Dancewear programmer needed Jobs
We're actually looking for a programmer who could create us a tool for an easyer administration of our cd collection. It has to fulfill the following requirements: - It's possible to create CDs with the following attributes: genre, artist, title, year - Saved elements will be presented as a JTree - The JTree element will be updated as soon as we save a new element - It's possible to edit created/saved elements - It's possible to filter (only entries with the desired keyword will be shown) We tried it already by ourself but failed. We send you our files and please you to correct them where needed. _____________________ Wir sind derzeit auf der Suche nach einem Programmierer, der uns ein Programm zur Verwaltung unserer CD-Sammlung erstelle...
...und bei geschlossenen Zeiten "in x Stunden, y Minuten wieder geöffnet" anzeigen! Wäre natürlich cool, wenn wir Sommerzeit/Winterzeit berücksichtig hätten, aber Hauptsache es geht schnell und die Zeiten stimmen. Siehe oben im Header: Unten sind die Zeiten vermerkt Danke für eure Gebote Andreas und Caroline English "looking urgently for a skilled programmer with time now! an already existing php code for opening and closing hours must be adjusted: during opening hours it must display "still opened for x hours, y minutes" and during closing hours it must display "in x hours, y minutes opened" See in header: Times are written below. Its located in Switzerland. Thanks for your bids Andreas and Caro...
web server buat, web server control, web programmer bikin
Ich brauche Änderungen in folgenden Modulen: google-maps-mod in diesem Modul wird der Standort des Artikels Angezeigt. Was ich hier brauche ist noch der Endpunkt und die Daten der Route. Also Standpunkt / Endpunkt Distanz Km 150 diese Funktion soll in Custom Auction Fields Management In alle Formulare Side, Shop, Rückwerts und später im fertigem Formular Angezeigt werden Von Standpunkt, Endpunkt, Distanz Km 150. Dann brauche ich in user-defined-auction-fields folgende änderung: Hier hätte ich gerne noch die Funktion das ich die Felder in die Rückwerts Auktion einfügen kann. Das Modi sollte dann die Felder in Side, Shop, Rückwerts Auktion setzen können. Dann brauche ich Anmelder in Kategorien, Standard ist Privat und eine ...
$25jh dishidhishdishidhisdhdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Guten Tag, Wir suchen nach einem erfahrenen Web Application Programmer, der ein CRM-System für uns entwickelt, das dem von insithly ähnelt. Es soll einfach sein und in eine bestehende Anzeigenmarkt-Plattform integriert werden. Ziel ist, die Verwaltung von Anfragen, Kontakten und Angeboten online verwalten zu können. Die Angebote sollen in form eines PDF-Templates versendet werden können. des weiteren, soll der User auch im Stande sein, seinen E-Mail Account komplett in dieses CRM zu integrieren, um Eingänge und Ausgänge zu verwalten und entsprechend den Kontakten / Anfragen zuzuordnen. (wie bei z.b.: SugarCRM). Das CRM-System soll aber sehr schmal und einfach bleiben. nur die genannten Funktionen sind erwünscht. Features: + Kontakt-M...
Hallo, mein Name ist Olivier Mit diesem Post bin ich auf der Suche nach einer/einem deutsch sprechenden Virtual Assistant aus den Phillipinen oder ähnlichem Land. Die Aufgabe wird folgende sein: Nachforschung nach potentiellen Kunden im deutschsprachigen Raum, Übertragen der Kontaktdaten in ein Excel-File und diese per Email zu kontaktieren. Das Email-Script stelle ich, so dass im Grunde nur noch der Name des Empfaengers geändert werden muss. In Zukunft koennen und werden noch weitere Aufgaben hinzu kommen, aber dies ist mal die Aufgabe zu beginn. Zum Start suche ich jemanden der 20 Stunden für mich arbeiten kann, wobei diese Zeit frei waehrend einer Woche eingeteilt werden kann. Den Email-Account und Instruktionen werde ich liefern. Ben¿tigt w...
Looking for programmer in Shenzen, China Korean spoken *essential
Looking for programmer in Shenzen, China Korean spoken *essential
We're actually looking for a programmer who could create us a tool for an easyer administration of our cd collection. It has to fulfill the following requirements: - It's possible to create CDs with the following attributes: genre, artist, title, year - Saved elements will be presented as a JTree - The JTree element will be updated as soon as we save a new element - It's possible to edit created/saved elements - It's possible to filter (only entries with the desired keyword will be shown) We tried it already by ourself but failed. We send you our files and please you to correct them where needed. _____________________ Wir sind derzeit auf der Suche nach einem Programmierer, der uns ein Programm zur Verwaltung unserer CD-Sammlung erstelle...
