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    2,000 trixbox vps Jobs gefunden

    Sehr geehrte Debian und Plesk Spezialisten. Ich habe noch einen VPS Server mit installiertem Debian 9 und Plesk und würde dem gerne ein Dist Upgrade auf Debian 11 verpassen lassen. Bitte nur deutschsprachige Angebote, vielen Dank im Voraus!

    €110 Average bid
    €110 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    Nach Vorgaben sind zu konfigurieren. Iframelly, , Zend und server Panel Apache php Einstellungen... Achtung .. Fertigstellung sollte in den nächsten Stunden erfolgen Operating System Recommended: Linux Web Server Recommended: Apache (VPS or Dedicated) Minimum: VPS PHP Version Recommended: 8.0 Minimum: 8.0 MySQL/MariaDB MySQL: Recommended: 8 Minimum: 8.0 MariaDB: Recommended: 10.6 Apache Web Server Required mod_rewrite (removes , for SEO-friendlier URLs) Disable mod_security/mod_security2 shell_exec and exec Recommended crontab Memcached (speed boost) PHP Required GD2 cURL iconv IntlChar (required for Unicode characters support for mobile apps) Imagick (ImageMagick) required for gif image support and mobile device image rotation ...

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    Ich brauche ein PHP Script, das automatisch eine Liste von Domains auf verfügbarkeit prüft. Wenn eine Domain frei ist, sollte diese gleich über die API von registriert werden. Auf kann man Beispielskripte finden. Das Script möchte ich dann in einer schleife o. Per Cronjob auf einen VPS laufen lassen. Ein Backend dazu wäre nicht schlecht. Dort sollten Informationen stehen. z.B. Ob noch alles läuft, Fehler, Aktuelle Domain etc.. Und vielleicht wo ich meine inwx Accountdaten eingeben kann. Vor fremden Zugriff, sollte es natürlich auch geschützt sein. Wenn jemand weiß wo ich solch ein fertiges Script kaufen kann, zahle ich für die info 10 euro.

    €131 Average bid
    €131 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...Kundeninterface > Kundenverwaltung, Produkte, Rechnung, Vertragsverwaltung Bestellsystem > mit automatischen Anlegen Produkten, Webspace, DNS, VPS Server, Vertrags Generator, Rechnungssystem mit Mahnung. Das System sollte Modular aufgebaut werden, am besten Beginnend mit dem Bestellsystem und der Kundenverwaltung. I am looking for a PHP, MYSQL, CSS, HTML programmer for a larger and longer project. The project is described here, I imagine a maximum of 12 months. A complete system should be created with the following scope: Customer interface > customer management, products, invoice, contract management Ordering system > with automatic creation of products, web space, DNS, VPS server, contract generator, billing system with reminder. The system should be modul...

    €7506 Average bid
    €7506 Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    Hallo Jonas R., ich habe mir für die Mautic Anwendung den folgenden Strato-Server Linux VPS CentOS 8 64bit + Plesk Obsidian angelegt. Ich möchte eine eigene Subdomain auf die IP des Servers umleiten und benötige eine https fähige Lösung. Auf dem Server soll die Anwendung Mautic laufen. Über die Plesk Anwendung müssen diverse Cronjobs: eingerichtet werden. Können Sie das evtl. übernehmen und gemeinsam mit mir einrichten? Viele Grüße Sebastian Sukstorf

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Ich bin auf der suche nach einem Programmierer: Ich habe eine Trading Software die würde ich gerne online vermieten auf meiner Homepage Kunden die, die Software verkaufen erhalten einen Bonus Ich brauche pro Kunde einen VPS Server der über den Webbrowser erreichbar ist. in Diesem VPS Server muss dann die Software drinnen sein lg

    €1297 Average bid
    €1297 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Hallo ich habe einen VPS server bei namecheap und der support sagt immer es ist alles okay aber da ist irgendwo noch ein fehler siehe bild sind einfach zu viele wellen und zu große das aufeinmal dann nicht mehr viel traffic rein kommt und paar min später wieder hoch geht

