Virtual freelance editor paypráce
Zdravím, hledám editora, který by dokázal sestříhat videa podobnému formátu jako dělá SunnyV2. Délka videi by byla cca nějakých 8-12min. !PLAT DOHODOU! Cena je pouze orientační for Czechs only! (podobný edit videí, který bych potřeboval): @SunnyV2 @BigeOfficial
Dobrý den, provozuji populární Youtube kanál, který je již zaběhlý a generuje solidní příjmy. Momentálně hledám editora, který by byl schopný pomoct se střihem videí. Jednalo by se o klasický long-form obsah. Pokud už máte nějaké zkušenosti s editováním tak rovnou můžete poslat odkaz na Vaši práci.
Hledám na dlouhodobou spolupráci někoho spolehlivého a flexibilního na střih primárně realitních videí. Častý přísun zakázek. Pro více info - prosím, pošlete mi něco málo o sobě, ukázky práce a váš kontakt. Děkuji. Budu se těšit:)
...pythoní SQLLite --> moje databáze má pouze cca několik stovek tisíc záznamů Společně: WEB: General Sekce --> Landing Page, Contac, Products .... (takový standardní obsah jako je na skoro každé stránce na netu) --> toto zvládnu i sám (jen proto protož se to chci naučit taky, ale nebráním se rady, zde jsem si vybral Theme: WordPress: Astra (Tanz Tech - Astra ()) WEB: Novinky --> nějaký editor/update pro nahrání zpráv na web (myslím, že WordPress má v sobě integrovaný) pro update novinek (něco jako "nahrání nových dat do databáze" --> to aby se web tvářil "živě") WEB: Jazyky ...
Chceme tě v Praze! Jste společenský, rádi se spojujete s ostatními a umíte zaujmout potenciální zákazníky svým nadšením? Jste spolehlivý, cílevědomý a ovládáte perfektně národní jazyk? Máte řidičský průkaz, jste časově flexibilní a máte zkušenosti s propagací, prodejem nebo marketingem? Pokud ano, jste pro tuto pozici perfektní! Jsme mladá, inovativní začínající společnost z Německa a brzy se zařadíme mezi přední poskytovatele na trhu kuřáckých potřeb. Budete předvádět naše nejčerstvější produkty s cílem získat ...
Edicion de videos en premiere pro,Vegas pro 8 y Affter effects
Hello everyone, we are looking for a billigual video editor that can : 1. translate a short piece of English text into Chinese 2. input the Chinese text on the video There are 5 videos that are less than 1 min, The video links are below: Promo gamme Loopy Looper Tuto flow Tuto edge Tuto Jump Tuto Hoop
Firma působící v oblasti virtuální reality hledá freelancera na pomoc s expanzí do zahraničí. Podmínkou jsou bohaté zkušenosti s podobnou prací a plynulá němčina. ____________________________________ A virtual reality company is looking for a freelancer to help with expansion abroad. The condition is rich experience with similar work and fluent German.
PRO FX Designer Editor Intros Outros Banners Logos
V souvislosti s rozvojem a zavedením nové inovativní internetové služby, hledá výukový servis redaktory s libovolným vyšším vyděláním na spolupráci v oblasti vypracovávání didaktických materiálů na smlouvu o autorské dílo. Redaktoři by měli disponovat: - dochvilností, - poctivostí, - schopností je...oblastí týkajících se jejich Vyššího vzdělání, - samostatností, - dostupností, - znalostí metodiky tvorby vědeckých prací, - dobrou znalostí programů pro editaci textů, tabulek a prezentací. Zájemce žád&...
Dobrý den, pro svůj projekt, ktery je řízen procesorem STM32L432KC potřebuji napsat jednoduchý bootloader. Nemohu využít bootloader, který je standardně na čipu jelikož komunikace probíhá přes piny PB6 a PB7, kde není UART bootloader dostupný. Bohužel ostatní piny jsou plně využité. Komunikace s PC je přes FTDI chip a USB jako standardní virtual Com port. Funkce bude standardní. Po restartu bootloader čeká na příkaz a pokud nepříjde (do cca 5s) jde rovnou na aplikaci. Pokud přijde čeká na poslání dat nového FW a po uspěšném zapsaní skočí na aplikaci. Je dán komunikační protokol, data jsou posíl&...
Nesecito un editor que edite en Sony Vegas pro 13 o posterior o premier
Sháníme zaměstnance na pozici "Prodejce letenek", úvazek freelance - práce z domu. Jedná se o exkluzivní prodej letenek pro nově vzniknou firmu. Prozice vhodná pro lidi se základní znalostí marketingu, prodeje, cestování.
