Esp8266 modbus Jobs
Hatte bisher kaum Berührungspunkte mit Modbus und nun will ich diverse Komponenten in meine Hausautomation einbinden. Allerdings scheitere ich schon beim Auslesen einzelner Adressen. Womöglich habe ich auch nur meine Software und meinen Konverter falsch konfiguriert. Konkret wünsche ich mir eine persönliche Lehrstunde zu Modbus RS485 Idealerweise bin ich nach dem Training in der Lage, einzelne Adressen in meiner Umgebung abzufragen und verstehe, wie ich Schnittstellenkonverter einstellen muss. Zum Testen habe zwei Möglichkeiten, welche ich auch in die Lehrstunde einbinden will: 1. Bestehenden Goodwe Wechselrichter, welcher bereits über eine funktionierende Schnittstelle zu EVCC verfügt und funktioniert 2. Batteriespeicher, welcher über...
Testingenieur LabVIEW Start: Ab sofort Auslastung: Teil bis Vollzeit – bzw. Nach Absprache Laufzeit: Projektgebunden Standort: Ottobrunn und homeoffice Das Projekt: Unsere EoL Prüfs...Elektrotechnik, Mikrosystemtechnik, Mechatronik, Telematik, technische Informatik o. ä.). Alternativ kann eine Berufsausbildung mit Weiterqualifizierung sein Hierfür bringst Du mit: Erfahrung in der Programmierung mit LabVIEW für Teststände (Zertifizierter LABVIEW Entwickler) Erfahrung in Messtechnik Kenntnisse in Bussystemen (z.B. CAN/I²C/Ethernet/CANFD) Kenntnisse in industrieprotkoll (z.B. MODBUS/PROFINET/OPCUA) Kommunikationsfähigkeiten Du kennst dich mit digitaler/analoger Schaltungstechnik aus Kenntnisse mit Leistungselektronik Si...
... Dort werden die Daten analysiert und bei bestimmten Schwellwertüberschreitungen spezielle Notifications abgesetzt. Später mehr Funktionen. Es geht darum Daten von einem Device (mit seriellen Schnittstelle RS232 oder RS485, Anfangs gerne auch nur ein mA-Signal) über dazugekaufte NB-IoT Box (muss noch gefunden werden; siehe Beispiel: ) und über eine Sim-Karte () an eine Azure Cloud zu senden. In der Cloud sollen die Device Verwaltung (Device-Registrierung) und Funktionsimplementierung (Grenzenüberwachung) stattfinden (Azur IoT Hub, Blob Storage, Notification Hub, ...) Für den Anfang reicht es, wenn wir einen Prototypen mit zwei, drei devices aufbauen (pro Device eine NB
Wir suchen einen Programmierer, der bei der Weiterentwicklung einer zentralen Softwarelösung auf Basis folgender Einzelkomponenten zur Überwachung und Steuerung dezentraler Anlagen (ca. 460 Stück) helfen kann. Hardware: - Controller (Sabo/Wago) - Kommunikationskomponente (Raspberry Pi) Protokolle und Dienste auf der Anlage: - Modbus - OpenVPN In der Zentrale: - SQL (MySQL) - Apache - C++ - Java
Hallo, ein fertiges Skript soll mit der Abfrage von 4 Tastern erweitert werden. Tastendrücke sollen an den definierten MQTT Server aus dem Skript weitergegeben werden. Skript läuft auf meinem NodeMCU V3. 4 Taster inkl. dbounce2 bibliothek. A premade script should be extended with 4 buttons. Debounce should be included, Button status should change an MQTT topic on the set webserver. Script is running on NodeMCU V4
ich benötige Hilfe beim Programmieren eines Arduino Megas. Mittels Nextion 3,5" Display was ich schon eingerichtet habe, will ich über den Modbus RS232 einen Umrichter "ASSD-15A-V6.3" ansteuern. Mir fehlt der C-Code um den Umrichter zu Steuern. Ich will über eine Variable die Drehzal steuern also zum Umrichter senden, und vom Umrichter die aktuelle Ist Drehzahl empfangen Also vom Umrichter in eine Variable auf dem Arduino. Kann mir da jemand Helfen ? bzw. wie Groß ist der Programmier aufwand. Bitte um ein Angebot
Diverse Regler und Sensoren für die Kältetechnik Entwickeln und Programieren Mit Raspi, ESP32, MQTT, SQL, ModBus .........usw.
