Angular 2 multiple modules routing Jobs


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    2,000 angular 2 multiple modules routing Jobs gefunden

    ...arbeiten... Sie sollten insbesondere JavaScript und CSS3 beherrschen (jquery). Bitte pdf öffnen, da es übersichtlicher ist. Copy of attached pdf: ======================================= Programming Job (HTML5, JS, CSS) This is more or less pure programming (js/css) job, as you need to combine different frameworks/modules: • use: • • and add 1. to be able to scroll content pages vertically 2. possibility (please advise) a) to see specific content pages (sections) going down, but not going upwards (skip defined pages) b) and give the possibility to hide specific content (e.g. via js-button event), example: show section “content overview” only one time or only on request 3. add navigation (please advise)

    €211 Average bid
    €211 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hallo, ich möchte eine orthogonale Layout implementieren. Auf dem Datei steht schon das Algorithmen und das Algorithmus möchte ich gern implementieren. Das Algorithmus ist das Orthogonal connector routing (Seite 53) Danke

    €751 Average bid
    €751 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Ich suche jemanden, der mir eine App für Android programmiert in der ich vorgegebene Multiple-Choice Fragen beantworten kann. Diese sind nach Kategorien gegliedert. Nach der Beantwortung muss der Versand der Ergebnisse per Mail erfolgen.

    €522 Average bid
    €522 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    Wir suchen einen erfahrenden Wordpress Entwickler für die Entwicklung eines Wordpress Moduls. Kurze Funktionsbeschreibung: Das Wordpressmodul verbindet Wordpress mit einer PIM Software. Wordpress soll somit in die Lage versetzt werden umfangreiche Onlinekataloge bzw. Produktdaten auszugeben. Der Zugriff auf das PIM erfolgt via REST Webservice. Zwischen Webservice und Wordpress ist eine Datebank als Caching Layer zu implementieren. Über das Wordpress Backend muss eine intelligente Template Erstellung sowie die Definition von Produktlisten möglich sein. Das Modul soll als Opensource veröffentlicht werden und Agenturen als Framework für die Integration des PIM Systems dienen. Es wurde bereits eine ähnliches Modul für TYPO3 entwickelt. Dieses k...

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Es existiert ein Drupal 7 Modul domain_access_bridge, welches in der aktuellen Version 1 nicht mit dem Modulkombination ACL (1.0), Content_Access (7.x-1.2-beta2) Domain (3.11) und Workflow (2.4). Der Author des Modules domain_access_bridge hat bereits 70% der Arbeit an einer neuen Version 2 fertiggestellt (hier zu finden ). Diese Version soll die angesprochenen Module in Kombination zum funktionieren bringen. Diese Version soll nun fertiggestellt werden bzw. eine eigene Lösung für das Problem gefunden werden.

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Ihre Aufgaben Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst die schriftliche Ausarbeitung von Multiple-Choice-Fragen in den Themenbereichen Arbeits- und Betriebsverfassungsrecht. Ihr Profil Sie verfügen über eine gute fachliche und persönliche Qualifikation, die Sie durch eine entsprechende Schulbildung und ggf. weitere Zusatzqualifikationen belegen können. Sie haben große Freude am Schreiben und Formulieren und verfügen über sehr gute kommunikative Fähigkeiten. Sie befinden sich noch im Studium oder haben Ihre juristische Ausbildung mit Erfolg abgeschlossen und Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt idealerweise im Betriebsverfassungs- und Arbeitsrecht.

    €2872 - €4787
    €2872 - €4787
    0 Angebote

    ...Layout und unterschiedliche Distributionsformate: pdf, epub 2 & 3, mobi - Sollten die unter C) gelisteten Features in manchen Formaten bzw. auf manchen Endgeräten nicht oder nur mit erheblichen Aufwand umsetzbar sein, würden wir mit Fallbacks arbeiten. B) Umfang - einheitliches Layout von rund 350 Seiten (Text- und Bildgestaltung). Die Texte werden bereits lektoriert geliefert. - Kopf & Fußzeile (inkl. dynamischer Seitenzahl) - Erstellung eines Covers - Einbindung von etwa 150 grafischen Elementen / Tabellen (werden von uns geliefert) - interne Verlinkung innerhalb des Buches - Integration externer Links C) Besondere Features - interaktive Checklisten (Nutzer beantwortet per Klick / Touch Multiple-Choice Fragen und ...

