Wpecommerce add custom themepráce
...WEbglobe MS SQL nemá (pouze My SQL), takže uvažuju že přepíšu kod na MySQL a nebo na pythoní SQLLite --> moje databáze má pouze cca několik stovek tisíc záznamů Společně: WEB: General Sekce --> Landing Page, Contac, Products .... (takový standardní obsah jako je na skoro každé stránce na netu) --> toto zvládnu i sám (jen proto protož se to chci naučit taky, ale nebráním se rady, zde jsem si vybral Theme: WordPress: Astra (Tanz Tech - Astra ()) WEB: Novinky --> nějaký editor/update pro nahrání zpráv na web (myslím, že WordPress má v sobě integrovaný) pro update novinek (něco jako "nahrání no...
Καλησπέρα, διαθέτω 2 eshop το ένα κατασκευασμένο με OpenCart και το άλλο ειναι κατασκευασμένο με custom CMS (αρκετα αρχαίο) απο ελληνικη εταιρεια η οποια έχει και το hosting , και...
Hledám programátora php a html, pro custom úpravy eshopu postaveného na platformě prestashopu. Nabízím dobré finanční ohodnocení, práci v menším kolektivu. Požaduji alespon 20hod/týdně po dobu 2-3 měsíců.
On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their c...
Two years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for functionality
I have a Wordpress site used for Visitor Management. The site reads data from Google Firebase Database via the plugin Integrate Firebase PRO: I would like some help with styling one page. Its mostly using shortcodes. And there is one menu. The theme is Astra. I have attached two pics. One is of the current layout, and the other is what I want the page to look like ( inspiration)
...design and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and functional setup from you (working menus, each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery koupim. Poptavam pomoc pri nastaveni, instalaci a pripadnych drobnych
Hledáme vývojáře na plný úvazek na 3+ roky pro vývoj CRM na míru v jazyce Java, GUI extJS, DB Oracle. Ideálně v lokalitě Praha/Brno/Znojmo (CZE resident preferred, fluent czech language is a must).
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...
Customizing the spellchecker I will add dictionaries and rules for hunspell. Interlingo language see: Required skills: MS Visual Studio, C #, MS Office, Git
Přizpůsobení spellcheckeru Slovníky a pravidla pro hunspell dodám. Jazyk interlingva viz: žádané dovednosti: MS Visual Studio, C#, MS Office, Git
POtřebuji napsat indikátor pro market analyzer na ninjatrader 8. Bude to kolonka, kde se napíše ano x ne x poslední, podle toho, jaké bylo volume. Pokud ano, tak bude 1,5x větší volume, než je průměr za posledních 10 svíček.
...dokončení (docela na úpravy spěcháme). Také prosíme o reference a jak dlouho již s Prestou pracujete a jaké máte zkušenosti s vývojem modulů a zásahů do kódu Presty. Děkujeme. Požadavky na naše úpravy: 1) u každého produktu aby si zákazník mohl vybrat grafický podklad dle nabízené grafiky (viz. níže příklad existujícího modulu) s možností dopsání vlastního přání do textového pole (je možno využít custom field v samotné prestě, případné jiné řešení) 2) zároveň aby si mohl vybrat u každého produktu, jak bude za...
...Vedlejsi funkce - Aplikace by mela umet spojovat dokumenty, napr. PDFka - napriklad mam dve sablony, a kdyz splni nejake kriteria, spoj dve sablony do jednoho PDFka - Prehledy - pocet vygenerovanych dokumentu, generovaci report (tzn. Muzu jit do tohoto reportu a projet vsechny merge policka a videt, co se presne ze Salesforce vytahuje a kam) - Jsem schopny generovat i Opportunity Line Items a custom objects atd. Vice detailu na online briefingu....
...programátora/kodéra pro správu a vylepšování již zaběhlých webů běžících na systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách Výhodou: -znalost a schopnost tvoř...
...je mimo ČR), připravujeme nový projekt. Jedná se o komunitní web, který bude sdružovat vývojáře algo strategií a pomáhat jim vytvářet komunity pro společný vývoj. Web (landing page, blog atd.) poběží na Thrive Lead Generation a komunitní síť bychom rádi postavili na Buddy Press + bude potřeba vytvořit custom bloky. Naše firma zaměstnává na plný úvazek webaře (není programátor), který pomůže s designem, hledání pluginů apod. Na vás bude tedy vytvoření a odladění WP + pluginů, vytvoření custom bloků a případné přepracování designu do CSS. Ná...
