Gamification sports Jobs
...Erstellen hochwertiger, informativer Inhalte. -- As a sports enthusiast and a native German speaker, I'm on the lookout for a content writer who's not just fluent in German but also shares my love for football. I'm particularly interested in creating content that delves into the history and rivalries between two specific teams, Team A and Team B. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native German Speaker: The writer must have a strong grasp of the German language to ensure the content is engaging, accurate and suitable for a German-speaking audience. - Passion for Football: Given the content's focus on football, a deep interest and understanding of the sport is essential. - Previous Sports Writing Experience: Experience in writing sports ...
Ich brauche einen erfahrenen deutschen Content-Autor, der ansprechende und informative Artikel zu Casino- und Sportwetten-Themen verfasst. Dies ist eine langfristige Gelegenheit mit einem wöchentlichen Artikelbedarf. Schlüsselanforderungen: - Fließend Deutsch, mit Erfahrung im Schreiben von Inhalten. - Kompetente Kenntnisse über Casinospiele und Sportwettenstrategien. - Vertrautheit mit den Vorschriften für Online-Glücksspiele wäre von Vorteil. - Kann wöchentlich qualitativ hochwertige Artikel liefern. Wir erstellen monatlich deutsche Websites. Wir brauchen also einen Freelancer für einen wiederkehrenden Auftrag.
*Work from anywhere on the planet! Our HQ is in London but have teams working remotely all over the world.* We are seeking a skilled US Sports Content Editor to join our team. You will play a critical role in ensuring the quality, accuracy, and relevance of our diverse digital content. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in editing, possess solid SEO knowledge, demonstrate a keen eye for detail, and be passionate about the Gambling industry. The US Sports Betting Content Editor works closely with Content writers, editors, managers, and SEO Team to produce and publish relevant, SEO optimized content for owned websites. This is an exciting opportunity for a talented individual to contribute to our growing team. Responsibilities: Publish, write, and proofre...
...tournament is fully booked Linking each participant with an email address for communicating changes to the tournament Ability to view and download the tournament schedule and results Ability to edit/update participant and results information Automatic creation of game schedules and time schedules Live updates of games and push notifications for scores and final results Support for different sports and rules Security features (e.g. password protection) to allow only authorized access to data Login with Facebook, Instagram, Apple, Google or Email Export of results to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram Each participant/team is linked with email and WhatsApp contact User profiles for organizers, coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, players, and player's ...
I am looking for a German content writer who has a really good grip on the German language and has a good idea of SEO content writing. It's a year-long project in which I promote my gambling client on different types of websites based niches such as Technology , Finance, Business , Sports , Entertainment etc, with the help of articles. So from the content writer what i am looking for is an article in which my client link is placed naturally. It should not look forced or just for advertising. So by naturally what i mean is say I want a tech article from on the below Topic - How technology revolutionized businesses. Anchor Text - online casino link - Like a normal article first we talk about different aspects of businesses which are revolutionized by technology
// WER WIR SIND Wir sind ein kleines, aber modernes Unternehmen im Bereich Gamification, das verschiedene Real Life Adventure-Spiele für Kunden oder den eigenen Vertrieb erstellt. Unser Spektrum reicht von Erlebniswanderungen, Escape Rooms, Brettspielen usw. Für die Produktion unserer nächsten Projekte suchen wir Unterstützung in der grafischen Realisierung. // DER AUFTRAG Für unsere nächsten Projekte benötigen wir bis zu 100 Grafiken in Druckqualität, meist Briefe mit Emblemen, teilweise Flyer und einige Collagen/Illustrationen mit speziellen Schriften, die von einem oder mehreren Freelancern erstellt werden müssen. Teilweise müssen diese auch von realen Dokumenten oder solchen recherchiert werden. Für die Realisierung kö...