    €961 Average bid
    €961 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    ...Layout und unterschiedliche Distributionsformate: pdf, epub 2 & 3, mobi - Sollten die unter C) gelisteten Features in manchen Formaten bzw. auf manchen Endgeräten nicht oder nur mit erheblichen Aufwand umsetzbar sein, würden wir mit Fallbacks arbeiten. B) Umfang - einheitliches Layout von rund 350 Seiten (Text- und Bildgestaltung). Die Texte werden bereits lektoriert geliefert. - Kopf & Fußzeile (inkl. dynamischer Seitenzahl) - Erstellung eines Covers - Einbindung von etwa 150 grafischen Elementen / Tabellen (werden von uns geliefert) - interne Verlinkung innerhalb des Buches - Integration externer Links C) Besondere Features - interaktive Checklisten (Nutzer beantwortet per Klick / Touch Multiple-Choice...

    €423 Average bid
    €423 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...Windows-Server - Monatliche überprüfung von Updates, Servereinstellungen, Logfiles und Sicherheitsoptionen Wir bieten eine monatlich feste Bezahlung oder Projektbezogen ENGLISCH: Apache webserver administrator wanted! We search a administrator for Apache webservers with the following requipments: - Configuration of the new servers with cPanel - with our needed PHP version, Apache modules - and optimal security- , memory- and timeout settings ... - Switch off the server signature - Setup of a monitoring tool if the server hangs up (with SMS notification of a mobile phone) - installation of "FTP and mySQL backup tools" to make daily full automatic backups and mirroring function on another server - Monthly check the Cpanel updates, server se...

    €1627 Average bid
    €1627 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'plesk, mailserver, linux routing, digiocean,2'

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    #German spe...experienced webdesigner who is familiar with wordpress. The task is to create 3 websites for technical companies: - The websites should be based on wordpress - The websites should be hosted on one single AWS EC2 Micro Instance using multiple wordpress installations. - The webdesign can be template based, but should be customized to fit the companies mission and should feature a responsive design. - At least one website will How the project will be mangaged: The project will be split in 4 sub projects: 1) Installation of LAMP and Wordpress. 2) 3 single webdesign projects each consisting of: 2a) Mockups 2b) Logo Design (for some websites) 2c) Implementation Please provide estimates and references. German speaking freelance...

    €564 Average bid
    €564 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    ...Apple die UDID vor plus einen Namen. Als Name würde ich einen Kundenummer bevorzugen die direkten zusammenhang mit der DB hat. So kann ich Kundenanfragen gezielter finden. Ebenso wäre es sehr von Vorteil, wenn in der DB folgende Infos hinterlegt sind: UDID, Kundennummer Apple und im Wordpress, Emailadresse und in welchem Developer Account der Kunde aktiviert wurde. Top aber kein muss wären multiple Developer Accounts. Wir selbst haben mehrere Accounts. Standart sind 100 freie Slots für UDIDs jedoch haben wir auch Accounts mit 110 Slots und bereis laufende Accounts mit weniger als 100 Slots. Wenn man dies berücksichtigen könnte wäre das Top. (Wie gesagt kein muss, ich kann die Developer Account Infos auch manuell ändern!) Ein wichtig...

    €48 - €120
    Dringend Versiegelt
    €48 - €120
    3 Angebote

    Hallo, wir suchen deutsche multiple choice Fragen aus Bereichen, wie z.B. Allgemeinwissen, Technik, Wissenschaft, Politik, Sport, Natur ... Zielgruppe liegt zwischen 14 und 60 Jahren. Bitte kein copy&paste aus dem Internet. Abrechung immer pro Pakte mit 100 Fragen mit je 4 Antworten.