Ahoj hledám rychlou tvorbu loga na téma náhradní díly automobilů a pneumatiky / Hello! I am looking for fast creation of logos on the theme of spare parts for cars and tires
Přeměna našeho webu do nové moderní šablony. Vybráli jsme šablona wordpressu AQUA Původní web Navrhnout design s využitím šablony AQUA, tak aby zůstala paralela s původním webu. Salon poskytuje základní tři služby kadeřnictví, kosmetické služby péče o pleť a laserovou epilaci. V sekci kosmetické péče o pleť máme více jednotlivých služeb podle užívaných značek a druhů ošetření. U jednotlivých ošetření bude odkaz na zajímavé články na blogu, které se bodou vztahovat k danému ošetření. Vždy bude možnost se rezervovat on line na každou proceduru. ...
Project for akshay for creating a custom wp plugin
... I'm looking to extend my website (WordPress) and introduce an effective SEO friendly online store. We aim to create the online store under our current domain and server. We will accept cash upon delivery within a specific area, we will also accept bank transfer, Paypal, Google Wallet and Stripe payments. This E commerce site will need to be integrated into our WordPress theme (Avada). There is 6 food products we will sell online (not much) We have already purchased WPML and its associated plugins that can offer multiple languages. I am looking for an experienced professional to do this job. Please read this brief before responding and include how you would do this, the tools you would use, how long and anything you may need. Emails that are automated will i...
Zdravo Trajko, zanima me dali mi možeš implementirati da je "field Job Position vidljiv i natisljiv i na narudžbenici, fakturi itd!
...zprávy s rozdílem, že se bude chatovat online a v jiném grafickém rozhraní. Po ukončení live instance, se celá komunikace pod daným číslem instance nebo identifikátorem uloží opět v položce zprávy. – Popř. využijeme 1.6 - Struktura webu, umožní vytváření editaci textových stránek/podstránek portálu ( články, FAQ, atď ) 2. Front end ( webová stránka ) - Dashboard - - Přehled nových poptávek ( z pohledu nabízejícího ) - Přehled nových nabídek ( z pohledu poptávájíciho ) - Zprávy 2.2 - Profil uživatele Zde uživatel bude moci přidávat...
I ´m looking for coding of template for QuickCart. This template: template pay in "clean html" and pass the coding for QuickCart 6.2Alternatively. The result is a template for QuickCart 6.2 You can offer a similar custom template. Thank you for your offer and I apologize for my English
...and checkout system for seamless customer transitions from visualization to purchase. 2. 3D Model Upload & Customization: Support for high-quality 3D models of outdoor furniture. Ability for customers to rotate, resize, and reposition furniture. Option to apply different textures, materials, and colors. 3. Predefined Templates & Custom Floorplans: Provide preset outdoor templates such as patios, decks, gardens, and poolside areas. Enable users to upload or create custom floorplans. Include measurement tools for accurate furniture placement. 4. Realistic Rendering & Visualization: 2. Include additional elements such as plants, decor items, and lighting fixtures for a more comprehensive visualization. 3. Implement AI-based design suggestions that recommend optima...
I'm in need of a modern and clean logo for a law and innovation program at Peking University School of Transnational Law. The logo should align with the university's color scheme and avoid overused symbols like the scales of justice. Instead, it should reflect a blend of law and technology in a unique way. Key Requirements: - Design a clean, modern logo that resonates with the theme of law and innovation. - Use the Peking University color scheme () - Avoid cliched symbols like scales of justice, instead incorporating a unique blend of law and technology. - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Brand Identity Development - Minimalist Design - Understanding
I'm looking to build a straightforward, minimalist-themed Shopify website to sell clothing. The ideal candidate will have a good understanding of Shopify, web design, and e-commerce principles, as well ...minimalist-themed Shopify website to sell clothing. The ideal candidate will have a good understanding of Shopify, web design, and e-commerce principles, as well as a knack for minimalist aesthetics. Key Features: - A simple, clean, and uncluttered minimalist design - No spacing on product grids (clothing products) - Clear scrolling header - Custom sold out button with line strike through Ideal Skills: - Shopify experience - Web design expertise - E-commerce knowledge - Custom button design - Minimalist aesthetic understanding I have reference images attached to show...
