Want polytechnical result dhaka board Jobs
Ich betreibe aktuell ein Forum mit der Woltlab Burning Board Version 3. Also eine wirklich alte Version. Auftrag ist es, das Forum auf die neueste Version zu aktualisieren und dabei die Benutzer und bereits erstellen Themen und Beiträge zu übernehmen. Anschließend müsste das Design dem Webseiten-Layout angepasst werden.
Umzug von 2 Forums ( Burning Board Forum 3,8 ) auf ein neuen webserver SQL und Webdaten
2 Webseiten: und www.kopitzke.pro. Erstellt, vor 3-1 Monat, WordPress, beide mit YOAST Seo. Thema ist die eigene Promo dieser Seiten NUR mit WordPress, den Einstellungen der Themes, Text-Optimierung und den SEO Tools von Yoast. Reine Fleissarbeit, um einen Grundstock an SEO mit Board-Mitteln herzustellen, mehr nicht.
ONLY FOR PROFESSIONALS!!! You search a B2B german platform and give every week a result . Nr. // first name // family name // street // zip // city // email // telefon // url EXCEL list + plus cvs format -hourly project -no start ammount -pls., no discuss ( no time, no pc, rain, ill, ...) - hard work = lot of money - "no first paymeant"
finaler Funktionstest der gefertigten Baugruppe (BLT) zur Feststellung, ob alle extern an den µC angeschlossene Interface-Hardware bis zur Kundenschnittstelle (Stecker) vollständig funktional ist. Flashen mit Testprogramm, einfache ASCII Kommandos und Status-Abfrage aller I/Os (digitale Ein- und Ausgänge; interner A/D-Wandler, Echtzeituhr (SPI-Bus), externer AD-Wandler (SPI-Bus), Ethernet Schnittstelle, USB-Schnittstelle
1. Einrichten einer Kommunikationsverbindung zwischen STM32f4 Evalboard und Bluetooth Modul (HC-05 Bluetooth module) 2. Programmierung der GPIO Ports des STM32 Mikrocontrollers Entsprechenden Steuer- und Kontrollsignale einlesen und ausgeben. 3. Android Applikation Die Applikation, die für das „Android Tablet“ programmiert wird, soll verschiedene „Buttons“ und Anzeigeelemente besitzen. Dabei werden allgemein bekannte bzw. leicht verständliche Darstellungen Anwendung finden, um den Dialog für den Nutzer so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Zusätzlich sind die verschiedenen Bedienelemente durch den Benutzer frei konfigurierbar, d.h. alle Bedien- und Ausgabeelemente können aus einer vordefinierten „Bibliothek“ ausgew&aum...
...für ein kleines PHP-Script (kann aber wenn möglich auch Perl oder irgendeine andere sein) einen Programmierer, welches mir dieses schreibt. Dieses sollte folgende Funktionen haben: - Registrierungsmöglichkeit muss nicht vorhanden sein, es sollte idealerweise die Userdaten einer Foren-Datenbank auslesen und dieselben Logindaten sollen auch dort funktionieren. Als Forum wäre das WoltLab Burning Board 4 angedacht. Es sollte auch ausgelesen werden welche Usergruppe der User dort hat und Standard-User sollten sich nicht einloggen können. Gruppe 1 soll Schreibrechte haben, Administratoren volle Lösch-Rechte haben. - Berechtigte User sollen Einträge machen können nach folgendem Muster: Land, Telefonnummer, etc (alles Texteingaben, mit Ausnahm...