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Eine vorhandene Highscore-API für Flashspiele soll angepasst und erweitert werden. Grundlage der API ist: Gewünschte Anpassungen: - mehrere Highscores für ein Spiel (beispielsweise für verschiedene Level oder verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen) - anderes Layout der Ingame-Highscoreliste - Verlinkung der Benutzer in der Ingame-Liste mit ihrem Profil - keine Verwendung von FlashVars

    €804 Average bid
    €804 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...alles dabei sein: - One (1) custom website design concept - Unlimited changes/alterations (if needed) to the design - You can add unlimited pages - you can stay small or go large with no problems, hassle or extra money - Standard page layout & blog post layout (optional) - Ability to easily add/edit the content of the pages - Mailchimp integration with custom opt-in forms - Favicon - Multiple menus + drop down menu - Picture slider - I will add up to 10 images to get you started, then you can add as many as you want later - Visitor stats - Blog with or without comments and social 'like' buttons - Social icons and links - Contact form + maybe logo design (ist aber nicht zwingend)...

    €276 Average bid
    €276 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    ...jeweiligen Aufgaben werden selten länger als eine Stunde benötigen und sollten innerhalb bis zu 2-3 Tagen (wenn möglich schneller) erledigt werden. Bei guter Zusammenarbeit bin ich an einer dauerhaften Kooperation (mehrmals die Woche) interessiert. Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Vielen Dank Hello, i am looking for a freelancer (in the best case with knowledge of german), who can administrate my german Joomla-Websites. Tasks are: - Creating and editing Webpages (Entering finished content plus images, Formatting: h1/h2-tags etc) - Creating Menus, Categories, Modules etc I think every single Task is finished in about one hour most of the time and should be done in up to 2-3 days (if possible more quickly). If the collaboration...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    ...jeweiligen Aufgaben werden selten länger als eine Stunde benötigen und sollten innerhalb bis zu 2-3 Tagen (wenn möglich schneller) erledigt werden. Bei guter Zusammenarbeit bin ich an einer dauerhaften Kooperation (mehrmals die Woche) interessiert. Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen. Vielen Dank Hello, i am looking for a freelancer (in the best case with knowledge of german), who can administrate my german Joomla-Websites. Tasks are: - Creating and editing Webpages (Entering finished content plus images, Formatting: h1/h2-tags etc) - Creating Menus, Categories, Modules etc I think every single Task is finished in about one hour most of the time and should be done in up to 2-3 days (if possible more quickly). If the collaboration...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    - 100 Fragen für ein Quiz gebraucht - genaue Anweisungen folgen - Multiple Choice mit 4 Antwortoptionen (1 richtige, 3 alternative plausible Antworten) - brauchen kreative, gute Fragen und Antworten, nicht nur Fakten und Jahre - Antworten haben Maximallänge - Internetresearch, absolut kein 1:1 copy/paste von existierenden Quizzes im Internet - Bitte Angabe zu Deutschkenntnissen machen

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote

    Das Script soll selbstständig files auf meinen Server laden aus Links die in einer .txt file oder irgendeiner anderen url liste stammen. Es handelt sich nur um .jpg`s und in der Liste werden ca 150.000 Links sein. Der Download Ordner soll von mir selbst festgelegt werden können. Für jemanden der Ahnung hat dauerts vermutlich nur 10 Minuten sowas zu schreiben.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Aufgaben: - mehrere Wordpress Templates anpassen - und mit Inhalten (Media, Pictures, Text) befüllen - Votingtool für Wordpress suchen und installieren Tasks: - Adjust multiple Wordpress Templates - Add content (Media, Pictures, Texts) - Search and install a Voting Tool for Wordpress

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    :-) Da ich bereits meine WunschApp für das Betriebssystem IOS bereits selbst "geschrieben" habe, suche ich jetzt noch die Möglichkeit die "gleiche" App für´das Android Betriebssystem zu veröffentlichen. Von Eclipse und Java habe ich aber nicht allzuviel Ahnung. Außerdem bin ich auch noch mächtig faul ;-). Wer hat vielleicht das "umgekehrte" Problem und ist bereit die Sourcecodes zu "tauschen". Im Apple-Store findet ihr meine App unter dem Namen "Elektrofit".

