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    2,000 5v battery charging circuit Jobs gefunden

    ...keinem Ergebnis führen dürfen übersprungen werden (z.B. KRJZWD) ------------ Translation ------------ Project description: • Article on website search by article number (e.g. KRJDAU) • Selection of the only search result • Extract / copy all the information to Excel. These are: - Article title - media data: Picture(s), dimensional sketch(es), drilling diagram(s), circuit diagram(s), switching position indicator(s), award(s), approval(s), protection class(es) and 3D data. The legend (e.g. for article "KRJMSSA23E" must be exported as well. The media data must be designated the same as the article number. - Product description: All listed technical data - The additional products or optional accessories are not to be exported An exampl...

    €404 Average bid
    €404 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    This paper analyses the charging power demand for electric cars. The simulation includes the following: Number of cars passing by and a percentage (stray) refuelling. Now this simulation has to block the respective charging station for any cars that refuel and add the used 175kW to the total charging power. As soon as all are occupied, a message is generated and the waiting time occurs.

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    Hallo Valentin M., mir ist Ihr Profil aufgefallen und ich möchte Ihnen mein Projekt anbieten. Wir können alle Einzelheiten im Chat besprechen.

    €958 Average bid
    €958 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Wir arbeiten zur Zeit an einem Fernmonitoring für verschiedene Messwerte. Dabei soll über einen ESP32 verschiedene Messwerte erfasst und auf eine externe Homepage geschickt werden. Diese Messwerte sind: Innentemperatur, Außentemperat...Messwerte anzeigen) Wir haben Probleme mit dem coden über Arduino Programmsoftware. Wir haben bereits eine Platine erstellt und diverse Messreihen aufgestellt, welche über MatLab noch ausgewertet werden soll. Dieses würden wir selber machen und die entsprechende Funktion plotten und dann selber im Programmcode einfügen. Die Spannungsversorgung ist über 12V welche mit einem DC-DC Konverter auf 5V runtergeregelt wird Wir brauchen sozusagen das Grundgerüst für den Code. Für weitere Fragen stehen...

    €751 Average bid
    €751 Gebot i.D.
    11 Angebote

    Your tasks: - PLC programming - Standardization and further development of the PLC Software modules - Creating and modification of circuit diagrams - Participation in project planning and preparation of specifications - Definition of control limits - Definition of PLC modules and preparation of plant control - Qualified machine start-up - Service on existing machines Your profile: - Electrical engineer / Bachelor/ Master/ Technician - Experience in commissioning and troubleshooting machines - Software knowledge required: o Programming language ST (structured text) o B&R Automation Studio 4, o Beckhoff TwinCat 2, TwinCat 3 o Word, Excel - Software knowledge desired: o ERP o E-Plan o Visual Studio2015 (Visual Basic) - Expert knowledge of encoders, frequency co...

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Gebot i.D.
    12 Angebote

    ...possible with a homepage onlinge I now need the following: - crop the bike boxes in the uploaded images - Edit the images so that the box looks finished (powder coated in RAL 7016) - 3D model of the box - 3D sectional drawing - maybe a rendering where you can see the box at a bus stop or in front of a family house The box should look very stylish and robust. As an optional extra, two sockets for charging e-bikes are planned in the box and additionally a lighting. ( maybe you could consider this in the 3D cut). I need the drawings in high resolution so that you can also use them really well for a homepage. The dimensions of the box are: 2000x1400x900 mm The frame is made of a 40x40mm shaped tube and the sheets are 1,2mm thick. Would be happy to receive great suggestions! ...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    h habe Arduino Nano, 10000 mAh 5V Power Bank mit USB Kabel, transparent LED Pin mit rote Farbe, 90 Grad Servo Motor, Stepper Motor 5V, ULN2003, MP3 Modul, 4 Ohm Speaker, Druckknöpfe, Schalter, SD Karte, Resistoren und Kabeln. Ich will 4 Druckknöpfe stellen. Mit einem Knopf spielt ein Audio ungefähr 1 Minute lang, Licht schaltet ein, Servo Motor macht bestimmte Bewegungen vorwärts und rückwärts manchmal pausiert manchmal langsam oder schnell, am Ende kommt zur 0 Position, Licht schaltet aus, nur Stepper Motor beginnt zu drehen mit bestimmten Zahl, Audio spielt immer noch, nach einer Weile Stepper Motor beginnt andere Richtung zu bewegen mit gleichem Zahl., Audio spielt bis Ende und alles aus. 2. Und 3. Knopf funktioniert mit ähnlichen Funkt...