I am posting this in German, but if you speak only english that is not a problem. Hallo, ich habe ein WP-Vorlage "PetSitter" () gekauft und muss die jetzt an meine Anforderungen anpassen. Ich möchte die User-Profiles umfangreicher gestalten (inklusive bessere Bewertungs-Funktion), Jobs-Liste komplett ausbauen und noch Paar kleinere Usability-Twitches implementieren. Ich bin in Berlin und es wäre vom Vorteil wenn du auch, so dass wir alles persönlich besprechen können. Bei Fragen gerne melden. VG Piotr
...Social Media Celebrities für Collaborations connected werden. Deshalb benötige ich für die Webseite 2 verschiedene UI/UX. Diese müssen dann wieder rum miteinander interagieren. Die Platform hat funktional gesehen Ähnlichkeiten mit "freelancer.com". The design should be similar to this: Zudem muss die Website komplett auf Englisch sein. Da dies demnach ein etwas größeres Projekt ist bin ich froh jemanden aus der Umgebung gefunden zu haben, denn ich komme aus Mannheim. Falls Sie also Interesse hätten und es zu einer Auftragserteilung kommt würde es sich anbieten sich persönlich zu treffen um alle Einzelheiten zu erörtern. Mockups vorhanden. Über eine positive Resonanz würde
...produkt und zahlt via Paypal, dementsprechen wird seinem Kto. das Produkt(virtuelle Währung) direkt gutgeschrieben. Benutzerkonten -Profil editierbar Persönliche Date: -Youtubekanal, facebook, Newsletter Spielbezogene Daten: -Bildergallerie, Replays(10mb) Massaging / Chat -1 Chat mit mehreren Räumen -Interner Versand von Nachrichten von Benutzern an Benutzer Forum(PHPBB) -Likefunktion -1 Board für alle -Ränge, Moderatoren und Administratoren -Verknüfpung mit dem Punktesystem (Post gewähren Classicpoints) für Likes Supported Games -Verschiedene Bereiche jeweils pro Spiel -Detailinformationen zum jeweiligen Spiel -Regel des Spiels -Spiele hinzufügbar im Backend Statistiken -Google analytics -Google adwords Get a p...
...Social Media Celebrities für Collaborations connected werden. Deshalb benötige ich für die Webseite 2 verschiedene UI/UX. Diese müssen dann wieder rum miteinander interagieren. Die Platform hat funktional gesehen Ähnlichkeiten mit "freelancer.com". The design should be similar to this: Zudem muss die Website komplett auf Englisch sein. Da dies demnach ein etwas größeres Projekt ist bin ich froh jemanden aus der Umgebung gefunden zu haben, denn ich komme aus Mannheim. Falls Sie also Interesse hätten und es zu einer Auftragserteilung kommt würde es sich anbieten sich persönlich zu treffen um alle Einzelheiten zu erörtern. Mockups vorhanden. Über eine positive Resonanz würde
...iOS-Entwickler für das Chat-Module. Die Aufgabe ist auf 4 Wochen (fulltime, 5 Tage à 8 Std) beschränkt. Die Anforderungen sind: -Coco Touch -Objetive-C and Swift experience -REST API -optional: experiences with AVFoundation framework -optional: experiences with chat programming, e.g. with Pubnub or Pusher Außerdem Sollst Du die folgenden Arbeitsmentalitäten mitbringen: -performance- and result-driven -strong problem solving ability Wir freuen uns auf Euere Bewerbungen und tolle Zusammenarbeit!!! ...
...benötigen wir fachkundige Freelancer. Als Vorlage dienen gescannte PDF-Dateien. Ergebnis sollen maßhaltige DWG- / DXF-Dateien mit passender Layer-Struktur sein. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns bei Interesse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To enter paper plans, we need expert freelancers. As a template used scanned PDF files. Result should be dimensionally stable DWG / DXF files with matching layer structure. Please contact us if interested. ...
Ich suche derzeit einen kreativen Designer für eine Web application mit UI/UX Design. Hier sind ein paar Beispiele wie das ganze optisch & funktional aussehen soll: Die Webseite muss komplett in Englisch sein. Kontaktieren Sie mich für nähere Informationen über das Konzept und weitere Projektdetails. Mockups vorhanden.
...Aditionally we want to have the possibility as today to mix between wide and small content boxes on the landing page. Moreover we want to have a proper picture show on the boat detail sections. We are looking for somebody who can do this project as a full service. That means to deliver a final result incl upload on our server and implementation off all current content. That means to have a ready website ready to replace to current one without that we have to implement the images, content and so. As you might have recognized this project is now the second time on air. The reason for that is that I got in conflict with the hired freelancer who promissed me to follow my requests but did not. Here you can see the result what they have
suche anwendung wie Objekte müssen verschiebbar, drehbar und vergrößerbar/verkleinerbar sein, danach muß ein jpg erstellt werden können, open source wie beispiele(s.o.) kann übernommen werden
suche anwendung wie Objekte müssen verschiebbar, drehbar und vergrößerbar/verkelinerbar sein danach muß ein jpg erstellt werden können, open source wie besipsiele kann übernommen werden
Logo und Website Indentity (Hauptbanner) gestalten. Das Logo und der Hauptbanner sollen die Wiedererkennbarkeit der Website erhöhen. Design Logo and Website Identity (Main Logo). The Recognizability of the site should be increased as a result.