...Tequilla Champagne and Sparkling wines o Personal Care o Food Supplements o Beauty Makeup Hair Care Nail Care Bath and Body Care Fragrance Skin Care 2. Furniture o tables o chairs o Wardrobes o Sofa o Living Furniture o Bedroom Furniture o Bathroom Furniture o Decorative Furniture o Cabinets o Kids o Baby o Children Safety equipment (Children car seat, helmet..) 3. Hobby Sports&Outdoors o Sports Soccer Volleyball Basketball Tennis American football Swimming Table Tennis Badminton Running Hunting Fishing Bicycle o Outdoors camping equipment 4. Tools&HomeImprovement o Electrical Supplies o Painting Supplies and Wall Treatments o Household Supplies and Cleaning o Measurement and Design Tools o Protection and Security o Lam...
Meine Name Gerhard Häusler, Unternehmen VEDA Sportpark International Sports Health Culture Projektentwicklung, Lübeck- Schleswig-Holstein -Germany - . Wir planen einen Freizeit- und Erholungspark und Gesundheitsresort für Schleswig-Holstein. Wir benötigen eine Illustration des Parks mit Sport Gesundheit und Kultur. Gesundheitsregion - Tourismus. Illustration soll Vernetzung der aktiven Anwendungen mit Sport(zb Radfahren) Gesundheit(zb Yoga) und Kultur(zb Themenpark-Multimedia) mit spielerischen Motiven darstellen. Danke und beste Grüße aus Lübeck Gerhard Häusler
Please only German native speakers or with ...folgende Plugins dafür verwendet und konfiguriert werden wpfusion (Synchronisation von Infusionsoft mit WP) WooCommerce + German Market WooCommerce Subscriptions (für Abonnements) WooCommerce Buy One Get One Free WooCommerce URL-Gutscheine WooCommerce Stripe-Gateway Facebook für WooCommerce Yoast SEO Ein passendes Plugin für den Mitgliederbereich ist noch nicht definiert. Langfristig wollen wir Gamification im Mitgliederbereich anbieten. Daher wäre es optimal, wenn der Mitgliederbereich in Zukunft dafür geeignet wäre und Schnittstellen anbieten würde. Ihre Aufgabe ist es nicht, den kompletten Inhalt zu füllen, sondern nur entsprechende Beispielseiten (für alle Produkte) zur Verfüg...
Für eine führende Fachzeitschrift für Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst in Deutschland soll ein Fachartikel über „Gamification“ erstellt werden. Es muss keine Recherche durchgeführt werden. Inhalt und Struktur ist in Form eines Fachvortrags vorhanden. Es existiert die Präsentation in PowerPoint mit zusätzlichen Informationen in der Redneransicht und eine Sprachaufzeichnung des Vortrags. Gliederung und Struktur können weitgehend vom Vortrag übernommen werden. Bei Bedarf habe ich weiteres Informationsmaterial verfügbar bzw. stehe für Rücksprachen zur Detailklärung zur Verfügung. Der Umfang des Artikels soll ca. 4-6 DIN A4 Seiten in Arial 11 umfassen. Bildmaterial und Grafiken sind ebenfalls bereits vorhanden...
Ich bräuchte eine krasse Motivationsrede, die man nicht so von den ganzen Youtube & TV ect kennt. Ich brauche das für mein Sport Motivationsvideo. Magst du mir da weiterhelfen :)? I would need a crass motivational speech, which you don't know from all the Youtube & TV ect. I need it for my sports motivation video. Do you want to help me there :)?
Ich suche leute die Interesse an E-Sports haben und Interesse hätten in diesem aufstrebenden Markt eine Seite zu gründen. Dabei sollten Kenntnisse vorhanden sein oder zumindest der Wille, sich besonders dafür begeistern zu können. Das Ziel wäre es zunächst eine Community zu bilden und anschließend Affiliate-Partner zu kontaktieren. Bei Interesse mich einfach kontaktieren und bitte konkrete Ideen über die eigenen Erfahrungen in dem Bereich und Vorstellungen mitteilen
Wir sind ein kleines Team, mit einer Idee. Einer Idee, für die es von unserer Seite aus auf dem Markt ein need gibt. Wir haben für unsere Website bereits einige Skizzen in Photoshop angefertigt um unsere Vorstellungen etwas genauer festhalten zu können. Es handelt sich bei dem Projekt um eine "Bewertungsseite", wobei der Fokus allerdings in der Art und Weise liegt, wie man bewertet.
