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    2,000 aws codepipeline vs jenkins Jobs gefunden

    ...erklärt bekommen). • Welche Programme sind hilfreich am Computer & Handy, z.B. um PDF (Adobe vs kostenfreie version) zu bearbeiten, Hardcopys erstellen • Mit meinem Outlook habe ich gerade ein Problem und möchte es besser konfigurieren • Beratung, wie ich meine Daten nur an einer Stelle zentral verwalte, Outlook oder Google, wobei Google toll ist im Zusammenhang mit dem Handy, …. Fritz box??? • Fax einrichten mit der Fritz box • Explorer, Zugriffe effizient einrichten • Handy: WhatsApp für SMS einrichten • welcher Browser Standard? übernehmen Firefox, …Chrom??? • Mediaplayer, …Facebook, Google & Co am Computer & Handy sinnvoll einstellen, WhatsApp, Messenger, mobile Dien...

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    ...Baumwollstoff (Garn und Stoff in Deutschland produziert) anzubieten. Zudem werden wir Cotton Made in Africa unterstützen und für nachhaltige, ökologische und soziale Gerechtigkeit einstehen. Das Wichtigste an diesem Netzwerk ist, dass wir zum Importpreis die Baumwolltaschen, in einer besseren Qualität und zertifiziert anbieten können. Das ist einzigartig und richtet sich gegen die Plastiktüte. Naturtüte vs. Plastiktüte. Wir haben ein Netzwerk erarbeitet die gemeinsam die soziale Verantwortung, Reduktion von Plastikmüll und Nachhaltigkeit in einem Produkt vereint hat, was ein Massenprodukt darstellt und z.B. nicht nur unsere Meere schützt, sondern auch gegen Kinderarbeit steht und einen sozialen und ökologischen Mehrwert h...

    €176 Average bid
    €176 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    ...Baumwollstoff (Garn und Stoff in Deutschland produziert) anzubieten. Zudem werden wir Cotton Made in Africa unterstützen und für nachhaltige, ökologische und soziale Gerechtigkeit einstehen. Das Wichtigste an diesem Netzwerk ist, dass wir zum Importpreis die Baumwolltaschen, in einer besseren Qualität und zertifiziert anbieten können. Das ist einzigartig und richtet sich gegen die Plastiktüte. Naturtüte vs. Plastiktüte. Wir haben ein Netzwerk erarbeitet die gemeinsam die soziale Verantwortung, Reduktion von Plastikmüll und Nachhaltigkeit in einem Produkt vereint hat, was ein Massenprodukt darstellt und z.B. nicht nur unsere Meere schützt, sondern auch gegen Kinderarbeit steht und einen sozialen und ökologischen Mehrwert h...

    €28 - €235
    €28 - €235
    0 Angebote

    Für eine bestehende Web-Applikation im Bereich Travel-Media suchen wir einen technischen Projektkoordinator mit guten technischen Kenntnissen im Bereich Java, JavaScript, Git, Jenkins, Bootstrap und Angular.JS Aufgabe ist die technische Detailabstimmung mit der IT des Kunden, sowie Unterstützung bei der Koordination von eingesetzten Entwicklern.

    €2432 Average bid
    €2432 Gebot i.D.
    10 Angebote

    Ich habe auf meiner Webseite Wordpress / WooCommerce und das Plugin Amazon eStore von AATeam installiert. Mein Amazon AWS Konto müsste konfiguriert werden. Es muss eine Gruppe erstellt werden und die entsprechende User-ID damit die Bestellungen und die Klicks auf meiner Webseite verarbeitet werden und bei Amazon im meinem Affiliate Konto angezeigt werden. Aktuell ist der Acces Key in den Accounteinstellungen des Plugins hinterlegt. Diese funktioniert allerdings nicht.