    €207 Average bid
    €207 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    35 analog in müssen einen 2000A Gleichrichter regeln. per i2c müssen alle 35 analog in auf ein display mit 6 seiten das display ist ein nextion analog out ist 0 - 5v 0v= 0A 5V = 2000A wenn ein analog in höher als 60A = 5v ist muss der gleichrichter runter regeln.

    €480 Average bid
    €480 Gebot i.D.
    8 Angebote

    Programmiert werden soll mit dem Raspberry Pi in der Programmsprache Phyton. Das Projekt soll eine Cocktailmaschine werden. Es gi...(vertikal) befüllen lässt. Die Z-Achse ist ein Motor, welcher mit einer Vorrichtung den Flüssigkeitsspender betätigt. Es wird ein Touchpanel installiert, worauf die Cocktailauswahl abgebildet ist. Je nach Auswahl fährt das Glaß (X-Y-Achse) unter die Flaschen/Flüssigkeitsspender, verweilt dort bis die Z-Achse fertig ist und fährt zur nächsten Befüllungsstation. Bauteile: Raspberry Pi 3 Converter 5V auf 3,3V Motortreiber TB6600 Schrittmotor Nema17 2A Sollten diese Informationen nicht ausreichen. Meine Emailadresse: @ Bei Kontaktaufnahme bitte dazuschreiben, dass es sich um diese Anzeige hand...

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    ...möchte. Was muss also beachtet werden: 6x IN-12B Nixie Tubes ( ) ca. 6x INS-1 Nixie Tubes ( ) Mikrocontroller: es steht noch nichts fest, kommt dann auf die nötige Menge an Pins an. Ich denke aber auf Arduinobasis muss ich mich schon festlegen. Spannungsregler: ein Akku (5V?) versorgt den Mikrocontroller und die Hochvolt Nixie Tubes ...

    €213 Average bid
    €213 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    ...DRAG, 2F 5SM3344-6 5SM 5511 RCCB 5SX2106-6 5SX 5529 CIRCUIT BREAKER T55 6KA 1POL B6 5SM3446-0 5SM 5510 RCCB 5ST2151 5ST 5506 BUSBAR, F.5SX 1PH 16QMM 56TE 5SY3002-7WM 5SY 5508 CIRCUIT BREAKER 4.5KA 1+N/1MW C2 5TE8312 5TE 5520 SWITCH 32A 2NC, TERMINAL 50QMM 5ST2144 5ST 5506 BUSBAR, F.5SX 3PH 16QMM 12TE 5SY7116-6XX01 5SY 5518 CIRCUIT BREAKER 15KA 1P B16 -30/+70 5ST2164 5ST 5506 L1000 1-PHASE+N+AUX. 16MM 8JH1356 8JH 5888 TERMINAL STUD 50MM, THREAD M4 5UH1067 5UH 5572 STYLE SCHUKO-COVER PL. BBL 5TE8514 5TE 5520 SWITCH 63A 3NC+N 5TG2853 5TG 5754 PHONE OUTLET TAE 6 F+N 5SY3004-7WM 5SY 5508 CIRCUIT BREAKER 4.5KA 1+N/1MW C4 5TG1121-1 5TG 5573 MIRO FRAME 1-FOLD ALU TITANIUM 5TE8314 5TE 5520 SWITCH 32A 3NC+N, TERMINAL 50QMM 5SY3006-7WM 5SY 5508 CIRCUIT-BREAKER 4....