Hallo, wir benötigen ein Plugin für Plentymarkets, welches den Datenaustausch über die REST-API Schnittstelle mit dem System von ALDI Nord ermöglicht. Von dort müssen die Auftragsdaten abgerufen und in Plenty importiert werden. Wenn die Aufträge versendet wurden, müssen die Sendungsnummern anschließend auf demselben Wege an ALDI zurückgmeldet werden. Wir können selbstv...KW 49 (2.12.19) startet, eilt das Ganze leider etwas. Wir suchen keine "für alle Eventualitäten" gewappnete Anwendung, die bis ins Letzte "konfigurierbar" ist, sondern eine für diese 3-wöchige Aktion "quick'n & dirty" Lösung. Erfahrungen mit REST-API, Swagger und Plentymarkets wären wünschenswert...
Möchte Daten aus dem Schiesssport aifarbeiten. Statistiken sollten zu Analysezwecken erstellt und schön dargestellt werden. Darstellung in App, Web App oder Webpage
logo for a company (one man show ;)) a combination of the name and kinetics becomes the company name (B at the beginning, K at the end - pls take BXXXXXXK). It's about sports, functional training, coaching, psychological aspect, mental training,developement etc. the logo should contain the company name and a symbol or similar or something similar. in any case - simple, clear and modern. nothing freaky...a great idea for a "symbol" is missing :(... could also be something with B and K...ora great, fresh symbol - even a combination of it. (as a symbol may also be a sportsewuipment likae a dumbbell...possible). ***** FIRMENLOGO Ein Logo entwerfen lassen. Für eine Einzelperson. eine Kombi aus dem Namen und Kinetik wird der firmenname (b am anfang, k am ende). Es geht...
Hallo, wir suchen einen erfahrenen PHP/Laravel-Entwickler, welcher unserem Marktplatz (Tausch und Verkauf für Privatpersonen) einen kleinen Feinschliff verpasst. Kurzbeschreibung der Aufgabe: Implementierung eines 'Gamification'-Features zu unserem bestehenden Marktplatz. Nähere Informationen auf Anfrage. Viele Grüße Manuel
...Smartphones or similar are not allowed, the quiz takes about 2 hours. For this quiz we need regular questions, so we are with this job in search of people who can support us (in the future regularly). Most quiz participants are between 25 and 45 years old. Gen. Conditions: 1. Not copied 1: 1 from other sources, I can do that myself and is not asked. 2. Ideal: combination of two (opposing) topics (eg sports & literature, or typical women's issues with typical men's themes, pop culture and high culture) -> Questions Ex. see below 3. Entertaining, positive topics, not negative topics like terror, illnesses or accidents (unless there are funny accidents;)) 4. No pure query questions of numerical values or data. 5. Questions for Swiss / International (no German t...
Hello we are Amazon & Ebay Seller for indoor and outdoor sports. ( / ) We are looking for someone who can optimize our products listed on and ebay.IT. You have to check if the title, bulletpoints and product description has ãsuitable and market-specific text for costumers. We need a country specific keyword analyse of the product so that the title can be edited to a marketing standard, to achieve the biggest success. We need a better conversions rate for our listings to generate more sales. Task: Check and change if needed Title and Bulletpoints (amazon & ebay in italy) Searches and ppc campaigns, 50 important and relevant keywords for products and categories Example product: = TESTSIEGER 2017* Sportstech patentierter
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Partner zur Entwicklung einer Fitness-App mit Gamification-Elementen für mobile Android- und iOS-Endgeräte. Die App sollte mit dem React (Native)- oder Ionic 2.0-Framework erstellt werden und einen Datenaustausch mit Google Fit ermöglichen. Zusätzlich ist ein Backend-Server zur Datenspeicherung erforderlich. Es würde uns freuen, wenn Sie uns ein paar Ihrer Referenzen (Webseiten oder Apps) nennen, damit wir uns ein Bild über Ihre derzeitigen Entwicklungen im Bereich Gamification, insbesondere im Fitnessbereich machen können.
