Website speed test scriptpráce
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Chystám se začít tvořit obsah zaměřený na fitness na YouTube a chtěl bych vytvořit své první motivační video. Mám jasnou představu o tom, co bych chtěl – stylově bych to viděl jako krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také O...krátký sestřih záběrů mého tréninku, doplněný dynamickou hudbou a střihy, které zvýrazní energii a atmosféru. Jsem od Zlínského kraje, ale pohybuji se také Ostrava, Brno a Praha?. Co potřebuji: Hledám někoho, kd...
Pro vydání mobilní aplikace pro Android sháním programátora schopného vyvíjet v Apache Cordova, se znalostí Java script a na straně serveru se znalostí PHP.
Projekt adopce kryptomen mezi sirokou verejnosti Hledám programátora blockchainu, dApp, Defi apod. v Solidity, Script, Rust, Haskell Plutus, JavaScript apod., dále platformy Moralis, Agoric apod. Seniorní i juniorní. Za U.S. odměny požadujeme U.S. kvalitu. Mzda podle U.S. standardu Práce z domu.
...with experience in software development and software testing can apply for this job. Crowdville is an online testing community with over 100,000 users in Italy, UK and Portugal. We recruit users to test their devices at home and report bugs to help our clients improve their services and/or products. We are currently involved in a testing campaign with a telecoms client in Hungary and the Czech Republic. In addition to crowdtesting, we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of t...
Help me fix a FileMaker Pro script via Teamviewer:
bug fixing, drobné úkoly webové aplikace; JAVA script, Angular 5, TypeScript nutností face to face contact in Prague, Czech Republic is a must
Jsme Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytv...Hackerly, globální konzultingová firma sídlící v Praze. Hledáme animátora na dlouhodobou spolupráci - vytváření 2D micro-learningových animovaných videí (Adobe after effects a Illustrator) pro globální projekt. Každé video je zhruba na 1:30 až 2min a jedná se o vytváření různých microlearningových modulů a budování e-learningové knihovny. Spolupráce bude probíhat s product development team typu script - brainstorming, core ...
I need a pro to install a bitexchange script for me.
Mac Python Naprogramovat script v Python, ktery bude a) cist zpravy na Twiteru a Telegramu od definovanych odesilatelu, b) ze zpravy vyjme ciselnou informaci a vlozi ji do .xls a odesle na Api. Jedna se o udaje o pohybu trhů. Zprovoznit na Osx.
Nástroj pro efektivní řízení IT a jednotlivých zdrojů v IT. Jedná se o ucelený soubor kontrolních a dokumentačních nástrojů. Základní moduly jsou: - IT Test - IT Overview - Registr rizik - KPI - KGI - Katalog služeb - Aktiva - Smlouvy - Systémy - GDPR
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Hledame prekladate textu z angčtiny do slovenčiny a naopak. Podminkou je prelozit min. 3 texty za mesic. Texty maji od 3 000 - 10 000 slov. Nejdrive pozadujeme vyplneny 500slovni test. Obdrzite 10 textu kazdy mesic a vyberete ti, ktere muzete udelat behem mesice. Podminkou je, ze texty musite dodat pokud si je vyberete do mesice. Toto je nejdulezitejsi podminka. Platime 0.2€/ slovo. Texty jsou general tedy obycejne preklady bez technickeho zamereni. Pokud mate zajem prosim odepiste a mi vam zasleme test. Na test mate 24 hodin , po jeho kontrole nasim slovenskym prekladatelem vam zasleme placene preklady. Platba probiha po sčítaní slov vpred na vas ucet , nejlepe kdyz mate Fio banku ale neni to podminka.
Dobrý den Matěji, pokouším se momentálně implementovat službu Premium SMS Action na webové stránky a řeším script který bude předávat automaticky generované odpovědi (PIN kód) plus upravit kód formuláře na stránkách, kam budou zákazníci tento PIN vkládat. Budu rád když mi s tím pomůžete. Určitě rád poskytnu podrobnější info. Děkuji, Tom Novak
Potřebuji napsat script (php nebo java), který po implementaci do webové stránky rozpozná, zda je návštěvník mé facebookové stránky. Účel : zobrazení určitého obsahu jen pro fanoušky / nefanoušky dané fb stránky
V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokumentaci. Pište p...
