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Big Data sales require technical knowledge but also understanding the customer requirements to offer the best solution with in-depth research to extract the information relevant for the customer to make an informed decision.
Einstellen a Big Data Salesperson
On, you can hire a Big Data Salesperson to assist in research of the markets or to provide competitor analysis reports or assist with cold calling.
Wie man einen guten Freelancer engagiert Big Data Salesperson
Big Data Sales is the practice of using powerful data software to analyze large volumes of customer data in order to determine key trends and insights that can help a company improve their market strategy and sales performance. A Big Data Sales expert has experience with sophisticated programs such as Hadoop, SQL, MongoDB, Apache Streamprocessing, and Hive, as well as the analytical skills necessary to pull meaning from these data sets.
A freelance Big Data Sales Consultant could be hired to implement an analytics system that can process customer interactions and create predictive models; design a client-side system for importing and analyzing big data; or run exploratory tests on customer data and develop algorithms for accurate sales forecasting.
When interviewing potential Big Data Sales Consultants, look for people with a strong academic background in quantitative fields such as mathematics, engineering, or computer science in addition to professional evidence of successful projects. You should expect to pay the consultant an hourly rate between $35-110+ depending on their experience.
Choosing a Big Data Sales consultant on Freelancer offers you ultimate flexibility for short-term projects or consulting engagements. With guaranteed payment protection, access to the world’s largest pool of talent and immediate support from our experienced team, you can rely on to find the right person to match your needs. Hire now!