Wir brauchen eine Schwangerschaftsvertretung für COntent, DM, Pflege der Webpage und mehr. Kenntnisse im Bereich cosmetics, professional cosmetics, sports, fitness, liefstyle, healthcare wären gut.
A translation of 12 pages (1800 characters per a page) from English into German of a website () aimed at Schools of sports. The job can be made via Wordpress system right into a webpage or on a separate txt file. This job is only for native German speaker.
Writer mit Erfahrung zu Calisthenics zum Ebook Schreiben gesucht Suche nach einem Writer der ein 5000 Wörter Ebook zum Thema Calisthenics Dieses Ebook wird Online veröffentlicht muss Fehlerfrei geschrieben sein, geschrieben mit Einnehmender schreibweise und sollte Leser verlocken einen Positiven Erfahrungsbericht zu geben. Vorraussetzungen -Erfahrungen mit Eigengewichtsübungen haben -Sollte in der lage sein Weisungen des Buches zu folgen -Sollte flüssiges Deutsch sprechen -sollte eine einnehmende Schreibweise haben -Sollte Inhalte erstellen können der Einsicht in die Themen bringt -Sollte Ehrfahrung mit sich bringen wie man ein Ebook formatiert und Pdf erstellt -Sollte Texte erfassen und recherchieren können Aufgabenübersicht ...
...Unser Unternehmen sucht zwei Entwickler die bereit sind in Rüsselsheim, Hessen, Deutschland für uns zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie Absolvent/in eines Informatikstudiums(Projektmanagement & Softwareentwickler/in) oder Fachinformatiker/in (mit der Weiterbildung als Softwareentwickler/in) mit den unten aufgelistenen Kenntnissen im Bereich IT haben und sozial engagiert, ein bisschen sportlich oder gar im E-Sports sind, wird Sie unser Projekt sicherlich fesseln, in dem Fall: Lesen Sie ruhig weiter. Unser Office ist voll renoviert mit neuer Hardware und Servern, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen für die Zeit die Sie mit uns verbringen. Den Zeitrahmen des Projekts schätzen wir auf drei Monate. Innerhalb dieser Zeit werden Sie hauptsächlich im team arbeiten, mit...
Hallo, Ich brauche eine unter seite wie zb. .xml data sollten parsiert sein in eine mysql db und dargestellt werden an Frontend, zuerst brauche ich nur für Fußball feed danach für alle andere Sports Im jeden Fall ist mehr zu tun (in Zukunft) als eine Seite ..... Danke
...Search for 3 different images and change them with photoshop according to the given topic. At the end of the project we want a finished file, wich we can use as the basic for creating a flip-postcard.. The flip should contain the following elements in the first phase: - Line art of a "thin" family - Text (fixed) - Sports car (would have to be researched) - Any subject Second phase: - Line art of a "thick" family - Second part of the text - Sports cars changed ("thick") - Edited any subject A scribble of the layout is already available and will be supplied later. So you need to acquire the images, edit and paste in the given format....
...------------------------ As from now on we are looking for freelancers who would like to support our team in the area of editing. We are an experienced and dynamic company that specializes in distribution, placement and monetization of video content for content producers and web publishers. Your responsibilities: -Composition of relevant articles in the areas of entertainment / lifestyle, sports, games, news and finance Your Strengths: - Excellent spelling and grammar in English - Enthusiasm for editorial work in the above mentioned areas - Creative writing style - Responsibility and reliability You can easily work from home. Payment will be made per written article. If you are interested, or if you have questions, please contact us at or here....
