Working as a graphic designer in seattle Jobs


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    2,000 working as a graphic designer in seattle Jobs gefunden

    Hallo, für meinen Webshop "Häckelwurm" benötige ich ein Grafik/Logo. Auf dem Logo sollte ein gehäkelter Apfel (in grün) sein aus dem ein Wurm rausguckt. Das Logo soll auf der Webseite, wie auch auf einer Visitenkarte verwendet werden. Es soll ersichtlich sein, dass es bei Häkelwurm um Häkelprodukte geht. Genauere Absprachen können nach Vergabe des Projektes besprochen werden. Vielen Dank. --------------------- Hello, for my webshop "Häckelwurm" (in english: crochet worm) I need a graphic / logo. On the logo should be a crochet apple (in green) and out of the apple should be a worm who is looking outside the apple. The logo will be used on the website, as...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    Graphic banner wo ich jede woche sondrangeboten kan schalten. einfach zu bedienen. firma verkauft ersatzteilen fur die landwirtschaft. logo mit einbinden

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Hallo, für meinen Webshop "Häckelwurm" benötige ich ein Grafik/Logo. Auf dem Logo sollte ein gehäkelter Apfel (in grün) sein aus dem ein Wurm rausguckt. Das Logo soll auf der Webseite, wie auch auf einer Visitenkarte verwendet werden. Es soll ersichtlich sein, dass es bei Häkelwurm um Häkelprodukte geht. Genauere Absprachen können nach Vergabe des Projektes besprochen werden. Vielen Dank. --------------------- Hello, for my webshop "Häckelwurm" (in english: crochet worm) I need a graphic / logo. On the logo should be a crochet apple (in green) and out of the apple should be a sticked out worm . The logo will be used on the website, as well as on ...

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    Hallo, für meinen Webshop "Häckelwurm" benötige ich ein Grafik/Logo. Auf dem Logo sollte ein gehäkelter Apfel (in grün) sein aus dem ein Wurm rausguckt. Das Logo soll auf der Webseite, wie auch auf einer Visitenkarte verwendet werden. Es soll ersichtlich sein, dass es bei Häkelwurm um Häkelprodukte geht. Genauere Absprachen können nach Vergabe des Projektes besprochen werden. Vielen Dank. --------------------- Hello, for my webshop "Häckelwurm" (in english: crochet worm) I need a graphic / logo. On the logo should be a crochet apple (in green) and out of the apple should be a sticked out worm . The logo will be used on the website, as well as on ...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    ...50 Adressen aus Excel in das InDesign Dokument zu platziere und zu umbrechen. Ein Pdf zu erstellen, die Daten zu sammeln und zu übermitteln. Klar etwas einfaches, das ich auch selbst schnell erledigen könnte, aber ich möchte den Workflow checken und den Freelancer etwas besser kennenlernen. Wegen der Kompatibilität bevorzuge ich Adobe CC und Mac. Ansonsten würde immer ein nicht zu unterschätzender Mehraufwand entstehen. Ich suche jemanden der typografische Regeln kennt und sich mit der Druckproduktion gut auskennt. Danke fürs lesen und bitte nur bieten, wenn ihr wirklich Erfahrung in DTP, einen schnellen Mac und Adobe CC habt. Vielen Dank ---------- English (sorry for the bad translation) (German is preferred but you never kno...

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    as discussehgishiudshgipuadshiuadsgiuahgphrehrifbisssss

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Umsetzung einer Party App auf Grundlage des D-I-Y MobileRoadie App Creators. Die Aufgabe besteht in erster Linie darin, das Geschäftsmodell an die Beschränkungen von MobileRoadie anzupassen und anschließend die App zu designen. Dazu kann individuelles Logo Design kommen. Es wäre von Vorteil, wenn der Bewerber die Mobile Roadie Software bereits kennt. Aufgrund lokaler Abgrenzung ist eine Vielzahl von Apps geplant. Somit wird es zu Anschlussaufträgen kommen.