...Sekunden vorher per ModbusRTU an eine Steuerung eines Lüftungsgerätes geschickt und zur Sicherheit verglichen. Kann auch anders realisiert werden, wir möchten halt nur, dass nur bei einer gewollten Abweichung und nicht wegen rauschen ein Modbus Befehl geschickt wird. Bei Änderung des Digitalen Eingangs wird ebenfalls auf die Steuerung ein anderer Datenpunkt geschickt. Die Modbs RTU Verbidnung ist direkt, d.h. es gibt nur einen Slave im Netz mit Adresse 1. Nach der Übermittelung des "Sollwertes" geht die Steuerung wieder in die normale Abfrageroutine. Die Modbus Tabelle der Steuerung wird geschickt. Das Ganze wird nur 12 x realisiert und soll auf einen Arduino Uni mit RS485 Shield laufen (24/7) Es geht hier um die reine Programmierung. ...
Ist: openHAB 2.2 läuft auf QNAP TVS-672XT. Fernzugriff ist eingerichtet. 4 Stromzähler SDM72D-M sind über Modbus Gateway und Switch bzw. FritzBox verbunden. Sitemap ist vorhanden. Die Werte der Stromzähler werden bereits in openHAB korrekt angezeigt. Soll: A) Einrichung/Binding zu rrdj4 Datenbank und Speicherung der bereits angezeigten Werte nach definierten Zeiteinheiten. Abfrage der gespeicherten Werte zu auswählbaren Zeitpunkten (z. B. 31.12. oder bei Mieterwechsel etc.) B) Grafische Darstellung der bereits vorhandenen Werte (Funktion ist evtl. bereits vorhanden, wird jedoch - mangels Datenbank - nicht korrekt angezeigt).
Ist: openHAB 2.2 läuft bereits auf QNAP TVS-882. Fernzugriff ist eingerichtet. 4 Stromzähler SDM72D-M sind über Modbus Gateway und Switch bzw. FritzBox verbunden. Die Werte der Stromzähler können über IP aufgerufen und (teilweise) auch schon in openHAB angezeigt werden (Beispielkonfiguration von SDM630 wurde importiert). Soll: A) Korrekte Darstellung aller Werte der 4 Stromzähler, inkl. Abfrage bestimmter Zeitpunkte (z. B. 31.12. oder bei Mieterwechsel etc.) sowie graphische Darstellung auswählbarer Zeiträume (z. B. Jahr, Monat, Woche, Tag etc.) B) Grundkonfiguration (Haus, Wohneinheiten, allgemein etc.) und somit Vorbereitung (und kurze Einweisung), um weitere Sensoren, Aktoren bzw. ggf. auch bereitsvorhandene Homeautomatisation (z. B. ...
HKL Visualisierung von Lüftungsanlagen mit InTouch/Wonderware Kopplung Modbus IP
Erweiterung einer PC-Software zur Parametrierung, Messwerte-Visualisierung, Datenspeicherung. Das Programm wird über synchrones TCP/IP (Modbus TCP mit spezifisch von uns definierten Anteilen; Übertragungsverfahren BSD-Server) an verschiedene Ausführungen von Mehrzonen-Temperaturreglern für industrielle Anwendungen angebunden. Die Regler stammen alle aus unserem Hause. Aufgaben: • Weiterentwicklung der grafischen Oberfläche auf Look and Feel unseres neuesten Temperaturreglers • Erweiterung des verwalteten Parametersatzes auf die neue Temperaturregler-Ausführung • mglw. Umstellung auf asynchrones TCP/TP, um das Problem „Warten auf Verbindung“ zu lösen resp. anderer Lösungsweg • Erweitern / Aktualisieren / ...
We are looking for an experienced Embedded Firmware Engineer with expertise in STM32F030 bare-metal programming ...microcontroller. Implement multiple UART sensor interfaces (data request, parsing, checksum validation). Handle analog sensors (ADC readings, conversion, scaling). Implement PWM-based control for actuators (motor, pump, or fans). Interface an NB-IoT module (AT commands, CoAP UDP or MQTT data transmission). Control and update SPI-based E-Ink display (screen refresh, low-power optimization). Develop MODBUS RTU protocol (bare-metal implementation, register mapping). (optional) Implement self-diagnostics, error handling, and watchdog management. Optimize for low power consumption and robust communication handling. Provide well-documented, structured firmware that is easy to...