    €53 Average bid
    €53 Gebot i.D.
    20 Angebote

    Hi debjeetfailure6, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Wir suchen nach jemandem, der uns bei unserer bestehenden Jitsi Konfiguration noch eine Einwahl via SIP ermöglicht. PIN Eingabe via Telefon -> Übergabe Conference ID und Join in den jeweiligen Raum. VPS mit Jitsi-Meet ist vorhanden, ein Sipgate Basic Account für die Einwahl auch. Dieser müsste zum Testen reichen, falls danach was anderes notwendig ist, könnte auch ein easybell Trunk gemietet werden etc. Was wäre der Zeitaufwand dafür in etwa das IVR zu generieren etc.?

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Installation und Einrichten von PimCore 6 auf einem Netcup VPS Folgende Services von PimCore DataManagement (Produktinformationsmanagement (PIM/MDM), Digital Asset Management (DAM)) und PIMcore Experience Management (Content Management (CMS/UX), Digital Commerce Plattform) inkl. einer Bespiel Webseite und Anlegen von 5 Produkten.

    €478 Average bid
    €478 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Wir suchen Server Admin die unsere Cpanel und Plesk Server betreuen, da unser derzeitiger Admin zu viel zu tun hat. Es geht um das Setup neuer VPS auf Contabo (Plesk oder Cpanel - je nach dem was unser Kunde braucht). Aufgaben sind hierbei Umzug von Inhalten von einem Server auf den anderen und die entsprechende komplette Betreuung in diesem Zusammenhang. Die Arbeiten können natürlich remote durchgeführt werden, Freelancer vor Ort die auch bei uns im Büro sein können erhalten den Vorzug. Bitte Stundenlohn, mögliche Stunden pro Monat als auch Referenzen oder Lebenslauf zusenden. Wer wir sind: Wir sind eine kleine Agentur in Aachen mit 9 Mitarbeitern und suchen auf diesem Wege jemanden der unseren Server Admin etwas entlastet. Wer ich bin: Michael, ...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    ich möchte gerne shopware onlineshop installieren und habe problem mit meinem server. Wer kann mir dabei helfen ?

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    ...geben wir Ihnen uneingeschraenkte Zugaenge zu beiden Admin Bereichen, damit Sie sich dann hier ein genaues Bild machen koennen. Von VLD-Personal haben wir die Software gekauft und besitzen die Lizenzen, was uns eine Aenderung der Software ermoeglicht. Auf die andere Software haben wir leider keinerlei Zugriff, ausser auf das, was auf dem Monitor angezeigt wird. Gehostet ist die Software auf unserem VPS, welcher von der Firma Startiogic gemietet ist. Hierfuer habe ich die WHM und C-Panel Zugaenge, um eventuell dort anstehende Aenderungen und Updates durchfuehren zu koennen. Bei Interesse bitte ich Sie um eine kurze Nachricht, damit wir uns eventuell zusammenrufen koennen, um die Aenderungen im Einzelnen besprechen zu koennen. Da wir in den Staaten leben, muesste dies allerdings...

    €1058 Average bid
    €1058 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    guten tag ich suche leute die der deutschen sprache mächtig sind die mir bei meinem projekt jedem einen kostenlosen vps und webspace zu verfügung zustellen auf diesen projekt steht kein geld es ist alles freiweilig denoch hoffe ich das einpaar leute instresse haben alle die mit machen bekommen auch ein teil der einnahemen von adsense :D

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Hallo Liebe Freelancer Ich bin auf der suche nach jemandem der mir meinen Onlineshop der über einen VPS läuft auf meinen Privaten Server(NAS) übertragen kann und so einstellen damit sich die ganze Datenbank wie auf dem VPS verhält und auch alles so funktioniert wie beim VPS. Der Server(NAS) hat einen Intel Prozessor und auch die nötigen Software und Hardware für den transfer der Daten. Qnap 251 Turbo NAS 4 TB Seagate HDD 4GB Ram auch 8GB möglich

    €154 Average bid
    €154 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    hallo ich brauche hilfe für einrichten von email, bei meinem vps server kommen emails nicht an. Ich kann aber Emails versenden, die auch ankommen. Und ich muss ein SSL Sertifikat auf dem Server installieren. Wer kann mir helfen? ich denke das dauert für professional nicht lange.

