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Mariyam A.
Research |Marketing Strategist | Content Creator
$5 USD / hodinu
Pakistan (10:07 odp.)
Připojen září 1, 2023
$5 USD / hodinu
In addition to being a diverse and experienced freelance writer and content developer, I have a strong interest in producing content that is both intriguing and engaging across a wide range of subjects.
I excel at generating high-quality, targeted content that resonates with audiences and generates outcomes. I have a sharp eye for detail and a penchant for storytelling, which combined with my ability to tell stories. My ability to modify my writing style to accommodate the specific requirements and goals of each assignment is something that I take great pride in. This includes anything from blog entries and articles to content for social media and website copy.
Here is what I offer:
- Creative Writing
- Bloging
- Research (including all aspects)
- Article Writing
- Social Media Content
- SEO writing
- Content Strategy
- Travel Writing
- Personal Development (Have taught for 6 months in renowned university of Karachi, Pakistan)
- Microsft Word/ Excel
- Logo Designing
I have been an active employee in one of the renowned universities of Karachi, Pakistan, where I was serving as Assistant to Business Administration Department. My job was to look on to the important tasks of the department like content creation, helping my Head of Business Department in research and keep a strict check on the business administration tasks.
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