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Douglas M.
I'm a P.h.D holder and Experienced Academic Writer
$40 USD / Stunde
Kenya (2:23 AM)
Joined on Mai 6, 2016
$40 USD / Stunde
Academic Writing Expert
Hello potential client, I am a versatile freelancer with over fifteen years of academic research, writing, and editing experience. My work has been published in academic journals and books, as well as more popular magazines. I pride myself in providing quality work - no matter the job - to all of my clients.
I'm Good in SPSS, Statistics, Stata, R Programming, IT, Computer Science, Business, Psychology, Chemistry, English, Biology, Medicine, Nursing, Python, C++, Java, etc
Even more than the process of writing, I love researching and gathering knowledge before giving shapeless words form and function. With the ability to adapt to many styles of writing, I am thorough in my research and I am always prepared to do whatever it takes to complete an assignment. Whatever the size of the task, I strive for perfection and deliver exactly what the client wants and needs.
He tried to fool me by delivering something completely different from what I asked because he didn't know how to do what I asked, instead of acknowledging his own ignorace he tried to fool me by giving me some random data and code that was completely useless.