...Übersetzen oder Platzhalter einfügen. Zum Schluss müssen die Preise in eine simple .ods Tabelle eingetragen werden um diese in die Buchungsmaschine einzupflegen. Pro Eintrag können wir bis zu 5$ zahlen. We are looking for motivated freelancer that speak English and German (If possible also Spanish) for the creation of Joomla entries as well as the editing of existing ones. Our focus is the sports sector. For this you can copy the needed information from our partner websites and adapt these to our design. You need to fill 5 textfields, as well as 24 Pictures, if possible a youtube video. When a laguage is not available translate it if possible, else a placeholder will be inserted. Finally the prices have to be entered in a .ods table to import them to the b...
I'm looking for a creative individual who can create engaging, humorous posts and memes related to the Outdoor Sports and Survival/Military niche. Your primary task will be to promote our website on Instagram and Facebook through these posts. Key Responsibilities: - Create and post humorous content that resonates with outdoor sports and survival enthusiasts. - Use memes and other engaging formats to capture audience's attention. - Drive traffic to our website through your content. Ideal Skills: - Experience in content creation and social media marketing. - A good sense of humor and understanding of meme culture. - Knowledge or interest in Outdoor Sports and Survival/Military. - Proven track record on Instagram and Facebook. Our website is
7 Best Sports Bars in Christchurch for Watching Live Games
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to turn my hunting footage into thrilling, action-packed videos. Key Editing Style: The videos should be...- Slow-motion Shots: Certain critical moments should be highlighted with slow-motion shots, adding to the suspense and excitement. Video Length: Each video should be between 5 to 15 minutes long, providing enough time to showcase the hunt without losing the viewer's interest. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Previous experience editing hunting or action sports footage - Good understanding of pacing and timing for action-packed sequences - Ability to seamlessly incorporate slow-motion shots into the narrative I'm hoping to find someone who can bring my hunting footage to life in an e...
I'm seeking a 3D designer with experience in creating sports equipment. I have some ideas for the butt end of a lacrosse stick, but they need refinement. This project involves both aesthetic and performance considerations, as the design needs to be visually appealing, but also durable and functional. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in designing for 3D printing - Understanding of sports equipment design - Ability to refine existing ideas - Knowledge of materials for durability and performance The chosen 3D printing material is ANYCUBIC, 405nm SLA UV-Curing resin. Ultimately, the goal is to create a high-quality, 3D printed lacrosse stick butt that meets both aesthetic and performance standards.
I'm looking to develop a web-based app tailored for the sports industry in Uganda. The primary goal of this app is to connect athletes and coaches. Key Features: - Event Management: The app should have robust features for managing sports events. This includes event scheduling, participant registration, and results tracking. - User Interactions: The app should facilitate communication and interaction among users. This will include a built-in messaging system and a forum or discussion boards. Ideal Skills: - Experience in web development and app creation - Understanding of the sports industry - Skills in creating user friendly interfaces - Knowledge in implementing event management features in an app - Experience in integrating messaging systems and forums in an ...
Application Description for Developers Project Name: MyExpenses Overview: MyExpenses is a mobile application des... Monitor performance and release regular updates. API Requirements: Currency Conversion API (e.g., Open Exchange Rates, XE API). Notification Service (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging). Analytics Integration (e.g., Google Analytics or Mixpanel). Future Enhancements: Integration with banking APIs to fetch transaction data automatically. Support for family accounts with shared budgets. Gamification elements like challenges to reduce spending in specific categories. Integration with wearable devices for voice-activated expense logging. Contact for Clarifications: If any part of this description requires further details or modifications, feel free to ask for clar...
