Schematic circuit diagram 12v dc automatic battery charger Jobs
...werden. Liste Bildnummern: schwarz: nicht hochgeladen, grün: hochgeladen, rot: schon vorhanden/nicht hochgeladen Ein Windows-Programm für Win 7-10. Usersprache Deutsch KEIN PHP - nicht aus Liste entfernbar :( We are an Ebay-Agency selling items from vaious customers, maing photos and descriptions of the items. We need a program to do: - download automatic new photos from camera (mass storage) - delete dowloaded photos from camera automatic - rotate photos if needed (manually) - decrease size to max. 800 (or other, settingsrelated) pixels at longest side - upload to SFTP server After this a click on a photoname should put URL to photo to clipboard. At settings the ftp login should be saved password-secured. "Always on Top" Function optional &q...
...sold, which are displayed on a separate page as soon as the ad has been shown. Example sample kitchens: Example kitchen studio Page: The site should be optimized where necessary and search engine optimization (SEO) Everything should be fully automatic so that for me as little as necessary is generated....
...can be sold, which are displayed on a separate page as soon as the ad has been shown. Example sample kitchens: Example kitchen studio Page: The site should be optimized where necessary and search engine optimization (SEO) Everything should be fully automatic so that for me as little as necessary is generated....
...sold, which are displayed on a separate page as soon as the ad has been shown. Example sample kitchens: Example kitchen studio Page: The site should be optimized where necessary and search engine optimization (SEO) Everything should be fully automatic so that for me as little as necessary is generated....
...staurant/sort_az/ steyr (53): feldkirch (43): bregenz (62): leonding (44): Of course automatic datacollection is fine for us too - as long as the data are complete. Looking forward to receiving your offer. If you do a good job, there will be very similar jobs for you right afterwards. Cheers, Robert...
Für ein neues Produkt wird ein AC/DC Wandler benötigt. Der Wandler soll in Form eines Schaltnetzteils mit dem IC von Power Intergration/Fairchild/TI etc. entwickelt werden. Eingang: AC Universal Ausgang: 6V / 0,6A max. Begrüssenswert wäre, wenn ein bereits auf dem Markt existierender Trafo z.B. von Kaschke eingesetzt wird. Aufgrund des eingeschränkten Platzes auf der PCB soll kein Optocoppler eingesetzt werden. Aufgabe: 1. Entwicklung der Schaltung mit möglichst folgenden Trafos 2. Design der Schaltung in Eagle unter Beachtung der EMV Aspekte (Maße der PCB werden vorgegeben) 3. Überprüfung der Parameter nach Prototyp Aufbau
Folgende Idee soll realisiert werden! Wir befassen uns mit IP Videoüberwachung und wollen ein wenig "INTELLIGENZ" in einige Systeme bringen. Speed Dome Kameras sollen durch alarme in vorher programmierte Positionen fahren! Dazu ist angedacht, einen "Sender" zu kreieren, ...ganze muss auch so einfach wie möglich zu verwenden sein! Deshalb die Idee mit dem RFID Chip, der für das scharf und unscharf schalten der Sender genommen werden soll! Allerdings muss das ganze Stromsparend aufgebaut sein, da wir nicht alle zwei Wochen den Akku tauschen möchten! EIne "LANGE" laufdauer des Senders ist wünschenswert!!!! Der Sender ist hier zu vernachlässigen, da dieser mit einem festen DC Anschluss versehen wird!! Soweit so gut! Ich wü...
Anbindung von externen Datenquellen und erstellen von Reports auf Basis von einem der folgenden Open Source BI Tools RapidMiner SEAL REPORT SpagoBI Jedox Jaspersoft ReportServer Es kann auch eine andere open source Plattform sein. Datenquellen sind REST Schnittstellen abzufragen: Erste Datenquelle: Datenquellen und erstellen von Reports auf Basis von einem der folgenden Open Source BI Tools RapidMiner SEAL REPORT SpagoBI Jedox Jaspersoft ReportServer Es kann auch eine andere open source Plattform sein. Datenquellen sind REST Schnittstellen abzufragen: Erste Datenquelle:
Wir haben fertige PDF-Formulare (erstellt in Adobe DC) und wollen die Inhalte der Formularfelder bei Absenden des Formulars in eine Datenbank auf unserem Server schreiben, um diese später weiter zu verarbeiten. Wir benötigen ein CGI-Skript, das Formularfeldinhalte der FDF-Dateien in eine Datenbank (genügt auch CSV-Datei) schreibt.