I need assistance with a project involving sending a JPEG image from a laptop to an ESP8266 development board over a WiFi network. The image size will be between 1MB to 5MB. After processing, the image needs to be sent back to the laptop through USB. You will need to: - Develop an Arduino sketch for the ESP8266 to handle this transmission. - Create a C#.Net program on the laptop side to connect to the ESP8266. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Arduino programming. - Strong background in C#.Net development. - Experience with ESP8266 and image transmission. - Understanding of WiFi networking. The JPEG image will be in a size of 1MB to 5MB. The connection between the laptop and the ESP8266 will be through a standard WiFi network.
...bölme • Karşılaştırma Operatörleri: >, <, =, >=, <= • Program Yazma ve PLC'ye Yükleme • Hata Kontrolü ve Hata Ayıklama İşlemleri • PLC Programlama Dilleri (FBD & SCL) • Veri Blokları (DB) Kullanımı: Global ve Yerel değişkenler • HMI Panel Kullanımı: Butonlar, göstergeler, alarmlar • Analog Giriş ve Çıkışlar: Sıcaklık, seviye, basınç sensörleri • PID Kontrolü: Sıcaklık ve basınç kontrolü • Modbus ve Profinet Haberleşmesi • Interlock ve Sekans Mantığı • Fonksiyon Blokları (FB) ve Fonksiyonlar (FC) • PLC ile Endüstriyel Haberleşme (OPC, MQTT, SCADA Entegrasyonu) • Yedekli Sistemler ve Yedekli PLC Kullanımı • Gelişm...
I'm looking for a microcontroller programming expert. The exact objectives, type of microcontroller, and specific tasks are yet to be determined, but I am open to suggestions and discussions. Ideal skills and experience include: - Expertise in various types of microcontrollers (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266/ESP32) - Programming skills in relevant languages (C, Python, etc.) - Experience in automation, data collection, prototyping and testing - Ability to perform tasks like sensor data reading, motor control, and wireless communication. Please feel free to bid if you have relevant experience and skills.
Programar pantallas touch para hacer funciones con módulos RS485/modbus Seria 2 pantallas que se comunican entre si y 2 módulos, a seguir mando los productos posibles para la aplicación:
...perfect opportunity for Feature Details: Plug-and-Play IoT Device for Greenhouses The IoT devices used in the greenhouse automation system are designed to provide a seamless, plug-and-play experience for greenhouse owners. Below is a detailed explanation of the device features and how they contribute to the greenhouse management system: 1. Device Type and Selection Device Options: ESP32/ESP8266 Microcontrollers: These are low-cost, widely available microcontroller boards with built-in Wi-Fi capabilities. They are commonly used in IoT applications and are ideal for sensor integrations in greenhouses. Sensors: Various environmental sensors can be integrated with the microcontrollers, including: Soil Moisture Sensor: Measures the soil's moisture level, enabling automatic irri...
I have an Arduino-based project utilizing an ESP8266 Access Point protocol. The issue I'm facing is that the code only runs once, necessitating a program restart to update the client browser based on a variable's state. I require a solution that allows the code to push updates to the client without needing a program restart or browser refresh. I have a secondary code iteration using WebSocket, but the connection to the ESP8266 is slow. When the variable changes, a browser refresh is required to reflect the change. I will provide both code versions for your review and a product manual for reference (starting on page 35). Ideal skills: - Proficient in Arduino programming - Experience with ESP8266 and Access Point Protocol - Familiar with WebSocket connecti...
1) Write a code to read (Peripheral inputs) PIW 240, PIW xxx.... 2) Move the value to the excel in real time. 3) You can use any library (like libnodave, Snap7, modbus) and any coding language(Python, C, etc...). Please be noted that PIWxxx values are not moving to any DB or MW, they are simply being called to a custom block FC to which handles the control logic.