Project Description: We are seeking an experienced Flutter and Laravel developer to add three critical features to our existing eBroker Real Estate app (Flutter + Laravel Admin Panel). The app is already functional, but we need the following enhancements: Template link: 1. WhatsApp OTP Authentication Requirements: Replace the current phone/SMS-based OTP registration/login with WhatsApp OTP verification. Use the WhatsApp Business API or a reliable third-party service (e.g., Twilio) for OTP delivery. Ensure backward compatibility for existing users (allow login via WhatsApp or existing methods). Update the Laravel admin panel to reflect the new authentication flow. Deliverables: Integration of WhatsApp OTP for user registration/login. Documentation
I am looking for a product designer who specializes in corrugated boxes. These boxes will be used for retail display and need to be designed with specific features ...retail display and need to be designed with specific features in mind. Key Requirements: - The boxes must be durable, able to withstand the rigors of retail display without damage. - They must be lightweight to ensure shipping costs remain low. - They should allow for custom branding, with spaces designed for our logos and brand colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience designing retail display packaging is a plus. - A portfolio showcasing durable yet lightweight designs would be beneficial. - Experience with custom branding on packaging is highly desired. Please provide examples of your pas...
I'm looking for a Facebook Agency Partner Business Manager account to run ads without restrictions. The ideal situation would be to join with a Meta partner. Key Requirements: - An unlimited spending account suitable for the gambling niche, without bans or restrictions. - Access to a Facebook Agency Partner Business Manager account...on specific geographic regions. The ads should be targeted at Indonesia. We already have ad creatives prepared. The ad account should have no budget limit. The ads should aim for a high click-through rate and complete registration form in leads. The ads will run for a duration of 6+ months. The ads should utilize Video Ads format. The preferred method for monitoring ad performance is through a custom dashboard. The ads will be targeted specificall...
I'm looking for an expert in social media marketing who can help me launch a Facebook group and its associated page centered around the theme of Travel and Adventure. The goal is to grow the audience of both from zero. Key Tasks: - Create a Facebook group and page focused on Travel and Adventure. - Implement growth strategies to build an audience targeting primarily the 36-50 age group. - Regularly post engaging content, predominantly photos and videos, to stimulate interest and interaction. - Develop a content calendar to ensure regular and diverse postings. - Recruit new members through targeted outreach. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly with Facebook. - Strong understanding of the Travel and Adventure niche. - Ability to create and ...
I'm looking for someone with advanced skills in Coolify, who ...someone with advanced skills in Coolify, who can help with the automatic hosting of my Laravel application. The ideal candidate will have experience with both Docker and non-Docker environments in Coolify. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on the automatic hosting of a Laravel application - Utilizing both Coolify with Docker and Coolify without Docker - Potentially assisting with other custom applications like and Node.js Additionally, the chosen freelancer will be required to create step-by-step documentation of the hosting process, so strong written communication skills are essential. This project would suit someone who is technically proficient and can communicate complex processes in a clear, accessi...
...sensitive data (social security numbers, bank details, etc.). 2. PDF Auto-Filling Use a WordPress plugin like E2PDF (or similar) to map form fields to a pre-designed PDF template. Ensure the PDF is automatically generated with user data upon submission. 3. Email Delivery After form submission, the filled PDF must be emailed to me (the site owner) and optionally to the user. Must include custom email notifications, subject lines, etc. 4. Security Measures SSL/HTTPS must be enforced site-wide to protect data in transit. Ideally, configure encryption or minimize data storage so that sensitive data isn’t permanently stored in the WordPress database. Open to any best practices or plugins to ensure compliance and secure handling of personal information. 5. Test...
...functionality for internal and external collaboration. • Assign tasks to users with deadlines for document review and approvals. • Audit trail & change history for tracking modifications. 2.5 Reporting & Analytics • Bid Performance Analytics: • Track vendor participation rates and bid success rates. • Audit Logs: • Maintain logs of user activities, bid submissions, and document uploads. • Custom Reports: • Export bid comparison reports and vendor performance summaries. 2.6 Vendor Monetization – Paid Insights & % Reduction Commitment • Vendors can purchase insights on their bid performance, such as: • Relative Positioning: Their standing compared to competitors. • Price Level Guidance: Whether th...