Grupo Logiscenter ist ein junges und erfolgreiches Unternehmen im Bereich Automatic Identification und Mobility, präsent in verschiedenen südeuropäischen Märkten. Marktführer in Umsatz, Referenzkunden und Lösungen und verfügt über ein internationales und multikulturelles Team.<br /><br />Für den Aufbau des Online-Shops für den deutschen Markt suchen wir eine motivierte und engagierte Vertriebskraft! Sie sind vom Erstkontakt bis zum Abschluss für den Vertrieb in Deutschland zuständig und neben bei, auch für spanische Kunden.<br /><br />Interessiert? Dann schicken Sie bitte Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung!<br /><br />Wohnsitz in Madrid<br />Deutsch als Muttersprache<br /&g...
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We need a solution for an automatic press distribution list that automatically sends the press releases to all kinds of portals. New portals have the admin can easily be added. Examples: or All this would cost money. Customer registers and can create press releases and automatically send it to press portals and social channels. For this, he will either pay a fee, an appropriate amount of messages purchase (account) or even a flat rate book. Invoices are automatically generated and sent to the customer. He can pay by bank transfer or PayPal or stripe. Payment methods must be easily added in the admin area. The customer can verify in his archive and view all previous messages, and call statistics to do so. What message was sometime in which portal published
Hallo, im Moment arbeite ich an einem Robotik Projekt, welches involviert, einen PS3 Controller mit einem Arduino kompatibel zu machen. Der Ps3 Controller soll mehrere Servos und/oder DC Motoren bidirektional und gleichzeitig steuern können. Desweiteren brauche ich einen Code, welcher einen Roboter mithilfe eines Gyrosensors stabilisert. Falls Interesse besteht, kann ich gerne meinen skype Namen schicken, falls Rückfragen bestehen, ansonsten können wir über dieser Plattform in Kontakt bleiben.
Es muss ein Sketch für ein Projekt von mir geschrieben werden. Im Grunde muss ein Ps3 Controller mit Servos und Dc Motoren kompatibel gemacht werden, sprich ein Code zum Steuern vom Ps3 Controller um mehrere DC Motoren und Servos zu kontrollieren muss geschrieben werden, die DC Motoren und Servos sollten aber bi direktional steuerbar sein und dementsprechend auch mit dem Controller so interagieren.
Es sollen diverse Formulare, überwiegend aus Hardcopy-Vorlagen, in InDesign und Acrobat Pro/DC nachgebaut werden und/oder nach Vorgaben erstellt werden und unserem CI angepasst erden, damit eine interaktive Bearbeitung der Formulare möglich ist. Hierzu gibt es folgende Aufgaben: -Erstellen von Formularen nach CI in InDesign -ggf. bearbeiten der erstellten Formulare in Acrobat Pro/DC -Dokumentation, Qualitästssicherung und Testing der Formulare Ihr Profil sollte wie folg aussehen: -Sehr gute Kenntnisse in Adobe InDesign und Adobe Acrobat Pro/DC -Grundkenntnisse in JavaScript und XML wären gut -Gute Deutsch und Englischkenntnisse -Engagement, Teamfähigkeit und vor allem Zuverlässigkeit -Flexibilität Wir bieten daf&uum...
Ich brauche eine Software welche auf eingehende Nachrichten automatisch r...Texte als antwort auf diesen neuen Kontakt zurücksendet. Ich erhalte täglich rund 2-3 tsd. Kontaktaufnahmen von Nummern welche nicht in meinem Kontaktbuch sind, auf welche automatisch geantwortet werden muss. Am besten extern zB mit PHP und nicht auf einem Emulator oder Mobilgerät. Bei Fertigstellung innerhalb von 24 Stunden gibt es eine Bonuszahlung. __________ I am looking for an automatic reply system for whats app which replys with premade text messages (once or a couple in a row) to new contactrequests. I receive about 2-3k new contacts per day which needed to be autoanswered. Best with php and not with an emulator or mobile phone. If finished within 24 hours you will re...