    €623 Average bid
    €623 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    ...BackEnd Programmmierer: Aufbau der Server mit Scala - Ein Alpha Prototyp ist mit Angular, JS und Phonegap Wir würden prinzipiell gerne über den Vorhandenen Code gehen, um festzustellen, was davon verwertbar sein kann und den Prozess evtl. beschleunigen. Ebenso suchen wir vorzugsweise Programierer in Deutschland bzw. Berlin. The Product: The Company is First impressions you can get from: Capsuling Video: Video: TOA Currently we are seeking an external partner for developing our APP Current Status: What we already have: - Designs -Productspecs (we can send it to you on request) -An alpha prototype Angular, JS and Phonegap -A Backendprogrammer: Building a Server with Scala We would

    €4602 Average bid
    €4602 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote
    Beendet left

    ...Capsuling Video: Video: TOA Derzeit suchen wir externe Partner zur Entwicklung unserer App. Entwicklungsstand: Wir haben bereits: - Designs - Produktspekifikationen ( Können wir Ihnen auf Anfrage zukommen lassen) - BackEnd Programmmierer: Aufbau der Server mit Scala - Ein Alpha Prototyp ist mit Angular, JS und Phonegap Wir würden prinzipiell gerne über den Vorhandenen Code gehen, um festzustellen, was davon verwertbar sein kann und den Prozess evtl. beschleunigen....

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    ...viele individuelle Texte erstellt (sofern genug Daten vorhanden). Die Input-Area soll in eine PHP Seite einbindbar sein und möglichst Eingabehilfen haben, die beim Erstellen des Textes helfen. Der wird in einer Datenbank gespeichert. Ein weiteres Script soll dann den Rohcontent aus der DB filtern und einen Text aus den Bausteinen generieren. ______________ I need a PHP script that when entering multiple text blocks (I {want a {house, horse, car}, like {a lot of money, many children}} into 3 levels as many individual texts created (if enough data available). The input area should be includable in a PHP page and have possible accessibility that will help you create the text. the is stored in a database. Another script will then filter the Rohcontent from the DB and generat...

    €250 Average bid
    €250 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...haben bereits ein Modul, das in unmittelbarer Nähe zu der Möglichkeit, dies zu erreichen, ist vorhanden. Allerdings fehlt es den Prozentsatz der Punkte, die im Shop verwendet werden kann konvertieren. Es ist nur möglich, um das Geld in diesem Modul bezahlt zu bekommen, und wir sind nicht daran interessiert in. Siehe das Modul hier: Wenn dies kann geändert werden, um zu arbeiten, wie wir es wollen, dann kann es auch eine Option sein....

    €772 Average bid
    €772 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'multiple-choice trainer / game for web/mobile'

    €30 / hr Average bid
    €30 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    I'm in need of a C program that simulates a 4-core processor. The simulator should incorporate multiple features like CPU scheduling algorithms, performance monitoring, cached cores, MIPS pipeline, and the Bus MESI protocol. Key Requirements: - Implementation of the Round Robin (RR) CPU scheduling algorithm. - Performance monitoring capabilities. - Support for cached cores and MIPS pipeline. - Understanding and integration of the Bus MESI protocol. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C programming. - Experience in developing console applications. -Understanding of the Mips pipeline architecture . - Knowledge of performance monitoring techniques. - Familiarity Bus MESI protocol, cache designs. This project requires a deep understanding of both C programming and computer architectu...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote
    Rank Based Dating App -- 2
    6 Tage left

    ...engaging, user-friendly platform that encourages continuous interaction and provides accurate match recommendations. **Key Features and Functionalities:** 1. **User Registration and Profile Creation:** - Users can sign up using email, social media, or phone number. - Detailed profile creation with personal information, interests, and multiple photo uploads. - Profile information includes fields such as name, age, location, bio, and preferences. 2. **Rating System:** - Users are shown images of two users of the opposite gender and must choose the more attractive one. - This process contributes to the attractiveness score of the rated users. - The rating page is designed to be simple and engaging, encouraging users to rate more profiles. 3. **Matching A...

    €2333 Average bid
    €2333 Gebot i.D.
    36 Angebote

    ...both iOS and Android, and incorporate the following essential features: Core Features: - User Authentication: The app must have secure sign-in and sign-out functionality. - Random Chat: This feature connects users with random individuals for casual conversations. - 1-to-1 Chat: Enabling private messaging between two users. - Group Chat: Creating chat rooms or facilitating group discussions for multiple users. Additional Features: - Push Notifications: Alerts for new messages, chat requests, etc. - User Profiles: Personalized profiles for each user. The ideal candidate for this project should: - Have a strong portfolio in mobile app development, particularly in creating chat applications. - Be proficient in both iOS and Android app development. - Have a keen understanding of mo...