...Messeprojekt möchte ich gerne mit Hilfe von Mikrocontrollern (Raspberry Pi oder ähnlich) folgende Module realisieren: Modul 1 Das Board soll an 1 Display (10-12 Zoll), 1 Lautsprecher und 3 Knöpfe mit integrierten Leuchtdioden angeschlossen werden. Wenn ein Knopf gedrückt wird soll die entsprechende Leuchtdiode aufleuchten auf dem Display ein Bild angezeigt und eine Tondatei abgespielt werden. Erneutes drücken des Knopfes soll das Ganze beenden. Wenn ein anderer Knopf gedrückt wird soll Szenario 1 ebenfalls beendet werden und Szenario 2 mit einem anderen Bild und einer anderen Sounddatei beginnen (insgesamt 3 verschiedene Bilder und 3 Sounddateien). Modul 2 Das Board soll an 1 Display (10-12 Zoll), 3 Knöpfe mit integrierten Leuchtd...
... Challenge: Migrate my backend from slow WordPress to quick and responsive Admin Theme that is based on HTML, PHP, MYSQL and JS. I've chosen but we can use any other admin template. The API is very cool. For instance it delivers a list where your images are being used online. Just use the json result and visualize it in a table from the admin template. Project scope: - Create layout based on the old two masks (see mockup attached) and in cooperation with me. There should be a dashboard where the number of images and the number of image thefts (number of cases) should be shown. Be creative! The new admin template should rock!!! - internationalization for de and en. I delivery the
... Challenge: Migrate my backend from slow WordPress to quick and responsive Admin Theme that is based on HTML, PHP, MYSQL and JS. I've chosen but we can use any other admin template. The API is very cool. For instance it delivers a list where your images are being used online. Just use the json result and visualize it in a table from the admin template. Project scope: - Create layout based on the old two masks and in cooperation with me. There should be a dashboard where the number of images and the number of image thefts (number of cases) should be shown. Be creative! The new admin template should rock!!! - The user does not have to enter API Key, but just his existing credentials
...entered on duplicate content in the Internet to avoid punishments by search engines and protect against unwanted plagiarism allegations. In the attached image I have shown a rough outline of the look of the software. In the left pane of the test text to be entered and the button below the input area, the check can be started. The text should be reviewed in sets. In the right panel is the result of the check is displayed. The text is automatically inserted here and displayed in color on duplicate content. Black: The set is unique orange: The sentence is up to 25% already exists yellow: The sentence is hiss 26% - 50% already exists red: The set is about 51% already exists At the end of the text include an overall assessment of the text should be given as far...
...alles Drin ist. Und wie mir mal ein andere Gesagt hat Wurde es Gut Programmiert. So bald die Webseite Fertig ist muss nur noch Ein Forum das Design Angepasst werden ( Burning Board® 4.0.5, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH ) Achtung maximal 4 Tage Zeit Good day I am looking for a grabs a new design plan for my CMS website. The design is presence and is a PSD file. In script because there's an extra theme folder where everything is Drin. And like me once a other has Said it Was Good programming. As soon as the website must be finished only forum the design be Adjusted (Burning Board ® 4.0.5, developed by WoltLab ® GmbH) Attention maximum of 4 days...