...integration. Merchandise Store (Optional): Integrated e-commerce platform for selling merchandise, comics, and collectibles. Fan Zone: Interactive community section for forums, fan art galleries, and contests. Contact Us: Contact forms for inquiries, submissions, and feedback. Integration with social media channels. Additional Features (Optional): User accounts for personalized experiences. Gamification elements (e.g., earning badges for exploring content). Membership/subscription model for premium content. Deliverables: Fully functional and responsive website. Admin panel for content management. Documentation for managing and updating the site. Preferred Skills: Strong front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Experience with modern frameworks like React, ...
I'm seeking a talented individual to manage, edit, and script for my YouTube channel focused on football game highlights. This channel is entertainment-oriented, so your ability to inject humor, dra...paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Content Management: Overseeing the channel's day-to-day operations and planning future content. - Scripting: Writing engaging, entertaining scripts for our content. - Editing: Cutting and splicing footage to create captivating, high-energy videos. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with YouTube content management, specifically in the entertainment or sports realm. - Exceptional script-writing skills, with a keen sense for creating entertaining content. - Proficiency in video editing software. - Passion for football and unders...
I'm looking to enhance user engagement in my Android app through a well-integrated referral system. This system should reward users with points for successful referrals. Points can be accumulated and used for various app benefits. Key Features: - Integration with Firebase for seamle...Features: - Integration with Firebase for seamless data handling and user tracking. - A points system to reward users for successful referrals. Points can be used for in-app benefits. - A trigger for the referral reward at the point of app installation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development. - Experience with Firebase integration. - Understanding of user engagement strategies and gamification principles. If you have the skills and experience to deliver this project, I look forwa...
I'm seeking an expert in YouTube SEO to help improve the search rankings of my football highlights channel. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize the use of keywords and tags - Create engaging thumbnails - Write detailed video descriptions Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in YouTube SEO - Experience with sports-related content preferred - Creative mindset for thumbnail design - Excellent writing skills for video descriptions
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a bold and vibrant logotype for my sports equipment company. The design should exude energy and appeal to sports enthusiasts. Key Requirements: - Modern, sleek design approach with a touch of boldness - Deep understanding of sports industry to resonate with the target audience - Exceptional use of bright and energetic colors - Ability to create a design that stands out in the competitive sports equipment market The ideal candidate will be a professional with a rich portfolio in logotype design, particularly for the sports sector. A knack for creating modern and sleek designs, combined with a bold and vibrant aesthetic, will be key to the success of this project. Your expertise will help bring our vision to...
I'm seeking a modern, minimalist sportswear logo. The logo should be a symbol only, not incorporating any text. The preferred type of symbol for the logo is a 'талисман' (mascot). Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Vector Graphic - Illustrator Experience: - Proven portfolio of modern, minimalist designs - Previous work with sports-related brands or logos - Experience in creating abstract or geometric interpretations of a concept.
I am looking for a detailed 3D layout of basketball, badminton, and volleyball courts. The project should emphasize the poles, which need to be fully realistic with precise measurements. Key Requirements: - The poles should be designed as per local sports regulations. - The poles must be made from metal. - The 3D layout should include detailed design with textures for all elements of the courts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software. - Excellent understanding of local sports regulations. - Experience in designing sports equipment. Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help with processing football video compilations. This will include editing together player skills and highlights into engaging compilations of ...moments. Specific Instructions: - I will provide detailed guidance on the editing process and how I'd like the final compilation to look. Music: - The background score will be dramatic and intense, requiring a good understanding of pacing and build-up to match the music. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience in editing sports videos, particularly football (soccer). - Ability to follow specific instructions and provide creative input when necessary. - Good sense of timing and understanding of music and its relati...
I'm in need of an illustrative style logo for my sportswear brand. The logo should be minimalistic, perfect for caps, t-shirts and other sportswear. see attachments and also I NEED A SAMPLE OF ANY OF THE 35 LOGOS FROM NRL>COM> AU and AFL>COM>AU Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate animal mascots. - It should be versatile enough to be used on various pieces of clothing and sports equipment. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in logo design, especially for sportswear. - Experience with illustrative style logos. - Ability to create minimalist designs with complex elements.
