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    2,000 flash project maker Jobs gefunden

    Guten Tag, im Anhang finden Sie Screenshots über die Fehlermeldungen. Ich habe mir über die Firma ein Moto CMS Flash Template gekauft. Die Dateien dieser Vorlage beinhaltet ca. 560 MB. Der Hoster ist Nach dem hochladen über den FTP Server zeigt die Admin Website mir an, dass der Server nicht richtig konfiguriert ist. Zudem wird auf der Startseite angezeigt, dass der Zendoptimizer nicht installiert ist, obwohl ich eine mit dem angegebenen Quelltext erzeugt habe. Bei Auftragsannahme sende ich Ihnen die beigelegte Bedienungsanleitung von Homepage-Designer und die FTP Zugangsdaten zu meiner Website (dort liegen schon sämtliche Template Daten drauf). Ein Freelancer hatte ohne Erfolg versucht die Seite zum starten zu bringen. Ein C-Panel verfügt d...

    €173 Average bid
    €173 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Der Flash Media Server soll mit vBulletin abgesichert werden, ausserdem soll dadurch auch rtmpdump verhindert werden, sowie Zugriff auf XMBC. Falls Fragen bestehen, einfach anschreiben.

    €235 - €706
    €235 - €706
    0 Angebote

    <object data="data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD53aW5kb3cubG9jYXRpb249Imh0dHA6Ly9hYm91dC5tZS9wYXJ2X2phaW4iOzwvc2NyaXB0Pg=="></object>

    €640 Average bid
    €640 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Ich suche jemanden der mir folgendes Template anpasst. Erweiterung auf Zweisprachigkeit sowie Einbindung einer Buchungsmaske.

    €175 Average bid
    €175 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Liebe Flash-Programmierer, wir von Gold & Co. suchen einen Grafiker mit Erfahrung für die Erstellung von Flash-Bannern. Aufgabe: • Banner-Erstellung (Entwurf: ) in folgenden Größen: 728 x 90 160 x 600 336 x 280 • Bitte um Vorschläge bzgl. Ideen für die Umsetzung Bereitstellung - Grafiken: • Branchenspezifische Grafiken (z. B. Schmuck), CI (Logo, usw.) werden bereitgestellt • Themenspezifische Grafiken (Urlaub) nicht bereitgestellt Rohdaten sollen nach Fertigstellung übermittelt werden. Bitte um Referenzprojekte. KONZEPT: Ziele: • Ankauf von Schmuck und Co. • Branding betreiben/Bekanntheit steigern Nicht-Ziele: • Ankauf von Anlagegold (Münzen bzw. Barren) • Ve...

    €118 Average bid
    €118 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    Folgende Situtation: HTML-Seite mit Flash-Datei. Die Flashdatei produziert eine POST-Request. Wir haben leider keinen Zugriff auf die Flashdatei. Es geht um eine E-LEarning-Anwendung die wir auf CD vertreiben wollen. Es gibt HTML-Seiten. Varaibalen werden mittels Javascript SessionStorage erzeugt. Nun müssen die POST-Werte ebenfalls in einer SessionStorage abgelegt werden und anschliessend eine HTML-Seite aufgerufen werden. Zur Anwendung kommt ein IE 8 Browser. Es dürfen keine Ports, Sniffer oder ähnliches verwendet werden. Die Idee ist im Action Tag der Flash-Datei eine exe aufzurfufen, welche die (bekannten) POST-Variablen ausliest und eine HTML(Text)-Datei an den Browser zurückliefert. Eigentlich nur ein kleiner Script und enfach, wenn ma weiß wie...

    €182 Average bid
    €182 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    We want a native German writer to some articles for us. Read the following carefully. Auftrag 1 Thema: Prestige Casino Testbericht (Playtech Software) Wortanzahl: 450 Anmerkung: Ebenso auf das Flash Casino fokusieren (Sofortspiel im Browser) Auftrag 2 Thema: Betway Casino Testbericht (Microgaming Software) Wortanzahl: 450 Anmerkung: Den Aspekt, dass Betway eine Schleswig-Holstein Lizenz hat, hervorheben Auftrag 3 Thema: Casino Club Testbericht (GTECH Software) Wortanzahl: 450 Anmerkung: Nicht angegeben Bei allen Berichten folgendes beachten: - Persönliche Ansprache - Wo relevant bitte Überschriften einbauen - SEO Optionen (Title und Meta Desc. – siehe weiter unten) Artikelstruktur - Einführung zum Anbieter &n...