...*Automatische Partnervorschläge *Chatfunktion *Bezahlsysteme wie Paypal, Plug-Ins diverser Banken(Bawag, Reiffeisen, etc. ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need an Single Plattform who is build on Joomla and has the functionality of zoosk how: *Registration and Userprofile *Search function for User with different categories *Automatic partner suggestions *Chat function *Payment systems how Paypal and Plugins of different Banks how Bawag, Reiffeisen, etc. ...
Design und Bau eines USB Multiport-Ladegeräts (10 Ports) mit folgenden Features: Ich suche für mein Wohnmobil eine USB-Ladestation für meine etlichen Mobil-Geräte (Foto, Handy, Tablets,...) Formschönes Gehäuse: Größe max Breite 180mm x Tiefe 150mm x Höhe 100mm Stromaufnahme max. 10 Ampere/120W Abgesichert mit Sicherung am Eingang mit 10A 10 USB-Ports mit indiv. Absicherung bei 2A Ladestrom je Port 1A Digitale Ladestromanzeige am Eingang, abschaltbar (=by-pass) zur Abdunklung Hoher Wirkungsgrad, minimale Stand-by Stromaufnahme, auch komplett abschaltbar Deliverables: Schaltplan und Gerät Gesamtkosten < 100€
We need a solution for an automatic press distribution list that automatically sends the press releases to all kinds of portals. New portals have the admin can easily be added. Examples: or All this would cost money. Customer registers and can create press releases and automatically send it to press portals and social channels. For this, he will either pay a fee, an appropriate amount of messages purchase (account) or even a flat rate book. Invoices are automatically generated and sent to the customer. He can pay by bank transfer or PayPal or stripe. Payment methods must be easily added in the admin area. The customer can verify in his archive and view all previous messages, and call statistics to do so. What message was sometime in which portal published
I need a TopOfGames VoteBot. That would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. ( be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (), as well there is a CAPTCHA on the site, must be able to enter it, and hit okay, for the vote to go through This process should be repeated as often as desired. Program set a start and stop button feature, setting it able to automatic voting. Normally, only every 6 hours each computer can be voted. But when using the Proxys it gets rid of this function. Please if you have any more question's fell free to message me anything
I need a TopOfGames VoteBot. That would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. ( be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (), as well there is a CAPTCHA on the site, must be able to enter it, and hit okay, for the vote to go through This process should be repeated as often as desired. Program set a start and stop button feature, setting it able to automatic voting. Normally, only every 6 hours each computer can be voted. But when using the Proxys it gets rid of this function. Please if you have any more question's fell free to message me anything
PAYMENT CAN BE UP TO 80$ I need a TopOfGames VoteBot. That would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (http://topofgam...would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (), as well there is a CAPTCHA on the site, must be able to enter it, and hit okay, for the vote to go through This process should be repeated as often as desired. Program set a start and stop button feature, setting it able to automatic voting. Normally, only every 6 hours each computer can be voted. But when using the Proxys it gets rid of this function. Please if you have any more question's fell free to message me anything
PAYMENT CAN BE UP TO 75$ I need a TopOfGames VoteBot. That would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (http://topofgam...would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (), as well there is a CAPTCHA on the site, must be able to enter it, and hit okay, for the vote to go through This process should be repeated as often as desired. Program set a start and stop button feature, setting it able to automatic voting. Normally, only every 6 hours each computer can be voted. But when using the Proxys it gets rid of this function. Please if you have any more question's fell free to message me anything