    €38 / hr Average bid
    €38 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    as discussehgishiudshgipuadshiuadsgiuahgphrehrifbi

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    design 5 x posters + amend voucher

    €152 Average bid
    €152 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hi Omar, für ein startup Projekt suche ich einen Webdesigner mit guten allround kenntnissen um ein Finales Design anzufertigen und regelmässige anpassungen vorzunehmen. Eine Gute Kommunikation ist Vorraussetzung für uns um gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Flexibles Arbeiten ist unsere Stärke. Über einen Skype kontakt um Details zu besprechen würde ich mich freuen - meine id ist: pokerallstars Beste Grüße Jens

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote


    €245 Average bid
    €245 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    Hallo, wir möchten einen Shirtshop mit Gestaltungsfunktion auf HTML5 Basis (zwingend flashfrei) kaufen. Design liefern wir als PSD. Folgende Funktionen sind einzubinden: Newsletter, Gutscheinfunktion, Rechnungsdruckoption als PDF, Kredikartenzahlung,Paypal, Rechungskauf (z.B. billpay) einbindung. Eine bekannte funktionierende Lösung ist Oxid mit Shirtnetwork. Alternativen dürfen gern Angeboten werden. Umsetzung sollte zeitnah möglich sein Beginn ein Beginn der Umsetzung im Januar wäre optimal.

    €2672 Average bid
    €2672 Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    ...Welneuheit – swing up Bürodrehstuhl Hintergrund: Sedus hat sich die Frage gestellt wie man einen Bürodrehstuhl noch besser machen könnte. Um diese Frage zu beantworten wurden die weltführenden Ergonomen von der TU München engagiert. In einer ausführlichen Forschungsarbeit wurden die bis dahin besten Drehstühle untersucht und grundlegende Forschungsarbeit betrieben. Die Erkenntnis: Mehr Gesundheit und noch bessere Ergonomie erreicht man durch die Erschaffung von optimaler Bewegungsfreiheit im Sitz. Auf Basis dieses Wissens entwickeln die Sedus Ingenieure und Designer eine Weltneuheit, der swing up. Der Stuhl passt sich den natürlichen Bewegungen des Menschen an. Gleichzeitig haben sich Forscher mit der Auswirkung des bewe...

    €920 Average bid
    €920 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote
    as dfsdf asdf d
    Beendet left

    as dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf das dfsdf asdf d

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Wir suchen Freelancer, die unsere Seite um ein Feature, einen Outfit-Designer, erweitern. Mitglieder sollen aus unserem Produktangebot per Drag & Drop Outfits zusammenstellen können. Hier ein paar Beispielseiten, die das erfolgreich umgesetzt haben: (hier auf neu klicken, damit die fertige Schablone entfernt wird) Wichtige Punkte für das Mitglied sind: Er kann die Artikel vergrößern/verkleinern, Spiegeln, vervielfachen, in den Vordergrund/Hintergrund setzen. Die Produktbilder, die wir von Partnerunternehmen bekommen, haben leider alle keinen transparenten Hintergrund (meistens ist der Hintergrund weiß), sodass es irgendwie möglich sein muss, den Hintergrund (automatisch /halbautomatisch)

    €1406 Average bid
    €1406 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Ich habe laufende Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit unserem letzten Projekt 'Voucher Design graphic front & Back for helmet brand Size: 7x14cm'

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Ich suche einen talentierten Designer, der sich als Perfektionist bezeichnet, mit InDesign-KnowHow. Es gilt Foyers, Broschüren, etc. für uns zu erstellen. Vieles ist bereits vorgespurt. Wir müssen sehr zeitnah arbeiten. Ein Muss: Gute Verbindungen zu einer günstigen, aber guten Druckerei, um das Erarbeitete gleich zu drucken und uns zu senden. Diese Arbeit kann auch verrechnet werden.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Ich suche 4-6 Stunden aktive Unterstützung über z.B. Skype Chat beim Anpassen einer Wordpress-Webseite in deutscher Sprache. Zeitpunkt heute Abend 2. Oktober ab ca. 19h00 und eventuell einige einzelne Stunden in den nächsten Tagen. ((English: Please answer only if you are Graphic Designer or Webdesigner with good experience on templates. I am looking for 4 to 6 hours of help to push the design of an unfinished Wordpress Website today with Skype chat for example. Central European Time today from aprox. 19:00)) Das Template welches bereits verwendet wird ist: Funki von und ich würde gerne damit weiterarbeiten. Es wäre also von Vorteil, wenn Sie sich mit den Templates oder analogen gut auskennen und etwas Designaffin sind. ...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote
    Designer Gesucht
    Beendet left