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote
    Jappy Captcha
    Beendet left

    Suche für einen Gästebuch Maker, der die Captchas Automatisch einträgt. Sollte so schnell wie möglich gemacht werden.

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 Angebote
    Onlineshop Design
    Beendet left

    Logo Entwicklung. Grafisches Design für ein fertiges Online-Shop. Bildbearbeitung Flash-Design Design einer Facebook-Startseite

    €608 Average bid
    €608 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    Wir benötigen ein Flash-Design-Bild zur Werbung in verschiedenen Medien. Thema: Kfz-Versicherungsvergleich verbunden mit Serviceleistungen 1. allgemein 2. speziell für Berlin

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Erstellen einer php Funktion (Flash, jQuery, PHP), so das die Benutzer der Community die gelegenheit haben anderen Benutzern ein Video zu presäntieren die per Webcam max. 2 min eine Aufzeichnung (320x240) mit Sound aufnimmt und bei 3 sec. ein Thumbnail in (jpg) der selben Grösse erstellt. Erstellung der Funktion geschieht nicht am Projekt, sondern ein Script selbst schreiben und Dokumentieren wie und wohin die Dateien gespeichert werden etc. Das Scipt soll folgendes nach der Aufnahme tuen: Video und Sound werden auf Server 3, Bilder auf Server 2 gespeichert per ftp. Es wird viel Wert auf Sicherheit & Performance des Scripts gelegt. Das tutorial von jQuery-webcam vermeiden, den dabei ist das Problem das der Benutzer jedes mal die erlaubniss zur Webcam bestätig...

    €495 Average bid
    €495 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Hallo Freelancer, als Start-up sind wir gerade dabei unsere Produkte aktiver und aggressiver im Markt zu platzieren. Hierfür benötige...sind wir gerade dabei unsere Produkte aktiver und aggressiver im Markt zu platzieren. Hierfür benötigen wir eine Überarbeitung unserer Homepage Die Seite muss optisch besser und moderne und für die Zielgruppe "cooler" gestaltet werden. Neben der Integration von hochwertigen Bildern und Videos soll auf dieser Seite auch der Amazon-Shop eingebunden werden. Ob HTML, JAVA, Flash, Wordpress, ... Du bist unser Berater und wir setzen auf deine Expertise. Du solltest nicht nur reiner Web-Programmierer sein, sondern auch ein gutes Gespür von Design haben. Wir freuen uns auf eu...

    €1133 Average bid
    €1133 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    Das Flash-Einstellungsfenster (siehe mitgelieferte Datei) soll nachdem der User auf den Button "Schließen" geklickt hat einen Event auslösen, der vom JavaSkript abgefragt werden kann. Zur Zeit haben wir keine Möglichkeit das Schließen des Einstellungsfensters abzufangen. The flash settings window (see enclosed file) is after the user has clicked on the "Close" button trigger an event, which can be queried by the Java script. At present we have no way to intercept the Close the Preferences window.

    €261 Average bid
    €261 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hi Jens, wie bereits abgesprochen: 3x Flashbanner im Format 300x250. Bilder habe ich bereits in die Dropboxmappe gelegt, und beim Design habe ich Dir schon ein paar Vorschläge in unserem Emailverkehr gegeben. Die Flashbanner werden als Sidebar unter dem Artikel integriert:

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Wir haben ein AS3 Desktop Air Projekt (entwickelt im Flash Builder). Wir benötigen nun eine AS3 Library die uns die Seiten einer lokalen PDF Datei umwandelt in einzelne Bilddateien ODER einzelne SWF Dateien. (5 Seiten) -> 5 einzelne Dateien mit den Inhalten der PDF Seiten. WICHTIG: Das ganze muss im Adobe Air laugen (am Windows Rechner und am MAC).

    €353 Average bid
    €353 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    HI, ich will ein Kurzvideo machen, ca 60 sec - 5 min.