...experience 1+ years AngularJS experience Strong debugging capabilities Documentation skills: flowcharts, wireframing, mockups Experience with industrial data visualization Back-End DevelopmentPython, JavaScript (ES5+), and TypeScript mastery 3+ years REST/RPC APIs development Test-Driven Development (TDD) expertise Strong OOP and Functional Programming background Industrial protocols knowledge (Modbus, OPC-UA) Experience with real-time data processing Domain Knowledge IoT platforms and protocols (LoRaWAN preferred) Industrial automation systems SCADA and telemetry systems Data analytics and visualization Machine learning for predictive maintenance Enterprise system integration What We Offer Work on cutting-edge IoT projects across industries Experience with environmental monitori...
...experience 1+ years AngularJS experience Strong debugging capabilities Documentation skills: flowcharts, wireframing, mockups Experience with industrial data visualization Back-End DevelopmentPython, JavaScript (ES5+), and TypeScript mastery 3+ years REST/RPC APIs development Test-Driven Development (TDD) expertise Strong OOP and Functional Programming background Industrial protocols knowledge (Modbus, OPC-UA) Experience with real-time data processing Domain Knowledge IoT platforms and protocols (LoRaWAN preferred) Industrial automation systems SCADA and telemetry systems Data analytics and visualization Machine learning for predictive maintenance Enterprise system integration What We Offer Work on cutting-edge IoT projects across industries Experience with environmental monitori... prices. SolarSmart connects to solar inverters via ESP32, Modbus/RS485, enabling full control over charging, discharging, and export stop functionalities. Our goal is to maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance energy independence by intelligently managing solar power storage and distribution. If you have experience with Modbus, RS485 communication, IoT, or energy management systems and want to be part of an ambitious and forward-thinking project, we’d love to hear from you! Let’s build the future of smart solar energy together. ? Bascially we are interested in hearing about your experiences and how/what you can offer to the team Looking forward to hear from u :) Required experiences: MQTT DATABASE (SUPABASE) MODBUS/RS485 FLUTTER C++ DA...
I'm seeking an expert level professional for an Arduino project focused on teaching electronics fundamentals. This is an educational project aimed at making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Designing an Arduino project with...of electronics fundamentals. - Possibly providing instructional materials or guidance on how to teach this project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert level experience with Arduino. - Strong understanding of electronics fundamentals. - Prior experience designing educational projects or materials. - Proficiency in working with sensors. NodeMCU ESP8266 WIFI Development Board need to integrate with Deuther development board, based on ESP8266.
I'm seeking an expert level professional for an Arduino project focused on teaching electronics fundamentals. This is an educational project aimed at making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Key Responsibilities: - Designing an Arduino project with a focus on sensors. - Ensuring the project is suitable for an educational setting and promo...of electronics fundamentals. - Possibly providing instructional materials or guidance on how to teach this project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert level experience with Arduino. - Strong understanding of electronics fundamentals. - Prior experience designing educational projects or materials. - Proficiency in working with sensors. NodeMCU ESP8266 WIFI Development Board need to integrate with Deuther development board, ba...
Industrial IoT (IIoT) Engineer Needed for Smart Industrial System Setup Job Description: We are looking for an IIoT Engineer to develop and implement a smart industrial system connecting machines, sensors, and devices to the internet for real-time monitoring, automation, and data collection. Responsibilities: ? IIoT System Design & Development – Connect industrial devices via MQTT, Modbus, OPC-UA. ? Data Integration & Analytics – Ensure smooth data flow, collection, and analysis for optimization. ? Network Management – Configure and troubleshoot Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and cloud connectivity. ? Security & Automation – Implement cybersecurity best practices and automation solutions. ? Troubleshooting & Support – Provide technical assis...
...industrial IoT solution to optimize Modbus TCP communication by dynamically categorizing registers (FIXED, DYNAMIC, PERIODIC) using statistical analysis. The system reduces network overhead by 70% through block optimization, integrates Apache Camel for enterprise-grade routing, and serializes data via Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for efficient transmission. Key features include adaptive polling intervals, real-time anomaly detection, and automated reconfiguration of data collection strategies. Needed Experience & Demonstrated Skills: 1. Modbus Protocol Expertise Designed a Modbus TCP/RTU communication module using Modbus4J for reading/writing registers, coils, and input statuses. Implemented block optimization to group consecutive registers, reducing Modbus...