Dobrý den. V současnosti hledám Java specialistu, který by měl za úkol vytvořit v programovacím jazyce Java vstupní test pro Java seniory, na kterém by bylo zřejmé prokázání jejich znalostí. Následně, těmito testy bychom poté zkoušeli naše uchazeče na pozici JAVA developer. Jedná se o příležitostné úkoly, v případě dobré spolupráce budu v nejbližší době potřebovat vstupní testy v jazycích C++, SQL, Java, Groovy, C, PHP i jiné. Vstupní test by neměl trvat déle než 60 minut a měl by být složený z praktické části. K testu prosím dokume...
Potřebuji jednoduchý php script program který bude mít administraci + uživatelské prostředí. Jde o přidělení firmě dle výše faktur určitý počet bodu dle nastaveného koeficientu. Příklad 1000 € = 100 bodů, firma bude akorát vidět číslo faktury suma faktury a stav bodů, administrátor bude jenom přidávat k jednotlivé firmě částky a body se budou automaticky navyšovat.
Potřebuji script pracující velmi podobně jako épe od někoho kdo umí česky nebo rusky.
Vytvoření 3D interaktivní šachovnice pro web stránku, jednotlivé pozice reagují na myš, click, a naopak PHP třída nebo script po zavolání rosvítí pozici, řadu nebo prusečík pozic. vytvoření aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikládám link s dalšími...
watch series
Na serveru () probíhá neidentifikovaný script, který každé 3 minuty, úplně zahltí VPS. Občas dojde k úplnému výpadku. Potřebuju script najít a opravit. _____ On the server () runs unidentified PHP script that every three minutes, completely overwhelms the VPS. Sometimes there is a complete failure. I need find script find and fix it.
project test project test project test project test project testv project test project test project test project test
I'm looking to enhance the speed of my WordPress website primarily to achieve faster load times. The homepage is the key focus for this optimization project, as it's the first point of contact for most visitors. Key tasks: - Optimize the overall speed of the homepage using the WP Rocket plugin. - Optimize multimedia content on the homepage, specifically images and videos. Ideal freelancer should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and the WP Rocket plugin. - Strong skills in multimedia optimization. - Proven track record of improving website speed.
I need a skilled CodeIgniter (CI) developer to address several issues in my current system. The project involves bug fix...user management search should work from email too Some issue in webseries advertisement (advertisement not coming) in admin TV series add video not playing it play after you edit video and change source to embed video in blog poster is not coming swap color for normal and hover video are not deleted from server when deleted from admin forgot password mail and messages are not working Will share test server then need tp deploy on main Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in CodeIgniter (CI) framework - Strong PHP development skills - Experience with bug fixing and feature updates - Prior experience in upgrading CI versions - Ability to work with minima...
Create a complete new website, based on our competitors content, using bento box design, Swiss graphic design elements, new UI UX, many dynamic elements. 1. Competitor Website Analysis Audit Content: Identify key topics and content sections. Note the tone, style, and voice used. List areas to improve or differentiate. Analyze Design: Review color schemes, layouts, and font choices. Note user experience (UX) features. Study Navigation: Understand menu structure and page hierarchy. Check for logical flow and ease of use. Evaluate Graphics: Identify image and graphic types (photos, illustrations, icons). Observe placement and usage trends. 2. Content Development Rewrite Content: Create unique, engaging, and SEO-optimized copy. Use a tone consistent with your brand. Avoid
We have a list of data inputs, we want to scrap data from a website which has few captcha at different stages of the form submission. Script should be secure enough to avoid IP blocking from the source website. Data to be stored on server and should be available to download in Excel format as required. I will discuss more details with the suitable candidate.
...robust mobile applications for Android and iOS using React Native. Use React.js for integrating web-based features or creating admin dashboards when needed. Implement complex features like location tracking, maps, subscriptions, chatting, ads, payments, audio/video calls, and more. Write high-quality, optimized, and reusable code adhering to industry standards. Conduct thorough testing and implement test cases to ensure application stability and performance. Work on deployment pipelines for mobile applications to ensure smooth rollouts. Collaborate with the team to optimize the development process and ensure timely delivery. Required Skills and Qualifications: 2 - 3 years of professional experience in developing applications with React Native. Strong knowledge of React.js to han...