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    Ich als Privatperson möchte einen VPS eingerichtet haben. Nicht etwa um eine Website zu verwalten, sondern ich möchte gerne von meinem privaten Computer über den Server ins Internet (mit VPN Tunnel?!?). Besonders ist dazu, dass ich einen Server mit Standort Schweiz benötige, da ich beim Surfen im Internet eine Schweizer IP haben möchten(Ich sitze in Deutschland). Natürlich wäre ein einfach Proxy/VPN Service möglich: dabei teile ich mir aber teilweise die IPv4 Adressen mit tausenden anderen Usern. Ich möchte aber meine eigene Schweizer IPv4 Adresse. Desweiteren benötige ich nicht nur eine Schweizer IPv4 Adresse (also eine einizge dedicated IPv4 reicht nicht) sondern ich benötige mindestens 15-20 Adressen oder eine dynamisch wech...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...sein. Ich stelle die VPS zur Verfügung. Es wird maximal 5 Seite geben. Die Entwicklung muss LAMP Stack basiert sein und unter Linux Ubuntu. Die Seite muss mit einem MySql Datenbank integriert werden. Ich werde alle Texte für die Seite liefern. Die Internetseite muss Wordpress basiert sein damit ich das später selber pflegen kann. Die Seite muss dynamisch sein damit von alle Geräten wie iPhone,Tablet,Smartphone,PC gut gelesen werden können. I want to make an website similar to or or The product that I want to promote is called Voip Softswitch. It is in the field of Voice Over IP. The main customer would from Asia, Afrika and Europe. The website should be in English. I would provide the VPS . (Ubuntu 12...

    €512 Average bid
    €512 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    1. Können Sie einen Windows Server 2008 R2 fertig einrichten, dass man z..B. PHP, SQL usw. darauf betreiben kann? 2. Können Sie mir das neue Script fix und fertig installieren? Link Member: Username: member Password: password Link Admin: Username: admin Password: password

    €57 Average bid
    €57 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote
    WHMCS Template
    Beendet left

    Ich brauche jemanden der ERFAHRUNG mit WHMCS Templates hat und mir eines erstellt. Ich habe derzeit die Module für die automatische Domainregistrierung (API), PowerDNS, SSL (API), ISPCONFIG und Proxmox. Die meisten Module laufen schon, bei VPS muss der Kunde die Möglichkeit haben diese frei zu konfigurieren, auch beim normalen Hosting sollte das zusätzlich zu fixen Paketen möglich sein. Das Ganze sollte darauf abzielen auch in Zukunft immer wieder Veränderungen und Verbesserungen einzupflegen, sowie Kundenwünsche umzusetzen.

    €1317 Average bid
    €1317 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote
    Update, to Almalinux
    6 Tage left

    Hi, I need a experienced coder to update to Almalinux, update the related packages to php and so on in my vps server. The project includes updating packages, implementing necessary security measures, and ensuring the server is running optimally WITHOUT affect the correct functionalities of the applications already installed in production in their respective cpanels. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience updating to Almalinux - Strong background in server maintenance - Proficient in implementing security measures - Excellent troubleshooting skills Need all this complete in up to 3 days. Our budget is not negotiable. All what I require here are pretty easy. Feel free to ask,

    €43 Average bid
    €43 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    I'm seeking an expert in ERPNext and Frappe HR for implementing and customizing on a VPS for a small manufacturing company. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ERPNext & Frappe - Experience in cloud deployment - Customization skills Key Responsibilities: - Implementing ERPNext and Frappe HR on a VPS - Customizing the system to fit our needs - Potential for future enhancements based on performance and needs

    €296 Average bid
    €296 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    I need immediate assistance with configuring a VPS and migrating my HTML/PHP websites onto it. - The VPS should be set up with a control panel that supports PHP 7.3. - Skills in PHP, HTML, and VPS management are crucial. - Experience with various control panels such as cPanel, Plesk, or Webmin will be beneficial. - Ideally, you would have previous experience with configuring a VPS for hosting multiple PHP-based sites. Please note, I have not specified any additional services required at this moment, but should you be proficient in areas such as database configuration, email account setup, or SSL certificate installation, that will certainly be an asset.

