Have you become so used to being constantly on the go that when you finally do have some free time, you don’t know what to do with yourself? While being productive can help you make money and be more successful in your career, it is also a very stressful way to live your life. It’s important that you take time off and explore your creative side as well if you want to be a well-rounded person - and a little less stressed as well.
Being creative isn’t only a great way to relieve stress but it can also be an important learning experience. According to Robert E. Franken, author of the book ‘Human Motivation’, being creative has a “tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.” Taking time out of your busy schedule to do something creative will allow you to hear yourself think while finding out what really brings joy into your life.
What if you are Not Creative?
According to research, everybody is creative. You may not be as talented as someone at drawing or writing, but everybody has the ability to be creative. George Land, who used a creativity test to help NASA find engineers and scientists, tried the same test on children. In 1968 he tested a group of children aged 5 and found 98% creativity. He tested the same children when they were 10 years old and their creativity went down to 30%. He tested the same group when they were 15 and found only 12% creativity. Over 200,000 adults did the same creativity test and scored only 2%. He concluded that non-creative behavior was actually learned over time.
Being creative doesn’t necessarily have to do with the arts either. According to Alice Flaherty, an American neurologist, “A creative idea will be defined simply as one that is both novel and useful (or influential) in a particular social setting”. You can use your creativity in other fields, including mathematics, programming and business.
One of the biggest factors that play a role in the huge decrease in creativity has to do with rules and regulations. An extremely old education system teaches people from a young age that we need to follow instructions and not think.
How Does Being Creative Affect Our Brain?
Being creative does some interesting things to our brains. According to a study by Allen Braun and Siyuan Liu, when we are being creative, there is an increase in activity in the medial prefrontal cortex and less activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. They also found that certain areas of the brain we use every day are turned off when we try to be creative, and other areas we don’t regularly use become active.
Why We Should Be More Creative
Creativity not only affects the brain, but it also plays a role in your overall health and can lead to a longer life. An article in Scientific American said researchers discovered that between intelligence, creativity and overall openness, creativity was the only trait that decreased the death rate. They also cite several research studies that show how creating art reduces stress and anxiety, and fights against negative emotions, leading to a better quality of life.
Being creative can also help you improve your problem solving skills at work, and in your personal life. It can give you a different perspective on things and help you come up with better solutions. Instead of the logical, linear approach, you can approach a problem from a different angle. According to several studies, because creative people can adapt to change easier, they can live more easily with uncertainty and the unknown.
Being creative, and then sharing your ideas and art with others, will also help you to be a more confident person. Most people avoid taking risks because it makes them feel vulnerable. The creative process allows you to discover that it’s okay to fail, and that we can learn and grow and become better for it.
Teaching Creativity
It’s important that students are taught that knowing one specific skill will not be enough to take on today’s world. Schools have begun to focus on the importance of creativity, and are offering more creative courses than ever before. Teachers can also help students learn better by creating different ways to teach, and allowing students to make mistakes and learn from it. They can also change the environment, or include a fun activity in their teaching.
Educators need to create men and women who can move the world forward and create new things, not keep on repeating what previous generations have done. Albert Einstein once said, “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
Creativity At Work
What was once thought of as a trait only important to musicians and artists, creativity is now a critical skill in all fields of work. In this highly competitive world where thousands of businesses are created every day, creativity is a must if you want to have a competitive edge. You need to be able to think outside the box in order to separate yourself from others and really stand out. A recent survey shows that the modern business world values creativity more than any other business skill.
When there are problems you need to be able to solve them, and sometimes the answer is not always obvious. You need to be a creative thinker in order to come up with original ideas that are useful.
Can Creativity Be Learned?
Creativity is a skill you can learn, as long as you have a desire and patience for the creative process. It’s never too late to learn how to be creative. There are several different creative courses that have shown to be effective in increasing the performances of teachers, students and even professionals. There are a number of courses that can open your mind and allow you to explore your curiosity, including photography, painting, creative writing and learning how to play an instrument.
The best way to learn how to be more creative is through hands-on experience. Make sure you take courses that allow you to experiment while providing a playful and nurturing environment. It’s important you are not afraid to fail, but instead, keep your focus on the creative process.
For children, it’s important that they have enough play time. This is when they can explore their imaginations and experiment. Allow freedom for your children in safe environments. If the child feels like there are too many restrictions, they will feel frustrated and it can hinder their creativity. Don’t be afraid to play with your child and awake your own creativity.
Creativity is now more important than ever and plays a major role in all aspects of your life. Being creative can help you be more successful in business and make you a valuable asset to your company. It will also help you figure out real-world problems in order to live a better life. Taking the time to be creative is also important for living a healthy life with less stress. It allows you the opportunity to explore your artistic side while building confidence.
If you are a creative person, you also have the opportunity to make money. Creativity is an important skill in web design, writing, video making and much more. If you are looking for somebody creative to help you with a new business project, freelancer.com has many of the best, in a wide variety of areas.
If you are a freelancer and have some tips on how to be more creative, please share them below.