    Hallo Freelancer, wir suchen ein kreativen Designer der Erfahrungen mit Herren Hemden hat (Stoff,Verarbeitung, Qualität,Marketing) Wir sind ein junges Unternehmen und wollen mit exklusiven Herren Hemden durchstarten , wir einige Vorarbeiten schon geleistet, suchen aber noch in unserem Team einen weiteren Designer der sich in der Textilbranche auskennt (Entwicklung,Design,Marketing) Hast du interesse schreib uns einfach an. Wir sind gespannt auf eure Post. Email :

    €1039 Average bid
    €1039 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    Als Wiener Full-Service Agentur bieten wir unseren Kunden das gesamte Portfolio an Kommunikationsdienstleistungenan an - von der Beratung und Konzeption bis hin zur Umsetzung und Erstellung von Printaufträgen, Online-Websites und Webshops. Derzeit suchen wir einen DESIGNER & WordPress-Entwickler Smart und pro-aktiver Designer & Web Developer für eine langfristige Partnerschaft. Sie verwalten Entwicklungsprojekte von der Initiierung bis zur Fertigstellung, um sicherzustellen, dass sie innerhalb des Projektfensters abgeschlossen werden, innerhalb des Budgets sind und unsere Qualitätsstandards und die Anforderungen des Kunden übertreffen. Die Job-Beschreibung: vorschlagen von Wordpress Themes oder individuelle Layouts für Kunden Proje...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Hallo an alle Interessenten, wir suchen jemanden, der uns einen T-Shirt Designer für den PrestaShop erstellt. Das ganze soll dann so ähnlich wie im folgenden Link sein: Wichtig für uns ist: - einfaches Einfügen von Produkten und vorgefertigten Motiven - einfache Bedienung für Kunden - der Kunde soll sein eigenes Motiv einfügen können Derjenige, der dieses Projekt zu unserer Zufriedenheit fertigstellt, wird bei eventuellen, zukünftigen Projekten bevorzugt behandelt. Sollten unsere Erwartungen deutlich übertroffen werden, ist ein Bonus verhandelbar.

    €684 Average bid
    €684 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Wir suchen jemanden der unsere Lokal homepage neu nach folgenden Beispiel seiten neu oder gestaltet intigriert soll ein Newsletter sein und eine Menüeingabe die wöchentlich geändert werden muss und gleich als Newsletter versendet werden kann. Das Newslettertool soll wie "word" funktionieren (Graphic leicht zu integrieren) auch Facebook soll integriert werden und vielleicht die ein oder andere Idee von Designer nach Absprache !

    €915 Average bid
    €915 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    I am looking for a professional video designer to create a video that explains a specific idea in a creative and professional manner, without the need for voice-over narration. The video can be made using AI technology or any other innovative technique. The goal is to produce a clear and engaging video that relies on visual text and professional design to effectively convey the idea.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    ...looking for a freelancer to create a professional and engaging company profile for my IT company, Datanet Hosting Solutions. The final deliverable should be a PDF document that I can share with clients and partners. Key Sections: - Company Overview: This should provide a brief history of Datanet Hosting Solutions, our mission, vision, and values. - Services Offered: A comprehensive list and description of the IT services we provide. - Client Testimonials: Positive feedback from our clients that showcases our reliability and quality of service. Branding: We have a detailed branding document that the freelancer will need to adhere to. This includes our visual themes and brand messaging. Ideal Skills: - Experience in corporate communicat...

    €88 Average bid
    €88 Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    I am looking for a skilled designer to create a unique vintage-style logo for my business. The logo should incorporate elements of typography, illustrations, and emblems, as well as being in earthy colors. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of vintage logo designs and a deep understanding of minimalist, modern, and vintage styles. Experience with using earthy colors in design is a plus.