I have an 8-page responsive website already designed in Figma. The HTML and CSS are ready, and I need it converted into a fully functional WordPress we...responsive website already designed in Figma. The HTML and CSS are ready, and I need it converted into a fully functional WordPress website and uploaded to my site. Requirements: - Convert the existing HTML & CSS into a WordPress theme - Ensure full responsiveness and pixel-perfect design - Optimize for performance and SEO - Upload and set up the site on WordPress Looking for an experienced developer who can deliver a high-quality, fully functional WordPress site. Please share relevant work samples when applying. Contact Form: - Basic fields (Name, Email, Message) No custom post types or taxonomies are needed, standa...
...should have an outdoor and adventurous theme. The flyer should prominently feature a call-to-action to visit our website. The flyer should convey a modern and sleek tone. The primary call-to-action should be 'Visit our website for more details'. Focus the flyer solely on the product details without adding any promotional taglines. The flyer should be designed in a square format suitable for Facebook and Instagram. Emphasize close-up images of the product features, detailing the multifunctional light and the neoprene strap with Velcro. Include clear text descriptions for each product feature. Encourage viewers to visit the website for more details. The flyer should feature a bright and vibrant color scheme to grab attention and convey the adventurous theme....
I'm in need of a skilled photo editor who can assist with background removal and replacing it with a custom background image. Key Requirements: - Remove backgrounds from the photos provided. - Replace the backgrounds with a custom image which will be designed with your assistance. - Provide creative input and suggestions for the custom background images. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software - Experience with background removal and retouching - Strong creative skills with a portfolio of custom background images - Good communication skills for effective collaboration on designing custom images
I am looking for a freelancer to design a custom PCB that integrates an Arduino Nano, an L293D motor driver, and connectivity for additional components like servo motors, an ultrasonic sensor, and infrared sensors. The PCB should be compact, efficient, and optimized for easy assembly. SAMPLE layout design attached ( resistor, capacitor and voltage controllers to be added as required ) Project Requirements: Microcontroller: Arduino Nano (ATmega328P) Motor Driver: L293D (Dual H-Bridge) for controlling two DC motors Servo Motor Control: Two male header pins for connecting two servo motors Powered by 5V from the Arduino or external power Sensor Connectivity: One female header (4 pins) for an ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) Two male header pins for IR sensors (typically 3-pin each: VCC, G...
Just add one new page at sidebar, show value from existing db
Basically need to setup VPN and connect with windows RDP ( I already have windows RDP ) only issue is to make vpn work first on custom distro and than i think it should be easy to connect with windows RDP P.S - I don't have remote access as I'm running it via Live USB
I'm experiencing some DNS problems with my email, and I need a professional to help me resolve them as quickly as possible. Key Responsibilities: - Diagnose and troubleshoot DNS issues that are affecting my email - Provide solutions to ensure proper email delivery and server resolution Ideal Skills: - ...Diagnose and troubleshoot DNS issues that are affecting my email - Provide solutions to ensure proper email delivery and server resolution Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience with DNS and email servers - Proficiency with troubleshooting and problem-solving - Familiarity with various email services Please note, I have not recently made any changes to my DNS settings, and I am using a custom email domain. Time is of the essence as these issues are affecting my...
I need to create a responsive wordpress website for a HR solutions provider with the following features I already have a theme purchased so we can use that theme 1. Professional Design 2. Displaying various services 3. Displaying a job board. Each job will have a google application form embedded so a candidate can apply 4. landing pages for each Services offered with a call to action ie lead collection and appointment setting 5. sell virtual services non subscription based using woo commerce. 6. set all required pages for seo optimization
...focusing on home and kitchen items. This project is a partnership where I handle the store's daily operations and my partner offers guidance on product promotion and sales strategies for a fee or a percentage of sales. Key Details: - Initially, we will be dropshipping home and kitchen items, with future plans to sell our own branded products. - Assistance is needed with the store's layout and theme design, product listings and descriptions, and setting up payment and shipping options. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Shopify is essential, especially in the home goods sector. - Knowledge of store design and layout. Promotional Strategies: - I plan on using social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO to drive traffic to our store. Skills in digital marketing, par...
I am looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer to build a custom fintech web application inspired by modern banking platforms. The goal is to create a high-quality, scalable, and responsive application with a user-friendly interface and secure backend infrastructure. The project requires expertise in the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, and Node.js) to develop both the frontend and backend efficiently. Key features should include secure user authentication, account management, transaction history, fund transfers, loan applications, and customer support integration. The application must follow industry-standard security protocols (SSL, encryption, and authentication mechanisms) to ensure data protection. The UI/UX should be fully responsive across all devices and browsers,