    €28 - €235
    €28 - €235
    0 Angebote

    ...Projekten  Welche Untersuchungen gibt es (PM-Gesellschaften oder Forschung)  Prozentual Projektfehler >> Story  Turnaround, Projektmanagement  Projektfehler  Häufige Szenarien >> Handlungsanweisung  Wie man es besser macht  Welche Vorteile externe Berater bringen > Artikel 2: Go/No-Go Entscheidung >> ZDF  Entscheidungshemmnisse  Methoden der Entscheidungsfindung (Management vs. Team)  Mutlosigkeit >> Story  Fehlgeschlagenes Outsourcing-Projekt, typische Situation  Notwendigkeit Entscheidungen zu treffen  Mutlosigkeit überwinden = neue Wege beschreiten, Zukunftsorientierung sichern  Beispiel, wo fehlende Entscheidung zu Verlust führte (Glaube an externe Einflüsse, aber in Wahrheit eigene Versäum...

    €145 Average bid
    €145 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    (1) Wir betreuen mehrere Webserver mit typischerweise CPanel, PHP, MySQL, TYPO3, Nginx, Symfony u.ä.. Hierbei bräuchten wir Hilfe. Das sollte sofort losgehen. (2) Wir haben eine etwas komplexere Deployment-Infrastruktur in der Cloud (Openshift, Bitbucket, Jenkins). Hier wäre sehr fortgeschrittenes Scripting notwendig. Da wir hier eigene Build Script für verschiedene Projekte brauchen. Hierbei könnten wir uns perspektivisch vorstellen Aufgabenbereiche extern zu vergeben. Das kann theoretisch zwar auch sofort losgehen; eilt aber nicht. (3) Dann betreuen wir noch unsere eigene Infrastruktur JIRA mit vielen selbstgeschriebenen Plugins, Confluence, JIRA Helpdesk. Dies läuft gerade auf einem dedizierten Server und soll in die Cloud umgezogen werden. Ebe...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    ...Vorlagen (in das Adressfeld vorgefertigter Paketmarken) generiert werden, je nachdem, welche Versendeart ausgewählt wurde. Für die Zukunft sind auch weitere Funktionen wie Abruf der Bestellungen bei und aus eigenem Online-Shop sowie wie Lagerbestandsabgleich geplant. Diese Funktionen sollten nachträglich implementiert werden können. Die Programmierung kann meines Wissens nach mit Amazon AWS erfolgen....

    €1148 Average bid
    €1148 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    ...Vorlagen (in das Adressfeld vorgefertigter Paketmarken) generiert werden, je nachdem, welche Versendeart ausgewählt wurde. Für die Zukunft sind auch weitere Funktionen wie Abruf der Bestellungen bei und aus eigenem Online-Shop sowie wie Lagerbestandsabgleich geplant. Diese Funktionen sollten nachträglich implementiert werden können. Die Programmierung kann meines Wissens nach mit Amazon AWS erfolgen....

    €1251 Average bid
    €1251 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Hallo, Ich möchte die umfangreichen Produktdaten aller amazon Produkte in eine Datenbank laden und diese täglich aktualisieren. Nach einiger Recherche denke ich das dies nicht über die Apis (aws papi und mws api) möglich ist auch nicht über per cron gesteuerte xmlparser, da diese wohl dafür zu langsame sind. Es handelt sich ja um einige hundert millionen recht umfangreiche Datensätze. Ich bin an einer Lösung zu diesem Problem interessiert, die denen von ect. nahekommt.

    €611 Average bid
    €611 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    Benötige kleinere Funktionsanpassungen (z.B. User Registrierung mit Einrichtung von Bezahlarten) bei einer RubyOnRails Anwendung mit ActiveAdmin, MySQL, Paperclip, AWS, Zencoder und MySQL. Außerdem soll die Anwendung optisch an ein Wordpress Layout angepasst werden. Für dieses Projekt sind sehr gute RubyOnRails-Fähigkeiten gefragt!

    €584 Average bid
    €584 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    #German speaking freelancers are preferred. I'm looking for a experienced webdesigner who is familiar with wordpress. The task is to create 3 websites for technical companies: - The websites should be based on wordpress - The websites should be hosted on one single AWS EC2 Micro Instance using multiple wordpress installations. - The webdesign can be template based, but should be customized to fit the companies mission and should feature a responsive design. - At least one website will How the project will be mangaged: The project will be split in 4 sub projects: 1) Installation of LAMP and Wordpress. 2) 3 single webdesign projects each consisting of: 2a) Mockups 2b) Logo Design (for some websites) 2c) Implementation Please provide e...

