shovel Liebherr 514 Radlader Baujahr 2007 Stereolader - Knicklenker + Hinterachslenkung - extrem wendig!!! Leistung 72 KW 98 PS, Gesamtgewicht 10500 kg Liebherr 514 Radlader Baujahr 2007 Stereolader - Knicklenker + Hin...

    €107 Average bid
    €107 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote
    €1639 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote
    €983 - €1967
    0 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled video creator to produce project walkthroughs and customer testimonial videos for my construction company. The walkthroughs will showcase our completed projects, ... These videos will be used across our company website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. The tone of the testimonial videos should be inspirational and motivating, capturing the positivity and satisfaction of our clients in a way that inspires prospective customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing and production - Experience creating professional, high-quality construction videos - Ability to create an inspirational and motivating narrative - Knowledge of video marketing for different platforms - Strong understanding of client satisfaction and...

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled video creator to produce project walkthroughs and customer testimonial videos for my construction company. The walkthroughs will showcase our completed projects, ... These videos will be used across our company website, social media platforms, and email newsletters. The tone of the testimonial videos should be inspirational and motivating, capturing the positivity and satisfaction of our clients in a way that inspires prospective customers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing and production - Experience creating professional, high-quality construction videos - Ability to create an inspirational and motivating narrative - Knowledge of video marketing for different platforms - Strong understanding of client satisfaction and...

    €78 Average bid
    €78 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    ...Allow customization of FAQ responses based on customer queries. • Automate follow-up emails to leads who have had initial consultations. • Promote seasonal offers and discounts automatically through the AI assistant. • Ensure consistent AI behavior and responses across all customer interaction platforms. • Include voice-based interaction for hands-free customer support. • Integrate customer satisfaction surveys to gather feedback after interactions. • Integrate with analytics tools to track the performance of the AI assistant and its ROI. • Offer customer support in multiple languages to cater to a diverse client base. A software that has Australian accent bots The AI must integrate with our existing CRM software. Jobber The AI mu...

    €988 Average bid
    €988 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    ...scoring algorithm based on historical data, real-time employee behaviors, and external stress indicators. 2.2. Self-Assessment Journal Private digital journal for employees to log daily thoughts and reflections. AI-based semantic analysis to detect emotional trends (e.g., stress, anxiety, disengagement, optimism). Optional daily prompts to encourage structured self-reflection on stressors, work satisfaction, and personal well-being. Sentiment trend tracking with visualization over time to help employees recognize patterns in their mental health. Employees can choose whether to share aggregated emotional data with HR for tailored well-being interventions. 2.3. Interactive Dashboard Data Visualization: Trend graphs displaying emotional state fluctuations, workload distributions, an...

    €494 Average bid
    €494 Gebot i.D.
    48 Angebote

    ...check-in/check-out processes and ensure properties are ready for guests The ideal candidate will have: Proven experience managing Airbnb listings and guest communication Strong attention to detail and organizational skills Excellent communication and customer service skills Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues efficiently A proactive approach to managing bookings and improving guest satisfaction If you're passionate about the short-term rental industry and providing exceptional guest experiences, we’d love to have you on our team. Please submit your resume and a brief cover letter outlining your relevant experience. The Property Manager role involves overseeing the day-to-day operations of our properties, including posting new properties,  guest comm...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    I'm in need of a professional structural engineer who can sign and seal a modification to a house plan for a new residential property. In short we are moving a door on an exterior load bearing wall and adding a window. We have the full set of plans and 2 updated drawings for the change we want to make (all attached). If you feel it is necessary to redo the door/window changes in your own style/software for submission to the county that is fine with us. Here is what the county says they are looking for and therefore this is primarily what we need help with: "The plans/documents submitted for this project require additional documentation or clarification. Please respond to the items listed below in order to successfully document the intended construction. PLEASE PROVIDE SIG...

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    I'm in search of a Chinese buyer with extensive expertise in the chemicals, oil, and gas industries. The ideal candidate has strong skills in procurement and sourcing, contract negotiation, and supplier relationship management. Key Requirements: - Deep understanding of the chemicals, oil, and gas industries - Proficiency in procurement, contract negotiation, and supplier relationship management - Exceptional English communication skills - Experience with specific products in the gas industry (Natural Gas, LPG, CNG) The supplier should be located in China.

