Wordpress and PHP Developer needed from pakistan

Ukončen Zveřejněno Apr 29, 2016 K zaplacení v momentě doručení

We need a Wordpress and a PHP developer from Pakistan who has good Experience in Coding.

She/He should be easy in use of skype call.

He/she should be hardworking and Serious.

Our rates are low but work is continuous.

PHP WordPress

Identifikační číslo projektu: #10365023

O projektu

8 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní Jun 6, 2016

8 Freelnceři na váš projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $7/hod.


Hello, Let's discuss the project. so that i can understand what type of wordpress development you needed. Waiting for your response. Thanks, Muhammad Jawad

$10 USD / hodina
(216 Recenzí)

ranaatwarplab so lets come and talk in detail, where you from and what you need, and how long this will take, also send me some project detail, as i am available to start your job from today or tomorrow Than Další

$6 USD / hodina
(35 Recenzí)

I need my first job and I think that you need good programmer. I am Computer Scientist. I am the best man for this job.

$5 USD / hodina
(0 Recenzí)