    €556 Average bid
    €556 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    ...Zusammenarbeit in Aussicht. Artikel 1: Haltung von Jung-, Mast- und Schlachttieren (inkl. Geflügel) - Genereller Ablauf - Vergleich verschiedener Haltungsformen - Haltungsvorschriften, Schwachpunkte der Vorschriften - Umgang mit schwachen / kränklichen Tieren - Einhaltung der Vorschriften in der Praxis, Skandale und Verstöße der letzten Jahre Artikel 2: Qualität und Mengen: Herkömmliches Fleisch vs. Bio-Fleisch - Keim- und Medikamentenbelastung von herkömmlichem Fleisch, Vergleich mit Bio-Fleisch - Skandale und Verstöße der letzten Jahre hinsichtlich Keim- und Medikamentenbelastung - Vergleich der umgesetzten Mengen von Bio-Fleisch und herkömmlichem Fleisch - Fazit: Lohnt sich der Kauf von Bio-Fleisch? Artikel ...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    Hallo, ich suche jemanden der uns bzgl. der Amazon MWS Schnittstelle ein paar Sachen beantworten kann. 1. Wo und wie kann man AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ändern 2. Was genau müssen wir machen wenn wir Entwickler einer Software sind und diese für Verkäufer stellen wollen ( diese müssen hier ja: den Zugang freischalten) woher erhalten wir die Kontonummer des Entwicklers und woher bekommen wir den Namen der Anwendung? Vorher haben wir immer den Punkt "für mein eigenes Amazon Verkäuferkonto freischalten" gewählt. Jetzt wollen wir aber das der Kunde unsere Software freischalten kann und auch wieder deaktivieren kann und dazu muss er doch dies nehmen, oder: "Ich möchte eine Anwendung, zum Zugriff auf m...

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 Angebote

    Wir haben einen Altis Life Server. Altis Life ist ein Mod für Arma 3. Für suchen dafür einen Scripter welcher uns ein paar kleine Scripts schreibt. Das ganze dauert für ein Erfahrenen Scripter wahrscheinlich nicht mehr als 1 Stunde! Über Bezahlung oder Sonstoges können wir allerdings nochmal Reden. Wir bitten die Person dann über unsere Homapage oder über unseren Freela...Das ganze dauert für ein Erfahrenen Scripter wahrscheinlich nicht mehr als 1 Stunde! Über Bezahlung oder Sonstoges können wir allerdings nochmal Reden. Wir bitten die Person dann über unsere Homapage oder über unseren Freelancer Account Kontakt mit uns aufzunehmen. Liebe Grüße Hompage: Jetzige: Wahrscheinlich am 21.04.14 verfügb...

    €8 - €28
    €8 - €28
    0 Angebote

    Implementieren sie das Spiel Tic Tac Toe in C# als Konsolenanwendung: 1. Spiel bietet 2 Varianten: Zwei Spieler (Mensch vs Mensch) und Ein-Spieler (Mensch vs Ki). • Voraussetzung Zwei SpielerModus: Vor dem ersten Zug werden die Namen der beiden Spieler abgefragt, um bei jedem Zug anzugeben, wer aktuell an der Reihe ist. Zusätzlich können die Spieler darauf einigen, wer welches Zeichen ( X oder O) verwendet. Welcher Spieler beim ersten Spiel beginnt, soll per Zufall ermittelt werden. • Nach jedem beendetet Spiel (unabhängig ob ein Spieler eine Gewinnsituation erreicht hat oder nicht) wird gefragt, ob eine weitere Runde gespielt oder das Spiel beendet werden soll. Solange weitergespielt wird, werden die Namen der Spieler sowie die ihnen zugeordnet...

    €38 Average bid
    €38 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...steht". Kein einfaches Thema. Hier ein wenig Inspiration: - Was versteht man unter Drucker und Produktioner? - Was sind bestehende Probleme zwischen diesen beiden Arbeitsgruppen? - Woher kommen diese Probleme? - Gibt es Lösungsmöglichkeiten? - Was kann ich als Drucker machen? (Weiterbildung, etc.)? Inspiration: Ich freue mich auf die Ausarbeitung. Bitte nicht mehr als 300-350 Wörter schreiben! Danke Online Marketing AG...