Poptávám správu kampaní PPC pro slovenskou verzi eshopu
Dobrý den, potřebujeme implementovat blog pro náš již vyvíjený portál. Rozhodnutí padlo na CK Editor s využitím add ons a úpravou pro účely a již existující principy na našem portále. Portál samotný je v PHP Nette. Budeme potřebovat jen programování, šablony dodáme hotové od našeho kodéra. V příloze poznámky ke konceptu a očekávaným funkcím. Nejedná se o finální zadání, ale mělo být dát představu pro úvod. O ceně nemáme představu, dejte vědět Váš hrubý odhad. Hodinovka může být zavá...
Dobrý den, potřebujeme implementovat blog pro náš již vyvíjený portál. Rozhodnutí padlo na CK Editor s využitím add ons a úpravou pro účely a již existující principy na našem portále. Portál samotný je v PHP Nette. Budeme potřebovat jen programování, šablony dodáme hotové od našeho kodéra. V příloze poznámky ke konceptu a očekávaným funkcím. Nejedná se o finální zadání, ale mělo být dát představu pro úvod. O ceně nemáme představu, dejte vědět Váš hrubý odhad. Hodinovka může být zavá...
Databáze testových otázek - založení otázky, update, zneplatnění. Otázky různých typů ( a-b-c-d, true/false, známkovaná esej, ...). Editor obsahu: Obsah otázek i odpovědí textový včetně matematických symbolů. Do otázek vložené a umístěné obrázky, přílohy - vše ve vlastním úložišti. Uživatelská obsluha úložiště obrázků a příloh. Jazyky otázek: angličtina, španělština, francouština, mandarínština, latina a další...
...aplikace v Adobe AIR, která bude kompatibilní s Mac & PC. Již máme hotov design GUI a potřebujeme programátora pro napsání kódu pro deskopový software. Software bude script aplikace s textem, která umožní uživatelům vytvořit textový script pro nahrávání jejich hlasu. To budou moci následně použít při tvorbě videa svého videa, apod. Zde jsou vlastnosti, které by měla aplikace mít: - textový editor - drag and drop rozhraní - export script do Microsoft Word Documents, .PDF and PowerPoint Slides. - Nahrávání hlasu Přikládám link s dalšími informacemi: Software by m...
Dddddddddff hhigiguggujgyuh hhigiguggujgyuh. Kubihubb. Ls s s s s s es. S s se sis s. S s s skslsosm
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Dobrý den, hledám animátora, který by byl schopný vytvořit buď ze stávajích 3D modelů ve formátech .obj, .dae, vytvořit 3D model ve formátu .js a do modelu dopracovat animaci pro změnu velikosti modelu a popisem pro změnu vrcholů pro editor Troufnete si na to?
Potřebujeme vytvořit podobný editor jako tento: Funkce: - volba pozadí (přednastavených tvarů) - přidat, editovat text - přidat, editovat grafiku - všechny takto přidané vrstvy musí jít také odstranit, pohybovat s nimi - uložit design a poslat
Dobrý den, poptáváme programátora se znalostmi Coffeescriptu, který by se mohl v brzké době začít věnovat práci na úpravách editoru: Demo: Source: Eventuálně nějakého obdobného. Obsahem práce bude upravení funkčnosti a grafiky editoru a jeho zakomponování do prestashopu. Editor umí většinu věcí, je však nutné jej doupravit. Prestashop pro nás připravuje programátor, který však nepracuje s coffescriptem, proto je nutná společná komunikace a sounáležitost. Děkuji za nabídku, Petr Sycha
Looking for a freelance video editor skilled in logo animation and motion graphics to create engaging promotional content—apply with your portfolio and rates!
I'm in need of a skilled image editor to retouch and color grade 30 images intended for my social media. - Skin Smoothing: Each image will require skin smoothing to enhance the overall appearance. - Color Grading: I'm looking for a professional to perform color grading on all images to ensure a consistent and appealing aesthetic. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio demonstrating previous experience in image retouching and color grading, particularly for social media content.
I need a freelance designer to create a product catalog for my business, Petal & Bloom Florals. We specialize in flower bouquets, garlands, and hair ornaments, and I need a visually appealing catalog that showcases our range of products with sample pricing. Key Requirements: - Product Categories with Codes: - BQT-001 → Bouquets - GLD-001 → Garlands - HND-001 → Hand Garlands - HO-001 → Hair Ornaments - Catalog Features: - Modern and minimalistic design that highlights floral beauty - Well-organized sections for easy customer browsing - Clear product codes & sample pricing - Balanced layout with combination of lifestyle and studio images & descriptions - Both print-friendly & digital version (PDF) Ideal Candidate: - Experienced...