    €100 Average bid
    €100 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote
    Arduino Projekt
    Beendet left

    Hallo zusammen, Ich brauche einen Fitten Arduino Programmierer, für mein Freizeit Projekt. Hauptsächlich geht es um einen 5V DC Motor der in beide Richtungen laufen soll. Würde mich freuen jemanden hier zu finden der mir helfen kann.

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    We at blaustrom ( - website still under implementation) are a startup from Bavaria, which has set itself the goal of sustainable and regional energy supply solutions - with intelligent solar plants, battery storage, charging stations and electricity tariffs - for customers in the southern part of Germany. Blaustrom sees itself as an integrated energy and installation partner. Blaustrom is currently in the market launch phase, so we would like to announce our business with an online & social media marketing strategy. We are therefore looking for you as a social media and online marketing specialist or specialist in order to develop a marketing strategy focusing on social media & online media tailored to our target group and our business. You usually support us in t...

    €15 / hr Average bid
    €15 / hr Gebot i.D.
    13 Angebote

    , Der blaue Laserpointer mit 5V Schub Treiberschaltung, hohen Wirkungsgrad von mehr als 95%, der Schaltung 12 über die 5V 3A Schlieren Leben Kindheit Test, der realen Low-Power, hohe Leistungsfähigkeit; Modul importiert Laserröhre, mechanische Komponenten in allen CNC-Drehmaschine aus dem Finish, Außendesign mit modernen Computer Gongs Fräsmaschine verwendet; Oberfläche mit Army Vorschriften drei harte Sauerstoffarmeegrün , die Sie nicht mehr Sorgen machen und Schlüssel zusammen verblassen.

    €280 Average bid
    €280 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    Hallo liebe Community Ich bin Applikationsent...lassen um vorgefertigte Wellenformen abspielen zu lassen. Darin sehe ich aber nicht weniger Aufwand. Mein 1. Problem: Wie gehe ich den D/A Wandler an. Welcher Mikroprozessor kann zum Einsatz kommen? Oder kein Mikroprozessor nötig? Mein 2. Problem: Bei 1Mhz bis 30Vss zu kommen (auch bei wenig Stromfluss) sehe ich als Herausforderung für eine Schaltung. 5V war die Basis, aber dann müsste man einen Spannungswandler einsetzen 5V > 30V. Mein 3. Problem: Am Ende soll die Schaltung weniger als CHF 20.- kosten mit seinen Bauteilen. Ich schätze, alles ist knapp an den Grenzen. In China kann ich aber nen kompletten Audio-3D Sourround Converter mit Pappschachtel für $3.- bestellen, w...

    €514 Average bid
    €514 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Release the milestone for today

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote
    Make electronics PCB business card
    6 Tage left

    I want to have PCB (PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD) business card created. So I need someone to design Gerber and BOM files in kicad. PLEASE only bid with your REAL price. It should be/have: standard sixes business card size. It should be red solder mask White text. Our logo screw mounting holes in each corner some cool looking copper traces on both sides A few cool looking components, low profile. CHEAP but cool. Etc multi pinned chip

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Gebot i.D.
    66 Angebote

    I am looking for an Enthusiast in electronics to build a prototype for a custom water level monitoring solution. This system will be used to monitor water levels in a tank. Key Requirements: - Experience in building electronic prototypes from commonly available electronic boards - Ability to package the circuit for trial use. Please note that this project doesn't require features such as real-time alerts, historical data logging, or remote access. The focus is solely on developing a system that displays water level in 10+ tanks. The attached picture shows one of the tanks with the 5 level sensors, for multiple tanks to be transmitted over 500m.

    €3 / hr Average bid
    €3 / hr Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    I'm seeking a Smart Fabric Engineer for a premium fashion brand. The project involves integrating smart te...and washability of all smart textiles; they should be water-resistant, heat-resistant, and tear-resistant. - Collaborate with fashion designers to achieve comfortable yet high-fashion designs. Required Skills: ✅ Expertise in Smart Textiles & E-Textile Development ✅ Knowledge of Flexible LEDs, Conductive Fabrics, & Microcontrollers ✅ Experience with Fashion-Tech Prototyping ✅ Understanding of Battery & Wireless Integration Ideal Candidate: A professional with a strong understanding of high-visibility and energy-efficient LED integration, who can ensure comfortable and seamless fabric integration. Budget & Timeline: ? Budget: ₹ Not decided (Negotiable) ...

