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Oleksandr K.



Senior Logo & Branding, Packaging & Print Designer

$25 USD / hodinu
Pochází z
Ukraine (2:21 odp.)
Připojen ledna 8, 2013
$25 USD / hodinu
I am Oleksandr from Ukraine, a professional designer, Private Entrepreneur, and freelancer. I am passionate about helping companies of all sizes bring their ideas to life! As a design expert with over 20 years of e-commerce experience, I help brands transform their visual presence and stand out beautifully from other companies. If you're starting from scratch, looking for an upgrade, or need a one-off project, I can help. Versatility is my forte! From creating creative logos, and brand guidelines, to designing exciting packaging, creating business presentations, and engaging graphics for social media to website design, I excel across various artistic and design skills. I have my approach to design and professional skills that help me bring my vision from concept to finished art, whether for print or online. I've honed a unique "minimalist abstractionism" style that adapts to your preferences. It has a modern aesthetic that works well for a variety of businesses. ● Using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Figma, and Canva, I bring your visions to life with exquisite design and stunning graphics. Let's come together and improve the visual identity of your brand/company! ✔ Click "INVITE" to discuss the details of the project, let's create an amazing design together, leaving a lasting impression for all. The road to your brand's success begins now! ● Highlighted skills: Logo Design, Logo Design and Branding, Corporate Brand Identity, Brand Identity and Guidelines, Corporate Guidelines, Brand Design, Guidelines, Branding, Brand Identity, and Strategy, Re-design, Re-branding, Print Design, Creative Design, Graphic Design, Presentation Design, Pitch Deck, Flyers, Catalog, Magazine Design, Brochure, Business Card, Graphics & Design, Illustration, Infographic, Social Media Kit, Layout Design, Press Kit, Banner, Character Design, Art and Illustration, Infographic Design, Social Media Design, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. Thanks a lot for your time. Last updated: November 07, 2024
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Změny byly uloženy
5.0 · 1 Review
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For the budget, the quality was good, but unfortunately, it lacked the creativity we were looking for. He was a man of few words, or maybe just a bit shy, not sure. After several revisions, we ended up choosing the very first sample he created. For the price, it was okay, can’t expect more.
Jensen M.
Pochází z
copenhagen, Denmark
před 12 dny
Freelance, Self-Employment
kvě, 2012 - Současnost
12 roků, 9 měsíců
Founder and Graphic Designer "MedvedArt"
kvě, 2012 - Přítomnost
12 roků, 9 měsíců
My skills include development of unique logos, emblems, corporate identity, branding, print design, creating a modern design of packaging and labels, advertising, infographic and illustrations.
kvě, 2012 - Současnost
12 roků, 9 měsíců
Graphic Designer & Illustrator
lis, 2010 - bře, 2012
1 , 4 měsíce
Design agency "Mansard Design"
lis, 2010 - bře, 2012
1 , 4 měsíce
Development of design layouts: logos, corporate identity; printing products: business cards, envelopes, folders, forms, booklets, flyers, stickers, posters, calendars, city lights, posters, banners, design of souvenirs (pens, T-shirts, caps); development of models of outdoor advertising: (facades, billboards, signs, lightboxes).
lis, 2010 - bře, 2012
1 , 4 měsíce
Graphic Designer
zář, 2005 - říj, 2010
5 roků, 1
Advertising consulting company "Bureau Mart"
zář, 2005 - říj, 2010
5 roků, 1
Development of design layouts: corporate identity; printing products: business cards, envelopes, folders, forms, booklets, flyers, stickers, posters, calendars, city lights, light binaries, posters, banners, development of models of souvenirs (pens, T-shirts, caps); development of outdoor advertising models: (facades, billboards, signs, lightboxes, three-dimensional letters, exhibition stands).
zář, 2005 - říj, 2010
5 roků, 1
Rivne State Humanitarian University
2000 - 2005
5 roků
Pochází z
2000 - 2005
5 roků
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