I'm a native Spanish speaker with a proven track record in project management and a passion for clear, effective communication. I offer a range of skills that combine language expertise with technical proficiency, making me an ideal partner for your projects.
-Data entry.
- Virtual assistant.
- Voice over.
- Customer service.
- English-Spanish translation.
- AI training.
I am currently performing business management consultancy, evaluating, designing, and implementing a quality management system harmonized with the Equipares Gender Equality System for ASINEG SAS. The project is currently underway.
Cartagena, Colombia
März, 2023 - Aktuell
1 Jahr, 11 Monate
Founder and General Manager
März, 2011 - Jan., 2020
8 Jahre, 10 Monate
Gestión K Consultores
März, 2011 - Jan., 2020
8 Jahre, 10 Monate
As the Founder and General Manager, I provided guidance on implementing quality management systems, conducting internal audits, organizing workshops, and delivering specialized training courses in ISO9001, GMPs, HACCP, ISO22000, BRC, and GlobalGAP standards. During this time, my team and I helped over 20 companies, both nationally and internationally, in obtaining certification.
Cartagena, Colombia
März, 2011 - Jan., 2020
8 Jahre, 10 Monate
Universidad de San Buenaventura
2001 - 2006
5 Jahre
Food Engineer
2001 - 2006
5 Jahre
English proficiency level C!
English Proficiency Certification: Official EF SET Certificate 64/100 C1 Advanced according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) https://cert.efset.org/K3Wt84
Corresponsabilidad activa
Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM)
Guía de trabajo para promover la corresponsabilidad comunitaria en las actividades de cuidado.
- Acciones mínimas para abordar el enfoque de cuidados en el trabajo desarrollado con comunidades
- Haciendo visibles los trabajos de cuidado
- Orientaciones para lograr un hogar corresponsable
- Reparto del trabajo doméstico y el cuidado familiar
- Masculinidades cuidadoras
- Etapas de desarrollo infantil
- Etapas durante la adolescencia
- Autocuidado y cuidado para el cuidador
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
100 %
Im Budget
100 %
100 %
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