I'm facing a problem with my STM32 MODBUS implementation in VB.NET. The application sends an incorrect float value using the RTU format. This issue has been confirmed through the display of the receiving device. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in VB.NET - Experience with STM32 and MODBUS - Familiarity with RTU format - Skills in troubleshooting communication issues - Knowledge in handling float values in programming
I'm looking for an expert to prototype an Esp32 based gateway for industrial automation. The gateway should incorporate RS485 and CANbus modules, supporting the Modbus communication protocol. Key deliverables include: - PCB Gerber files - Bill of Materials (BOM) - Comprehensive production specifications The power supply requirement for this gateway is a standard 12V DC. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in: - Designing and prototyping PCB for industrial applications - Working with ESP32 and RS485, CANbus modules - Understanding and implementing Modbus communication protocol - Creating detailed production specifications and BOMs Please provide references to similar projects you have completed in your proposal.
I am seeking an experienced LabVIEW Developer to design, develop, and test software using the LabVIEW programming environment. The primary focus of this project is software development, with a significant emphasis on user interface design within LabVIEW. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with cross-function...practices in LabVIEW and related technologies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software development, particularly in LabVIEW. - Strong background in user interface design. - PLC programming knowledge is preferred. - Knowledge about servo drive is preferred. - Diploma in Electronics / Engineering. - CLD or equivalent experience. - Experience in digital communications like I2C, Modbus, Ethernet IP. - Proficient communication skills in English, Kannada ...
...I2C medical devices. ✅ JST PH (3-Pin) for analog medical sensors. ? 5️⃣ Connectors for Industrial Automation (ISO 9001, CCC) ? These connectors are designed for industrial control and automation applications. Device Protocol Recommended Connector Required Pins RS485/Modbus Module RS485 Terminal Block 3-Pin A, B, GND PLC/Industrial Control Module RS232/UART DB9 or JST XH 4-Pin TX, RX, GND, VCC Industrial Relay Modules Digital Terminal Block 3-Pin VCC (24V), OUT, GND ? Connector Selection: ✅ Terminal Block 3-Pin for RS485/Modbus industrial systems. ✅ DB9 or JST XH (4-Pin) for RS232 communications. ? Conclusion ✔ The IsoOk PCB must support a wide range of connectors to ensure compatibility with sensors and devices required for ISO certifications. ✔ We have selected standar...
...handle the ESP8266 integration separately. Key Features: * User Registration & Authentication: Email-based registration with distinct roles: "Patient" and "Doctor." Separate login areas and dashboards for each role. * Patient Functionality: * View their individual box usage data. * Data visualization: Display usage time in interactive graphs (daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly). * Doctor Selection: Ability to choose a doctor from a list within the system. * Doctor Functionality: * View aggregated box usage data for all their assigned patients. * Data visualization: Similar graphing capabilities as patients, but for multiple users. * Patient Management: View a list of their assigned patients. * Data Acquisition & Storage: ...
...handle the ESP8266 integration separately. Key Features: * User Registration & Authentication: Email-based registration with distinct roles: "Patient" and "Doctor." Separate login areas and dashboards for each role. * Patient Functionality: * View their individual box usage data. * Data visualization: Display usage time in interactive graphs (daily, hourly, weekly, monthly, yearly). * Doctor Selection: Ability to choose a doctor from a list within the system. * Doctor Functionality: * View aggregated box usage data for all their assigned patients. * Data visualization: Similar graphing capabilities as patients, but for multiple users. * Patient Management: View a list of their assigned patients. * Data Acquisition & Storage: ...
...Implement temperature and humidity monitoring for each tent. Develop control logic for each tent to adjust conditions (temperature and humidity). Use Modbus RTU communication for sensor integration with PLC. Incorporate humidity control through the Ultrasonic Humidifier (UH01) based on dew point (13°C - 14°C) and humidity setpoints (85%-90% RH). 1.2 Heat Pump & Fan Coil Unit Control Objective: Synchronize the heat pump (HP01) and fan coil unit (FCU01) based on cooling/heating modes. Tasks: Ensure the heat pump and fan coil unit operate in the same mode (heating/cooling). Use Modbus RTU communication to control the heat pump and FCU. 1.3 Error Handling and Alerts Objective: Implement error handling for all ...