I need a TopOfGames VoteBot. That would be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. ( be running using proxy's. *Can include proxys, I can provide my own * It must be able to open this direct site. (), as well there is a CAPTCHA on the site, must be able to enter it, and hit okay, for the vote to go through This process should be repeated as often as desired. Program set a start and stop button feature, setting it able to automatic voting. Normally, only every 6 hours each computer can be voted. But when using the Proxys it gets rid of this function. Please if you have any more question's fell free to message me anything
Für Elektroboote für Binnengewässer (Seen) soll mit einem Arduino (oä) ein System entwickelt werden, das Sensordaten erfasst und über Bluetooth und einen Webservice die Daten für ein iPad zur Verfügung stellt. Sensoren: - Wassertemperatur - Lufttemperatur - Batterielaufzeit 2x2 Aigner 12V 120Ah Batteries Output: - RGB LED Streifen mit 12V, 1A - 1 x 24V 120A Relay zum ein/ausschalten der Hauptbatterie - Audio output
------------------------EN--------------------------------- Development of a tool in PHP for 2 other site. Download some websites automatic at specified intervals and parse (Webscraper) - 2 websites - By parsing regex-expressions - Save the extracted data in a file Working price for all 2 sites 200€ ------------------------DE--------------------------------- Entwicklung eines Tools in PHP für 2 webseiten in bestimmten Abständen automatisiert daten herunterzuladen und zu parsen (Webscraper) - 2 Websites - Parsen durch Regex-Ausdrücke - Speichern der extrahierten Daten formatiert in eine Datei Preis für 2 websites 200€
------------------------EN--------------------------------- Development of a tool in PHP. Download some websites automatic at specified intervals and parse (Webscraper) - 1 website sites - By parsing regex-expressions - Save the extracted data in a file Working hours for all 4 sites 10-15h (unfortunately our lead coder is working on another project and have no time. however, he will coordinate everything and will be your contact person for questions, etc.). ------------------------DE--------------------------------- Entwicklung eines Tools in PHP um Websites in bestimmten Abständen automatisiert herunterzuladen und zu parsen (Webscraper) - 1 Websites - Parsen durch Regex-Ausdrücke - Speichern der extrahierten Daten formatiert in eine Datei Geschätze...
------------------------EN--------------------------------- Development of a tool in PHP. Download some websites automatic at specified intervals and parse (Webscraper) - 4 different sites - By parsing regex-expressions - Save the extracted data in a file Working hours about 10-15h (unfortunately our lead coder is working on another project and have no time. however, he will coordinate everything and will be your contact person for questions, etc.). ------------------------DE--------------------------------- Entwicklung eines Tools in PHP um Websites in bestimmten Abständen automatisiert herunterzuladen und zu parsen (Webscraper) - 4 verschiedene Websites - Parsen durch Regex-Ausdrücke - Speichern der extrahierten Daten formatiert in eine Datei Geschä...
extract website database automatic AND NO ERROR
Die Aufgabe besteht aus der Installation eines Terminalserver 2012 für ca. 5 Benutzer Der Server ist bereits vorinstalliert ohne AD und DC.
...webservers with the following requipments: - Configuration of the new servers with cPanel - with our needed PHP version, Apache modules - and optimal security- , memory- and timeout settings ... - Switch off the server signature - Setup of a monitoring tool if the server hangs up (with SMS notification of a mobile phone) - installation of "FTP and mySQL backup tools" to make daily full automatic backups and mirroring function on another server - Monthly check the Cpanel updates, server settings, logfiles and security options - Make a hacking check on our online stores - to prevent hacking attacks and give optimization instructions Windows Server administrator: We search a administrator for Windows webservers with the following requipments: - Setup ...
...Updated spice dispensing mechanism (fits within one compartment, easy to clean/remove). 3. Milk container with optimized air pump mechanism. 4. Secure enclosure designs for all internal components. 5. Solutions for heat dissipation, ventilation, cable management, and electrical safety. 6. Detailed drawings and BOM for manufacturing. Why Work with Us? We’re a passionate team building a safe automatic chai-making technology. If you love solving design challenges for IoT-enabled appliances, this is the perfect opportunity. To Apply Please share: 1. Examples of relevant projects (kitchen appliances preferred). 2. Your approach to DFM and industrial design for compact appliances. 3. Estimated timeline for delivery....