SEO 5 KEYWORD FOR MY WEBSITE. IF RESULT GOOD,LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP frozen dress;frozen anna dress;peppa girl dress;peppa girls;peppa kids
SEO 5 KEYWORD FOR MY WEBSITE. IF RESULT GOOD,LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP frozen dress;frozen anna dress;peppa girl dress;peppa girls;peppa kids
Arduino Projekt Bau eines Arduino oder ähnlich basierenden (Modul) Board Computer für ein privates Wetterballon Projekt (Wetterballon! Arbeitshöhe ca. 30000Müm Funktionen und Inhalte: -Gps Tracker -Live Daten Übertragung zur Bodenstation (Position,Höhe,Temperatur,Flugzeit,) -Data Tracking on SD -Display Time,Countdown,Temp,Altittude -Anschluss für zwei bis vier Servos die zu einer bestimmten Flugzeit oder Höhe aktiv werden oder vom Boden aus aktiviert werden können -Ein Aus Schalter -Start/Stop Schalter Some Impressions
...Abstand 7 Punkte immer 22,22% Abstand 6 Punkte immer 33.33% Abstand 5 Punkte immer 44.44% Abstand 4 Punkte immer 55.56% Abstand 3 Punkte immer 66.67% Abstand 2 Punkte immer 77.78% Abstand 1 Punkte immer 88.89% Abstand 0 Punkte immer 100% (stimmt überall) Rechnung: 1 - abs(x-y) : 9 x 100 2) Beim Sortieren der Bewertungen im Board(php) ist eine alte Threadbewertung mit den „votingpoints“ drin. Die Votingpoints müssten gelöscht werden und im Board nach dem „Rating“ sortiert werden. Das Löschen der Votingpoints könnte ich in der Datenbank machen, aber dann sortiert es halt nichts mehr. 3) Eine „Kein Interesse an den Film“ Verküpfung mit der datenbank, damit in der „“ statt oder...
Hallo, bin ich Afghaner arm und ich möchte arbeite mit Ihnen. Können Sie bitte mir hilfen? Ich habe keine arbeit bitte geben Sie mir arbeite
...research done. The key finding: More health and even better ergonomics can be achieved by allowing freedom of movement in the seat. Based on this knowledge, the Sedus engineers and designers developed a world novelty: the swing up. The chair adapts and follows to the natural movement of the human body. At the same time, researchers wanted to find out which impact active sitting could have. The result: active and dynamic sitting ensures better blood circulation hence is good for your health, provides well-being and increases the efficiency of the brain activity with up to 30%. Customer Value Proposition : Who sits a swing up can be more creative, productive and keeps healthy. Target Group: B2B: Managing Directors/ CEOs, facility managers, ergonomists - occupational doctors, p...
Ich suche einen Mann/ eine Frau mit PHP Erfahrung. Für meine Webseite benötige ich ein Script (das auch eingebunden werden muss), dass die News meines PHP Newsdboards in das WBB Forum automatisch transferiert, bzw. einen Beitrag erstellt. Desweiteren darf diese News gerne gleich auf unserer Facebookseite veröffentlicht werden. Da es ein Fanprojekt ist, hoffe ich auf gute aber günstige Vorschläge!
Potrzebuje jako output albo pliku Excel albo bazy sql w której zebrane będą dane z publicznie dostępnego API. Problemem jest wiele powiązań danych do ściągnięcia. No dana fraza, których może być ok 3000, zawiera dane dla przedziałów wiekowych, płci, miesięcy i lat od 2017r., wszystko paginiwane na x stron, po max 25 result. Za pomocą requesta można uzyskać dane tylko dla jednego profilu frazy, więc ściągnąć należy wszystkie mozliwe kombinacje a następnie utworzyć bazę danych możliwa do przeszukiwania na ich podstawie. obojętne w jakiej technologii zostanie to wykonane, liczy się rezultat. Czas na żądanie: 3 miesiące.
...Functional portfolio section with endless scrolling and category filters. • Mobile-optimized and visually cohesive design. • Instructions or a short tutorial on managing the website’s backend. Key Skills Needed: • Proficiency in Squarespace and WordPress development. • Familiarity with the Kalium theme and portfolio-focused design. • UX/UI design expertise for a seamless and professional result. • Experience with drag-and-drop WordPress editors like Elementor or WPBakery (if needed). • Strong communication skills to collaborate effectively. Additional Notes: • I will provide content, images, and support throughout the process. • The final platform should prioritize ease of use, especially for ongoing updates. If you&r...
