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Fahimatul Hazimah Z.
Full-Time Student
$50 USD / hodinu
Malaysia (2:38 dop.)
Připojen dubna 21, 2024
$50 USD / hodinu
I'm a driven and committed professional ready to start freelancing for myself. I am dedicated to producing high-quality work and thrive in fast-paced workplaces. I am well-known for my inventiveness, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail. I can't wait to work with clients to realize their ideas and provide my expertise to projects in a variety of fields.
I bring a ton of experience and a drive to produce top-notch work with me as I enter the freelance world. I have the ability to solve problems creatively and with a good eye for detail, therefore I am ready to take on a variety of tasks with passion and commitment. I'm excited to take on new challenges, lend my knowledge and experience to your projects, and go above and beyond every time.