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Woon Man L.
Senior Full Stack Web&Blockchain&Mobile Developer
$65 USD / Stunde
United States (7:34 AM)
Joined on Oktober 18, 2021
$65 USD / Stunde
I am Sherman and Full Stack Web Blockchain Mobile Game Developer with 8+ years of industry experience with a lot of High Quality work, and the fastest Support.
I have built strong expertise and skills in Game and AR/VR App Development, manage Hosting, VPS, Linux, AWS, Corporate Networking, Support & Maintenance.
? Web Development
? Backend : PHP (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Wordpress), Node.js, Python(Django)
? Frontend : Angular, React, Vue, jQuery, Dart
? Blockchain
? Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Truffle, Web3.js, ERC20 Tokens, ERC721 Tokens, ERC1155 Tokens, DApp
? DeFi, NFT works, ICO with Rust, Golang, Move
? Mobile App development
?Native (Swift, Java, Kotlin)
?Hybrid (Flutter, React Native, IONIC)
? Game Development
? Unity 3D, Unreal Engine, Roblox Studio, Play Canvas
? AR
? ARKit, ARCore, AR Foundation, Vuforia, Easy AR, 8thWall
? VR
? HTC Vive , Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, Oculus Go, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, Leap Motion, Kinect V2