...a Bachelor's degree to administer an on-site exam in Rome. This is a one-time gig with the potential for future opportunities. We provide test administration and accommodation solutions to test-takers nationwide. For this purpose, we look for professionals who we contact on an "as-needed" basis to see if they are available to assist test takers for their approved accommodations. We provide complete training and assignments pay hourly for the entire scheduled time, even if the exam ends early. We have a computer exam coming up where a test taker has been approved for a Reader. For this assignment, you are required to be present on-site, sit with the test taker, and read the exam content aloud. The exam is taking place at a professiona...
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.'s technical SEO. I've already invested in SEMrush and Rank Math (both premium versions) to facilitate this process. The areas I particularly need assistance with include: - Site speed optimization: I want my website to load faster, improving user experience and potentially boosting my search engine ranking. - Crawlability and indexing: I need to ensure search engines can effectively crawl and index my site. I prefer using Google PageSpeed Insights for monitoring site speed. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in technical SEO, with a proven track record of optimizing site speed and improving crawlability and indexing. Familiarity with SEMrush and Rank Math is a plus, but not a requirement. I am looking for...
I'm looking for a seasoned Pinescript developer to enhance my TradingView script. The task involves implementing alerts and converting the script into a strategy. Key Requirements: - Add alerts to signal a buy when a sell signal turns into a buy. - Add alerts to signal a sell when a buy signal turns into a buy I need modified indicator source with alerts and strategy source code. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in TradingView Pinescript - Experience with creating and modifying trading strategies - Familiarity with custom indicators - Prior experience in implementing alerts in TradingView scripts. Please, only apply if you have the relevant experience and can deliver high-quality work in a timely manner.
... Responsibilities Diagnose and resolve performance and compatibility issues across all browsers and devices. Prioritize and fix iOS-specific bugs in Safari and Chrome mobile browsers, ensuring stability and consistent functionality. Optimize the app for use in in-app browsers (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) and non-standard environments. Implement solutions for efficient image upload and rendering. Test and validate compatibility and performance on a wide range of devices and platforms. Deliverables Diagnostic Report Identify root causes of platform-specific issues, including detailed analysis for iOS mobile browsers. Action Plan with Timelines A clear roadmap of fixes, categorized by platform, with realistic time estimates for implementation. Optimized and Stable Web App Fully funct...
I'm in need of a seasoned SEO professional who can help boost my retireme...goal is to rank higher on search engines and generate leads. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting a thorough SEO audit using Google Analytics - Identifying key phrases and keywords relevant to the retirement sector in Malaysia - Implementing effective on-page, off-page and technical SEO strategies Requirements: - Comprehensive analysis of my site's content - Evaluating my site's performance and speed - Proposing and executing actionable SEO strategies to improve search engine ranking Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in using Google Analytics - Extensive knowledge in SEO techniques - Experience in optimizing websites for lead generation - Familiarity with the retirement sector in Mala...
I'm looking for a skilled HTML, CSS professional to create a modern, minimalist email template for my Google Workspace. The design should primarily feature a beige background with a white text box. The project includes: - Designing the template to a modern style - Incorporating my company logo into the design - Ensuring the template is m...CSS professional to create a modern, minimalist email template for my Google Workspace. The design should primarily feature a beige background with a white text box. The project includes: - Designing the template to a modern style - Incorporating my company logo into the design - Ensuring the template is mobile responsive I would also need you to install the template for me and send a couple of test emails so I can verify everything is wor...
...improving the site's features and performance. However, preserving the site's custom functionalities is my top priority. These include various plugins and apps that are integral to my site. Key tasks: - Thoroughly testing all plugins and apps post-update to ensure they function seamlessly before going live. - Preserving custom functionalities during the update. - Ensuring the site's design, layout, speed, and performance remain unaffected. - Completing this task before the 6th of January. The types of plugins and apps in use include: - Marketing and SEO tools - Inventory management systems - Customer reviews and feedback platforms - Product customization and personalizer apps - Loyalty applications Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive expe...