    €133 Average bid
    €133 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...variations (e.g., Canny, Depth, or Flow-based guidance). 3. Integration & Optimization • Combine the warping model and diffusion model for end-to-end processing. • Ensure fast inference speed (using optimization techniques like TensorRT, ONNX, or model distillation). 4. Deployment (Optional) • Package the solution into a FastAPI/Flask service with an API for image upload & processing. • Deploy on AWS, GCP, or a local GPU server. Required Skills: • Deep Learning & Computer Vision: PyTorch, TensorFlow • Image Warping & Optical Flow: TPS, RAFT, Dense Warping Fields • Diffusion Models & ControlNet: Stable Diffusion, Diffusers Library • API Development (Optional): FastAPI, Flask, Docker Project Timeline & Budg...

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...Automation Framework Description: I am looking for an experienced AWS professional to set up an EC2 server and configure a custom Python-based automation framework that integrates with cloud services. The goal is to establish a fully operational cloud system capable of executing automation tasks after setup. Key Responsibilities: • Server Deployment: Set up an EC2 instance with proper configurations. • Security Configuration: Implement IAM for access control and security. • Software Installation: Install Python, required dependencies, and automation libraries. • Automation Framework Setup: Configure a Python-based system for data processing, system monitoring, and deployment automation. • Cloud Integration: Connect AWS services such as Lamb...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Gebot i.D.
    30 Angebote

    I have a static website hosted in a AWS S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution point. It is incorrectly configured and producing errors. In some cases I get too many redirect errors. In others I get access denied errors. Most of the configuration I believe will be correct but I'm not strong enough in this area to fix proprely. Requirements: 1 - Ensure visits to the URL and all subsequent web pages serve correctly 2 - As above but for a URL of 3 - Fix so visting a URL like renders correctly. Right now I'd need to type Your experience: You will need EXPERT level AWS S3, Cloudfront, DNS related skills. QUESTIONS: 1 - Tell me a bit about your skills specific to hosting websites on S3 with CloudFront DO NOT

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Gebot i.D.
    17 Angebote

    I'm seeking a senior full-stack developer to collaborate with me on crafting top-notch SaaS applications. Your ...requirements: - Database management - API development - Authentication mechanisms Ideal Candidate: - You possess a strong expertise in , TRPC, TypeScript, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. - You have solid backend knowledge including APIs, databases, and authentication. - You demonstrate the ability to work independently and take ownership of projects. Desirable Qualifications: - Experience with AWS, Vercel, CI/CD, and Docker. - Previous work in a startup or fast-paced project environment. This position offers flexible working hours, whether you prefer full-time or part-time. The work is remote. Please send your resume along with your GitHub profile to [Your Contac...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Gebot i.D.
    24 Angebote

    ...Collaborate with domain experts to validate OCR outputs and image captions for accuracy. Ensure compliance with applicable data handling and privacy standards. Required Qualifications: Technical Skills: Proficiency in Python and familiarity with libraries for NLP (spaCy, transformers), computer vision (OpenCV, PyTorch), and PDF processing (PyMuPDF, Camelot). Experience with OCR technologies (Tesseract, AWS Textract) and vision-language models (GPT-4V, CLIP). Knowledge of LLM fine-tuning (using Hugging Face) and experience with vector databases (FAISS, Pinecone). Data Engineering: Ability to design scalable pipelines for multimodal data (text + images). Expertise in deduplication strategies and robust metadata management. Education: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    ...(Automated responses for common queries) Live agent support (Users can chat with real assistants) Task & request management (Users can submit requests for various services) Subscription model (Basic & premium tiers) User profile management (Preferences, transaction history, saved preferences) Push notifications (Alerts & task updates) 2. Cloud Backend & API Serverless backend (Firebase Functions / AWS Lambda) User & agent management system AI query processing (Handle user queries, categorize tasks) Payment processing (Stripe API for subscriptions & transactions) Secure data storage (User profiles, chat logs, transaction history) 3. AI & Personalization AI chatbot (Handles task automation & recommendations) User profile learning (Basic personaliza...