    €61 Average bid
    €61 Gebot i.D.
    62 Angebote

    Project Description: “B’Nest” Logo Design • Brand: B’Nest specializes in baby and maternity products. • Style: Modern, sleek, and minimalist. • Color: Black and white only. • Icon: A continuous-line graphic symbolizing the nurturing connection between a mother and her baby, possibly incorporating hints of a heart or nest. • Typography: A modern sans-serif font with subtle custom touches that echo the icon’s curves. • Deliverables: A complete vector source file (with fonts and elements), multiple layout versions, and a style guide. This brief encapsulates the vision for a logo that conveys warmth, safety, and connection in a timeless design.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled designer to create - a splash screen (Purpose: This will serve as the open splash screen for a kiosk stand located at hotels and airports, allowing users to easily walk up and call a taxi.) and - a feature graphic for my Taxi Kiosk app. The splash screen should have dimensions of 2800 pixels by 1867 pixels, and the feature graphic should be 1024 pixels by 500 pixels. Both images should be in 32-bit PNG format with alpha transparency. Key Requirements: - The design should be bright and vibrant, aligning with my envisioned color scheme. - All design elements should be incorporated and prioritized: taxi imagery, a map like background, and the app name/logo. - I have a specif...

    €29 Average bid
    0 Einträge
    Modern Cafe Signage Graphic Design
    6 Tage left

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create modern-style shopfront signage for a cafe. This signage will need to convey several pieces of information in an engaging and visually appealing way. Key Components to Include: - Business Name: The signage should prominently display the name of the cafe. - Tagline or Slogan: The cafe has a tagline that should be integrated into the design. - Contact Details: The design should also include the contact information. - Menu Design: A portion of the signage will need to function as a menu display. - Bullet Points: There will be additional information that needs to be presented in bullet point format. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: A strong background ...

    €56 Average bid
    €56 Gebot i.D.
    91 Angebote

    I require a talented and creative graphic designer to craft a unique vehicle wrap design that incorporates 3 logos. The design must be done ASAP. Key Requirements: - The design should embody the luxury feel that's synonymous with high-end services. - Simplicity is key. The design should be sleek and not overly complicated to ensure it's easily recognizable and memorable yet reflects luxury. - I'm looking for a designer who is open to feedback, has excellent communication skills, and can deliver a high-quality, professional design that aligns with the values of my business. Must be able to custom make the design to scale of each vehicle. The vehicles are: - 2019 Toyota Hiace LWB Van - 2015 Hyundai ILOAD Van - 2024 Subaru Ou...

    €60 Average bid
    12 Einträge in email marketing for a full-time position. This role involves creating and managing email marketing campaigns for multiple clients with the primary goal of increasing sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement email marketing strategies that focus on boosting sales. - Create engaging and relevant content for promotional offers, newsletters, and updates. - Design eye-catching graphics for the emails. - Handle all necessary integrations, including connecting to Zapier. - Monitor and analyze conversion rates to assess campaign effectiveness. Preferred Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Constant Contact, as this is the primary platform we use. - Excellent content creation skills with a knack for crafting compelling promotional c...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    ...seeking a modern logo for my consultation firm, "A Place for Me and You". We assist parents, businesses, community organizations, and family members navigate the challenges with children with special needs in education, work, and financial needs. NO AI. NO AI Key Elements: - Family elements: The logo should subtly incorporate elements representing a family. - Consulting hints: The logo should also have subtle hints indicating a consulting firm. - Afro-centric: A touch of Afro-centric design would be appreciated. Color & Style: - Modern: The logo should reflect a contemporary, modern design style. - Open to Suggestions: While I have no specific color in mind, I would like the primary color of the logo to be open to...

    €6 Average bid
    29 Einträge

    ...Company Overview: We are a small but dynamic and innovative branding company dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions to our clients. We are currently seeking a talented Full Stack Developer to join our team for a special project. Project Description: We are looking for a skilled Full Stack Developer to design and develop a responsive 6-9 page WordPress website. The website will serve as a key platform to showcase our client’s services, and company information as well as other pertinent information. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in both front-end and back-end development, with a keen eye for design and user experience. Responsibilities: • Collaborate with our team to g...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gebot i.D.
    129 Angebote

    I am in need of a skilled graphic designer to create a minimalist-style logo for me. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Experience in creating minimalist designs. - An understanding of monochrome color schemes. - A knack for working with geometric shapes. The logo should adhere to a monochrome color scheme and incorporate geometric shapes. Creativity, attention to detail, and the ability to follow a minimalist style are key to this project's success.