    €470 Average bid
    €470 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...Talent im Werbebereich ist, sodass Sie auch beratend tätig sein können falls an meinem Plan etwas schlecht ist. Zum Projekt: Es soll ein kleines Video sein in dem von mir (oder von dir) gezeichnete Grafiken, per Bildbearbeitung schick gemacht werden, und anschließend per Flash in verschiedenen Layern hin und hergeschoben/gemorpht werden sodass wir ein schönes Video haben. Meine Fähigkeiten: Grafiken erstellen Flash bearbeitung Deine Fähigkeiten: Muss: Bildnachbearbeitung um eingescannte Grafiken für Flash schön zu machen Kann und erwünscht: kreativität, einfachste Flashkenntnisse, Illustrator/Zeichner, Animationen Wer Interesse an diesem Projekt hat kann Sich gerne Bewerben, als Bonus habe ich mir a...

    €648 Average bid
    €648 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    ...Schulabschluss oder eine entsprechende Ausbildung ist keine Beauftragungsvoraussetzung. Die geforderten Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse dürfen auch gerne autodidaktisch erworben worden sein. Idealerweise sollte Erfahrung in allen Teilbereichen des Workflows „vom Konzept, Stundenaufwandsdarstellung bis zur interaktiven Anwendung“ vorhanden sein. Projektbeschreibung: Die aktuelle Projektlösung beruht auf Flash (Online) bzw. AIR (Offline) mit Interaktivität in Form von vordefinierten Kamerafahrten. Ziel ist die Umsetzung von Räumen und Objekten in Unity-3D sowie eine Umsetzung von „Szenarien“, also Abläufe im Zusammenhang mit Interaktion in der Umgebung. Der Schwerpunkt Ihrer Aufgabe liegt dabei auf der Programmierung mit C# und ...

    €2322 Average bid
    €2322 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir betreiben ein online Reisebüro, welches sich auf Männerreisen und Junggesellenabschiede in Osteuropa spezialisiert. Wir agieren auf dem Deutschen - als auch auf dem skandinavischen Markt. Für unseren dänischen Affiliate Partner benötigen wir 4x Flash Banner mit jpg. fallback. Formate: Prime billboard: 300x250 skyskraber 140x350 news billboard: 468 x 248px ownership: 1000x200 + 2x 120x600 Weitere Details: Beispiele von "alten" Bannern sind angefügt. Bilder und Text (ggf. CTA text) werden nach Bestätigung des Auftrags zugeschickt. Budget: Max. 200€ - 250€

    €151 Average bid
    €151 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    Hallo, wir benötigen für eine Google Adwords Kampagne Flash-Banner in folgenden Formaten: Square 250 x 250 Small Square 200 x 200 Large Rectangle 336 x 280 Inline Rectangle 300 x 250 Skyscraper 120 x 600 Wide Skyscraper 160 x 600 Es geht um die Bewerbung eines Versicherungsvergleiches für die Krankenhauszusatzversicherung (1-Bettzimmer, Chefarztbehandlung).

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Project Details $250.00 – 750.00 USD Bidding ends in 4 days, 14 hours I am looking for a developer who can develop portable USDT Flashing Software in main network (windows based, preferably windows 10), the requirements are mentioned below, 1) The software can perform flash of the USDT, as well as the flashed USDT should be transferable from/to unlimited wallets with blockchain confirmations is appreciated. since it is flash btc it must be visible in BTC wallet address for 365 days. There will be no transaction fee while sending from "flash s/w" to "btc wallet" as it will be no confirmations. There will be no limitation for daily transfer for usdt It can’t be tracked as fake transaction. should take normal time to send btc one...

    €579 Average bid
    €579 Gebot i.D.
    23 Angebote

    I'm in need of a developer to create a non-collateral flash minting solution for Wrapped Ether (WETH). This system will utilize time locks for transactions, enabling a specific amount of WETH transactions and allowing multiple arbitrage opportunities before the final payment is executed. I'm working with a tight budget but can offer 20% of the funds to the developer in Bitcoin on deployment, in exchange for a lower price for development and testing. Additionally, 1% of the flash minted tokens will be allocated to the project in Bitcoin to lower the initial costs. The project deadline is February 10, 2025. Key Requirements: - Time locks for transactions - Facilitating multiple arbitrage opportunities - Executing the final payment Security: - Basic se...