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Gebot i.D.
    46 Angebote
    Trophy icon Bold Animated Website Banners
    2 Tage left

    I'm seeking a designer to create three animated banners for my website. The banners, sized 125x125, 468x60, and 728x90, need ...three animated banners for my website. The banners, sized 125x125, 468x60, and 728x90, need to be 'Bold and eye-catching' in style, and emphasize our corporate color scheme. Key Details: - Banner Style: The animations should be bold and attention-grabbing. - Color Scheme: Utilize our corporate colors throughout the banners. - Content: The primary focus of the banners should be highlighting our VPS prices. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in creating animated web banners. - Strong understanding of corporate branding and color schemes. - Ability to create eye-catching, bold designs. Source files must be included No AI generated rubbi...

    €23 Average bid
    16 Einträge

    I have a UI/UX design for my new web hosting company based on WHMCS, I need to implement this design into a fully functional w...implement this design into a fully functional website. The technology used is flexible (WordPress, WHMCS theme, custom development, etc.), but it’s essential that the implementation matches the provided UI design precisely and is optimized for SEO. The client area will use the Lagom WHMCS theme, the required work for this project will be for the frontend which will be four pages (home, web hosting, vps , domains). I specifically require a freelancer who is fluent in Arabic, as the design will be in the Arabic language. I've attached a page from the required design, the rest will be provided to the freelancer before starting the project so th...

    €122 Average bid
    €122 Gebot i.D.
    93 Angebote

    ...leadership within innovation-heavy companies across these sectors, from startups to established tech corporations. Must be based in Florida, and specifically in the Greater Tampa Bay area, or in these counties: Hillsborough County (includes Tampa) Pinellas County (includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater) Pasco County Manatee County Sarasota County Hernando County Polk County Titles: CEOs, COOs, VPs of Business Development, Directors of Innovation, and Product or Strategy Leaders. Company Types: Tech startups, cybersecurity firms, fintech companies, health tech companies, biotech firms, green tech innovators, and corporations with a footprint in Florida's tech community. Event & Marketing Contacts: Marketing directors, event coordinators, and brand managers responsib...

    €359 Average bid
    €359 Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    I'm experiencing a CORS error on my REST API hosted on a Plesk VPS. Specific requirements: - Diagnose and troubleshoot the CORS error. - Suggest and implement solutions to prevent future occurrences. Ideal skills and experience include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Plesk VPS. - Strong background in working with REST APIs. - Proven troubleshooting skills, particularly in relation to CORS errors. - Ability to implement preventative measures to ensure server reliability and uptime.

    €143 Average bid
    €143 Gebot i.D.
    44 Angebote
    Mail Server Setup
    5 Tage left

    Here’s a more detailed technical task for setting up an email server on a VPS (DigitalOcean or AWS): --- **Technical Task: Setting Up Email Server on VPS with Sendmail** ### Objective: To configure a VPS (Virtual Private Server) on either DigitalOcean or AWS for sending emails via Sendmail using a custom domain. The task also includes setting up SPF and DKIM for email authentication and inbox configuration on the same server. ### Requirements: 1. **VPS Setup**: - Create a VPS instance on DigitalOcean or AWS. - Choose an appropriate OS (Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS). - Allocate sufficient resources (e.g., 1GB RAM, 1 CPU, 25GB SSD) for the email server. 2. **Domain Setup**: - You must own a domain or purchase one. - Update DNS settin...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Gebot i.D.
    48 Angebote

    I need an experienced developer to set up my Hostinger VPS (plan KVM 8). The project involves a series of automated tasks linked to WooCommerce orders. Project: When a client places an order in WooCommerce, the server should automatically create a subdomain based on the order number. It will then install a pre-configured version of WordPress and create an admin account for the customer. Tasks Include: - Automatically create a subdomain based on the WooCommerce order number. - Installing a pre-configured WordPress package on this subdomain. - Creating a new admin account for the customer Thank you. :)