    €407 Average bid
    €407 Gebot i.D.
    98 Angebote

    ...issue with my Spring/Thymeleaf/HTMX application, which uses JasperReports for PDF rendering. The application works perfectly in my local environment, allowing me to view byte[] reports in a modal. However, once deployed on AWS, the application fails to display the report correctly, instead triggering a download of an empty PDF. I need someone who has experience with this specific issue - particularly with JasperReports version 6.x. Please ensure you have the following skills and experience: - Proven experience with Spring, Thymeleaf, HTMX and JasperReports - Familiarity with AWS deployment and configuration - Expertise in PDF rendering - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues Your ability to diagnose and fix this problem is crucial. If you have done this bef...

    €148 Average bid
    €148 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote
    AWS Setup on Site-to-Site VPN
    6 Tage left

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to set up my AWS on a Site-to-Site VPN connection. The primary purpose of this setup is to enable secure and reliable access to my EC2 instances. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AWS and Site-to-Site VPN configuration. - Ability to ensure secure data transfer and remote access to AWS resources. - Experience in accessing EC2 instances through a VPN. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote

    Need is this CloudTrail working and sending logs to CloudWatch. CloudWatch Logs capturing events and with alarms configured. auditd and inotify installed and sending logs to CloudWatch. An automated daily report sent to my email. The objective is to receive daily reports of everything that is done within the server and website

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    I'm seeking an experienced web app developer who can create a comprehensive job portal app. The app will need to have both a robust backend, utilizing AWS, and a user-friendly frontend. We have an existing frontend which currently runs on NextJS application. We need to develop the backend. Core Features: - Job Posting and Searching: The primary function of the app is to facilitate job postings and allow users to search for jobs. Additional Features: - Automated Matching of Jobs and Candidates: Implement an intelligent algorithm that matches jobs with potential candidates based on their profiles and preferences. - Advanced Filtering Options: Create a system that allows users to filter job searches based on various parameters like location, salary, job type, etc. - Email Notifi...

    €295 Average bid
    €295 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    Hi Lalith, I've recently established a finance company that will deal with products that are customized as per the investor's risk profile. I have created a basic structure for my website on AWS as a PoC using React. Now I want to hire a web developer who can develop the website on front end and back end leaving the business logic models in my hand. Is this something that you can cater to ?

    €242 Average bid
    €242 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ... Tech Stack & Programming Languages Frontend (3D & User Interaction): React.js, , , WebGL Backend (AI Processing & API Integration): Node.js (), Python (FastAPI, Django) AI & Computer Vision: OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyTorch, NVIDIA CUDA AR/VR Technologies: Unity 3D, WebXR API, Google ARCore, Apple ARKit APIs & Integrations: Stripe API (for payments) Cloud Hosting: AWS S3, Google Cloud, Firebase Leasing Cost & Subscription Plans Plan Monthly Cost Features Included Target Audience Basic AI Virtual Tour $/month Smartphone 360° Tour, AI Narration, Basic Image Enhancement Independent Realtors Pro AI Virtual Tour Suite $/month Voice Navigation, AR Customization, AI Investment Analysis Mid-Sized Agencies Enterprise AI Virtual Tour API $/mont...

    €2560 Average bid
    €2560 Gebot i.D.
    86 Angebote

    I am looking for a skilled professional who can assist with using Python and Terraform. The project involves automating infrastructure on the cloud, specifically AWS Key Responsibilities: - Automate cloud-based infrastructure using Terraform - Process data using Python - Ensure efficient and streamlined operations Ideal Skills: - Strong proficiency in Python - Extensive experience with Terraform - Familiarity with AWS - Background in data processing Please bid if you have the relevant experience and skills. The expected timeline for this project is less than 1 month. The project will involve ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes for data handling. The expected volume of data to be processed is small. Provide regular progress updates during the automation process. Pr...

    €64 Average bid
    €64 Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    I'm...Experience: - Proficiency in React/JS and Python. - Extensive experience with Shopify integration. - In-depth knowledge of AWS services for deployment and hosting. This includes setting up a dev/prod environment in AWS EC2, utilizing AWS S3 for storage, and AWS Lambda for serverless functions. - Familiarity with setting up a comprehensive AWS environment. Additionally, there's no immediate need for third-party service integration beyond Shopify. However, the ideal freelancer would also have experience with payment gateways, email marketing tools, and analytics tools, should the need arise in the future. Please note that the project requires full utilization of all AWS services for optimum performance and reliability. Please use ...