...[Removed by Administrator] Deine Aufgaben und Chancen + Du wirst den aktuellen Prototypen der App samt UI, Game Logik und die Anbindung an die CV eigenständig weiterentwicklen + Du arbeitest vor Ort eng mit dem Gründerteam zusammen und findest kreative Lösungen für unsere Problemstellungen + Du hilfst langfristig als Lead Programmer das Programming Department aufzubauen Deine Must-Haves + Interesse an Startup Erfahrung und Lead Programmer Position +Bereitschaft zunächst als Freelancer vollzeit für uns zu arbeiten, mit Aussicht auf Equity-Beteiligung (1-5%) + Bereits 2+ Jahre Erfahrung in der Entwicklung für Mobile Geräte (Android) Konkrete Produktionserfahrung mit nachweislichen Referenzen + Erfahrung i...
Minecraft Launcher We are looking for a skilled Java Developer. A source is available which should be as far as error-free. The programmer should make the launcher executable. After that, the launcher must be updated. The update is not available as source. For more information please contact us through.
...Computer Vision C-Bibliothek herstellen - Du wirst die UI und Game Logik unseres aktuellen Prototypen eigenständig nachbilden (Definition, Dokumentation vorhanden) - Du arbeitest vor Ort (Stuttgart) eng mit dem Gründerteam zusammen und findest kreative Lösungen für unsere Problemstellungen - Du hilfst langfristig als Lead Programmer das Programming Department aufzubauen Deine Must-Haves - Interesse an Startup Erfahrung und Lead Programmer Position - Bereitschaft zunächst als Freelancer Vollzeit für uns zu arbeiten, mit Aussicht auf Equity-Beteiligung (1-5%) - Bereits 2+ Jahre Games Projekterfahrung mit Unity 3D und Deployments für Android und iOS Geräte - Erfahrung im Bereich UI und Usabi...
Ich möchte einen Online-Shop für meine Wordpress-Website zu erstellen. Ich werde den Verkauf meiner eigenen Produkte, Dienstleistungen und auch amazon Affiliate-Produkte. Es muss sauber, organisiert und vor allem will ich nicht da, um optische Differenzierung zwischen den Affiliate-Produkte und mein eigenes zu sein. Der Speicher muss nicht kompliziert sein. Ich bin wirklich nur auf der Suche nach etwas einfach, aber stilvoll, die in mit meiner Website Thema passt.
> Seitenanzahl 15-30 > Design + Programmierung - Konzeption - Erstellung des Website Layouts - Erstellung der Responsive HTML Templates (optimiert für Desktop, Tablets und Smartphones) - Einrichten eines Content Management Systems (CMS). Hierüber können Inhalte der Website selbständig gepflegt werden. - Einpflege der Inhalte - SEO-Optimierung (schöne URLs, Eintrag bei Google usw.) - Optimierung für alle modernen, gängigen Browser: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE9+ - vielleicht auch responsive - auch JOOMLA und DRUPAL Kenntnisse 1. Project Number of pages: 15-30 Seo optimization Optimization for all common browsers Putting online Responsive webdesign 2. Skills - very high level of written and spoken German. - creative designer ...
Hello, this description is in german since german skills are necessary for this task. -- Im Rahmen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit müssen 4 Interviews je 45 min - 1 std. transkribiert werden. D.h. das gesprochene Wort muss als Text herunter geschrieben werden. Sie erhalten die Tonaufzeichnung als MP3 und liefern als Ergebnis das heruntergeschriebene Dokument. Eine Software zur Unterstützung der Eingaben wird mitgeliefert - ebenso können wir uns telefonisch absprechen. Bitte geben Sie als Gebot die Kosten für die Transkription von 1 Std. Aufnahme an. Ich freue mich auf Ihr Angebot. Grüße
I'm searching for a Theme programmer who reconstructs a theme for WordPress or Contao in my order for a customer of me. The customer is a beauty salon and the theme should be based on the these websites: The customer has been granted the rights to use the images from the manufacturer, the texts will provided by him. The nmain purpose is to design a similar theme based on red and yellow tones inspired by the design of the linked websites (Typo3). The installation of the CMS and installing / maintenance of the texts is provided by me. The theme should be ready at the beginning of the new year, but it can be made earlier, too. Ich suche einen Theme-Programmierer, der ein Theme für Wordpress oder Contao in meinem Auftrag für einen meiner Kunden
I am good c programmer external partner for developing our APP Current Status: What we already have: - Designs -Productspecs (we can send it to you on request) -An alpha prototype Angular, JS and Phonegap -A Backendprogrammer: Building a Server with Scala We would like to go through our existing codes, to see what we are able to use to fasten up the process a little bit. We preferably looking for a programmer who is located in Germany or better Berlin....