    €397 Average bid
    €397 Gebot i.D.
    79 Angebote

    ...for the setup and integration of the application on a PC or VPS. - Ensure scalability and robustness of the application, including notifications and logging. Deliverables: - Fully functional source code. - An executable file (.EXE) for ease of use. - Documentation for setup, usage, and maintenance of the application. Requirements: - Strong experience in Python or Node.js development. - Familiarity with integrating APIs, particularly experience with Instagram data APIs. - Ability to handle API error management and build scalable, robust applications. - Experience with automation, data scraping, and storing data in structured formats (e.g., CSV, Excel). - Previous experience setting up similar projects on both local machines and VPS environments. - Strong communication ski...

    €171 Average bid
    €171 Gebot i.D.
    30 Angebote

    ...believe the best way to retrieve its content to be used as the knowledge base will be to use the RSS feed generator integrated into Joomla (). We have already configured it to display all the necessary content. We are open to any other suggestions on this point (we can purchase/install other Joomla components if needed). • The chatbot will be hosted on a VPS server (at LWS, running Debian 11 (Bullseye) + ISPConfig 3) separate from the server where our site is hosted (our site is hosted by DynamixHost). • The integration of the chatbot on our site will be done with an iframe or any other similar shortcode system. • It will be necessary to collect the visitor's name and phone number before each interaction with the chatbot, as this will help

    €751 Average bid
    €751 Gebot i.D.
    165 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional to assist with deploying my Angular and NodeJS admin panel, which uses MongoDB, on my VPS hosting with Hostinger. Key Responsibilities: - Full setup of the server environment on my VPS - Deployment of the admin panel - Configuration of my domain and SSL certificates Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Angular, NodeJS, and MongoDB - Strong knowledge of VPS server setup and configuration - Proficiency in domain and SSL certificate configuration - Experience with Hostinger hosting services is a plus

    €41 Average bid
    €41 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm seeking an expert to set up a FreeSwitch PBX-VOIP system on a Linux VPS for customer support purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Install and configure the FreeSwitch platform on a Linux VPS. - Prepare the server for optimal performance and security. - Implement the feature of voicemail to email. - Inbound & Outbound Calling Rules -Trunks setup Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with FreeSwitch and Linux VPS. - Prior work with setting up PBX-VOIP systems. - Knowledgeable in server preparation and configuration. - Understanding of customer support communication needs. - Ability to implement and configure specific VOIP features.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    I need help diagnosing and fixing error messages from a PHP-based called Fusion Invoice using PHP 5.6 that I transferred to a new VPS running AlmaLinux 8 with Plesk. The app was working fine on the previous server (CentOS 7 with Plesk), but after the move, it's throwing generic error messages that don't provide much insight. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PHP and web app troubleshooting - Experienced with AlmaLinux and Plesk - Ability to interpret and resolve server-related error messages - Database management skills to check for connection issues - Familiarity with CentOS for comparative analysis

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote
    Crypto Lottery -- 2
    4 Tage left

    hello i would like to create a lottery site with the home page, design and lotteries and features with tickets and automatic draws, results etc ... Example the site and the interface must be scalable adapted to the web and mobile and be able to manage all the site and lotteries or I wil...and lotteries or I will change the names A complete administration done if possible under React, node and mongodb. With a payment platform for deposits and withdrawals in crypto with coinbase and others but also in traditional payment like paypal and stripe i want all the source codes of the software and lotteries on my server, I do not want an api or affiliation. i have a domain name and a vps server available. the site must be installed and tested before payment. thanks

    €472 Average bid
    €472 Gebot i.D.
    72 Angebote
    MERN App Hosting on VPS Setup
    4 Tage left

