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Wie man einen guten Freelancer engagiert vBulletin Developer
vBulletin is a software package developed by vbulletin Solutions, Inc. for internet forum. This software is written in PHP and uses a MYSQL database server. It was initially released in 2000 by James E. Limm and John Parcival for their personal forum but other users expressed interest in the software. In order to meet the demands, John and James released a paid solution called vBulletin 1.
Since 2000, many versions of the vBulletin have been released. vBulletin 2.0 was released on 21st May 2001, vBulletin 3.0 was released on 13th March 2004. Many versions have since been improved upon and currently, the popular versions being used are 3.8.8, 4.2.2, 5.2.0.
Uses of vBulletin
Using the vBulletin software can be beneficial to you in several ways:
It can be used for Search Engine Optimization. This can be very helpful to users who have websites and need their contents to be seen on search engines.
It has built-in applications which can be used for Blogs, discussion forum, polls and groups.
It can be used for support during normal business hours.
What does it require before use?
The latest version which is vBulletin 5.0 and vBulletin 5.1 can only be optimized if:
Your server has PHP v5.3.0 and MYSQL v5.1.5
There is URL rewrite, MOD rewrite or equivalent
You upload and include .htaccess to your server
For 5.1 versions, you must have PHP v5.3.7 or PHP v5.4.0 and MYSQL v5.5.0
Who is a vBulletin Specialist
He is an expert on installation, maintenance and management of vBulletin software. For one to qualify as a specialist, he/she must be skilled in the following areas:
Website designing
Website development
SEO and JQuery
Years of experience can also be criteria to be a specialist in vBulletin.
If you are looking to hire a vBulletin specialist, it is highly recommended that you hire a freelance specialist who will install, monitor and show you the rudiments of the software.
Hiring a freelance Vbulletin expert via Freelancer offers a wide range of benefits to employers and can often be a lower rate than traditional experts who are employed on a full time basis.
If you’re looking for a solution for your Vbulletin needs or if you are looking to trial a freelancer to see if they provide the levels of expertise you are looking for, using a platform such as is a fantastic option.
Simply log onto the website and search through a bank of talented freelancers who are willing and able to provide their services to you for your project. Post your project on