    €183 Average bid
    €183 Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create visually appealing yet minimalist and modern graphics for my exhibition stand. The primary goal of this stand is lead generation, so the design should be engaging and capable of drawing in potential leads. Key elements to be included in the graphics: - Company logo - Slogan or tagline - Product images - Feature set with icons Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly for exhibition stands - Understanding of minimalist and modern design principles - Experience with lead generation-focused designs The goal is to create a stand that not only showcases our product effectively but also enhances our brand awareness in a professional and understated manner.

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Gebot i.D.
    87 Angebote

    I'm looking to modernize and innovate my brand, starting with a complete overhaul of my logo and visual identity, as well as a refreshing of my company name and tagline. The ideal freelancer for this project should be able to: - Develop a fresh, contemporary brand that conveys a sense of innovation and modernity. - Create a new logo and visual identity that reflects this updated brand. - Propose a new, fitting company name and tagline. I am open to all suggestions and do not have any specific colors or themes that need to be incorporated. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in branding and graphic design, with a portfolio showcasing modern and innovative brands.

    €383 Average bid
    €383 Gebot i.D.
    52 Angebote

    I'm in need of a skilled graphic designer who can create mockups for a shirt, t-shirt,hoodie and a mug. The design style should be a blend of minimalism and modern aesthetics. Key requirements: - Incorporate various graphic elements into the designs, including text, images, and patterns. - Create visually appealing and high-quality mockups that reflect a minimalist and modern style. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio in apparel and product design, particularly in the minimalist and modern styles. Experience with creating mockups for merchandise is a plus. Also we would love to see your previous projects so it would be better if you share some .

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    I'm looking for a freelancer to design a PowerPoint presentation based on my notes. This presentation is aimed at internal stakeholders and focuses on a 100 Day Plan to kickstart a Corporate Partnerships Program for Modon Properties. This is part of a Case Study that I need as part of my interview process. The desired tone for the presentation is casual and engaging, contrasting the typical formal and professional style. I'd really like some engaging visuals, not a lot of text, no more than 15 slides, i have detailed notes for how to organize the slides. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Graphic design skills - Experience in creating engaging, informal presentations - Understanding of corporate comm...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Gebot i.D.
    100 Angebote

    Need help with a one page sell sheet to sell a new product to companies. PDF format Professional graphic design. I can provide a basic structure and some images. The Freelancer should be able to provide format and graphic suggestions. Please provide samples of your prior work. NDA & IP Agreement Required Specifics of job will be provided after selected for project

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    I need assistance to install my WordPress theme so that it looks exactly like the live demo. Key Requirements: - Use provided demo content files: I'm unsure if I have them, so you may need to check with the theme...WordPress theme so that it looks exactly like the live demo. Key Requirements: - Use provided demo content files: I'm unsure if I have them, so you may need to check with the theme developer. - No customizations: I just want the demo content installed, no changes needed. - Access to hosting: I have the login details for my WordPress hosting account. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress theme installation - Ability to troubleshoot and locate demo content files if necessary - Strong attention to detail to ensure the installation repli...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gebot i.D.
    61 Angebote

    I'm looking for a creative designer with a knack for typography to design a T-shirt for my brand. The design will feature our brand slogan, so I need someone who can effectively communicate our brand voice through this casual, yet stylish design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Typography - Brand Communication Experience: - Previous T-shirt design - Understanding of casual tone - Ability to work with brand slogans

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote

    I need a creative social media expert to help with my Facebook, Instagram and TikTok accounts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging content in the form of images and graphics, videos, and written posts and articles. - Advertising & Promotions: Strategize and implement effective advertising campaigns to promote my social media presence. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and video editing. - Excellent writing skills for creating compelling posts and articles. - Experience with social media advertising and promotions. - Deep understanding of Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Experience: - Proven track record of successful social media management. - Previous work in content creation and digital marketing. Looking for s...

