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Reza Un N.
Expert Video Editor / 2D Animator
$8 USD / Stunde
Bangladesh (7:53 AM)
Joined on Mai 29, 2013
$8 USD / Stunde
Hi, I am Reza - a passionate, fast, and reliable Video Editor/Animator with more than 5 years working in this field. I am providing freelance services from 2015.
I work with the Adobe Suite (Premiere Pro - After Effects - Illustrator - Photoshop - Audition - Media Encoder)
My mission is to always make my clients feel very comfortable during the entire process of work, providing good and constant communication, and finally, meet their expectations with the final product.
Do you want to talk about your project? Drop me a message.
Some of the products that I can offer:
- Explainers
- Product Review Video
- Corporate Videos
- Tutorials
- Commercials
- Social Media Content (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat)
- How-to videos
- Marketing videos
- Sales videos
Animation products:
- 2D Animation and Motion Graphics
- 2D Logo Animation
- Animated Slideshows
- Bumpers
- Intros/Outros/Lower thirds
- Visual Effects
- Green screen Videos
- Color Grading less