    €335 Average bid
    €335 Gebot i.D.
    4 Angebote

    I need an experienced professional to design and program an integrated circuit (IC) for a consumer electronic device. The primary function of this IC will be power management. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Expertise in IC design and programming - Experience working with consumer electronics - Proven track record in power management IC design Please note, specific power requirements have not been defined yet. Therefore, flexibility and adaptability will be key in this role.

    €244 Average bid
    €244 Gebot i.D.
    6 Angebote

    ...background in SEO and content creation. The project involves designing a corporate-style website for an energy battery manufacturing company. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, corporate, and user-friendly website - Develop content for the website - SEO integration - Pages to be included: Home, About Us, Service Offering, Product Description, Blogs and Resources, Company Updates, Value Proposition, Leadership and Expertise, Contact Us - Primary call-to-action: brand building and lead generation Mandatory Skills: - Web development and design - SEO expertise - Content creation and copywriting - Understanding of corporate design aesthetics - experience developing and content creation for battery manufacturing company Please provide examples of similar projects you'...

    €599 Average bid
    €599 Gebot i.D.
    82 Angebote

    I'm seeking an expert in PCB design and prototype development, to create a straightforward temperature patch prototype using an ESP32, TMP117 temperature sensor, Micro USB, and a LiPo battery. The PCB design should take inspiration from a reference image I will provide, ensuring it fits within the specified dimensions. The primary focus should be on functionality, with a simple design that omits advanced features. Your deliverables for this project will include: - Gerber files - Schematic diagrams - A bill of materials - The physical prototype The project timeline is structured as follows: - Design phase: 1-2 weeks - Prototype production: 2-3 weeks - Testing: 1 week The aim is to create a low-cost, efficient, and reliable prototype suitable for environmental testing. Ideal c...

    €63 Average bid
    €63 Gebot i.D.
    9 Angebote

    ...but I am uncertain if it works correctly. Need a firmware expert to review and adjust any necessary fixes. Ensure all button functions are correctly mapped. ✅ PCB Adjustments & Optimizations The project was converted from a dual-PCB design to a single PCB. Ensure all traces, connections, and components are properly adjusted in EasyEDA. The layout should be more compact to allow for a two-strip battery setup. Increase the number of buttons from 12 for full calculator functionality. ✅ Coordinate with Case Designer I have hired a 3D designer to create the calculator shell, but they will need precise PCB dimensions. You must work alongside the designer to ensure the enclosure fits properly. ✅ Project Files & Access I have all the existing files and will provide access to t...

    €598 Average bid
    €598 Gebot i.D.
    59 Angebote

    I'm looking for a developer who can build an parking reservation system. This system should allow users to reserve a parking slot upon their arrival, ideally using an Android mobile application or a web interface. The software needs to be connected to an IoT system circuit and operate in real-time, showing available parking slots in the present. Key requirements: - Design of the software application for an embedded system. - Use of ESP32 Wifi/Bluetooth as the main microcontroller. - Real-time tracking of parking slot availability. I would also appreciate guidance on the IoT building or a provided circuit for the connection. The ideal candidate will have experience in IoT system design, embedded software development, and ideally a background in creating real-...

    €296 Average bid
    €296 Gebot i.D.
    43 Angebote

    ...can create high-quality, detailed, and textured renders of autonomous vehicle infrastructure. The visualizations will be used to depict this infrastructure in a variety of environments and settings. Key Requirements: - Create detailed renders our vision of Autonomous vehicle hubs that incorporate elements of autonomous vehicle infrastructure. - Include specific infrastructure components such as charging stations, robotic stations, and maintenance bays within the visualizations. - Utilize high detail with textures to enhance the realism of the renders. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering software (such as Blender, 3ds Max, or similar). - Previous experience in creating infrastructure or vehicle-related visualizations. - Ability to work with de...

