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Amjad I.
$40 USD / Stunde
Pakistan (7:11 AM)
Joined on August 18, 2015
$40 USD / Stunde
I have expertise in developing full-stack modern Web applications, Mobile applications, APIs, microservices architecture, SaaS based web apps and multi-tenant complex systems. I have 8+ years of industrial experience with substantial expertise in Healthcare, Real-estate, Food and ride services applications, and much more.
Here are the services that I am offering:
Mobile Solutions:
✅ Native iOS (Objective-C/Swift)
✅ Native Android (Java/Kotlin)
✅ Hybrid Mobile Apps (React Native, Flutter)
Web Solutions:
✅ React JS/ Vue JS /NodeJS/Express/MongoDB/MySql
✅ HTML5/CSS3/AngularJs/jQuery/Bootstrap CSS
✅ Angular 11+/MS SQL/Azure Third-party Frameworks and Services:
✅ Firebase, Fabric, Supabase
✅ AWS, Heroku, Google Cloud
✅ Google API(Maps, Mobile, Analytics, Advertising, Fit, Social, etc)
✅ Social platforms: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, etc
✅ Ad integration: Google AdMob, Facebook Audience, Amazon Ads, Twitter
✅ GPS, Maps, Background location tracking
✅ Git, Mercurial
✅ Agora, Twilio, WebRTC
Other Services:
✅ UI/UX Design (Figma, Adobe XD).
✅ Graphic Design (Newsletter, Cards, and others).
✅ Social Media Marketing
I will help transfer your business ideas to software solutions with a complete development lifecycle (from concept to product release).
You will receive a full-featured solution that includes UI/UX Design, Web/Mobile Development, Cloud Deployment, and Maintenance with a 24/7 Support
I am always working sincerely with all my heart for my customers. The winning formula has always been pretty simple for me: "Ensuring value, quality work, and timely deliverables"
In a nutshell, the win-win situation for me is to ensure that you grow and build the relationship for the future
Let's transform your vision into something we will be proud of!
A jewel among freelancers. Highly recommended! Amjad is a real pro and he helped us understand our project better and find better solutions. Take him if you need a real partner who will not just look how to get away with least amount of work or who's preying on the next victim. We had to close the project since it will have to be changed but that was not his fault. We'll probably work together someday later.
I have been particularly pleased with having hired Amjad. His work is professional, he is clearly knowledgeable in a wide range of technologies and delivered bug free code. He responds in a timely manner, he is flexible and his pricing is fair. No area of weakness and I would hire him again without hesitation.
Amjad is one of the best freelancer I have worked so far. He understands the needs, works and deliver. What I liked the most is that if there is a problem, he listens understand and fixes it. I will definitely will keep working with him.