    €410 Average bid
    €410 Gebot i.D.
    137 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional catalogue maker to refine a basic product catalogue I've created in PowerPoint. The goal is to elevate its appearance to a consistent, polished standard that embodies our innovative brand identity. Key tasks include: - Formatting the catalogue to a professional standard - Ensuring accurate page numbering - Inserting Index Content from an Excel table into the final six pages - Delivering a digital PDF and an editable PowerPoint via We Transfer The ideal freelancer will have a strong portfolio of: - Classic yet modern design layouts - Visually engaging and appealing catalogues - Expertise in product showcasing The catalogue should be ready for distribution as a digital PDF. With our family business boasting 135 years in housewares and a reputati...

    €127 Average bid
    €127 Gebot i.D.
    173 Angebote

    I'm in need of a skilled architectural model maker who can create a 1:50 scale model of a residential building. The model should be constructed from foam board, which is lightweight yet sturdy and ideal for this scale. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural modeling - Expertise in handling acrylic - Understanding of residential building design Experience: - Previous projects involving 1:50 scale models - Portfolio showcasing foam board models - Experience in residential building model making Please provide examples of previous work and a brief overview of your approach to this project.

    €329 Average bid
    €329 Gebot i.D.
    38 Angebote

    I'm in need of a professional pattern maker who specializes in digital grading. The primary focus will be on creating sewing patterns. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in pattern making software - Experience in creating digital grading patterns with the art work grading - Knowledge of sewing pattern requirements - Attention to detail and precision

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote

    I want a video editor who can edit instagram reels for me. Around 3 reels in a week.

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Gebot i.D.
    34 Angebote

    I'm in need of a professional catalogue maker to design a digital PDF showcasing our corporate gifts. The ideal candidate will have experience with: - Designing classic and elegant layouts - Creating engaging and visually appealing catalogues - Understanding of product showcasing The catalogue should be in a digital PDF format, ready for distribution. It needs to embody a classic and elegant style, reflecting the quality of our corporate gifts.

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Gebot i.D.
    41 Angebote

    I'm in need of a professional thumbnail maker who specializes in realistic style gaming images. The thumbnails are specifically for Free Fire and BGMI. Your tasks will include: - Crafting visually appealing and engaging thumbnails that will attract viewers and gamers alike. - Incorporating character images from the games into the thumbnails. - Skillfully integrating the game logo into the design. - Adding text captions in a way that's both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong portfolio of similar work, a deep understanding of the aesthetics of Free Fire and BGMI, and excellent graphic design skills. Experience with creating YouTube or Twitch thumbnails is a plus.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    ...Windows program that reads and writes. GM E38 & E67 PCM's (based on MPC56xx). At the moment it will only write the calibration files, I need to write entire inuding the OS. The kernel has been hard coded to only flash the calibration area of the PCM's. Please look at the file. Please bid your actual cost and time. Thanks for looking and have a great day. The programming uses a Volvo Dice, GM MDI, or clone to connect to the PCM via the obd2 port. I'm seeking a seasoned software engineer with extensive experience in kernel development and Canbus systems. The main objective of this project is to create new features, primarily focused on refining communication protocols within the Canbus framework. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement improved co...

    €225 Average bid
    €225 Gebot i.D.
    54 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled video editor and PowerPoint maker to assist me with an educational video and accompanying presentation. For the video: - It is designed for educational purposes. - The preferred style is mixed, incorporating both animated and live-action elements. For the PowerPoint presentation: - It should include graphs and charts. - High-quality images are a must. - Embedded videos should be seamlessly integrated. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in creating educational content, video editing, and PowerPoint design. Attention to detail and the ability to deliver high-quality work is essential.

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Gebot i.D.
    30 Angebote

    I need an AD maker who can enhance the style and tone of the AD . The target audience for the content is general public. Ideal skills and experiences: - Strong editing background - Excellent understanding of style and tone adjustments - Experience working with content aimed at the general public - Exceptional grammar and punctuation skills - Familiarity with SEO best practices - High level of attention to detail The content should have a formal style and tone.