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a modern logo for my brand, Prime Charters. The project includes designing three variations of the logo and providing unlimited revisions until the final design meets my satisfaction. The logo should have a minimalist style.

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Gebot i.D.
    185 Angebote

    ...purchasing habits. Key Features: - AI-driven personalized recommendations to enhance user experience and engagement. - Robust AI content moderation for images, text, and videos to ensure a safe and appropriate platform. - User interface targeted primarily at buyers, but with potential for seller access in the future. - Advanced search filters to refine user searches for better accuracy and satisfaction. - AI-powered chatbot assistance for instant customer support and query resolution. - Enhanced security features, including two-factor authentication and fraud detection, to protect users. - Automated price suggestions based on market trends and item condition to help sellers price their items competitively. - Mobile app integration to ensure a seamless experience across all devi...

    €483 Average bid
    €483 Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    ...cameras to compare passerby traffic with actual store visitors. 2. Demographic Identification: o Determine customers' gender, estimated age, and racial profile. o Generate detailed reports to understand customer demographics. o Include filters for customer type per time of day and days of the week. 3. Emotional Analysis: o Identify customer emotions upon entering and exiting the store to assess satisfaction levels. o Integrate emotional analysis with demographic reports. 4. Heatmap Analysis: o Generate heatmaps highlighting high-traffic areas within the store. o Estimate the average dwell time in different store sections. o If feasible, associate detected emotions with specific store areas. o Provide filters to analyze movement trends per time of day and day of the week. 5. ...

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Gebot i.D.
    22 Angebote

    ...servicing clients internationally. While this is a remote role, there’ll be constant interaction with our team in the Australia and Phillipines. The hours of operation will be aligned with Central Time. Key Responsibilities: Develop and maintain strong relationships with clients in the USA and Canada. Serve as the main point of contact for clients, addressing their needs and ensuring their satisfaction. Collaborate with internal and client stakeholders to ensure seamless delivery of services and technology. Monitor and report on account performance and provide insights for improvement. Ensure client retention and identify opportunities for account growth. Conduct regular check-ins and business reviews with clients. Provide excellent customer service and support. Qualific...

    €3364 Average bid
    €3364 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    This includes: ✔️ Professional book formatting for a clean, polished layout ✔️ Custom illustrations to enhance the content, unlimited number ✔️ Unlimited Revisions to refine the design to your satisfaction ✔️ Cover design to make your book visually appealing I might also include a small bonus depending on how satisfied with the work!

    €169 Average bid
    €169 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    I'm looking for a professional-grade template for my invoice discounting website. The design style should be distinctly professional, steering clear of any overly flashy or trendy elements. This template should cater to a corporate audience, showcasing a sleek and polished aesthetic. Key Features: - Contact Us section - Header logo space for my firm - Specific fields for invoice details: buyer logo, seller name, tenure, ROI, profit earned - Footer with space for email, number, and website While I'm not entirely certain about a dashboard for user management, the possibility of integrating one could be beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, particularly for financial services, and be adept at creating user-friendly, professional templat...

    €5 Average bid
    13 Einträge

    I'm looking for a professional-grade template for my invoice discounting website. The design style should be distinctly professional, steering clear of any overly flashy or trendy elements. This template should cater to a corporate audience, showcasing a sleek and polished aesthetic. Key Features: - Contact Us section - Header logo space for my firm - Specific fields for invoice details: buyer logo, seller name, tenure, ROI, profit earned - Footer with space for email, number, and website While I'm not entirely certain about a dashboard for user management, the possibility of integrating one could be beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, particularly for financial services, and be adept at creating user-friendly, professional templat...

    €5 Average bid
    17 Einträge

    Looking for a licensed NJ PE engineer to sign and seal completed fire alarm plans for a commercial building. Skills and Experience Required: - Licensed NJ PE Engineer - Ability to Print Full Size plans and sign and seal with a raised seal

    €451 Average bid
    €451 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    ...daily to ensure best value within 100 miles Finance specialists with access to a huge panel of lenders Payment plans to suit all budgets (no deposit necessary) Part exchange welcome Quality: Cars prepared to AA standard through our multi-point check and extensive road testing Minimum 6 months' MOT 3 month warranty as standard which can be extended up to 3 years All cars supplied HPI clear Satisfaction: Personalised, no-pressure buying experience Friendly sales staff Home delivery available Great online reviews...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gebot i.D.
    32 Angebote
    Blog Post Writer for Health Niche
    5 Tage left