...send read and write directives, direct to database, request from database, and work as a base for current and future requirements. - Comprehensive device compatibility: The software will have plugins that work with various with Smart Home Devices, Wearable Devices, Industrial IoT Devices, and ideally any IoT device in the future. Some plugins will be standard -eg the most common currently in use. Modbus, Zigbee, MQTT and others. paid plugins may be national standards products, proprietary standards. - User actions: It should support adding/removing edge devices, monitoring device data, controlling device functions, and selecting/adding required protocols both north and southbound. On a level from SMB to residential. licenses may be based on tags monitored. - Functionality: The ... available to work during our working hours (USA Central Time) and develop and maintain code in a professional manner. Must have hands-on experience in ESP32 application development, Azure IoT integration, and a strong understanding of code best practices and deployment strategies. SKILLS + Develop and write efficient and reliable programs in Open PLC for ESP32 microcontrollers. + Configure 1 Modbus output for communication. + Deploy and manage IoT applications using Azure IoT services. + Ensure seamless integration of ESP32 programs with Azure IoT Hub and related services. + Develop cloud-to-edge solutions leveraging Azure IoT frameworks. + Conduct thorough code review of existing code base to clean up, ensure high standards of quality and adherence to best practices. + Optim...
...Programming Expertise: Proficiency in programming WAGO PLCs, with a focus on converting existing code from Schneider to WAGO systems. Modbus Communication: Strong understanding of the Modbus protocol, as the system incorporates both digital commands and Modbus-based communications. RfG Compliance: Familiarity with the EU's Network Code on Requirements for Generators (Regulation (EU) 2016/631) and its application within the Greek regulatory framework. ΑΔΜΗΕ Key Responsibilities: Analyze the current Schneider-based telemanagement program. Develop and implement an equivalent program for WAGO PLCs, ensuring seamless integration and functionality. Configure and test Modbus communications to guarantee reliable data exchange be...
I'm looking for an experienced VB.Net developer for my ongoing project. The main focus of this project is generating detailed reports, primarily using operational data. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement customizable templates for reports - Create interactive dashboards - Analysis of trends - Integration with Modbus Ideal Skills: - Expertise in VB.Net - Experience in developing reporting software - Knowledge of Modbus integration - Ability to create interactive dashboards - Proficient in designing customizable report templates
...experience to assist with programming for my project. The primary focus will be on development, including software testing, debugging, and creating algorithms. The engineer should be adept at programming for the PLCnext controller and handling WS to CAN translations, Modbus to WS translations, and developing a basic UI. Key Responsibilities: - Software development with a focus on PLCnext controller programming - Debugging and software testing - Algorithm creation - Translating communication protocols (WS to CAN, Modbus to WS) - Developing a basic UI Ideal Skills and Experience: - Intermediate experience with PLCnext - Proficient in PLCnext controller programming - Able to create algorithms - Experienced in translating communication protocols - Capable of de...
...looking for a talented developer with a strong background in programming the ESP32 microcontroller and implementing the Modbus protocol. The task involves writing code for the ESP32 that can effectively interface with an energy meter. The code should accurately and efficiently read and process data from the meter. Key Responsibilities: - Developing code in the Arduino IDE to control the ESP32. - Implementing Modbus protocol for communication with the energy meter. - Ensuring accurate data handling and communication. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with ESP32 programming, specifically in the Arduino IDE. - Strong understanding and previous experience with Modbus protocol. - Experience with data handling from energy meters is a plus. Please pr...
I'm seeking a skilled professional for a project involving multiple RS485 Modbus devices. The task includes sending SMS messages to these devices to read meter data and subsequently creating an SQL database using the collected information. Key Requirements: - Proficient in working with RS485 Modbus devices - Experience in sending SMS to these devices - SQL database creation and management skills - Familiarity with rs485 modbus rtu data format - Understanding of SIM card usage in devices The meter data is typically in the rs485 modbus rtu format. The connection to the RS485 Modbus devices will be through a SIM card on the device. The ideal candidate for this project should have hands-on experience with this kind of setup and be able to work independ...
...protocols for vehicle data acquisition - Experience with real-time data transmission in high-interference environments - Familiarity with UDP and TCP protocols for telemetry data transmission Preferred Qualifications: - Previous work experience in professional motorsport teams or racing technology companies - Knowledge of audio DSP techniques and their application in motorsports - Experience with ESP8266/ESP32 microcontrollers for Wi-Fi-enabled sensor systems - Familiarity with WAAPI (Wwise Authoring API) for external system communication The ideal candidate will bring a unique blend of audio expertise, telemetry knowledge, and wireless networking skills to push the boundaries of motorsport technology. If you're passionate about racing and have the technical prowess to revol...
