Video Shooting and Editing - how to install a camera outdoor

Ukončen Zveřejněno před 2 měsíci K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Ukončen K zaplacení v momentě doručení

Revising the project as I realized the skills required are different.

You will receive a bird feeder with Camera from us so you need to live in US.

- Install the feeder

- Shoot a video about how to install the feeder

- Edit the video so others can know how to install following your guide.

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Identifikační číslo projektu: #38912443

O projektu

30 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 1 měsícem

30 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $93


Good morning Fang F. Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation As a professional video editing company, we understand the importance of creating captivating content that resonates with your audience. Our skilled Další

$50 USD za 1 den
(7 Recenzí)

As an experienced and passionate video professional, I believe I have the skills and expertise you need for your unique project involving the installation of a bird feeder with camera. I have been at the forefront of M Další

$100 USD za 1 den
(24 Recenzí)

Welcome, Okay, Ready to start working on your project "Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation" ,will design according to your description that "I'm looking for a creative freelancer to help me produce an educa Další

$130 USD za 3 dní
(3 Recenzí)

Being a seasoned video editor and an avid user of TikTok, I believe I'm a perfect fit for your project! My skills in video editing, particularly on emerging social media platforms like TikTok, are sure to elevate your Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(9 Recenzí)

Hi, would like to discuss your project "Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation" in detail, I have gone through your description that "I'm looking for a creative freelancer to help me produce an educational Ti Další

$100 USD za 4 dní
(2 Recenzí)

With a background in content creation and video editing, I'm confident that I can create an entertaining, informative, and engaging TikTok video for your project. Not only am I familiar with leveraging social media pla Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(8 Recenzí)

Hi! My unique set of skills and diverse experience make me the perfect fit for your project. As a seasoned writer and digital content specialist, I have an innate talent for translating complex ideas into easily digest Další

$150 USD za 5 dní
(5 Recenzí)

As someone with an extensive background in content creation and video production on platforms like TikTok, I'm confident that I have the skills necessary to bring your educational TikTok video on outdoor camera install Další

$140 USD za 7 dní
(1 recenze)

As a Full Stack Web/App Developer, 2D/3D Animator, and Graphic Designer with a passion for all things digital, I know how to harness technology and design to make information exciting and engaging. This is exactly the Další

$140 USD za 3 dní
(2 Recenzí)

Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation I am offering 30% discount, I am a professional writer and Graphic designer with 7 years of experience. I would like to grab this opportunity and will work till you g Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(0 Recenzí)

Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation I am a Professional writer with 4 years of experience. I assure you I will do my upmost best to meet your requirements. I've written over 500 projects in the last 2 mont Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(0 Recenzí)

Do you remember that feeling of satisfaction after completing a challenging task? I'm Queen, and as an accomplished video editor, animator, and experienced outdoor technician, I can offer you not just a TikTok video on Další

$140 USD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)

G'day, your project Educational TikTok: Outdoor Camera Installation will be done professionally with the exact requirements mentioned in your description that "I'm looking for a creative freelancer to help me produce Další

$50 USD za 3 dní
(0 Recenzí)

Hi, I’d love to assist in creating your educational TikTok video on outdoor camera installation! With experience in TikTok content creation and video editing, I can craft an engaging and informative video that present Další

$30 USD za 1 den
(0 Recenzí)

Hi there,Good morning I am Talha. I can work with your project skills Video Services, Videography, Content Writing, Video Editing and Video Production I am excited to present my proposal, which centers around a perso Další

$30 USD za 13 dní
(0 Recenzí)