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote

    I need a modern logo for my export/import platform which serves as an agent and buying house for overseas buyers. The logo should convey a sense of 'Global Reach'. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic Design - Brand Development - Modern Aesthetic Understanding Please take this into consideration when designing the logo.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gebot i.D.
    29 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled social media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The role includes creating and posting 5 posts and 3 reels on Instagram and Facebook weekly, as well as producing content for YouTube shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging FB, INSTA posts, reels and YouTube shorts. - Scheduling and Posting: Ensure posts are uploaded at optimal times for maximum engagement. - Community Engagement: Primarily focused on initiating conversations with followers. - Paid Campaigns: Plan and manage paid advertising to boost visibility and engagement. - Organic Marketing: Develop strategies to grow the channels without relying solely on paid ads. - Logo Creation: Design a unique and appealing logo for th...

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    I'm looking for a web designer with a knack for modern and artistic aesthetics to create a unique portfolio site for me. Key Responsibilities: - Design a creative and artistic portfolio website reflecting my design work. - Implement a modern and minimalistic style throughout the site, ensuring a professional touch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design and development. - Experience in creating portfolio websites. - Strong understanding of modern and minimalist design principles. - Ability to translate graphic designs into an engaging and interactive website. While I haven't specified a preferred layout for displaying my designs, I am open to suggestions that would best showcase my work. A v...

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    I'm looking for a clean and sleek design for a Facebook ad giveaway picture. The main objective of this design is to increase our brand awareness through the giveaway. This February, we’re keeping things extra cool! Place an order of $50,000 or more, and you’ll receive a FREE Engel MT-V45F Fridge—the perfect companion for adventures, road trips, and keeping your essentials chilled! ? Offer valid until February 29th—don’t miss out on this cool opportunity! ? Order now and claim your FREE Engel MT-V45F Fridge today! Key Elements Required: - Product Image: The design must include the photograph supplied - Engel fridge - Brand Logo: Our logo (Phoenix Sheds) should be prominently featured in the design, this can be ripped from ou...

    €16 Average bid
    7 Einträge

    I'm looking for a beginner Figma UI/UX designer to join my team. You'll be working on both website and mobile app designs, following custom guidelines. Sallary: 10000 INR Key Responsibilities: - Full-time 8 hours daily (9AM - 6PM) - 6 Days a week (Friday is off) - Learning and applying design principles under my guidance - Completing tasks assigned in English Essential Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong background in UI/UX design - Able to converse in English Please share your portfolio demonstrating relevant experience.

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled and experienced Exocad designer to assist with our digital dental design needs. Our primary focus is on crown and bridge designs, but there will also be opportunities to work on implant restorations, occlusal guards, dentures, and smile designs. Our practice is fully equipped with Exocad software, CBCT technology, and intraoral scanning capabilities, enabling a complete digital workflow. We maintain a steady monthly volume of cases and seek a reliable, long-term partner. Key aspects of our ideal collaboration include: - Regular communication via Microsoft Teams - Consistent turnaround times - A strong focus on quality and precision, with particular attention to the aesthetic appearance of the designs - Experi...

    €3957 Average bid
    €3957 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    I need a skilled graphic designer to format and design an informative booklet. It will primarily be a minimalist design style with graphics and illustrations included throughout. Key Responsibilities: - Format and design the provided content into a professional looking booklet - Create and incorporate graphics and illustrations in a minimalist style - Ensure the design is suitable for an informative purpose Ideal Skills: - Proficient in design software such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or equivalent - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Experience creating informative booklets or similar materials - Ability to create original graphics and illustrations

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    I need a professional graphic designer who can enhance and vectorize my logos for merchandise. Unfortunately, I only have printed copies and images of the original logos. I also need some minor tweaks to the design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Vectorization - Adobe Illustrator or equivalent software Experience: - Proven track record in logo enhancement and vectorization - Experience working on designs for merchandise - Prior work that involved modifying existing designs

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a modern, clean logo for my brand. The color scheme for this logo is black and yellow, so a good understanding of color contrast and design aesthetics in these colors is key. The logo will primarily be used on my website, flyers and t-shirts so it should be designed with web compatibility in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Previous experience designing logos - Strong understanding of color theory and design principles - Ability to create a design that is web-friendly - Portfolio showcasing modern and clean designs.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    90 Angebote