I'm facing performance issues with my Arduino server-client application. It currently only processes and sends information to the phone once, instead of looping continuously. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in Arduino programming - Experience troubleshooting performance issues - Knowledge of server-client architecture - Able to optimize for speed and scalabi...Please note that there are other constraints to consider: none. Please account for changes on the data within the looping process. The data being processed is data received from the product you manufacture. The processed data consists of serial data evaluated from my product. The serial data being processed is small in size and infrequent in arrival. The application is running on the Wifi Module ESP826...
...quantities. - Excellent understanding of electrical engineering principles. Please use Siemens Solid Edge wiring design for the design. This control panel will be used in the process control industry. The project should be completed within 1 month. Ensure the control panel complies with IEC standards. The control panel must be resistant to dust and moisture. Ensure the control panel integrates Modbus/TCP for communication. On-site services are required for the project. The control panel should be designed to operate in effluent treatment plant environmental conditions. The installation guide should include step-by-step instructions for installation and configuration. Prefered Location from South India (Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka etc ) COMPANY NAME : WTT INTER...
I'm looking for a skilled coder who can write a working code for Arduino. The project involves the ESP8266 and Waveshare 2.13inch E-Ink Screen Display HAT (B) for Raspberry Pi. Key Requirements: - The primary function of this project is to show images on the E-Ink screen. The images will be in 212x104 resolution, but the code should also be adaptable for 2.97 inch and 4.7 inch screens. - The code must support all three resolutions: 2.13, 2.97, and 4.7 inches. - You will need to provide schematics of wiring for the ESP8266 with the E-Ink screen. - Ideal candidates should have experience with Arduino, ESP8266, and E-Ink displays. Skills in coding for multiple screen resolutions and creating wiring schematics are essential.
I need help with my IoT project. It involves the ESP8266/ESP32 platform and includes data logging and sensor integration functionalities. Please refer to this video link for details: I have all the necessary hardware, but I'm in need of the appropriate codes and schematics to get everything up and running. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in coding for the ESP8266/ESP32 platform - Experienced in IoT projects - Able to provide clear and understandable schematics - Knowledgeable in sensor integration and data logging functionalities.
The software project, is based on the following hardware: raspberry 4/5, industrial with 8 Gb of Ram and 32 of Flash, with 6 rs485 communication channels (modbus), Ethernet port, LTE connection, and wireless Zigbee/Matter. The HUB has a local display, available to the installer, to program the system locally, It is a HUB that acquires values from Modbus protocol, and digital and analog I/o with wired and Matter connections via radio. The device is connected with Azure, in real time, via Ethernet and LTE as backup. The software to be developed, must have the ability to allow the installer to define the number of sensors on each modbus line, and most importantly to be able to program the modbs registers, to match the various brands of powermeter. Knowledge of the co...
I'm seeking an experienced C# developer with expertise in Modbus protocols. The task involves sending sensor data to a Modbus application via COM3, using the Read/Write Multiple Registers function with signed integers. Key Requirements: - Proficient in C# programming - Knowledgeable in Modbus protocol, specifically Read/Write Multiple Registers function - Experience with handling signed integer data formats - Familiar with COM3 interfacing Ideal candidates should have a strong background in software development, with particular emphasis on C# and Modbus applications. Experience with sensor data transmission will be a significant advantage. I look forward to receiving your bids.
I am working on a battery-powered soil moisture sensor project. Currently, I have a prototype using an ESP8266 and a soil moisture sensor. The final device should meet the following requirements: Power Source: Utilize a 18650 lithium-ion battery for power. Data Reporting: Send data to a specified URL ({sensorId}/{secretToken}/{moistureLevel}/{temperatureLevel}/{batteryLevel}) at hourly intervals. Setup and Configuration: Allow easy setup and configuration of the device (e.g., Wi-Fi credentials, sensor ID, and secret token) using a mobile phone. Additional Features: Measure and report moisture level, temperature, and battery level. Optimize for low power consumption to maximize battery life. Your task is to design the electronics and firmware for this device, ensuring