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E-mail byl úspěšně ověřen.
John W.
Mechatronic Engineer
$5 USD / hodinu
Kenya (3:26 odp.)
Připojen května 24, 2023
$5 USD / hodinu
I am well conversant with electronic PCB design from circuit development to embedded system design with various microcomputer such as STM32, ESP32 micro-computer,PLC, Arduino microcontroller and RICCO board. I apparently work at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology as a system design engineer on various research projects on industrial automation and Energy engineer.
I designed, fabricated, and programmed embedded systems for Tea factories, communication companies, and intelligent farms under the umbrella of the Green Institute of the university formed to deal with national Food security and decrease global carbon footprint. This systems included low-power conveyor belts for tea factories, intelligent PFC units up to 1000KVar, withering/drying process data logging, Boiler efficiency evaluation and system redesign, and solar energy monitoring data logger.
čvc, 2021 - čvc, 2023
2 roky
Bsc. Mechatronic Engineering
2016 - 2021
5 roků
2016 - 2021
5 roků
Best engineer of the year
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Having completed the core subjects of a 2-year project on Solar hybrid driers and clean cooking for EA under Dedan Kimathi University and GIZ (Germany), I was awarded an appreciation as the best engineer of the institute. I worked as chief mechatronic system designer and automation expert in the project as well as other minor engineering tasks that came during the project period.
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