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Dequan X.
EN-CN Translator | Sourcing | VO | NNN/NDA
$50 USD / Stunde
China (1:45 AM)
Joined on März 17, 2019
$50 USD / Stunde
Dear Clients,
If you are looking for a top-notch translator, sourcing agent, voiceover artist or legal expert for your project, I am a great fit. Just work with me to experience:
★ SEAMLESS COMMUNICATION - As a full-time freelancer, I'll respond to you soon. You can actually think of me as a coworker just across your desk.
★ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - Certified and highly experienced with 20+ years of experience.
★ SWIFT TURNAROUND - So you don't need to worry about the deadline at all.
Education and Certifications:
● Graduated from BFSU, one of the most sought-after universities in China.
● CATTI (Level I)-certified translator ('10). CATTI is the most authoritative and highest level of translation qualification exam in China.
● Certified lawyer after passing China's National Judicial Exam ('09).
● Mathematics lover and member of The Chinese Mathematical Society (CMS) ('04).
Professional Experience:
● More than 20 years of experience working directly or indirectly with world-famous clients, including Intel, HP, Cisco, Time, Microsoft, Bank of China, Nokia, Mercedes-Benz, Agilent, Guerlain, Siemens, Apple, Chanel, Shell, SGCC, Airbnb, JVC, and more.
● Expertise in IT, agriculture, medicine, blockchain, cryptocurrency, food/travel/entertainment, business, marketing, law, property, and other fields.
Sourcing Services:
● Factory Sourcing: Expertise in identifying and evaluating suitable factories, particularly within Guangdong Province.
● Negotiation: Skilled in negotiating pricing, terms, and minimum order quantities to secure the best deals.
● Tech-Pack Development: Proficient in creating detailed tech-packs to ensure clear communication of product specifications.
● Client Representation: Ability to represent clients on-site for inspections and quality control.
Skills and Tools:
● Skilled in using Trados, WordFast, memoQ, Déjà Vu, POEditor, Aegisub, HTML, WordPress, Final Draft, and more.
Additional Services:
● I also have a recording studio. We provide average to ultra-high quality voiceovers with our amazing voice talents pooled from throughout China.
Thank you for considering my profile. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and deliver exceptional results for your project.
Oct. 19
Dequan went above and beyond for our project. We told him what we needed and he gave us even more.
Thank you Dequan, would definitely work with you again.
Transemantix Institute of Interpretation and Translation (Beijing)
Juni, 2006 - Juni, 2018
12 Jahre
I was once working in Transemantix Institute of Interpretation and Translation (Beijing), the most famous translation company in China, as a senior EN-CN translator and proofreader.
Juni, 2006 - Juni, 2018
12 Jahre
Columnist and editor
März, 1997 - März, 2006
9 Jahre
China Daily
März, 1997 - März, 2006
9 Jahre
I worked for China Daily, a famous English newspaper in China, for many years.
März, 1997 - März, 2006
9 Jahre
Beijing Foreign Studies University
1992 - 1996
4 Jahre
1992 - 1996
4 Jahre
The Best Debater for English Speech Contest of Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1995
Beijing Foreign Studies University
I won "The Best Debater for English Speech Contest of Beijing Foreign Studies University" in 1995.
Numerous articles
China Daily
Tons of my articles I wrote got published on China Daily from 1997 to 2006.
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
US English
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