10+year science and engineering experience. Current position - research scientist NSC "KIPT" National academy of Science Ukraine.
PhD work in Solid State Physics is in process (theme is "The influence of structural state of zirconium-based alloys on its properties as hydrogen-accumulator").
Author and co-author of 8 academic articles, performed 4 international science projects,
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Harkivs'kij Nacional'nij Universitet im. V.N. Karazina
1996 - 2002
6 roků
1996 - 2002
6 roků
Kinetic of the hydrogen in Zr-H and Zr-D systems
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Volume 35, Issue 11, June 2010, Pages 5442-5447
Current position - research scientist on science production center Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Technologies NSC "KIPT" National academy of Science Ukraine.
PhD work in Solid State Physics is in process (theme is "The influence of structural state of zirconium-based alloys on its properties as hydrogen-accumulator").
Performed Science Projects.
1) STCU 1801 project "Development of physical principles of radiation technologies using gamma-ray sources based
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