    €256 Average bid
    €256 Gebot i.D.
    64 Angebote

    ...interested in **technology and innovation** - Aspiring **entrepreneurs and business professionals** ### **Logo Requirements:** #### **1. Visual Elements:** The logo should be a **symbol of growth, success, and limitless potential**. It should incorporate elements that resonate with the channel’s theme. Some **ideas for symbols** that can be integrated: - **Technology representation:** Circuit elements, a futuristic digital icon, or a minimalistic pixel effect - **Growth symbolism:** A rising arrow, an open doorway, or an expanding horizon - **Business & success reference:** A graph going upwards, a handshake, or a globe #### **2. Color Palette:** The color scheme should be modern, energetic, and inspiring. Suggested colors: - **Deep Blue (#1E3A8A)...

    €322 Average bid
    €322 Gebot i.D.
    77 Angebote
    Multilayer Mixed Signal PCB Design
    5 Tage left

    I need a professional PCB designer for my environmental monitoring device. It will include 4 sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), an MCU, ESP32, and possibly a flash and memory module. The PCB must support a USB-C connection with a capacity of up to 3A, a battery management system (BMS), and a battery. Key Requirements: - Design a multilayer mixed signal PCB. - Select the appropriate MCU based on the project specifications. - Ensure the design supports all specified components. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in multilayer mixed signal PCB design. - Proficient in selecting suitable MCUs. - Familiar with designing for environmental monitoring devices. Timeframe: The project is time-sensitive and needs to be completed within 3 days. Further details will be provide...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Gebot i.D.
    35 Angebote

    I need a small, portable laptop that functions seamlessly as a Netflix device, with a few customizations to enhance its usability and appearance. - **Best Option**: The One Netbook OneMix 4, a 10-inch touchscreen with a 360° hinge, is my preferred choice. - **Specifications**: Windows-based, 512GB-1TB SSD, and battery life of 8-10 hours. - **Custom Touches**: Netflix-themed skins or decals and an easy-access Netflix shortcut or button. In addition to Netflix, I would like the following streaming apps pre-installed: YouTube, TikTok, and Spotify. The laptop's aesthetics should mirror the Zenith Portable Player DVP615 in a sleek, professional white. Ideal candidates for this project should be experienced in custom laptop setups and have a good understanding of computer ...

    €492 Average bid
    €492 Gebot i.D.
    25 Angebote

    I need an experienced professional to design and program an integrated circuit (IC) for a consumer electronic device. The primary function of this IC will be power management. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Expertise in IC design and programming - Experience working with consumer electronics - Proven track record in power management IC design Please note, specific power requirements have not been defined yet. Therefore, flexibility and adaptability will be key in this role.

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Gebot i.D.
    7 Angebote

    I'm seeking a professional to design an electronic circuit from the ground up. Key Requirements: - The circuit will primarily be for controlling a device. - You will need to design everything from scratch, so creativity and innovative thinking are essential. - Experience with electronic circuit design, particularly in device control, is a must. - Ability to communicate complex ideas simply and clearly will be beneficial. Please provide examples of past work and any relevant qualifications in your proposal.

    €224 Average bid
    €224 Gebot i.D.
    16 Angebote

    ...Wireless Charging ? Job Description: I need a professional PCB designer to finalize and provide manufacturing-ready files for an AI-powered wireless flash drive with biometric security, wireless charging, and high-speed USB-C data transfer. The PCB must be compact, cost-optimized, and ready for mass production using cost-effective components while maintaining high performance. ? Deliverables (Final Files Required) ✅ Schematic & PCB Layout (Altium Designer preferred, or KiCad if needed) ✅ Gerber Files (Fully manufacturing-ready for JLCPCB, PCBWay, etc.) ✅ NC Drill Files (For accurate hole placement & manufacturing) ✅ Bill of Materials (BOM) in XLS/PDF (With cost-effective sourcing details) ✅ 3D PCB Rendering & STEP File (For visualization & mechanical f...

