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Ham L.



I'm a Creative & Persuasive Copywriter.

$10 USD / hodinu
Pochází z
France (5:19 dop.)
Připojen srpna 21, 2024
$10 USD / hodinu
With my writing skills, I can help you bring your ideas to life and turn your concepts into compelling copy that will engage your potential customers. Whether you're a small business looking to stand out in a competitive market, or a growing company looking to improve your online presence, I'm here to help you achieve your goals. Let me know your needs and expectations, and we'll create content that will make your business shine. Contact me to discuss how I can help you achieve your copywriting goals. Copywriter | Google April 2022 - Present Created clear, compelling copy for various mediums, including blog posts, newsletters, and landing pages. Conducted in-depth research to ensure content accuracy and relevance. Collaborated with marketing and design teams to develop cohesive marketing campaigns. Utilized SEO best practices to enhance content visibility and drive organic traffic. Edited and proofread copy to ensure clarity, consistency, and adherence to brand voice.



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Freelance Copywriter
srp, 2021 - Současnost
3 roky, 6 měsíců
srp, 2021 - Přítomnost
3 roky, 6 měsíců
As a Freelance Copywriter, I specialize in creating engaging and persuasive content for a variety of industries. With expertise in writing video scripts, ad copy, and social media content, I help my clients achieve their marketing goals by delivering copy that grabs attention and drives conversions. My approach involves tailoring the tone and style of writing to match the target audience, blending creativity with strategic communication.
Pochází z
Marseille, France
srp, 2021 - Současnost
3 roky, 6 měsíců
High School Graduate
2022 - 2022
Pochází z
2022 - 2022
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