German Editor Needed for AI Book / Verlag gesucht

Ukončen Zveřejněno před 4 měsíci K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Ukončen K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I am seeking a skilled German editor to edit and sell my book, which is about AI

and identical to my website,

Key Details:

— The book is between 10,000 to 30,000 words.

— The book will be delivered as a PDF in DINA3-format, ready to print.

Ideal Skills:

— Knowledge of the AI-Market.

— Command of the German language.

— Prior experience in editing books, especially on technical topics like AI.

Thank you!

Best, Paulo Heitlinger

Úpravy textu eKnihy PDF

Identifikační číslo projektu: #38773593

O projektu

53 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 2 měsíci

53 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru €368


Greetings! I'm a professional in providing high quality AI book editing service. I have worked on about 100 books so far. I am a top-rated freelancer with about 15 years of experience, having served about 700 satisfie Další

€250 EUR za 7 dní
(324 Recenzí)

Guten tag, Paulo! As an accomplished and versatile writer with over a decade of experience, I believe my skillset and deep knowledge of the AI-market makes me an ideal fit for editing and selling your book. My understa Další

€250 EUR za 7 dní
(34 Recenzí)

Hey there! Are you looking for a comprehensive edit that includes structural feedback, grammar, and style revisions, or do you only need specific improvements on technical accuracy? Do you want the book to maintain the Další

€450 EUR za 12 dní
(20 Recenzí)

I am damn sure that I can complete this project "Editor Needed for AI Book" beyond your expectations and within your given time and budget. I am a specialized writer who has been providing professional writing servic Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(36 Recenzí)

Affordable, Early Delivery. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★I hold a Masters degree which gives me the requisite background to handle writing from various subjects. I am a highly committed person towards my work. You can rely on Qualit Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(3 Recenzí)

Editor Needed for AI Book I am a seasoned content writer with nearly a decade of expertise, I empower entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses to articulate their unique value proposition. My portfolio show Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(19 Recenzí)

As someone deeply engaged in the field of cutting-edge technology and sharing diverse writing skills that span multiple industries, I'm confident I'd be an invaluable asset as an editor for your AI book. It's crucial t Další

€250 EUR za 7 dní
(19 Recenzí)

As a company dedicated to providing top-quality editing and proofreading services, not only do we have the necessary skills to deliver successful outcomes for your project but also our 5 years of experience in the crea Další

€250 EUR za 6 dní
(10 Recenzí)

InstantQuality─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── I am a specialized Master's degree holder equipped to tackle writing across various subjects. My commitment to work is unwavering, ensuring TOP RATED EXPERT delivers consistent and high-qua Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(11 Recenzí)

I am a professional AI book writer having  more than 6 years of writing experience as I started my online writing career in 2018. In this duration, I have successfully served more than 1000 clients with the full amount Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(13 Recenzí)

Editor Needed for AI Book My name is "Usama Safdar" and I am a Ph.D degree holder which means I am highly-capable to tackle this project "Content Editor " with 100 percent accuracy. I am a professional writer with Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(13 Recenzí)

Hallo, Ich bin eine erfahrene deutsche Autorin und Redakteurin mit einem ausgeprägten Sinn für Design, um Dokumente zu erstellen, die sowohl informativ als auch ästhetisch ansprechend sind. Kreatives Schreiben ist mein Další

€500 EUR za 7 dní
(4 Recenzí)

Editor Needed for AI Book My name is Rabia Faisal, I am working in the writing industry since 2011. During this time, I have served countless clients with a full amount of satisfaction by providing them with TOP Quali Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(4 Recenzí)

Could you please share the draft as it is now? I'm happy to guide you depending on your needs, whether that's a light touch to help you get rid of grammatical errors or a more comprehensive edit, including rewriting pa Další

€400 EUR za 10 dní
(13 Recenzí)

I'm ready and available to complete your project ASAP, delivering 100% professional output. Your satisfaction is my first priority! We are an expert team which have many years of experience on Proofreading, Editing, A Další

€300 EUR za 1 den
(4 Recenzí)

Building on my existing experience in content writing and a keen interest in technology-based topics, I believe I am the right person for your editing project. Not only do I have the command of the German language that Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(4 Recenzí)

Your quest for an editor who understands AI and can refine your book with care and precision ends here. With over four years in the book writing niche, I have edited, written, and formatted hundreds of books across g Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(2 Recenzí)

Hello there, I can help you edit and refine your book about AI, ensuring it matches the style and tone of your website while making it engaging for your target audience. The final product will be polished and delivere Další

€500 EUR za 7 dní
(1 recenze)

Hello! With over 30 years of experience in editing and proofreading, I can help polish your book to ensure it is engaging and error-free. My editing process includes: - Detailed proofreading for grammar, punctuation, Další

€250 EUR za 1 den
(1 recenze)

With my extensive background in content creation and editing, I am well-suited to support your AI book project, Paulo. Having tackled similar technical topics in my previous work, I understand the nuances required to p Další

€250 EUR za 2 dní
(1 recenze)