    €183 Average bid
    €183 Gebot i.D.
    18 Angebote

    I'm looking for a PCB design expert to create a compact-sized PCB for an LT8491 High Voltage Buck-Boost Battery Charge Controller with MPPT, aimed for a solar power system. Key Requirements: - Design a PCB to control battery charging from a solar power source, using the LT8491. - Create a compact-sized PCB that is smaller than standard size. - The design will be based on DC2703A-A-KIT, with minimal components and a maximum power output of 200W Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in PCB design, specifically for solar power applications. - Strong understanding of battery charge controllers and MPPT. - Ability to design compact PCBs without compromising performance. - Experience working with input voltage ranges of 0-60V. - Proficiency in usin...

    €26 Average bid
    €26 Gebot i.D.
    14 Angebote

    ...seeking a talented product designer to design the casing and overall packaging for a small consumer electronics product. It should be designed with the end consumer in mind. The enclosure will have openings for a few buttons, SD card, and a back lid for standard AAA battery. I will provide all necessary details and if necessary, can supply a board for verification. The design will use nylon or similar material, likely to be 3D printed. Key Requirements: - User-friendly and appealing product - Meets industry standards for battery-operated devices - Technical feasibility - Minimum individual parts are essential Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in designing consumer electronic products - Strong understanding of user-centered design principles - Excellent 3D modeling an...

    €896 - €1791
    €896 - €1791
    45 Angebote

    ...flash drive will incorporate a fingerprint scanner for biometric security, so the design should accommodate this feature seamlessly. It will also require integration with the Qi wireless charging standard for its wireless charging capabilities. High-speed USB-C data transfer compatibility is another important aspect of this project. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience in PCB design and development - Expertise in designing for high-performance, compact, cost-optimized solutions - Familiarity with integrating biometric security features into PCB designs - Understanding of wireless charging standards, particularly Qi - Proficient in designing for USB-C data transfer - Prior experience with AI technology in PCB design is a plus. I look forw...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Gebot i.D.
    20 Angebote

    ...and stream content ✅ Play VR games & immersive experiences ✅ Built-in speakers & bone conduction audio ? Camera & Security ✅ 8K Camera with 360° recording ✅ Night Vision & Thermal Imaging ✅ Face Recognition for security ? Health & Fitness Tracking ✅ Heart rate & temperature monitoring ✅ Sleep tracking & posture correction ? Battery & Connectivity ✅ 5G, Wi-Fi 7, Bluetooth 5.3 for seamless connections ✅ Wireless & Solar Charging for long-lasting use ✅ 48+ hours battery life ? Smart Features & Build ✅ Self-tinting glasses for auto sunlight adjustment ✅ Modular design for lens/frame customization ✅ Waterproof, shockproof, and lightweight ? UI/UX Design Requirements: We need a brand-new UI/UX design for the smart glasses t...

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Gebot i.D.
    3 Angebote

    I'm seeking an electronic engineer and CAD developer for a project involving a small el...will signal its status with three LED lights: one will turn red if the level is canted (non- level), and the green light will signal when it's at 0 degrees (level). - The housing needs to be designed for this level with a corresponding CAD file and mechanical drawings. Specifications: - Custom dimensions for the device - Materials for the housing: either Aluminum or Plastic - The power source: Battery-powered Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in electronic engineering and CAD development - Skills in designing devices with LED indicators - Ability to create detailed CAD files and mechanical drawings - Experience working with custom dimensions and mate...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Gebot i.D.
    46 Angebote

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D designer to create a model for a waterproof electronics enclosure for my Bambu X1C printer. Key Requirements: - The enclosure should be approximately 4”L x 2”W x 3”H and designed for PETG material. - It needs to have screw-in mounting pads for a circuit board and a micro-pump. - There should be holes for a moisture sensor slat, two pump connections, and a USB-C port for power. - The cover must accommodate a rubber gasket and have countersunk screw holes to secure it to the main enclosure. - Will discuss details and share components to finalize the design after engaging. Available to answer any questions. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software. - Experience in designing for 3D printing and understanding of PETG mat...

