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Rajeev G.
✨Make It Real...
$35 USD / Stunde
India (12:34 PM)
Joined on Januar 21, 2006
$35 USD / Stunde
Freelance Professional! Ready to start!
I'm available 24/7 through the platform to discuss all project possibilities and details. If you have a project you want completed quickly and with Top quality, I am the man for the job, so please reach out and let's get it done!
Quality is not a coincidence; it emerges from deliberate intention, sincere effort, intelligent guidance, and skillful execution. It reflects the wise selection among numerous alternatives.
As a top freelancer, I possess extensive expertise in programming, server administration, support, and troubleshooting. I consistently deliver exceptional service, going the extra mile to ensure your complete satisfaction. With my reputation on the line, I aim for excellencenothing less.
Additionally, I provide outstanding Services for Excel Programming, Web Scrapping, Web Search, Data Entry etc.
Feel free to let me know if you need any further adjustments or have additional requests!
Rajeev went above and beyond. I asked for A and he seen that B and C werent right or were off and fixed that as well within the time frame and the Budget. Also kept me posted the whole time and MADE me check everything before he would accept payment. 100% will use again!!
My journey in the field of web development has been nothing short of an exhilarating adventure. From my initial foray into HTML and CSS to my current proficiency in a multitude of cutting-edge technologies, I've witnessed and adapted to the ever-evolving landscape of web development.
I'm proud of the skills I've acquired, the projects I've contributed to, and the vibrant web development community I'm a part of that continues to evolve, and I'm excited to see where the next decade will take me.
Chandigarh, India
Jan., 2006 - Aktuell
19 Jahre, 1 Monat
Work In Progress
Currently working on a publication. Stay tuned for updates!
US English
Freelancer Orientation
Foundation vWorker Member
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