The project is about a Financial Feasibility Study of a digital platform for fractional ownership in income-generating properties, similar to "Stake" Platform in the UAE The study will focus on the financial feasibility study on: 1- Revenue streams 2- Revenue for...Analysis for Risks (financial risks and mitigation strategies) The income sources to be analyzed will be shared once the project is awarded. The financial model should be flexible, allowing for easy adjustments to assumptions and the addition of new costs or revenue streams. A concise report summarizing the key findings and financial insights. The intended audience for the study are investors and board members. A 20-minute call will be scheduled at the start of the project to clarify the requirements and ad...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can design a digital menu board for my restaurant. The project will involve creating a branded TV menu. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design - Experience with digital menu boards - Knowledge of restaurant industry standards and practices - Ability to work with brand style guides For this project, I would prefer a freelancer who has experience with designing digital content for restaurants. A good understanding of restaurant industry standards and practices would be beneficial. Please note: - The specific content for the menu board will be provided. - The design will need to be in line with my brand style guide, which I will share with the selected freelancer. - A keen eye for detail and a creative approach to design will...
...layouts and user-friendly page building Fully responsive and optimized for all devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) High emphasis on readability, with clear fonts, adequate spacing, and a professional look Featured section on the homepage for the latest job updates and highlighted posts A sidebar or sticky elements for quick navigation to categories (e.g., "Latest Jobs," "Upcoming Exams," "Sarkari Result," etc.) Sticky headers/menus for easy navigation to the most relevant job categories or posts 2. Pages: Home Page: A dynamic homepage showcasing the latest job notifications, exam dates, and top stories. A featured section for urgent notifications or important updates. Job Categories: Pages or sections dedicated to specific job categories, such as: Stat...
I am seeking a professional architect and interior designer with a modern aesthetic to help enhance my home's functionality, aesthetics, and comfort. Your main responsibilities will include: - Revisiting the current architect...help enhance my home's functionality, aesthetics, and comfort. Your main responsibilities will include: - Revisiting the current architectural layout to optimize space utilization - Developing a new engineering design plot that prioritizes energy efficiency - Implementing smart home features into the design - Creating a modern, visually appealing interior design I want functionality to be the top priority, but the end result should also be a stylish, comfortable, and energy-efficient home. Experience with modern design principles and smart...
...history data,login,time,ip addres,active time recive bouns bank informations list and update refrel link update option withdraw,approve,cancel,type region option (Agent option) red envelope report,recharge,withdraw trade,bonus (control option) result Green,red,violet,number, total amount green total amount red total amount violet total amount which number and control panel Auto result option low amount colour & low amount number and withdraw manage options all information update control panel *GAME PANNEL* ID NAME MOBILE NO 4. AVAILABLE BALANCE NICK NAME BORD & READ RULE ,LEVEL 1&LEVEL 2,APPLY SACTIONS RECHARGE
I'm seeking a Business Administrator with either an accounting or engineering background to oversee operations in my small business. Your primary focus will be on improving processes and ensuring quality control across the board. Key Responsibilities: - Streamlining operational processes for efficiency - Implementing quality control measures to maintain high standards Ideal Candidate: - Background in accounting or engineering - Proven experience in operations management - Exceptional skills in process improvement and quality control - Passionate about contributing to the growth of a small business
I'm transforming my hand-drawn board game design into a digital format and need an experienced illustrator. The style should be bright, vibrant, and cartoonish. Key Requirements: - Remake my hand-drawn design into a digital format suitable for printing - Maintain the original path of my design with the same number of squares and corresponding colors - Add a cartoonish twist to the design - Use a bright and vibrant color palette Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in digital illustration software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong understanding of color theory and composition - Previous experience with board game design is a plus - Ability to interpret and faithfully recreate physical designs in a digital format Please provide samples of your previous work that alig...
A risk management specialist is a role appointed within organizations to identify potential risks that might negatively affect the business. This role has traditionally focused on financial risks. But more and more, risk managers are being tasked with identifying potential risks affecting employees, third-party risks, cybersecurity threats and privacy-related issues. As a result, the scope of risk management has grown to include finance, employees, facilities, IT, data and reputation. Despite the aspects of market risk that emerged in early 2020, the field of risk management was already one of the fastest-growing jobs in enterprise management. In the wake of recent changes and climate change, companies are increasing the demand for risk management specialists. Risk managers excel ...
