Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower

Ukončen Zveřejněno před 9 měsíci K zaplacení v momentě doručení
Ukončen K zaplacení v momentě doručení

I am seeking an experienced 3D designer for a Pokemon-themed project.

Your task will be to create large, over 12 inches, 3D models of Pokemon Umbreon and the Destiny Tower. Here are the specifics:

- Size: Models must be large, exceeding 12 inches in dimensions. Ensure the size is balanced and proportionate between the Umbreon and Destiny Tower figures.

- Style: Models should follow a cartoon-style with simple detailing, reflecting the same aesthetics we typically see in the Pokemon universe.

- Design: No specific materials and textures are required; however, the final models should be easy to read and pleasing to the eyes.

Skills & Experience:

- Extensive experience with 3D modeling software

- Familiarity with Pokemon's art style would be a huge plus

- Portfolio with cartoon-style 3D models

- Excellent attention to detail and creativity.

Please attach links to your previous cartoon-style 3D models. Based on the submissions, I will select the most fitting designer to complete the project.

Vytváření 3D modelů 3D ztvárnění 3D animace 3ds Max Animace

Identifikační číslo projektu: #38144176

O projektu

36 nabídek Projekt na dálku Aktivní před 8 měsíci

36 Freelnceři na tento projekt zveřejňují nabídky v průměru $351


Hi, I have read your Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower project details, and I can provide you with the best quality within your timeframe and with great options. I have more than 10 years of experience in this f Další

$300 USD za 2 dní
(271 Recenzí)

Hello, i am ready exited to work you as i read your job description Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower I am also an expert in making 2d,3d modelling and animating characters 2dautocad drawing ,elevation, solid wor Další

$254 USD za 2 dní
(217 Recenzí)

Hello, I recently saw your project details for "Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower." After reading the job description, I quickly realized that your requirements precisely match my abilities. I am a master of detai Další

$260 USD za 2 dní
(106 Recenzí)

Dear Client, I read your Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower & inspected into your description for getting little clarification I will definitely Provide you professional quality designs based on your mentioned A Další

$250 USD za 2 dní
(53 Recenzí)

Greetings, I have checked your project “Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower” having description "I am seeking an experienced 3D designer for a Pokemon-themed project.......". I have understood the brief and I can fi Další

$250 USD za 5 dní
(72 Recenzí)

Hi, I am a 2d/3D Artist position as You are looking for Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower I am skilled in AutoCAD, Tekla Structures, Rhinoceros, and Grasshopper. With my expertise in 3D modeling, texturing, and an Další

$250 USD za 2 dní
(159 Recenzí)

Hello! My name is Monica; While briefing your task modeling task that you need a Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower More than 9 years I have been working with 3d modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, lightening Další

$250 USD za 7 dní
(44 Recenzí)

Hello, I’m a professional Designer who specializes in 3D Modeling, Animation and Visualization. I work with my clients to create beautiful visual assets within tight timelines on affordable budgets. I am dedicated to Další

$250 USD za 5 dní
(50 Recenzí)

Hey, understood the requirements of your project "Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower" and have read your description that "I am seeking an experienced 3D designer for a Pokemon-themed project......" so on I am dex Další

$250 USD za 3 dní
(18 Recenzí)

Hi I Have great skill in 3d modelling. I will Make model of Umbreon & Destiny Tower and delivery 3d file in suitable file format. I am ready to start immediately and will complete in tight schedule. Thank you

$500 USD za 5 dní
(107 Recenzí)

Hello Sir, I am writing to express my interest in the Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower. I have already completed similar work. I want to show you some of my 3D creations. Softwares in which I specialise include Další

$275 USD za 2 dní
(63 Recenzí)

Hello OTMLLC, I am Krishna, a seasoned freelancer with over 7 years of experience in Animation, 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, 3D Rendering, and 3ds Max. I have carefully reviewed your project requirements for creating l Další

$450 USD za 3 dní
(23 Recenzí)

G'day, understood completely about your project "Large 3D Model Umbreon & Destiny Tower" and looked over the description that "I am seeking an experienced 3D designer for a Pokemon-themed project......" so on I am virt Další

$250 USD za 3 dní
(8 Recenzí)

Hi, this is Premi D. I am a Good 3d Artist, I have been doing 3D modeling for the last 5 years. passionate about my job. I enjoy challenging projects that require thinking out of the box. My strongest feature is 3d sc Další

$250 USD za 1 den
(7 Recenzí)

With an affinity for the Pokemon universe and immense experience in 3D modeling, you can trust me to deliver extraordinary, true-to-the-source recreations of Umbreon and the Destiny Tower. My portfolio includes an arra Další

$500 USD za 2 dní
(5 Recenzí)

Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to submit my proposal for the creation of large 3D models of Pokemon Umbreon and the Destiny Tower. With a strong background in 3D Rendering, Animation, 3ds Max, and 3D Modelling, I a Další

$750 USD za 7 dní
(0 Recenzí)