    €33 / hr Average bid
    €33 / hr Gebot i.D.
    151 Angebote

    I'm looking for an experienced web developer who can create a robust e-commerce site for me on AWS cloud. Key Requirements: - Setting up a shopping cart - Integrating a secure payment gateway (the site is intended for selling digital products initially, with plans to expand into merchandise) - Future-proofing the site with a scalable product management system Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with e-commerce web development - Proficiency in AWS setup and management - Strong skills in integrating payment gateways and shopping carts Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Looking forward to your bids.

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Gebot i.D.
    26 Angebote

    ...100. 14. **Cancellation Rate**: - **Data**: The percentage of bookings that were canceled. - **Formula**: Cancellation Rate = (Canceled Bookings / Total Bookings) * 100. 15. **Customer Satisfaction / Net Promoter Score (NPS)**: - **Data**: Customer satisfaction ratings or NPS scores collected via surveys. - **Formula**: NPS = % Promoters - % Detractors. 16. **Travel Package Sales vs. Individual Sales**: - **Data**: Breakdown of package bookings versus individual services (e.g., flight-only or hotel-only bookings). - **Formula**: Sales from Package Deals / Sales from Individual Services. 17. **Top Destinations**: - **Data**: The most popular travel destinations based on bookings. - **Formula**: Top Destinations = Count of bookings per destinatio...

    €77 Average bid
    €77 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    I'm in search of an OpenSearch specialist to tackle a specific challenge. If you have experience in implementation, advanced configuration and search optimization, this job is for you...Optimize indexes, mappings and queries for high performance. - Implement security with authentication and access control. - Configure monitoring and alerts to ensure stability. - Validate that the setup complies with best practices for scalability. ? Requirements: - Proven experience with OpenSearch and/or Elasticsearch. - Knowledge in cluster administration and performance tuning. - Experience with AWS and VPS. - Ability to document the setup and provide support to our team. ? If you're interested, please send me your proposal with examples of previous work and an estimated timeframe to ...

    €136 Average bid
    €136 Gebot i.D.
    28 Angebote

    ...Performance Secure login/authentication for sellers & admins. Fast-loading reseller pages with caching (CDN preferred). Scalable architecture to handle thousands of sellers. Preferred Tech Stack (Flexible, Based on Developer's Expertise) Backend: PHP (Laravel), Node.js, or Python (Django). Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, or standard templating with Bootstrap. Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Hosting: AWS, DigitalOcean, or similar cloud solutions. Payment Gateway (for the main shop only): Stripe, PayPal, or Klarna. Open to suggestions on the best approach based on scalability and ease of management. Additional Notes Looking for an experienced developer/team with proven experience in multi-seller platforms or custom e-commerce solutions. Please share relevant past pro...

    €530 Average bid
    €530 Gebot i.D.
    191 Angebote

    ...frameworks for performance testing and monitoring. Ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices. Required Skills & Experience: Technical Expertise: Proficiency in performance testing tools such as JMeter, Gatling, LoadRunner, Lighthouse, Experience with monitoring and observability tools like Grafana, Dynatrace, DataDog. Experience with CI/CD tools such as GitLab, Jenkins. Strong understanding of retail industry performance testing requirements. Hands on experience with REST API & Kafka testing. Experience in SAP, Dynamics, ERP performance testing. Leadership & Communication: Proven experience in a Test Lead role, with a focus on managing teams, mentoring resources, and overseeing test execution. Strong stakeholder management and abili...

    €14 - €24 / hr
    €14 - €24 / hr
    7 Angebote

    ...Job Type: Full-Time (Freelance, 40 hours per week) Location: Remote (Primarily IST, with occasional Pacific Time meetings) Job Summary: We are seeking a highly skilled Senior AI/ML Engineer to design, implement, and deploy AI/ML solutions that drive innovation and efficiency. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in LangChain, CrewAI, GenAI, NLP, RAG systems, and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP), and be adept at building AI-driven applications. This role is a full-time freelance position, requiring 8-hour workdays as part of a Scrum team, with occasional meetings in Pacific Time but most work done in IST. Key Responsibilities: AI/ML Solution Development: Design and implement AI/ML solutions using advanced frameworks and technologies, ensuring scalability and ef...