import autopep8 import sys def format_code(file_path): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: code = () # Auto-format the code according to PEP 8 formatted_code = autopep8.fix_code(code) ...includes basic error handling for file-related issues. How to use: Save this script as Run it from the command line like this: bash Copy python The script will automatically reformat the Python file to comply with PEP 8 standards. Benefits: Helps to maintain consistent code style in projects. Can be integrated into pre-commit hooks for automatic formatting before commits. Saves time for developers in manually reformatting code. uhmm its a code that can be useful to python users only
...consists of 50mm flatsteel (or aluminum) with 4mm thickness. The rail has not been constructed yet but is thought to be flat steel or aluminium. The rail goes in a loop and is rising and falling throughout the space it is installed (indoors). Ideally it should be able to run for up to 8 hours continuously before charging. When power button is activated it will run laps on the track until battery runs out. The vehicle itself should be 3D printable, so that design can be done remotely and printing and assembly locally. One requirement would then be that you have access to a 3D-printer so that you could do functional tests of the design. I have made some functioning prototypes with N20 motors (around 100-200 rpm). These motors and design were too noisy, so design and compone...
Hi there, I am only picking out the finishes for a four-story office building. See the attached. I will need the conceptual drawings so the customer can visualize everything schematic design and possibly even a video walking them through once I have picked everything up. Are you able to help with this? I don’t have a date yet I am in Houston Texas and I just wanna make sure that we can be able to do this. What would your fee be so that I can include it in my quote. Also how would you work.
... - Demonstrable skills in layout design, color selection, and font pairing. - Strong understanding of user navigation and experience design. - Ability to deliver a modern, stylish, and user-friendly site. - I need the design only, so i can replicate it with functionality, this time only style and design. I dont NEED and I dont want, styles for godaddy, wix, bing, google, square or wherever automatic tool you use, if you star post them i will cancel you and report with the admins, so please, i know is important for you to get some income, but last time i reject like 300 supposed designs, 300 is a lot they make me consume time, i get tired and my eyes get tired too. Maximum of 3 styles design pls, no more that that per person, you choose what you think is the best and post it ple...
I'm looking for a skilled Python game developer to create a game-based user interface (UI) for an off-grid solar wind battery generator system. I am just looking for the UI component at this time, please look at the attached pdf .... the display is 800X800 but is round :-) Key Responsibilities: - Real-time Monitoring: The UI must allow for the real-time monitoring and visualization of various system parameters. - Energy Metrics: The specific parameters to be monitored include energy production, energy consumption, and battery status. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Python and game development, particularly with the Pygame library. - Prior experience designing UIs for renewable energy systems is a plus. - Skills in creating engaging, interactive game-based interfac...
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I'm looking for a financial tracking solution that automatically links and consolidates my expenses from my credit cards and bank accounts in both Argentina and the USA into a single Excel sheet or similar. Key Requirements: - Automatic linkage of all my checking, credit card and savings accounts. - Consolidation of expenses into a clear, comprehensible format. - Support for specific banks from Argentina and the USA. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in financial software and Excel. - Experience with linking bank accounts and credit cards for expense tracking. - Knowledge of specific Argentine and USA banks. - Ability to present data in a comprehensible format.
I'm seeking a seasoned developer with robust experience in mobile application development, specifically on both Android and iOS platforms. The ideal candidate should have a proven track record of implementing real-time push notifications and impact detection functions in applications. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a seamless cross-platform mobile application - Implement real-time push notifications and impact detection functionalities - Create a web service introduction page for the application Server Development: The project also involves server development. The ideal candidate should have experience in designing server architecture capable of managing users' push notifications and supporting reporting systems. Key Requirements: - Link user authentication and payment syst...
I'm looking for skilled, detail-oriented professionals for a short-term Network Assessment Project. Your job will be to evaluate and document our network infrastructure, which includes switches, firewalls, and access points. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting an on-site evaluation of our network infrastructure - Documenting your findings in a comprehensive manner - Creating a detailed network diagram based on your assessment The primary goal of this assessment is to create a clear, accurate representation of our current network setup. A thorough understanding of network infrastructure and diagramming is essential. This position offers flexibility with ongoing future assignments.
I need a professional to install a solar battery in my garage, with the purpose of providing backup power. The battery will be connected to my existing solar panels, which have a capacity of 5-10 kW. Key Requirements: - Expertise in solar battery installation - Experience working with 5-10 kW solar panel systems - Ability to ensure the system provides reliable backup power Ideal Skills: - Knowledge of solar energy systems - Electrical engineering background - Problem-solving skills to address potential installation challenges I'm looking for a freelancer who can complete this project efficiently and effectively. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. Knowledge of E48-2.0 ABS alliance batteries. Have 10 batteries but pl...