...HTML-Inhalte aus diesen Daten erstellen, muss Ihr HTML-Markup auf eine Javascript-Datei für Klick-Tracking-Support verweisen. Kopieren Sie den nachfolgenden Code und fügen Sie ihn in die -Sektion Ihrer Webseite: Detailansicht des Jobs soll in einem neuen Fenster erfolgen. Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich bitte im Vorfeld. ------ sorry my englisch is not very good----- We need to find a programmer who can integrate the Indeed Job Search API into our existing site. Th existing site is a jobberbase script, in german and works. From : You may search the Indeed job index using our XML interface. This allows you to submit job searches and receive results via a structured XML feed which can be incorporated into your website or application. Indeed Web Servic...
I'm seeking a seasoned Viator expert with a strong focus on promotion and marketing. My primary goal is to increase bookings through strategic use of the platform. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Viator with a focus on promotion and marketing - Proven track record of increasing bookings via Viator - Strong skills in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Ability to devise and implement effective marketing strategies
I'm seeking a fresh, enthusiastic individual for a customer service role based in Goa. The primary focus of this job is to handle customer inquiries in person. This role requires a friendly, approachable person who can communicate effectively and represent our brand positively. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent communication skills - Friendly and approachable demeanor - Ability to handle inquiries professionally - Willingness to learn and grow - Local to Goa, preferable in or around Panaji, Margao, or Vasco da Gama.
I'm in need of a skilled CAM programmer with extensive experience in 3D Machining, specifically using Mastercam. The project involves programming for a mechanical VMC to work with composite materials. Key requirements: - Proficient in 3D Machining CAM programming - Extensive experience with Mastercam - Previous work with mechanical VMCs - Understanding of composite materials machining - Familiarity with Fanuc robo drill, Mazak, and Mitsubishi machines The ideal freelancer will have a track record of successful CAM programming projects and can provide evidence of their expertise in 3D machining and working with composite materials.
I'm launching a Kickstarter for a digital product and need a seasoned professional to help me create compelling campaign content, manage social media marketing and design eye-catching campaign visuals. Key Tasks: - Crafting engaging written content, creating captivating video content, and designing appealing graphic content for the campaign - Overseeing and strategizing my social media presence leading up to and during the campaign - Designing visuals that will grab backers' attention and convey the value of the product Ideal Skills: - Strong background in digital marketing, particularly with Kickstarter campaigns - Exceptional content creation skills, with a knack for writing, video production and graphic design - Proven track record of successful Kickstarter campaigns for di...
I'm in need of a skilled Android developer to assist with testing my app. This could involve various aspects of the app, including the user interface, functionality, and performance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience in app testing - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Ability to assess functionality and performance - Familiarity with a wide range of Android devices and versions Please note that the specific aspects of the app to be tested, the type of app, and the Android versions or devices to be used for testing have not yet been defined. Your flexibility and expertise in making recommendations will be highly valuable.
I need a VB.Net programmer to develop a small program that allows users to modify settings on an Epson passbook printer (PLQ 35). The settings include: - PR2 emulation - Target printer node setting - Print quality settings The ideal candidate should have experience with VB.Net and ideally with developing for Epson printers. The program needs to have a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
I'm looking for a talented designer to create visually appealing, high-resolution screenshots for my two mobile apps (one for iOS and one for Android). Each app needs a minimum of five screens designed. I have mocks for all screens, but the designer will need to enhance the designs to higher resolution and quality. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in PNG format for final designs - Incorporation of specific branding elements, including my company logo, brand colors, and typography Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly for mobile apps - Experience with brand-consistent design - High attention to detail in creating high-resolution visuals
I'm in need of an Excel master for a 2-hour remote exam. This is for my Business Data Analytics course. Your role will involve: - Data cleaning and preparation - Data visualization - Statistical analysis You should be proficient in using specific Excel functions and tools including: - PivotTables - VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP - Conditional Formatting Skills and experience required: - Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel - Strong background in Economics - Proven experience in Business Data Analytics This is a time-sensitive task and will require focused attention to detail. Looking forward to your bids.
I am searching for a TradingView programmer & Pine Script expert, who is able to support me in the next hours of coding.