    €14 - €24 / hr
    €14 - €24 / hr
    28 Angebote

    I require assistance from an AWS and Elastic Beanstalk expert to configure my system for WordPress site edits. Due to security constraints, all work must be conducted via TeamViewer. Key Requirements: - Set up a method for me to be able to edit site files and commit changes Ideal Skills: - Profound knowledge and experience with AWS and Elastic Beanstalk. - Strong understanding of WordPress deployment on AWS. Please note: Security restrictions prevent sharing of passwords. TeamViewer will be used for all configurations.

    €20 / hr Average bid
    €20 / hr Gebot i.D.
    90 Angebote

    ...distributed data processing, and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP). This role is a full-time freelance position, requiring 8-hour workdays as part of a Scrum team, with occasional meetings in Pacific Time but most work done in IST. Key Responsibilities: Data Pipeline & Architecture: Design and architect scalable data pipelines for various data types. Develop, manage, and optimize databases, including RDMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL), NoSQL (MongoDB), and data lakes (S3). Implement efficient ETL processes using PySpark and Hadoop to transform and prepare data for analytics and AI use cases. Optimize database performance, including query tuning, indexing, and caching strategies using Azure and GCP caching databases. Cloud & Deployment: Leverage AWS services, particularly S...

    €14 - €24 / hr
    €14 - €24 / hr
    20 Angebote

    Job Title: Frontend Developer (Full-Time, Freelance) Job Type: Full-Time (Freelance, 40 hours p...mechanisms such as JWT. Testing & Debugging: Write and execute unit, integration, and end-to-end tests using tools like react-testing-library. Debug and optimize frontend performance. Basic Qualifications: 3+ years of experience working with JavaScript frameworks, particularly React.js. Strong understanding of frontend performance optimization techniques. Experience working in cloud environments (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) is a plus. Basic understanding of backend technologies such as Python is advantageous. Work Schedule: 40 hours per week (Full-Time Freelance). Part of a Scrum team, working 8 hours per day. Most work can be done in IST, but occasional meetings in Pacific Time m...

    €14 - €19 / hr
    €14 - €19 / hr
    91 Angebote

    Need a sharp, smart, very exclusive people Team. Who can deliver a project very fast ? Here is what we are looking for. Not for fresher or avg quality pe...Integrations Google Analytics & SEO Tools CRM Integration (HubSpot, Salesforce for student inquiries) Payment Gateways (Stripe, PayPal for tuition fee payments) LMS (Learning Management System) (Moodle, Blackboard if e-learning is integrated) Social Media Embeds (Instagram, Twitter feeds) E) Hosting & Deployment Tech Stack: Cloud Hosting: AWS (EC2, S3, RDS, CloudFront) Azure Vercel / Netlify (for frontend) CI/CD Pipelines: GitHub Actions / Jenkins (for automated deployments) Latent Needs: High Availability & Load Balancing (to manage traffic spikes) CDN Integration (for faster load times) SSL Encrypt...

    €605 Average bid
    €605 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote
    AI Sports Coaching App Development
    6 Tage left

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an AI-powered sports coaching platform. The primary focus of this project will be implementing moti...Essential for understanding and improving athletes' performances. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in React Native (Expo), , Node.js, and Express.js. - Experienced with MediaPipe/OpenPose for motion tracking. - Skilled in OpenCV/FFmpeg for video processing. - Understanding of WebRTC/Twilio/Agora for live coaching. - Familiar with MongoDB/PostgreSQL for data storage. - Competent in AWS S3/Firebase for cloud storage. - Knowledgeable about Stripe/PayPal for payments integration. - Proficient in using Google Calendar API for scheduling. Your task will be to design an engaging, user-friendly platform that leverages AI for spo...