    I need an experienced writer to create engaging, high-quality blog posts for my health and wellness blog. The ideal freelancer should have a deep understanding of the health and wellness industry and be able to conduct thorough research on various topics within this niche. Key Responsibilities: - Writing informative an...niche. Key Responsibilities: - Writing informative and compelling blog posts - Conducting necessary research to ensure accuracy and depth of content Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in article and research writing, particularly for the health and wellness sector - Exceptional writing skills and a keen eye for detail - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality Customer satisfaction is my priority, and I expect the same level of commitment...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gebot i.D.
    96 Angebote

    ...Quality: All duplicated features have a clear logic. Ensure all features are 100% functional and smooth without any bugs or delays. - Feedback and Modification: Employers have the right to provide feedback on any features that do not meet the expected functionality or logic, and developers must modify them to achieve satisfactory results for the employer. - Continuous Communication: To ensure satisfaction with design and development, continuous communication is required throughout both the design and development stages. - Confirmation of Design and Development: Each page design and development must be confirmed before moving on to the next to ensure an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. - Refund for Incomplete Work: If there are any incomplete parts or if they do not meet th...

    €1032 Average bid
    €1032 Gebot i.D.
    27 Angebote

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a robust e-commerce website for selling stationery, specifically notebooks and planners. The website should be user-friendly and have the following functionalities: - Shopping Cart: A seamless shopping cart experience is crucial for customer satisfaction and to encourage repeat purchases. - Product Search: An efficient product search functionality to help customers easily find what they're looking for. Please note that the customization options for the notebooks have not been decided yet, so the website should be flexible enough to accommodate such features in the future if needed. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven experience in e-commerce website development - Proficiency in web development languages ...

    €286 Average bid
    €286 Gebot i.D.
    82 Angebote

    ...Quality: All duplicated features have a clear logic. Ensure all features are 100% functional and smooth without any bugs or delays. - Feedback and Modification: Employers have the right to provide feedback on any features that do not meet the expected functionality or logic, and developers must modify them to achieve satisfactory results for the employer. - Continuous Communication: To ensure satisfaction with design and development, continuous communication is required throughout both the design and development stages. - Confirmation of Design and Development: Each page design and development must be confirmed before moving on to the next to ensure an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. - Refund for Incomplete Work: If there are any incomplete parts or if they do not meet th...

    €645 Average bid
    €645 Gebot i.D.
    88 Angebote

    ...Quality: All duplicated features have a clear logic. Ensure all features are 100% functional and smooth without any bugs or delays. - Feedback and Modification: Employers have the right to provide feedback on any features that do not meet the expected functionality or logic, and developers must modify them to achieve satisfactory results for the employer. - Continuous Communication: To ensure satisfaction with design and development, continuous communication is required throughout both the design and development stages. - Confirmation of Design and Development: Each page design and development must be confirmed before moving on to the next to ensure an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. - Refund for Incomplete Work: If there are any incomplete parts or if they do not meet th...

    €1143 Average bid
    €1143 Gebot i.D.
    113 Angebote

    ...Quality: All duplicated features have a clear logic. Ensure all features are 100% functional and smooth without any bugs or delays. - Feedback and Modification: Employers have the right to provide feedback on any features that do not meet the expected functionality or logic, and developers must modify them to achieve satisfactory results for the employer. - Continuous Communication: To ensure satisfaction with design and development, continuous communication is required throughout both the design and development stages. - Confirmation of Design and Development: Each page design and development must be confirmed before moving on to the next to ensure an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. - Refund for Incomplete Work: If there are any incomplete parts or if they do not meet th...

    €2443 Average bid
    €2443 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    ...Quality: All duplicated features have a clear logic. Ensure all features are 100% functional and smooth without any bugs or delays. - Feedback and Modification: Employers have the right to provide feedback on any features that do not meet the expected functionality or logic, and developers must modify them to achieve satisfactory results for the employer. - Continuous Communication: To ensure satisfaction with design and development, continuous communication is required throughout both the design and development stages. - Confirmation of Design and Development: Each page design and development must be confirmed before moving on to the next to ensure an efficient workflow and avoid conflicts. - Refund for Incomplete Work: If there are any incomplete parts or if they do not meet th...

    €752 Average bid
    €752 Gebot i.D.
    81 Angebote