Need a modal (like ouibounce) pop up done for my website. Needs to work for both mobile and desktop. I have example but the example doesn't work for mobile. So either use different lightbox script or fix exsiting one.
I will implement a nice pop up for you.
I am ready to start work if you hire me. Please contact so we can start work together.
You can contact me 24*7 as i am full time individual Freelancer.
I am looking forwards working with you.
$30 USD v 1 dni
(137 recenze)
3 freelanceři nabízejí v průměru $28 USD za tuto práci
Hope you are doing great!
for desktop its simple because we are using mouse or there is mouse leave event ..
I'll research about implementing it on mobile .
If you ping me. Thank You
//even on desk top if we try to close with keyboard short cut ouibounce doesn't work...