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Sonam C.
Web Developer | UI/UX | Email | React | Angular
$15 USD / hodinu
India (7:02 dop.)
Připojen května 25, 2013
$15 USD / hodinu
As a seasoned Frontend Developer with over 10 years of experience in the internet industry, I specialize in building intuitive and engaging web applications. My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, React.js, and Angular.
I am committed to delivering high-quality, responsive designs that ensure optimal performance across all devices and browsers. With a strong foundation in WordPress development and proficiency in design tools like Affinity Designer, Adobe XD, and Photoshop, I bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality.
I thrive on collaboration and innovation, always seeking new challenges to enhance user experience and drive project success. Let’s discuss how I can help bring your vision to life!
Leads the development and implementation of complex web applications, utilizing advanced front-end and back-end technologies. Mentors junior developers, ensures high code quality, and collaborates with cross-functional teams to deliver scalable and efficient solutions.
Bangalore, India
kvě, 2021 - srp, 2023
2 roky, 3 měsíce
Sr. Web Developer
čvn, 2020 - pro, 2020
6 měsíců, 1
čvn, 2020 - pro, 2020
6 měsíců, 1
Leads the development and implementation of complex web applications, utilizing advanced front-end and back-end technologies. Mentors junior developers, ensures high code quality, and collaborates with cross-functional teams to deliver scalable and efficient solutions.
Bangalore, India
čvn, 2020 - pro, 2020
6 měsíců, 1
Frontend Web Developer
bře, 2015 - úno, 2020
4 roky, 11 měsíců
Baagdi Solutions Pvt.
bře, 2015 - úno, 2020
4 roky, 11 měsíců
Designs and implements user-friendly web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Collaborates with designers and backend developers to create responsive, visually appealing websites.
Sriganganagar, India
bře, 2015 - úno, 2020
4 roky, 11 měsíců
Guru Jambeshwar University
2011 - 2014
3 roky
2011 - 2014
3 roky
Employee of the Month
Infoshore pvt ltd
Employee of the Month
Employee of the Month
Baagdi Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Employee of the Month
Employe of the year
Baagdi software pvt ltd
Employe of the year
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