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E-mail byl úspěšně ověřen.
Sarah N.
Blockchain/AI/ChatGPT/Engineer/8+ yrs Experience
$25 USD / hodinu
France (1:09 dop.)
Připojen listopadu 15, 2022
$25 USD / hodinu
Blockchain Solutions Expert ?| Director of Sales and Business Development ?
Loves to dig into customer problems and solve them with blockchain technology.
Having demonstrated the potential of leveraging the human-centered design and agile development methodologies to provide innovative blockchain solutions, I have been part of many transformational blockchain and defi applications.
New technology enthusiast, interested in digital transformation and blockchain technology. Member of blockchain council Denmark.
Enjoys meeting new people. Reach out if you want to talk to me about blockchain tech, creating blockchain products, decentralized applications, and product management, Software as a Service (SaaS).
My key skills are:-
> AI development
> chat GPT Development
> Blockchain Development
> NFT Market Place Development
> New Coin Development
> Trading Exchange Development
Joined the organization as director of sales and my job is to manage team of 20+ Sales representatives and handle client communication. Our company has over 50+ developers working all across the globe to provide quality service to our clients.
čvc, 2021 - Současnost
3 roky, 7 měsíců
Director of Sales And Business Development
lis, 2017 - lis, 2022
5 roků
BSV Blockchain
lis, 2017 - lis, 2022
5 roků
Joined BSV after completing my internship from KPMG. I joined the sales and business development team as sales executive and was promoted to director of sales and business development. My core job was to acquire more clients and schedule appointments with qualified prospects.
lis, 2017 - lis, 2022
5 roků
Internship Trainee
srp, 2016 - lis, 2017
1 , 2 měsíce
KPMG Denmark
srp, 2016 - lis, 2017
1 , 2 měsíce
Worked as an intern with KPMG Denmark to gain expertise and experience on skills like Blockchain, Blockchain Architecture · Smart Contracts, Blockchain Analysis, Ethereum Technology.
srp, 2016 - lis, 2017
1 , 2 měsíce
London Business School
2017 - 2020
3 roky
Executive MBA International Marketing
United Kingdom
2017 - 2020
3 roky
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - School of Business and Management
2014 - 2016
2 roky
Masters of Technology Computer Science
Hong Kong
2014 - 2016
2 roky
Syddansk Universitet
2011 - 2014
3 roky
Bachelors degree in computer science
2011 - 2014
3 roky
Blockchain Development Course
Blockchain Council
Completed blockchain development course from IRG Blockchain council
Oracles Marketing Module
Completed the marketing module for Orcale.
Blockchain and Meta
Wrote articles on blockchain and Meta Subjects.
Blockchain In Medical Industry
Google Scholar
Published 23 pages research paper on google scholar about blockchain in medical industry. The paper highlights needs for blockchain systems to secure patients privacy.
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