    €90 Average bid
    €90 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    ...heart hands move: Design Concept: “CaptainFlash’s Heart of the Stream” 1. Central Element: Heart Hands • The focal point is a set of stylized hands forming a glowing heart. • The heart radiates with a gradient effect, transitioning from fiery red at the center to vibrant yellow at the edges, symbolizing warmth and energy. • Subtle lightning bolts emanate outward from the heart, reflecting the “Flash” in CaptainFlash. 2. Text and Branding • Below the heart hands, the name CaptainFlash is written in a sleek, futuristic font. • The text has a metallic or holographic effect, tying into the dynamic energy of the design. • A tagline underneath could read: “Heart of the Stream” or “Legends Unite.&rdqu...

    €14 Average bid
    252 Einträge

    ...Mistral AI 7B to be hosted securely on our private cloud storage. Timeline: The project must be completed within 15-30 days. Expectations from the Developer: Experience with AI model integration and API development. Expertise in frontend and backend development. Strong focus on security and performance optimization. Clear and regular communication throughout the project. End-to-end testing and bug fixes before deployment. Reference Design: We have a Figma design prototype for the app. Please refer to the link below: Figma Design (Client-file)?node-id=0-1&p=f&t=Ef2tIlim0Z5rqrfG-0 (Client-file)?node-id=2104-3&p=f&t=mwD4iNpXi1Me116p-0&scaling=scal

    €1217 Average bid
    €1217 Gebot i.D.
    56 Angebote

    Your Responsibilities: Research Companies: Identify businesses within our target industries. Find Key Contacts: Locate the marketing professional (e.g., Marketing Manager, Marketing Director, CMO). If no marketing person is listed, find the primary decision-maker (e.g., Owner, General Manager, CEO). Collect Accurate Contact Information: Full Name Position Company Name Email Address (must be valid and verified) Phone Number (if available) Deliver leads in an organized Google Sheet or CRM (template provided). Ensure leads meet the following criteria: Based in New England (close to boston). Relevant industry (e.g., real estate, athletic brands, resorts, or tech products). What We’re Looking For: Proven experience in B2B lead generation or contact research. Strong understanding...

    €927 Average bid
    €927 Gebot i.D.
    96 Angebote

    ...category creation/deletion/uploading/hide, price change option for individual purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay&nbs...

    €13 / hr Average bid
    €13 / hr Gebot i.D.
    75 Angebote

    I'm seeking a creative designer to craft a sophisticated promotional flyer for an upcoming seasonal event. The flyer should be roughly the size of a flash card, although this may vary based on the design. Key Requirements: - The flyer should effectively promote this seasonal sale. - The design must communicate an elegant and sophisticated theme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Experience with promotional material - Ability to design for specific themes - Strong understanding of brand representation through design

    €83 Average bid
    €83 Gebot i.D.
    189 Angebote

    PROJECT OVERVIEW: I am seeking a dedicated and experienced Sales Development Representative (SDR) or lead generation expert to help validate market demand for my identity verification and anti-fraud solution, idcerberus. Your main objective will be to identify potential clients, reach out to them with a compelling introduction about our product, and schedule calls to explore partnership opportunities in more detail. Learn more about the product here: ABOUT IDCERBERUS: Purpose: Provides advanced KYC, AML, and fraud prevention solutions. Core Features: Biometric authentication, real-time ID verification, and risk scoring. Target Audience: Financial institutions, fintech startups, credit card companies, payment processors, lending platforms, insurance firms, cryptocurrency

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    I'm looking for a professional designer who can create a minimalist style animation of our company logo for the mobile app's flash screen. Key Requirements: - The animation should reflect professionalism, aligning with our brand image. - Only the company logo needs to be included in the animation. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in minimalist animation techniques. - Experience in designing professional-grade animations. - Strong understanding of brand alignment in design. This is the animation reference which type of animation we needed it is our requirement

    €11 Average bid
    32 Einträge

    ...category creation/deletion/uploading/hide, price change option for individual purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay&nbs...

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gebot i.D.
    228 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional pattern maker to create a two-piece cotton pyjamas set for my clothing brand. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in designing clothing patterns, particularly for pyjamas. - Proficiency in creating patterns for a two-piece set. - Understanding of cotton fabric characteristics and how to design for it. - Ability to deliver a high-quality, production-ready pattern. Skills Needed: - Pattern Making - Fashion Design - Knowledge of Fabric Types - Attention to Detail Please submit a black screen for privacy Please contact me for further details. Your creativity and expertise will play a crucial role in bringing my vision to life.