    €338 Average bid
    €338 Gebot i.D.
    51 Angebote

    I'm seeking a skilled professional to conduct an Etap Arc Flash study, Short Circuit Study, Protective Device Coordination. Must be California PE License holder. Stamp results and recommendations. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct an Etap Arc Flash study to per NFPA. - Conduct an Etap Short Circuit study to per IEEE. -Conduct an Etap Protective Device Coordination - Analyze and interpret findings to propose system optimizations. We have some data available for this project, including one-line diagrams, load flow data, and equipment specifications. Ideal candidates should have relevant experience with Etap software and a strong background in industrial electrical systems. Safety compliance and risk assessment are critical components of this project, so a detail-oriented ...

    €993 Average bid
    €993 Gebot i.D.
    32 Angebote

    I'm looking for a professional in the Sarasota, Florida area to help with a special wiring project. The task involves integrating a ...Sarasota, Florida area to help with a special wiring project. The task involves integrating a 5" BigMack assistive technology push-button to play a sound through a speaker and activate a solid dispenser when enabled as signaled with a light. This system will be powered by both battery and plug-in adapter. Key Requirements: - Wiring and electronic integration expertise - Experience with BigMack buttons - Familiarity with solid dispensers - Knowledge in power supply systems (both battery and plug-in) - Ability to ensure the system is safe and functioning properly Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.

    €25 / hr Average bid
    €25 / hr Gebot i.D.
    21 Angebote

    ...authoritative brand in the AI consulting space Avoid colors that appear too casual or unprofessional Maximum of 3 colors in the primary palette (plus black/white/gray) What to Submit Initial concept designs Brief explanation of your design rationale (2-3 sentences) Mock-ups showing the logo in application (website header, business card, etc.) What We Don't Want Generic AI icons (brain with circuit patterns, etc.) Overly complex designs with too many elements Trendy styles that may look dated quickly Clip art or stock imagery Designs that closely resemble other tech company logos Prize $100 USD for the winning design with full rights transfer Timeline Contest Duration: 7 days Feedback Period: 3 days for revisions with finalists Final Selection: Within 2 days of revis...

    €93 Average bid
    1462 Einträge

    Combat Circuit App – Developer Proposal Overview: The Combat Circuit App is a fitness application designed to deliver a comprehensive, martial arts-inspired workout experience for users of all fitness levels. The app will offer personalized workouts based on user profiles, focusing on Skill, Speed, Cardio, and Power. The app will be free at launch to encourage widespread adoption, with potential subscription options for premium features in the future. I am seeking full development, maintenance quotes, and long-term support from experienced app developers to bring this vision to life. Functionality Outline 1. Opening Screen Display Combat Circuit logo. Three landing pages for different user categories (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced). Optional introduction vid...

    €4657 Average bid
    €4657 Gebot i.D.
    112 Angebote

    ...ARTIH MATIC based on my experiments with the "ARTIH MATIC Memory Kit S1-MU Mk1". You will be required to: - Help document the results of three experiments, which include testing addition and subtraction, handling carry and overflow, and performing calculations using two's complement and negative numbers. - Provide guidance on how to incorporate the use of various components from the kit such as circuit boards, resistors, and integrated circuits (ICs). - Ensure the report is thorough and well-structured, suitable for academic submission. - It is crucial that I conduct three experiments and document them thoroughly. Soldering work is required to carry out the experiments. Ideal candidates should have: - A background in electrical engineering, computer science, or ...