Hello teachers, We are an online language tutorin...teachers to teach ESL course (including Reading Explorer, Wonders, Reach higher, IELTS, Cambridge exam, etc), most lessons are 1 on 1, you will teach the same students at a regular basis, each lesson is 25mins. Teaching materials are provided, you don't need to prepare too much as long as you are familiar with teaching PPT. We need teachers who can teach advanced English IELTS Speaking, KET Speaking test, Writing, History, ELA, etc The teaching platform we use is Classin which is professional for online teaching. To make work for both us easier and efficient, please attach your video of self-introduction (or video of your previous) and CV for checking. Please feel free to ask if any questions. Hope to speak with you soon. ...
...engaging slideshow video that showcases the reviews from our e-commerce platform. Script for Video: Opening Frame: Text: Baywide Chickens logo in ..."Where Happy Hens Meet Happy Customers!" Background: A picture of hens or eggs. Transition to Customer Reviews: Show each 5-star review (uploaded images) one by one. Add smooth transitions and a light zoom effect for each review to make it dynamic. Faster for the shorter ones and maybe a roulette of reviews stopping on the good ones to read. more reviews can be provided as needed. Closing Frame: Text: "Join Our Flock of Happy Customers Today! ?" Add your website and social media links: Website: Facebook:
I'm looking for a professional who can create a Cucumber test framework for me. The primary focus is on testing open API's. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Cucumber with experience in creating test frameworks. - Ability to program in Java, JavaScript, and Python. - Familiarity with Cucumber integration. - Understanding of open API's and testing methodologies. The project will entail: - Developing a robust Cucumber test framework to test open API's. - Utilizing all three programming languages to ensure comprehensive coverage. - Integrating Cucumber with the necessary tools and libraries. Please note that the user did not specify particular functionalities or scenarios to be tested. Therefore, the framework should be flexible and capable...
...- No prior experience is necessary, though any relevant experience is a plus - A basic understanding of content creation and the ability to meet deadlines Working Days: - Mon to Sat - 10 am to 7:00 pm ** We always give you 5-star feedback ** We will not create or release milestones in advance. I will make payments on a weekly or monthly basis. ** Maybe Before Award, we will take a small unpaid test. ** bid ONLY if our rate and terms suit you. ** DON'T BID IF YOU'RE WILLING TO WORK 1 WEEK FOR A GOOD REVIEW. This is a full-time position offering ₹8,000/month....
...professional to assist with the full setup of my Twitch channel, OBS Studio and integrating with Prisma Studio. Your expertise will help optimize my stream settings, design channel graphics and overlays, and set up stream alerts. Ideal Skills: - Twitch channel setup - OBS Studio configuration - Prisma Studio integration - Graphic design for Twitch overlays - Stream optimization - Custom plugin and script setup in OBS Studio Your task will encompass: - Full Twitch channel and OBS Studio setup from scratch - Configuring all audio and video settings - Setting up scenes and sources - Implementing custom plugins and scripts - Designing and implementing channel graphics and overlays - Setting up stream alerts - Optimizing stream settings for best performance Your comprehensive under... should be intuitive and engaging to cater to this demographic. - Students and Tutor profiles. - Google login - progress monitor (each student compared to overall as well as, progerss monitor for the course ) -progress monitor should include time and scores. - Selection : course, subject, chapters, topic - Selection :free & premium quizz, where the later is based on approvals. -Practice vs Test mode: Practice should have Hint , Revison, mark as imp, mark as wrong, Note taking. it should show incase how many people have put similar stuff on this q - Full stack, to be hosted on free sites or low cost. - Teach me how to modify, upon submission of project. Please be prepared to showcase relevant past projects and connect on Teams meet to explain your understanding of my ...
This project listing was not fully completed by the client. Please reach out directly for further information.
...Google AdMob. Register and configure the Google Ad platform for monetization. 3. Graphic Modifications: Make minimal visual adjustments to the application (e.g., logo, color scheme). 4. Testing and Final Upload: Ensure the application is fully tested and functional. Assist in publishing the application to the Google Play Store. 5. Collaboration: Work closely with me to finalize and test the app before submission. Requirements Experience in Android development and publishing on the Google Play Store. Familiarity with Google AdMob or other ad integration platforms. Ability to make minor graphical edits. Excellent communication skills and willingness to collaborate during the project. Deliverables A fully configured and published application available on the...