I'm looking to transform the exterior of my home to a beautiful Craftsman style. The primary focus of this project will be changing the siding, while also giving the brick, trim, and stone a stylish update. Key elements that need to be addressed: - Siding: This will be the primary focus. I want to replace it with shakes to really capture that Craftsman aesthetic. - Brick: I'm aiming for a Craftsman look with the new brick as well. So, any suggestions on modern, yet classic brick styles would be appreciated. - Trim and Stone: These two elements will also need a refresh. I'm looking for a cohesive design that ties all these elements together in a pleasing way. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Home design and renovation experience, particularly with Craftsman...
...this, I need some objects removed from the image. The words in the image need to be erased, along with the air fresheners on the vent and the one hanging from the rearview mirror. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or similar tools. - Prior experience with complex image manipulation. - Good attention to detail to ensure a realistic final result. - Ability to follow specific instructions accurately. I need the woman’s are to appear like that of a women who of a lighter complexion with nails , cannot be the same hand & I need the words gone along with the air fresheners on the vent & the one hanging Your using the the photo with black hand the other photo is just a reference...
...dependable content writer to create 100 articles, each 1,000 words long, focused on nutrition and diet within the health and wellness sector. Key requirements include: 1. **Originality**: Articles must be completely written by you, without any AI assistance. 2. **Quality Assurance**: I will be using AI detection tools to verify the authenticity of each piece. Any article flagged as AI-generated will result in non-payment. 3. **Budget Conformity**: Please only apply if you can work within the specified budget. 4. **Commitment to Delivery**: It's crucial that you adhere to the timeline and deliver all 100 articles as agreed. Tone: The articles should be written in a conversational and engaging style, making them accessible and enjoyable for readers. Please note: Payment wi...
...experienced teacher to guide ICICI students in preparation for their upcoming board exams. The tutor must be proficient in teaching Math, Physics, and Biology, along with other general subjects. Requirements: Strong expertise in Math, Physics, and Biology (board syllabus). Prior experience in teaching board-level students. Ability to simplify complex topics and ensure conceptual clarity. Flexible schedule to accommodate student needs. Responsibilities: Provide focused and result-oriented lessons tailored for board exams. Help students with problem-solving, time management, and exam strategies. Regular assessments and progress tracking. Job Details: Mode: Online/Offline (as per mutual convenience). Duration: Until board exam completion. Payme...
I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive website for doctors. Each doctor will have their own dedicated page, facilitating direct communication with patients and enabling appointment bookings at their clinic. Key features include: - Multiple Communication Channels: Patients should be able to interact with doctors via live chat, video calls, and a message board. -A page for requesting a subscription for the doctor on the website, asking him for his personal and academic data and the certificates he obtained to verify them and then confirm his subscription to the website. - Doctor's Page: Each doctor's page should support live chats, video calls, and appointment bookings. - Appointment Booking: The system should collect patient's name, contac...
Looking for someone that given DB access with different tables is able to provide a mysql query for some conditions with different tables and rows result. If task well done there'll be more sql queries to perform.
The project is about a Financial Feasibility Study of a digital platform for fractional ownership in income-generating properties, similar to "Stake" Platform in the UAE The study will focus on the financial feasibility study on: 1- Revenue streams 2- Revenue for...Analysis for Risks (financial risks and mitigation strategies) The income sources to be analyzed will be shared once the project is awarded. The financial model should be flexible, allowing for easy adjustments to assumptions and the addition of new costs or revenue streams. A concise report summarizing the key findings and financial insights. The intended audience for the study are investors and board members. A 20-minute call will be scheduled at the start of the project to clarify the requirements and ad...
Objective: To develop a Windows-based program th...interface elements (buttons, labels, etc.) in Korean. Buttons: "Login and Start": Logs into the target website. "Extract Data": Scrapes data from the website. "Load Existing Data": Loads previously saved data. "Run Comparison": Compares new and existing data. "Save Results (CSV/Excel)": Saves comparison results to a file. Table Display: Displays extracted and compared data clearly in a table format. Result Saving: Supports saving in CSV format by default. Optionally supports saving in Excel (.xlsx) format. Technical Requirements: Programming Language: Python Libraries: Selenium or Playwright for web scraping, including login and handling dynamic content. pandas for data processing ...
...installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit o...
...installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president one month, president didn't disclose any details financials, so we all board members decided to call a special unit meeting to inform all unit o...