    €1356 Average bid
    €1356 Gebot i.D.
    44 Angebote

    I am an energy systems engineer and have developed some new multi-use infrastructure that is designed for commercial projects and generates multiple revenue streams as part of its business operations model. I have developed a fairly complex multi-tabbed business proforma financial model that works well to get close to modelling the economics of operating these assets. We added a few new revenue models that have been confirmed from a business development perspective, and I would like to add these new revenues to the model without destruction. The model is business intellectual property and cannot be shared so I need to have an NDA signed and be highly confidential with the sharing of the model for improvement before awarding the project. This project will involve adding to an exi...

    €869 Average bid
    €869 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    Job Description: We are seeking an individual experienced in running advertising campaigns to achieve lead generation and branding goals. Ads will be run on existing and new platforms, such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, or any other relevant channels, depending on project requi...through strategic advertising. Requirements: Proven track record in managing successful ad campaigns. Expertise in platforms like Google Ads, Meta Ads, and others. Strong analytical skills to measure and improve campaign results. Confidence in delivering outcomes without experimenting. Ability to handle multiple projects with fixed pricing based on performance. Only individual applicants; no teams or agencies. Compensation: Fixed price per assigned project, with potential for multiple projects base...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    I need a professional web scraper to extract contact information from multiple pages of a website and export the data into an Excel spreadsheet. The specific contact information to be extracted includes: - Process number - Face value - Creditor's name - Creditor's phone number Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in web scraping - Proficiency in Excel - Attention to detail to ensure all data is accurately captured.

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote
    IPTV Streaming Panel -- 2
    6 Tage left

    IPTV Streaming panel with all features listed here below in the attachment txt Support all kind of type streaming inputs, dvb cards/ http/rtmp hls/mpegts streams rtsp udp rtp rtmp rtmpe rtmps etc everything. Main features cloudbased cms installer ...dashboard, should use an license, if the license is valid then there dashboard should be active, and they can do a fresh install. Everything of the installation parts, should be done remotely automiic, encrypted files, so there should be cms dashboard linked, to cms ids, and each cms id should has own master admin account, for instalilng new main system for streaming features. The panel should use multiple licensing servers to check validity of the license,i f license is expired or not valid dont start the platform, also disable toe ...

    €2320 Average bid
    €2320 Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    I'm looking for an expert in Burp Suite to assist with a betting project that involves opening multiple tabs for simultaneous monitoring. The primary focus is to analyze betting odds and optimize strategies, while also identifying issues related to bet rejection. Key Tasks: - Multi-tab setup for Burp Suite to facilitate real-time betting data analysis. - Identification and troubleshooting of issues impacting the betting process, particularly bet rejections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with Burp Suite for automated testing and user session simulation. - Strong background in betting odds analysis and strategy optimization. - Experience in troubleshooting system glitches during betting sessions. Your expertise will help me understand the betting landscape bette...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote
    Realistic 3D Modern Car Animation
    6 Tage left

    I'm seeking a skilled 3D animator to develop a realistic 3D animation of modern cars for the hero section of my website. The animation should feature multiple car switches, jumps, and looping sequences in a showroom setting. Key Requirements: - Creative and technically sound 3D animation skills - Experience with realistic styling - Knowledge and understanding of modern cars - Ability to create engaging and dynamic sequences - Experience working with showroom settings - Strong portfolio showcasing similar previous work The end goal is to create an eye-catching and smooth animation that enhances the visual appeal of the website and engages visitors.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    We are looking for a talented UX/UI designer to create an introductory page for our supplier search platform. The platform enables users to receive multiple offers from various suppliers and select one for free. The project requires the design of 9 screens: - A well-detailed introductory page. - 7 stages of the quiz for information gathering. - A thank-you page. The deliverables include: - A Figma file with full access to the source design. - All graphic elements exported for implementation. - Both desktop and mobile versions of the design. The ideal candidate should have experience designing user-friendly, engaging interfaces that guide users seamlessly through multi-step processes.

