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Mohamed B.




$6 USD / hodinu
Pochází z
Tunisia (6:48 dop.)
Připojen ledna 26, 2022
$6 USD / hodinu
Translation,Transcription,Writing,Proofreading "....Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard......." I often find myself working late at night or early in the morning, communicating with clients or providing finished work; all this to accommodate clients in other time zones. I can speak 4 language: * Arabic. : Native * German : Fluent * English : Fluent * French. : Fluent This is what I've learned from freelancer work. As translator+writer+Air Conditioner Meister have been working for Energy field; let me describe briefly How can I help you here? -Top-notch translation: German-Arabic/Arabic-German (all fields). -Transcription(Audio, Video): Arabic, German, English, French -Arabic Native speaker Copy writer. -Books translation -Website translation. -Proofreading(German und Arabic). -Data entry. -Internet researches. **Looking forward to establishing long-term work relationship with you**
Změny byly uloženy
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K dispozici nejsou žádné recenze.
Senior Technician in Energy
zář, 2017 - říj, 2018
1 , 1
SOCER Tunisia
zář, 2017 - říj, 2018
1 , 1
Ensuring the control and monitoring of work on the site. Monitoring energy consumption. Analyse performance and calculate energy efficiency. Suggesting possible ways of improving and optimising energy use
zář, 2017 - říj, 2018
1 , 1
Université de Kairouan
2014 - 2017
3 roky
senior technician
Pochází z
2014 - 2017
3 roky
Senior Technician in Energy
- Ensuring the control and monitoring of work on the site. Monitoring energy consumption. Analyse performance and calculate energy efficiency. Suggesting possible ways of improving and optimising energy use. - Identifies the intervention phases of installations Installs and commissions equipment and materials Maintains and checks the conformity of installed equipment Plans repair operationsb. - Auto Cade. - Computer Program. - Microsoft World. - Problem Solving.
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