I'm in search of a creative designer who can produce 100 unique, innovative designs for a variety of print-on-demand products, including T-shirts, mugs, and phone cases. All designs should be original and copyright-free, as they will be sold online. Upon project completion, all rights to the designs will be transferred to me. Key Responsibilities: - Design 100 unique graphics suitable for a range of products - Ensure all designs are original and copyright-free - Transfer of rights upon project completion Ideal Candidate: - Creative and innovative designer - Experienced in creating designs for print-on-demand platforms - Able to deliver high-quality, unique designs - Knowledgeable about copyright laws - Willing to transfer all rights upon project completion
I'm seeking a seasoned crowdfunding campaign manager to oversee and elevate my GiveSendGo campaign, aimed at raising funds for a personal cause. The campaign has already been set up a month ago but it doesn't gain traction at all as I have no social media presence. What I already tried to do (but yielded no success): - Post my campaign on Facebook Group (I had never been on any social media until now) --> only got spammed by fake accounts. - Create a short video about my campaign on YouTube which got virtually no views. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive campaign strategy to maximize visibility and reach. - Leverage various marketing channels, particularly social media, email marketing, and influencer partnerships, to gain traction and support. - ...
...connections to target device. My team checked the connections to the target device with the same bad results. We have installed all necessary packages required for the microcontroller. My engineer will share configuration settings and mplab x ide setup. Requirement need a firmware developer who has specifically developed and programmed firmware for this specific MCU PIC24FJ256DA210 with any programmer or debugger that worked for them. developer will be providing consulting services remotely to my local developer from setting up the hardware,connection to the hardware and uploading the firmware him with reviewing firmware codes,weeding out the errors to make sure it works well...
I'm an online yoga instructor in need of an SEO expert. My goal is to generate at least 500 new clients per month, with a marketing budget of 8k. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize my website to improve its search engine ranking and visibility. - Implement SEO strategies aimed at generating leads specifically for my online yoga classes. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, preferably with lead generation. - Excellent understanding of SEO tools and techniques. - Previous work with online service-based businesses is a plus. Your goal will be to enhance my website's SEO to attract potential yoga enthusiasts from around the globe.
We are a consortium of companies based in Asia, seeking skilled accounting professionals to manage our bookkeeping and financial reporting for our sister companies in Hong Kong. This opportunity is ideally suited for freelancers residing near Kuala Lumpur area. Key Responsibilities: - Regular bookkeeping tasks. - Preparation of monthly and annual financial reports. Requirements: - Proven experience in performing bookkeeping and financial reporting independently. - Proficiency in online QuickBooks is preferred. - Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. - Good Excel skills. - Ability to converse in Cantonese or Mandarin is a must. We look forward to your bids and hopefully a long-term collaboration.
I'm seeking a skilled professional to establish a seamless connection between my GHL platform and a third-party Property Management System (PMS). Key Tasks: - Implement the integration using RESTful APIs & Webhooks. - Synchronize customer data and booking information between GHL and the PMS. Essential Qualifications: - Proven experience with REST APIs & Webhooks. - Expertise in Python, Node.js, or PHP. - Familiar with OAuth2, API Keys, & security best practices. - Previous experience with CRM automation (GHL, HubSpot, or similar). Please note that the specific third-party PMS has yet to be determined. Your flexibility and expertise in working with various systems will be crucial.
I'm seeking a tech pack designer based in South Africa with a knack for casual wear. The freelancer will convert my existing designs into detailed tech packs. Requirements: - Experience with tech pack creation, particularly for casual wear. - Skills in detailing measurement charts and stitching specifics. - Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate to bring designs to life. Your portfolio should showcase your experience with tech packs and casual wear. Looking forward to bringing my clothing brand to the next level with your expertise!
I'm seeking a seasoned L...Directly target decision-makers and business owners primarily. - Conduct A/B testing on ad creatives, copy, and target demographics to boost performance. - Provide detailed reports and insights for ongoing campaign enhancements. Requirements: - Demonstrated experience in lead generation via LinkedIn Ads and Meta Ads is crucial. - A robust understanding of B2B digital marketing audience targeting is needed. - Capability to work with a limited budget while ensuring a steady influx of quality leads. - Proficiency in conversion tracking and ad analytics. - A proven track record of delivering measurable results. Industry Focus: - Primary sectors of focus include Technology, Finance, and personal care. Goal: - The main objective of these campaigns is l...
I'm looking for a skilled content writer to craft engaging and compelling copy for my website. The ideal candidate will have experience in writing for the web and understanding SEO principles. Please provide samples of your previous website copy.
