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Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (or JavaScript). Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia and San Francisco. Kotlin provides support for both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, and also allows seamless interoperability between Java and Kotlin codebases. It is fully interoperable with Java, thereby allowing companies to gradually migrate their existing libraries and applications to Kotlin over time.
Einstellen a Kotlin Developer
Find the Kotlin Developer of your dreams on and create high-quality Android, iOS or Web apps! Be confident that your project is in capable hands with experienced professionals who will help you realize your software vision. Benefit from a wide range of available talent and get the job done right!
Wie man einen guten Freelancer engagiert Kotlin Developer
If you are looking for the best programming language, Kotlin has to be one of those on your list. Kotlin is an open source general purpose programming language that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). It was originally developed by JetBrains, the same people who brought you IntelliJ IDEA and other top of the line developer tools. Kotlin strives to combine the most loved features from many modern languages into one clean, crisp, and familiar syntax.
Are you looking for a skilled Kotlin programmer? Let us know, Freelancer's skilled developers are ready to help you! With our freelancers, you are guaranteed to get your project done at a reasonable cost. Our team consists of the best and most respected Kotlin developer freelancers around.
What is a Kotlin developer?
A Kotlin developer is someone who uses the Kotlin programming language to create software. Kotlin is a statically typed, JVM-based programming language that was created by JetBrains in 2011. It has gained a lot of traction in the past few years due to its succinctness, Java interoperability, and thorough null-safety features. As a result, it is being used more and more in modern Android development.
Is Kotlin frontend or backend?
Kotlin is a programming language that can be used for both front-end and back-end development. It's gaining in popularity because it's concise, easy to learn, and versatile. As a developer, you should have a working knowledge of multiple programming languages so you can be adaptable and responsive to the needs of your team or clients. Kotlin is well worth learning if you're looking to add another language to your repertoire.
How much does a Kotlin developer cost?
Kotlin development is becoming increasingly popular, so you can expect to pay a higher price for a Kotlin developer than for one who specializes in another language. However, as with any other service, the cost of a Kotlin developer will vary depending on their qualifications and experience.
If you're looking to hire a freelance Kotlin developer, you can expect to pay around $60 - $100 per hour. Rates will be higher if you require an individual with extensive experience and/or expertise in using the Kotlin programming language.