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Ramy N.
Embedded Software / IoT Engineer
$35 USD / Stunde
Egypt (2:23 PM)
Joined on April 29, 2016
$35 USD / Stunde
Quality is my first concern.
I don't deliver suboptimal solutions.
Strong command of C/C++ for embedded systems & IOT applications.
Data structures and problem solving using C++.
Basic web development in html/css/javascript/nodeJs specially for IOT applications.
Embedded software development on different boards AVR/ARM.
Good knowledge of python as tool for embedded software design.
Great to work and communicate with Ramy. Committed to finish the work and pretty good understanding the requests. Delivered in time and according to expectation. We will be doing further work together soon. Thank you Ramy.
Ramy is an excellent engineer. He gathered my requirements accurately and completed the work promptly. He was always available for questions and support. I highly recommend working with Ramy, I personally will be hiring him again to complete future projects