for a new project we need a awesome setup for testing and evaluating. Superfast & low latency worldwide, elastic scalable, secure and bulletpoof.
This Job is to setup everything and add test/sample pages.
After successful evaluating, its possible to be a part of the development team.
- Elastic Google Cloud
- Servers: Development -> Stage -> Live
- Node.js
- React
- Github
- Elasticsearch
- Databases? Redis? CouchDB?
- Mailchimp/Mandrill API
- Stripe API
- Google Analytics
- Google Maps
- Canvas Fingerprint (Location, Search Preferences, …)
- User Registration, incl. E-Mail
- Login
- Facebook Connect
- Linkedin Connect
- Real-Time Messaging with WebSockets
Looking forward to your offer and your Bio.
I want to discuss this project with you further, let me know the best suitable time for you to schedule the meeting, Feel free to message me at any time, i used to be online 14 hrs in a day on this website so probably you will get a quick response from my end.
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