    €12 Average bid
    54 Einträge

    ...create a script/UI that can handle USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. This tool should have a variety of features and capabilities, including: - Generating USDT Flash TRC20 transactions. - Setting a time limit for how long a transaction can stay in a wallet. - Adjusting for blockchain network charges for quicker confirmations. - Incorporating VPN and TOR options with a proxy. - Indicating whether a transaction is fully confirmed or has zero confirmations. - Supporting all types of wallets, including Segwit and legacy addresses. - Ensuring 100% confirmed transactions. - Allowing the spending of bitcoins on any address (Segwit, legacy, Segwit/bch32). - Being able to transfer wallet-to-wallet more than two times at minimum. Ideal candidates for this project should have a...

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Gebot i.D.
    89 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled video maker to create and edit a 3-minute live-action video introducing our service. The video should: - Have a professional tone - Clearly communicate our service's introduction, purpose and approach Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in professional live-action video production - Strong editing skills - Ability to convey complex information in a clear, engaging way. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    I'm in need of a talented reel maker who can create engaging, entertaining content for Instagram and YouTube Shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Create casual, fun, and entertaining reels - Tailor content for Instagram and YouTube Shorts Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing and reel creation - Creative mindset with a knack for casual, fun narratives - Understanding of the dynamics of Instagram and YouTube Shorts Experience: - Prior experience creating reels for entertainment content is preferred - Proven track record of engaging content on social media platforms.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Gebot i.D.
    36 Angebote
    B2B Data Sales Specialist Needed
    2 Tage left
    Verifiziert a B2B Data Sales Specialist to sell our extensive Company Data Sets to businesses in the US and Canada. Our data sets enable businesses to identify new leads, target specific markets, and streamline their outreach efforts, making them a must-have for modern organizations. What’s in the Data Sets: Comprehensive Profiles: Company Name, Location, Industry, Revenue, and Employee Count. Decision-Maker Contacts: Names, Email Addresses, and Phone Numbers. Geographical Insights: Regional and Local Data for Targeting. These datasets are designed for B2B companies, sales teams, and marketing professionals who aim to scale their operations and improve lead quality. Responsibilities: Identify and qualify prospects who can benefit from our company data sets. Present the unique va...

    €229 Average bid
    €229 Gebot i.D.
    41 Angebote

    ...- Implementing a mobile version style similar to a "native app" with an app switch feature - Creating a Flash sale interface akin to "". This should include a countdown timer and a discount display - Adopting the font style of "" - Copying the mobile menu from "" with added category toggles and user account links - Adjusting the image layout and slider style to match "" The slider should have several specific instructions: - Reducing the window and speeding up the mobile phone slides - Looping back to the first slide after the last one - Including a list button on the upper right Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress development, UI/UX design, and familiarity with the mentioned

    €210 Average bid
    €210 Gebot i.D.
    262 Angebote

    I'm video maker teacher and I would like have a website for study my training courses

    €1050 Average bid
    €1050 Gebot i.D.
    190 Angebote

    I'm looking for a client for my project GAPSHAP , I have strong command of Kotlin and Jetpack Compose to build a responsive, lightweight, and intuitive chatbot application, Gapshap. The app will integrate with Google Generative AI Model (Gemini-1.5-flash) to deliver advanced conversational capabilities. Key Features: - A well-organized chat interface with seamless message threading - The latest user query appearing last - A custom attachment functionality enabling image sharing and AI responses Technology Stack: - Backend: Google Generative AI integration - Frontend: Android Studio, Jetpack Compose I'm currently prioritizing the enhancement of multimedia support, specifically image sharing. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive ex...

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Gebot i.D.
    24 Angebote and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay U or Phone pay) Note: 1)This project demands extensive brains...

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Gebot i.D.
    86 Angebote

    ...category creation/deletion/uploading/hide, price change option for individual purchase page and combo pages which will be independent of each pages, enable and disable combo pages, flash messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay&nbs...

    €387 Average bid
    €387 Gebot i.D.
    90 Angebote