I’m looking to develop a multi-platform video analysis app designed for basketball and other sports coaches. The app will allow coaches and players to upload game footage, annotate videos with a library of drawing tools and text, use freeze frames, add tags, record voiceovers, and export customized clips. It should be user-friendly, with a minimalist design, and perform smoothly across both web and mobile (iOS/Android). The color scheme will focus on a blue-based palette, aiming for a professional, clean, and functional interface. I’m seeking a developer with experience in creating multi-platform apps, ideally with expertise in video editing tools. Familiarity with no-code/low-code platforms like is a plus, as I would like to be able to make revisions on my end (as I&r...
I'm looking for a modern, bold and vibrant eagle logo, tailored for the world of cue sports, snooker, and 8-ball. Key elements: - The eagle should be the primary focus of the logo, showcasing its strength and precision in a way that resonates with cue sports. - The design must be modern and clean, reflecting a minimalist aesthetic without compromising on the detail and intricacy of the eagle. Color scheme: - The logo should utilize bold and vibrant colors, standing out and capturing attention. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in logo design, particularly with a focus on modern aesthetics. - A strong portfolio showcasing the ability to create intricate, detailed designs. - Excellent understanding of color theory, particularly with re...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer with a knack for sports analytics to create an app for me. The app should allow me to add an algorithm that analyzes sports games, specifically Football, Basketball, and MLB, and projects predictions based on advanced metrics. Key Requirements: - App development expertise - Knowledge of sports analytics - Ability to incorporate an algorithm for game analysis - Experience with advanced metrics The ideal candidate for this project would have a strong background in both app development and sports analytics. They should be able to create an app that not only analyzes games but also provides predictions based on advanced metrics. This project is perfect for someone who is passionate about sports and has the techn...
We are seeking a talented graphic designer to create a professional business card for our performance coaching company, specializing in training athletes. The ideal candidate will have experience in designing impactful business cards that reflect brand identity and resonate with the sports community. The design should be modern, dynamic, and visually appealing, showcasing our commitment to excellence in coaching. Please provide a portfolio that highlights your previous work in branding or sports-related designs.
I'm looking to have a full, complete website developed for both sports and casino betting with integrated API. This platform should cater to a wide array of sports and casino games, providing an engaging experience for users. Key Requirements: - Development of a sports betting platform inclusive of football, basketball, tennis, cricket, and multiple niche sports. - Creation of a casino betting section featuring slots, video poker, a variety of table games like blackjack and roulette, as well as live dealer games. - Implementation of a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing betting platforms and scripts. - Strong understanding of both sports and casino games. - Proficiency in A...
I'm looking to create an engaging online fantasy sports betting game. The project will primarily focus on the development of a platform where users can bet on fantasy sports. Key aspects of the project: - Development of a user-friendly interface for smooth navigation and seamless betting experience. - Integration of various fantasy sports with potential for future expansion. - Possible incorporation of real-time data for live games, depending on feasibility and cost. Ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in developing online betting games or fantasy sports platforms. - Strong skills in UI/UX design and real-time data integration. - Excellent understanding of the fantasy sports landscape. - Ability to create a secure and fair betting en...
I'm looking for a coaching expert who can integrate basketball into a student motivation program. The aim is to utilize basketball as a tool for engaging and motivating students, focusing primarily on interactive activities and games. Skills and Experience: - Basketball coaching experience, particularly with students - Exp...particularly with students - Expertise in designing interactive activities - Proven track record in student engagement Your role will involve creating a series of basketball-related, interactive games aimed at boosting student motivation. The ultimate goal is to make learning and personal development fun, engaging, and, most importantly, achievable for every student. If you have a passion for sports and an understanding of student needs, I'd lo...