Hope you are staying safe in UAE in this pandemic situation.
We have experienced team in PHP, iOS, Android to work with you for website and APP development for goods delivery. Let's have a meeting together to finalize the issues.
Workspace InfoTech Limited, a specialized software company focusing on system evolution, digital core and intelligent technology. Our global infrastructure technology built on 13 years of innovation, collaboration and engineering excellence. Our inhouse 52 engineers in 14 different teams who are dedicated for our global clients.
Below is Our Technology Expertise Details:
Back end : Python 3,Django 2,ExpressJS,Meteor,PHP (CI, Zend, Yii, Laravel,Zend,Yii 2.0, Syphony),Java SE/EE,Spring,Hibernate,Django 1.8,1.10,Node(Express)
Mobile : IOS,Android,IONIC
Design : HTML 5.0,CSS 3, jQuery,PSD 2 html, Graphics design, Create design Mockup,JavaScript,Angular v.2,,ReactJS
CMS : Wordpress,Magento,Opencart,Perch,Prestashop,Cubecart,PhpBB
Tools : AWS EC2,Route53,AWS AutoScaling,AWS RDS,EB,S3,AWS LB,Docker,Ansible-Fabric (sync codebase),Jira,Teamwork,Git,SVN,TFS,Docker
Software Testing : Jmeter,unit testing,Selinium,White box testing,black box testing,functional testing
General : Data entry,call center operator,Virtual assistant,SEO,Accounting
We can work on project basis or monthly employee/ hourly basis also.
Our reviews on previous projects will assure you about our quality of service.
Best Regards,
Tahsinul Alam (A)