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Gebot i.D.
    42 Angebote

    ...Verification: Ensure that users are of legal age to gamble. Responsible Gambling: Implement features like self-exclusion, deposit limits, and resources for people who may have gambling problems. Data Protection: Make sure your site complies with GDPR, CCPA, or other relevant data privacy laws. 2. Platform Development Technology Stack: Choose the right technologies for the front-end, back-end, and database. Common technologies used in betting sites are: Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular) Back-end: Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or NoSQL solutions (MongoDB) Betting Engine: You'll need to develop a custom or licensed betting engine to handle odds, betting options, and live updates. Real-Time Data: Use APIs to provide...

    €283 Average bid
    €283 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm seeking a qualified forensic accountant located in Quebec canada. The primary purpose for this engagement is to provide litigation support in a family law dispute. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze financial records to identify relevant information for the case. - Prepare detailed reports of findings. - Provide expert testimony in court when required. Ideal Skills and ...- Provide expert testimony in court when required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience as a forensic accountant, particularly in family law cases. - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. - Excellent report writing skills. - Proven track record of providing expert testimony in court. Please note that the selected freelancer will need to be available for potentially multiple cou...

    €1128 Average bid
    €1128 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    I'm seeking a qualified forensic accountant located in the Montreal area. The primary purpose for this engagement is to provide litigation support in a family law dispute. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze financial records to identify relevant information for the case. - Prepare detailed reports of findings. - Provide expert testimony in court when required. Ideal Skills ...- Provide expert testimony in court when required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience as a forensic accountant, particularly in family law cases. - Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. - Excellent report writing skills. - Proven track record of providing expert testimony in court. Please note that the selected freelancer will need to be available for potentially multiple cou...

    €1214 Average bid
    €1214 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a comprehensive dual-platform (iOS & Android) mobile application. This app should cater to multiple functions, primarily focusing on E-commerce, Social Networking, and Productivity. Key Features: - E-commerce: Secure payment gateways, product listings, shopping cart, etc. - Social Networking: User profiles, job requests, messaging, notifications, etc. - Productivity: Task management, calendar integration, reminders, etc. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development (React Native, Flutter, etc.) - Robust understanding of E-commerce, social networking and productivity app requirements. - Experience with UI/UX design principles for mobile apps. - Knowledge of integrating secure payment g...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Gebot i.D.
    26 Angebote while effectively managing event overlaps. NO AI GENERATED SAMPLES ACCEPTED Key Functional Requirements 1. List View Objective: Provide a quick overview of events. Features: Chronological listing of events. Filters to refine events by location, date, type, and target audience. Highlighted events using visual cues (e.g., colors or icons). Paginated list to manage large data sets efficiently. 2. Filtering and Search Objective: Allow users to quickly find relevant events. Features: Filter by location (national, regional, city-level). Filter by date range (e.g., this week, next month). Filter by event type (conference, workshop, training, etc.). Keyword-based search field. 3. Calendar View Objective: Provide time-based clarity for events. Features: Weekly, monthly, and dail...

    €149 Average bid
    14 Einträge

    I'm seeking a PowerApps expert to help me build a simple inventory tracking app over the next few months. The app will serve to track item locations across multiple sites and will include a user-friendly form for adding new sections as necessary. Key Project Aspects: - Tutoring: As we create the app, I would like you to explain the process and teach me the necessary skills to understand and replicate the work. - Inventory Tracking: The app's primary purpose is to track inventory across various locations. - User Input: The app should allow users to add new sections through a form. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PowerApps - Prior experience in app development - Excellent tutoring and communication skills Please provide your hourly rate and a proposed schedule...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Gebot i.D.
    50 Angebote

    I have a React Native project that is currently using React Native CLI, and I need it migrated to use Expo. This transition should not compromise any of the following key functionalities: - Push Notifications - Custom Native Modules - Third-party Integrations The primary motivation for this switch is to simplify the development process. However, the project does rely on some custom native code and libraries that may not be supported by Expo. An understanding of these limitations and potential workarounds is essential for this task. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience with React Native and Expo - Deep understanding of custom native code and libraries - Proven track record of simplifying development processes - Ability to work with Push Notificati...