    €82 Average bid
    €82 Gebot i.D.
    37 Angebote

    Collecting information for vehicle charging systems <Overview> [1. Background] This technology is related to vehicle charging systems. [2. Technologies to look out for] This technology is related to how the target vehicles are determined when multiple vehicles are connected to a charging system. When multiple vehicles request charging during a specific time period, the charging system determines which vehicles are to be charged based on at least one of the SOC at the start of the time period and the expected power consumption after the end of the time period, and then charges them. [3. Reference information] For example, a specific time period could be a time period when charging fees are low. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands ...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    Collecting information about electric vehicles <Overview> 【1. Background】 This technology is related to a method for diagnosing battery deterioration in electric vehicles. 【2. Technology Description】 This diagnostic method determines whether a battery is rapidly deteriorating based on the rate of change of the battery temperature and input current, or the battery temperature and voltage, when a back electromotive force is applied to the battery. <<NOTICE>> The target car brands in this search are limited to US, European, Chinese, and South Korean brands. <Requirements for Payment> ★Clearly indicate the URL of the website or YouTube site as the basis for the evidence. ★Please clearly indicate where the above technology is disclo...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Gebot i.D.
    1 Angebote

    ...failure during an update, the device can roll back to the previous stable firmware version to ensure continued operation. 5. Power Efficiency Low Power Consumption: Sleep Mode: The devices are designed to operate efficiently by entering a low-power sleep mode when they are idle (e.g., during periods when sensor readings are not required). This feature helps in prolonging the device’s battery life if using a battery-powered solution or reducing overall energy consumption if powered by mains electricity. External Power Source: For greenhouses with continuous power availability, the devices are powered via a stable DC supply or solar power. The solar-powered option would be ideal for remote greenhouses, reducing dependency on the electrical grid. 6. Scalability and Ex...

    €534 Average bid
    €534 Gebot i.D.
    19 Angebote

    I'm looking for a professional to design a public EV battery charging system using a DSP controller. This system will primarily cater to passenger cars and needs to have fast charging capabilities. Key requirements: - Design a DSP controller based charging system - Ensure the system is suitable for public use - Prioritize fast charging features Ideal candidates would have: - Extensive experience in designing EV charging systems - Proficiency with DSP controllers - Understanding of public infrastructure requirements for EV charging systems.

    €318 Average bid
    €318 Gebot i.D.
    2 Angebote

    I'm looking for an expert who can create a noise-free circuit for an ESP32-based tachometer. This tachometer will be reading sparks from a spark plug via a coil wrapped around the wire. The primary application of this tachometer will be in industrial equipment. Key Requirements: - The tachometer must have an LCD screen for display output. - The circuit needs to be robust enough to withstand high humidity conditions. - The circuit must be designed to be noise-free. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with circuit design, particularly involving the ESP32. - Previous projects involving tachometers will be an advantage. - Skills in designing circuits for industrial equipment. - Experience with creating noise-filtered circuits. - Knowledge of designing for hi...

    €173 Average bid
    €173 Gebot i.D.
    31 Angebote

    I n... and 100% light intensity 4. To switch between light modes of the second light (2'' light), which also includes 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% light intensity The LED display should show: 1. The name of the device 2. The battery percentage 3. The light mode of both lights 4. The charging status, and whether the battery is low or full The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Experience in designing LED displays and controllers - Understanding of light intensity modes - Skills in creating user-friendly interfaces - Ability to indicate battery status visually using a battery icon with percentage. Please note that the question regarding how the light modes should be switched was skipped. So, I’m open to suggestions from freelance...

    €291 Average bid
    €291 Gebot i.D.
    5 Angebote

    ...Soda vending machines Other standard vending machine interfaces Configurable Output Protocols: ccTalk (all variations) MDB (Multi-Drop Bus) Pulse/Mars Parallel SSP 3. Power Handling & Distribution Powered by the vending machine or bill acceptor power source (12V/24V). Pass-through power design: The PCB must distribute power to connected peripherals. Voltage regulation: Integrated regulators for 5V and 3.3V for logic circuits and microcontroller operation. 4. Intelligent Protocol Translation & Multiplexing Seamless communication conversion between ccTalk, MDB, Pulse/Mars, SSP and Parallel. Support for multiple devices at once, allowing: A bill acceptor on ccTalk while a credit card terminal is connected on Pulse/Mars. Multiple coin acceptors running different protocols ...

    €1206 Average bid
    €1206 Gebot i.D.
    34 Angebote