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Tomás N.



Spanish, English, Italian, Web, Accounting

$15 USD / hodinu
Pochází z
Argentina (7:55 odp.)
Připojen července 3, 2024
$15 USD / hodinu
What i offer for the moment until i finish learning how the website works: 1) Translations Spanish-English-Italian (non certified ones) but of good quality. 2) Spanish, English or Italian transcriptions. Handwritten ones or digitalized texts. 3) Translations of software's variables (strings). 4) CV (Resumes) confections: preferably in Spanish or English (in italian i need more knowledge of technical terms). 5) Marketing area: presentations improvements. Comunicational strategies. About me: I'm an Spanish native speaker. But i have learned English, Italian, German and Armenian. I must say, English and Italian are the languages which i have learned to write and speak fluently, the other two just a basic knowledge (In German i'm A1.2 and in Armenian i had learned only how to write and read it for 2 years in a non certified course, just for pleasure). I have studied at University a Licenciature in Agrarian Administration, just to complement on my life the knowledge i need for my commercial activity. As working on administration sector, i have to handle tables on Excel, make some contability work, handle Human Resources to find people to hire or dismiss if it's needed and many other things which i can do for others too. This small brief about my life, will give me the chance to show you my level of English, since i have certified my level of Spanish, but since they are paid exams, i hope to get some income to get certified on this plataform in other fields. Sebbene la mia famiglia sia di origine armeno, ho imparato l'italiano perché ha attirato la mia attenzione a causa della grande influenza italiana in Argentina. È una lingua che mi è piaciuta molto. Ho imparato a livellare A1.2 e ho fatto l'esame PLIDA A con una buona valutazione. Posso tradurre da italiano a inglese e spagnolo (e viceversa) con un puó di aiuto dalla tecnologia ma di buona qualità perché posso vedere più errori di questi strumenti. Se parli un'altra lingua, puoi vedere che non sarà lo stesso testo con il traduttore di computer e gli errori che ha con questo testo.
Změny byly uloženy
5.0 · 2 Reviews
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Perfecto trabajo realizado. Totalmente recomendable
Javier C.
Pochází z
Barcelona, Spain
před 6 měsíci
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Excelente todo, seguiremos en contacto, muchas gracias
Global S.
Pochází z
Belgrano, Argentina
před 7 měsíci
led, 2009 - Současnost
16 roků, 1
Grandes Chacras Argentinas S.A:
led, 2009 - Přítomnost
16 roků, 1
Manejo de negocio rubro agropecuario (sector lácteo y carne). Recursos Humanos. Contabilidad general. Compra-Venta artículos rurales en general.
Pochází z
La Plata, Argentina
led, 2009 - Současnost
16 roků, 1
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
2010 - 2010
inglés técnico I - ingeniería agronómica
Pochází z
2010 - 2010
Dante Alighieri ( estudio de italiano. Examen PLIDA 110/120) - 1 año intensivo
2003 - 2003
Pochází z
2003 - 2003
Instituto Cultural Argentino Británico (estudio en inglés)
1993 - 2001
8 roků
Pochází z
1993 - 2001
8 roků
Freelancer Orientation
Freelancer Orientation
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Spanish - Level 1
Basic Numeracy - Level 1
Basic Numeracy
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
AI Training - Freelancer Global Fleet
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