...main features are as follows: Main Features 1. Multilingual Menu Translation and Ordering Access the restaurant's menu page by scanning a table QR code or entering a specific number. Automatically detect the user's preferred language and translate the menu accordingly. Users can select and order food from the menu. 2. Chatting with Waiters Communicate with waiters through real-time in-app chat. Automatic translation in chats to resolve language issues. 3. Payment Features Make payments directly in the app using credit cards or digital payment methods (PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.). Support payments using points and the scratch lottery system. 4. Promotion and Point System Users and restaurant owners earn points by promoting the app through SNS. Accumulated point...
... availability, and ratings from other users. - Advanced filters so they can find exactly what they need. 3. Vehicle Profiles: - Users will be able to register their vehicles, indicating make, model, year, and other relevant details. This will help personalize recommendations. 4. Service Scheduling: - Integration of a calendar system so that users can schedule appointments with mechanics. - Automatic notifications to remind them of appointments. 5. Ratings and Testimonials System: - Users will be able to rate and leave reviews about mechanics after each service, fostering trust and transparency in the platform. - Project Objectives: 1. Build a functional, intuitive, and reliable platform that facilitates the connection between vehicle owners and mechanics. 2. Promote transpare...
...location of their car. - Secure access to locker details after booking. #### **Admin Dashboard**: - Manage parking spots and monitor availability. - Track car pick-ups, drop-offs, and locker usage. --- ### **2. Booking and Payment System** - Integration with payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal. - Automatic generation of digital invoices for customers after booking. --- ### **3. Locker System** - Integration of smart electronic lockers for key storage. - Automatic generation and sharing of unique codes for each customer’s booking. - Secure code update after each locker use to prevent unauthorized access. --- ### **4. Security Features** - Encryption for sensitive data (e.g., user data, locker codes). - Secure authentication for ap...
I need a professional design upgrade for my flowchart. - Purpose: The flowchart is intended to explain a process. - Style: The desired aesthetic is minimalistic, so the design should be clean and uncluttered, yet visually appealing. - need diagram in ppt with animation (not jpeg) Ideal candidates should have experience in graphic design and a strong understanding of creating flowcharts.
...generate and send invoices automatically based on usage and predefined billing cycles. - Account Creation: It should facilitate the creation of FusionPBX accounts directly from WHMCS. - Payment Tracking: The module needs to monitor payment status and update account status accordingly. - Tariff Billing Management: The system should manage different tariffs and apply them to respective accounts. - Automatic CDR Collection: Call Detail Records (CDR) should be collected and processed automatically for billing. - Client Portal Access: Clients should be able to access their billing information and invoices through the client portal. The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience with WHMCS and FusionPBX, and a solid understanding of VoIP billing systems. A portf...
...Based on the above, this system provides the following functions to solve the current issues. (b) Automatic template selection function ① Past banner production data is normalized and used for fine-tuning ChatGPT. ② When product information (product image, price, description, catchphrase, target, brand color, etc.) is entered, the optimal Canva template ID is estimated based on past selection trends. (c) Automatic element setting function ① Automatic image size setting: Automatically selects the appropriate image size for each product information. ② Automatic text size adjustment: Adjusts to the optimal size while maintaining readability according to the importance and length of the text. ③ Automatic font and color selection: Selects the appropriate fo...
...passepartout, hooks, etc.). The pricing formula should include: Support + Outer Frame + First Passepartout + Second Passepartout + Second Frame + Front Part + Back Part + Hanging Hooks. Image Generation: The final product preview image (including all selected components) should be generated dynamically. The uploaded image should be cropped and adjusted according to the selected dimensions. A schematic with the product dimensions (including measurements) should also be generated dynamically. Responsive Design: The configurator should be fully responsive, adapting to various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Backend Management: A backend system should be provided for easy management of the configurator (products, prices, variants, etc.). The backend should allow easy updates fo...
As per object I intend to automate bets on Betfair Exchange according to my parameters, and also create an automatic indicator on Telegram, possibly also exploiting as a bridge the aid of artificial intelligence, for example perplexity, to immediately have statistical data connected to the web