    I need a freelancer to set up my domain on a VPS and host a MERN application along with necessary configuration updates to ensure smooth operation. Key Tasks: - Configure and set up a domain on my VPS to host the MERN app. - Make basic necessary changes to the app to ensure it runs smoothly, primarily configuration updates. - Provide guidance on any potential issues or future improvements. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with MERN stack applications. - Strong understanding of VPS hosting and domain configuration. - Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Gebot i.D.
    34 Angebote
    Personalizar Traccar
    4 Tage left

    I need to update my version of the Traccar platform. I already have VPS I have the latest version of Traccar installed. I need help to: - Configure database to Mysql - Customize logo and Colors - Configure notifications with Telegram What would the cost be? As for time, I think 3 days is fine, but you tell me if you need more. I provide you with logos and whatever you need. greetings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Necesito actualizar mi version de la plataforma Traccar. Ya tengo VPS Tengo instalada la ultima version Traccar Necesito me ayude a: - Configurar base de datos a Mysql - Personalizar logotipo y Colores - Configurar notificaciones con Telegram Cual seria el costo? En cuanto al tiempo creo q...

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Hi, I need an AI content Creation and Publishing System Idea: I will provide a bulk list of keywords (500-1000 or more). And a prompt based on keywords. The system will use multiple ChatGPT API keys to generate articles based on these keywords. Once an API key reaches its usage limit, the system will switch to the ne...multiple ChatGPT API keys to generate articles based on these keywords. Once an API key reaches its usage limit, the system will switch to the next available API. After generating the articles, they will be automatically published on a WordPress site. I will provide the necessary WordPress login credentials for posting. The entire process should run in the background and be able to work with a VPS or any other system that you suggest. Please bid if you can...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gebot i.D.
    44 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled Laravel developer to install Waziper on my VPS with aa panel. The requirements are straightforward and consist of: - Standard installation of Waziper on my VPS - Utilization of Laravel expertise for the installation process I have full SSH access to my VPS, so remote work is not an issue. Ideal candidates should be proficient in Laravel, familiar with Waziper and comfortable working with VPS environments.

    €30 / hr Average bid
    €30 / hr Gebot i.D.
    49 Angebote

    My VPS is experiencing significant downtime, affecting both my Owncloud and Magento sites for up to two hours a day. I need a capable and experienced server administrator to diagnose the issue and implement a solution. Skills and Experience Required: - Deep understanding of VPS and Linux - Expertise in Owncloud and Magento troubleshooting - Proven track record in server management - Ability to provide long-term solutions to recurring issues

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Gebot i.D.
    26 Angebote

    ...professional with experience in profound knowledge about setting up a VPS for an email subdomain, primarily intended for marketing campaigns. The project involves migrating my own sub-domain to a VPS on Hostinger and configure them in a way that they can send bulk emails. I have existing 1 main domain and 6 sub-domains in my exisiting Titan email free plan. Due to the fact that all of them have sending limits I want to migrate them to the Paid VPS server. I need to hire someone who has rich experience in handling this migration and to be able to set up all the main domain and sub-domains in a way that they can send emails separately using different ips, dmarc, dns, spf, etc. Key Responsibilities: - Set up the VPS on Hostinger for an email subdomain ...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    ...Namecheap VPS (backend) - Authentication: Firebase Authentication - Payment Processing: Stripe - Version Control: Git - AI Development Tools: V0 by Vercel, Cursor AI ## We Welcome Your Ideas We encourage innovative suggestions. Feel free to share your thoughts on improving our technology stack or development approach early in the process. We believe in leveraging the expertise of our team members to create the best possible solution. ## Key Responsibilities - Leverage AI tools (V0 and Cursor AI) for rapid prototyping and accelerated development - Develop and implement a robust backend using Node.js and on a Namecheap VPS - Create a responsive, high-performance frontend using React and , to be hosted on Firebase - Implement and manage PostgreSQL database on the VPS...

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Gebot i.D.
    87 Angebote

    I need to install an open source api on a vps.

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Gebot i.D.
    22 Angebote

    I'm in need of a professional to help with the setup of a VPS and custom domain email management for my company's promotional emails. Key Responsibilities: - Set up a VPS and multiple emails on custom domains - Monitor email performance based on open rates - Rotate emails based on performance to optimize deliverability - Regularly check and maintain email deliverability Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in VPS setup and management - Extensive experience with custom domain email configuration - Proven track record in email performance analysis and management - Excellent understanding of email deliverability factors - Strong problem-solving skills to address deliverability issues. Your role will be crucial to our email marketing success. Looking for...