I'm seeking a design professional who can refine my current Figma designs. The project involves: - Modifying the layout to enhance visual appeal - Adjusting the color scheme to improve aesthetics - Updating typography for better coherence and style The primary goal of these design modifications is to elevate the overall aesthetics of the designs. Please note that the designs need to be specifically optimized for mobile devices. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience with Figma - Strong design background with a focus on aesthetics - Knowledge of mobile design principles - Excellent understanding of typography and color theory. I look forward to seeing your proposals.
I'm seeking a seasoned, certified Google Adwords professional to manage my marketing campaigns aimed at boosting sales of my physical and service products. Key Requirements: - Proven track record as a Google Adwords practitioner - Experience in promoting physical products and services - Strategy development for maximising sales conversion - Account management and optimisation skills Please note that I already have an active Google Adwords account. Your role will primarily involve strategising, executing and managing the campaigns to drive sales.
My computer is stuck in activation mode and I appear to have lost the Apple ID and password. I need an expert who can help me unlock the device, assess whether it's previously owned and figure out if I have any purchase proof. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient with Apple products - Experience with computer unlocking - Good at troubleshooting - Able to assess previous ownership - Patient and understanding - Excellent communication skills
I am a USA based supplement manufacturer looking for an expert to set up my stores from scratch on Amazon, Etsy, Walmart, and Google. This is an ongoing job, as I will need continuous support and management. Key responsibilities will include: - Creating and optimizing product listings for hemp/herbal sleep gummies, ashwagandha, lion's mane, lavender, and more. - Ensuring the stores are set up in line with the best practices for each platform. - Providing ongoing support and store management. We have all branding materials ready, including logos, product images, and descriptions. What I need is an experienced store creator who can take my business to the next level. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proven track record of successfully setting up stores on the mentio...
I've been having some issues with my Shopify store, particularly with the checkout process. I'm encountering payment errors when customers attempt to check out. - Issues: Payment errors during the checkout process - Payment Gateway: Payu I'm looking for a seasoned Shopify expert who can quickly troubleshoot these issues and get my store back in working order. Your experience and problem-solving skills are crucial for this project. Good communication and a quick turnaround time will be highly appreciated. Please reach out if you can assist, detailing your expertise and an estimated timeframe for resolution. Thank you!
I am seeking an experienced copywriter to craft engaging and persuasive content tailored specifically for my brand's social media platforms — Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The social media captions should embody a professional tone, reflecting the brand's voice while driving customer engagement and conversions. This project will primarily focus on: - Writing compelling social media captions that resonate with our audience and promote interaction. The ideal candidate should have a robust portfolio demonstrating their copywriting prowess, particularly in a professional tone for social media. Excellent grammar skills, a deep understanding of SEO, and the ability to deliver high-quality content on time are crucial for this role.
I run an E-commerce website on Tilda, and I'm in need of a professional developer who can seamlessly integrate Tabby Payment into my site. The integration should cater specifically to installment payments, and be accessible on all product pages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Tilda platform - Experienced in payment gateway integration - Specifically familiar with Tabby Payment system - E-commerce site development experience - Strong understanding of installment payment systems Key Requirements: - Implement Tabby Payment for installment options only - Ensure functionality on all product pages - Maintain site aesthetic and user experience
Freight Logistics Startup Seeking Skilled Developers (React.js, Node.js, API, AWS) About Us: We are Easy Import, a fast-growing startup building a next-gen freight logistics platform that connects customers with logistics companies and independent truckers. Our goal is to simplify global trade with an easy-to-use, efficient, and cost-effective digital platform. We are looking for talented developers to join our remote tech team and help us build a scalable, high-performance web application. Project Scope: You will be working on: ✅ Frontend Development (React.js, , Tailwind CSS) ✅ Backend Development (Node.js, , MongoDB) ✅ API Integrations (Third-party logistics, payment gateways, and tracking) ✅ Cloud Deployment & Optimization (AWS, GCP, Docker) ✅ UI/UX Improvements (Ensuring a sea...
I'm on the lookout for a seasoned ghostwriter, preferably one with a rich background in journalism or writing, who can help me pen my autobiography. Key details: - The book should be written in an inspirational tone, showcasing my professional achievements. - You will need to be adept at creating a compelling narrative that highlights key milestones and challenges in my career. Skills and experience: - Proven track record in writing autobiographies or similar projects. - Excellent storytelling and writing skills. - Background in journalism or professional writing is preferred. - Ability to write in an inspirational tone. - Previous experience writing about professional achievements.