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Neha B.
We Believe in the success of clients
$100 USD / Stunde
India (8:55 PM)
Joined on Mai 30, 2018
$100 USD / Stunde
As an enthusiastic individual with over 4+ years of hands-on experience in web development and Mobile development .I'm expert in E-commerce and CMS based website. I believe for provide good quality work to my respective clients.
We are a Website and Mobile App development company with experienced professionals ready and committed to provide you IT services to turn your **IDEAS TO REALTY**.
? Android
? iOS
? Mobile Phone
? Java
? HTML/HTML5/CSS/Responsive Design
? Wordpress
? Website Design & Mobile App Design
? Mobile App Testing
? Photoshop
? Logo Design
? Seo Services
**Extra Benefits *
* Effective cost of project
* Cross Browser compatibility
* Free after delivery support : Free 3 months support for existing development
* Cheap Domain and hosting : Cheap and well manged hosting and domain offers .
Thank You.
Last review given by accidentally sorry for that. Your work is excellent i fully satisfied with work and you are very helpful
if i another work then surely i hire again. Thanks again