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Gebot i.D.
    22 Angebote

    Casilla de correo electrónico Zextras Carbonio CE. Será opcional por empresa. Es decir: Empresa 1: Puede tener solo email. Empresa 2: Email y calendario. Y así. El servicio debe quedar habilitado en Zextras Carbonio CE 24.7.1. El desarrollo debe ser en Python y debe quedar todo documentado. El desarrollo debe quedar instalado en AWS, salvo que sea mas barato en Contabo u otro. Si tiene otro VPS mas barato, puede proponer. Se puede proponer opciones de VPS más económicas que aws o contabo, y también investigar alternativas de almacenamiento más baratas que S3 glacier. Puede usar plantillas predeterminadas y todo lo que desee y facilite el desarrollo. Se debe poder customizar el logo de carbonio por el de MiDomicilioDi...

    €576 Average bid
    €576 Gebot i.D.
    32 Angebote
    App To do list
    2 Tage left

    Caut sa faca o aplicatie android tip to do list numita EUROBASGAZ, aceasta aplicatie o sa fie folosita de USER Master pentru a introduce comenzile primite de la clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a introduce password . su...

    €29 / hr Average bid
    €29 / hr Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    ...ORM: Prisma - Hosting: Firebase (frontend), Namecheap VPS (backend) - Authentication: Firebase Authentication - Payment Processing: Stripe - Version Control: Git - AI Development Tools: V0 by Vercel, Cursor AI We Value Your Input We're open to ideas and different suggestions regarding our tech stack or development approach. If you have thoughts on adjusting or improving any aspect of the project, please share them as early as possible in the process. We believe in leveraging the expertise of our team members to create the best possible solution. Key Responsibilities - Leverage AI tools (V0 and Cursor AI) for rapid prototyping and accelerated development - Develop and implement a robust backend using Node.js and on a Namecheap VPS - Create a responsive, high-perform...

    €8 / hr Average bid
    €8 / hr Gebot i.D.
    108 Angebote

    Busco alguein que me colabore con el aprendizaje de lenguajes de programacion y despliegue de proyectos - HTML/CSS/JavaScript - React/Vue/Angular - Python/Django/Flask - VPS Nginx Express Adonisjs

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    I need a Linux VPS Ubuntu expert to help me resolve an issue with my KiwiIRC page. The page was functioning perfectly until today and now it displays a blank page. This may be a plugin issue as I'm suspecting it no longer reads plugins. - Error: The KiwiIRC page is showing a blank screen. - Recent Changes: There have been no modifications made to the server or the application before the issue arose. - Troubleshooting Steps Taken: I have restarted the server and cleared the cache, but the problem persists. If you have the skills and experience to diagnose and fix this issue, please get in touch. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in Linux based systems, specifically Ubuntu VPS, and experience with KiwiIRC.

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    I need help moving my e-commerce site from a VPS to AWS. Currently, I'm having trouble with this migration. The components that need to be migrated include: - The Database: This is the most critical part of the migration. The database needs to be moved seamlessly to ensure the continuity of the site. I would appreciate your expertise in AWS to help facilitate this migration process. Ideally, you should have experience with e-commerce site migrations and database handling.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gebot i.D.
    36 Angebote

    I'm seeking a seasoned digital marketing professional to drive customer acquisition for my UK-based VPS hosting company. The focus will primarily be on social media marketing, targeting platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in digital marketing, specifically social media marketing - Deep understanding of the UK market and VPS hosting industry - Creative and strategic thinker with a track record of successful customer acquisition campaigns Your role will involve creating and implementing a comprehensive social media marketing strategy, aimed at increasing brand awareness, engaging potential customers, and ultimately driving sales. If you have a passion for tech and a knack for digital marketing, I'd love to hear...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Gebot i.D.
    46 Angebote