    €127 Average bid
    €127 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    I'm in need of a custom logo for a senior social meetup group. This logo will be used across a variety of platforms, including our website, print materials (like business cards and brochures), social media, as well as signs and vehicle wraps. Key Requirements: - The logo must be versatile and suitable for multiple uses. - It should be engaging and appealing to our target audience - seniors. - Understanding of design principles for visibility and clarity on vehicle wraps and signs is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design and logo creation experience. - Portfolio showcasing designs aimed at senior audiences or similar demographics. - Knowledge of modern design software and tools.

    €29 - €146
    Versiegelt NDA
    €29 - €146
    18 Angebote

    I need a Python expert to refactor my code with a focus on rewriting main code. The primary task will involve reorganizing the core functionality modules into classes and modules according to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Key requirements: - Extensive experience with Python and OOP - Proven track record in code refactoring - Ability to improve code readability by reorganizing code structure - Attention to detail in understanding core functionality modules - Communication skills (English or French) Your goal will be to enhance the code by reorganizing the code structure into classes and modules. The project will be formed in 2 parts, a first part with a small part of the code and a second part with all the code. For the first part we es...

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Gebot i.D.
    24 Angebote
    Chrome Extension Developer Needed
    6 Tage left

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Chrome extension that can monitor specific actions across multiple Chrome accounts. The extension should be capable of tracking these actions and providing notifications, either locally on the device or via mobile alerts. Additionally, the extension must function seamlessly across multiple machines. - Monitoring: The extension should track website visits across multiple Chrome accounts. - Notifications: I want to receive updates via both local notifications and mobile alerts. For local alerts, I prefer desktop notifications. The ideal candidate for this project should have prior experience in developing Chrome extensions and working with cross-machine compatibility. Understanding of notification systems in Chrome a...

    €8 Average bid
    €8 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm in need of a custom logo for a senior social meetup group. This logo will be used across a variety of platforms, including our website, print materials (like business cards and brochures), social media, as well as signs and vehicle wraps. Key Requirements: - The logo must be versatile and suitable for multiple uses. - It should be engaging and appealing to our target audience - seniors. - Understanding of design principles for visibility and clarity on vehicle wraps and signs is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design and logo creation experience. - Portfolio showcasing designs aimed at senior audiences or similar demographics. - Knowledge of modern design software and tools.

    €80 Average bid
    €80 Gebot i.D.
    60 Angebote

    ...different audiences - General awareness of a variety of topics - Willingness to learn and improve task management - Familiarity with grammar basics to produce error-free content - Eagerness to develop technical and social media writing skills - Basic editing skills with attention to clarity and coherence - Enthusiasm to learn time management and audience analysis - Openness to multitask and handle multiple assignments Experience: - No prior experience is necessary, though any relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation and the ability to meet deadlines Working Days: - Mon to Sat - 10 am to 7:00 pm ** We always give you 5-star feedback ** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly basis. ** Mayb...

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    ...developer to create a fully responsive replica of the FlightRadar24 frontend. I will provide all the necessary backend services, including APIs, data streams, and required assets. Your task will be to design and develop the frontend interface that closely mimics the user experience and visual design of FlightRadar24. Key Requirements: Frontend Framework: Use modern frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular for a dynamic and efficient UI. UI Design: Create an interface similar to FlightRadar24, including: Interactive map with real-time updates. Sidebar or pop-ups for flight details. Filters, search functionality, and legends. Responsiveness: Ensure the design is fully responsive across devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Real-time Data Integration: Implement real-time updates usin...

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    ...Key responsibilities will include: - Handling Data Collection and Preprocessing - Strategy Development - Execution and Order Management The ideal candidate should have a solid understanding of clean code practices and a basic familiarity with Indian stock market concepts. Your role will not involve building the bot from scratch, but rather completing specific tasks or modules. Some specifications are available for the modules you will be working on, but you will also need to interpret and define some requirements yourself. Preferred Libraries: - Pandas - NumPy Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Python - Experience with algorithmic trading bots - Familiarity with Indian stock market concepts - Strong clean code practices - Experience with data collection and pr...

    €298 Average bid
    €298 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote