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Rajneesh S.
Seasoned IT Professional and DevOps Specialist
$20 USD / Stunde
India (9:29 AM)
Joined on November 3, 2010
$20 USD / Stunde
I am .NET application developer. With a rich and varied experience in providing offshore web development and project management capabilities and stringent quality standards ensure us to develop solutions that give your business an edge over your competitors.
• Microsoft Azure
• C#
• SQL Server
• Angular, VueJs
• Umbraco
QLAB INFOTECH is an India based software outsourcing company that focuses on highly qualitative, timely delivered and cost-effective offshore software/web application development. With a rich and varied experience in providing offshore software development and project management capabilities and stringent quality standards ensure us to develop solutions that give your business an edge over your competitors.
QLAB INFOTECH is an India based software outsourcing company that focuses on highly qualitative, timely delivered and cost-effective offshore software/web application development. With a rich and varied experience in providing offshore software development and project management capabilities and stringent quality standards ensure us to develop solutions that give your business an edge over your competitors.
Freelancer Orientation
C# Programming
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