    €2855 Average bid
    €2855 Gebot i.D.
    143 Angebote
    AI Data Aggregator & Processor
    6 Tage left

    1. Project Overview The AI Agent will be designed to automatically pull data from multiple sources, including different projects, documents, cloud storage services (Dropbox, S3), URLs, and media content (Yo... 3. Data Sources & Integration 3.1 Supported Data Sources Documents: PDF, Word, Excel, Google Docs Cloud Storage: Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive URLs: Web pages, APIs, public datasets YouTube Videos: Speech-to-text transcription & metadata extraction Projects & Repositories: GitHub, Jira, Trello Databases: SQL, NoSQL (MongoDB, Firebase) 3.2 Data Collection Methods APIs: Dropbox API, AWS S3 SDK, YouTube API, Web Scraping OAuth Authentication: Secure access to third-party services Webhook Triggers: Auto-detection of new data Manual Uploads: User-initia...

    €240 Average bid
    €240 Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    ABOUT SITE Site 248 is a platform that connects streamers and content consumers, offering public and private rooms, as well as a photo and video gallery. LINKS TO VIDEOS PRESENTING THE CURRENT STAG...Perform load tests, checking performance with up to 10,000 simultaneous users. 9. Improve design and layout, fixing misaligned elements, margins, buttons, fonts, and visual inconsistencies. 10. Create two explanatory videos: one for the website and another for the control panel, presenting the entire project with voice narration. Note: It is essential that the team has experience and knowledge of AWS EC2 servers. ________________________________________ In your proposal, include links to completed projects so that we can browse and see the quality of design and programming.

    €472 Average bid
    €472 Gebot i.D.
    116 Angebote

    ...with API connections and working in high-pressure environments. - Exceptional decision-making skills, with a track record in various professional domains. - Expertise in advanced machine learning algorithms, such as neural networks and ensemble methods. - Experience with financial data analysis, including backtesting strategies and risk assessment. - Proficiency with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. - Hands-on experience with deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch. - Strong background in quantitative analysis and econometrics. - Experience with version control systems like Git. - Familiarity with Agile methodologies and project management tools like JIRA. - Excellent verbal and written communication skills. - Proven ability to manage tim...

    €1603 Average bid
    €1603 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    ...Perform thorough testing and debugging to identify and resolve issues. * Collaboration and Communication: * Work closely with other team members (if applicable) to define requirements and deliver the project on time. * Communicate effectively and proactively about progress and challenges. * Deployment and Maintenance: * Deploy and maintain the application on a suitable platform (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). * Monitor the application's performance and stability. Required Skills: * Front-End: Strong proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and at least one modern JavaScript framework (React, Angular, Vue.js). * Back-End: Experience with a server-side language (Python, Node.js, Java, Go) and framework (Django, , Spring Boot). * Database: Proficiency with a r...

    €387 Average bid
    €387 Gebot i.D.
    70 Angebote

    I'm running a web application on an AWS Windows EC2 instance, hosted via Nginx. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing issues with the SSL. I need a professional who can diagnose the problem and implement a fix. Ideal skills for this project include: - Extensive experience with AWS and Windows EC2 - Proficiency in Nginx server configuration - Expertise in SSL/TLS troubleshooting - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to work independently and efficiently

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    ...Scaling – AWS Expert Needed AWS DevOps expert to migrate our WordPress website from WP Engine to AWS with a highly scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant architecture. Project Scope: Migration to AWS: Set up and optimize infrastructure for WordPress. Auto Scaling & Load Balancing: Configure Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling behind an Application Load Balancer. Database Optimization: Deploy Amazon RDS with Multi-AZ failover and Read Replicas. Storage Management: Move media files to Amazon S3 and dynamic files to Amazon EFS. Performance Optimization: Implement CloudFront (CDN), ElastiCache (Redis/Memcached), and WordPress caching. Security & Compliance: Set up AWS WAF, SSL/TLS (AWS Certificate Manager), and GCC compliance. Monitoring & Bac...

    €476 Average bid
    €476 Gebot i.D.
    68 Angebote
    AWS Tutoring
    6 Tage left

    I'm a beginner looking to learn AWS with a focus on EC2 and S3 basics, IAM and security, and VPC and networking. I prefer a tutor who can provide a hands-on learning experience. Experience in teaching AWS at a beginner level is essential. I am particularly interested in learning about EC2 and S3 setup.

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gebot i.D.
    15 Angebote