I need a video editor who can transform my GPS tracker product shoot footage into a minimalistic and clean Instagram reel. Key Areas of Focus: - Highlighting the design and build quality of the GPS tracker in a dynamic way. You will have creative freedom in terms of brand guidelines and color schemes. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a high-quality, engaging video that will appeal to our audience. Experience with product video editing, particularly for social media, is a plus.
I am seeking a skilled resume writer to help craft a professional resume tailored for a work-from-home virtual assistant role. As I have no prior experience in this field, it’s crucial that the resume effectively highlights my transferable skills and demonstrates my potential to employers. The ideal candidate will have experience in resume writing and an understanding of the virtual assistant job market. Your expertise will empower me to enter this new career path with confidence.
We are a company in the electric motor industry looking for an experienced IT Consultant / IT Systems Administrator to help optimize and manage our IT infrastructure. Our business relies on Microsoft 365, Exchange/Outlook, Fishbowl (ERP), and Salesforce, and we need an expert to ensure smooth operations, security, and scalability. We are open to freelance or contract-based professionals who can provide ongoing support and IT strategy. If you have experience working with small to mid-sized businesses in a manufacturing or industrial setting, we'd love to hear from you! Responsibilities: - Assess our current IT infrastructure and recommend improvements. - Manage, optimize, and maintain Microsoft 365, Fishbowl (ERP), and Salesforce (CRM) for seamless integration and company-wid...
I am in search of a ZBrush professional who specializes in Sculpting and Modeling for a long-term partnership. The types of projects will vary, so a versatile expert is highly desirable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Ext...ZBrush professional who specializes in Sculpting and Modeling for a long-term partnership. The types of projects will vary, so a versatile expert is highly desirable. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in ZBrush with a focus on Sculpting and Modeling - Ability to work on diverse projects - Strong communication skills for collaborative work - Previous experience in long-term freelance collaborations is a plus. Please note that the specific project types have not yet been decided, so flexibility and creativity will be key to our successful pa...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to transform my text into a dynamic marketing video using a mix of animated and static infographics. The video will incorporate both statistics and data, as well as elements of narrative storytelling. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically with infographics - Ability to creatively represent statistics and data, in necessary - Experience in creating mixed-style infographics, both animated and static, adding a narrator to it, or I can send the narration as well.
Freelance Mission – Creation of an Instagram Reel with a 3D Animated Flyer Objective: Create an engaging Instagram Reel showcasing a boat rental, featuring a 3D model of the boat rotating and key rental details displayed at the bottom of the screen. Mission Details: • Format: Video optimized for Instagram Reels (1080x1920). • Duration: 10 to 15 seconds. • Main Animation: A smooth rotating 3D model of the boat to display all angles. • Dynamic Text: Clear and stylish display of rental details at the bottom of the screen, including: • Number of passengers • Skipper included • Fuel included • Boat size • Visual Style: Luxurious, modern, and sleek. • Colors & Branding: To be aligned with the client’s brand iden...
I need a skilled video editor to create a promotional video from personal footage. - Purpose: The montage will be used for my business, so it needs to be polished and professional. - Content: The footage will be personal videos, so discretion and sensitivity are key. - Objective: The main goal is to promote the business, so the video should effectively convey our brand message and appeal to our target audience. Ideal skills include advanced video editing and storytelling. Experience with creating promotional videos is a plus. Please provide a portfolio of similar work.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to enhance a live-action corporate video designed for promotional purposes. The video should be polished and engaging to effectively reach our target audience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Experience with corporate and promotional video editing - Strong understanding of pacing, sound design, and visual storytelling - Ability to work with provided footage and deliver high-quality edits on time.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to help me bring a serious and informative documentary to life. The final cut of the video will be between 10 to 30 minutes long and it will require the inclusion of B-roll footage. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in editing documentary style videos - Ability to create a serious and informative tone - Proficiency in integrating B-roll footage seamlessly - Prior work featuring serious and informative documentary style videos will be an advantage
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to create engaging content for my horse betting account. The videos should be between 1 to 3 minutes long with precise cuts to avoid awkward silence. Key Responsibilities: - Edit videos based on provided footage, ensuring smooth transitions without awkward pauses. - Add trending subtitles relevant to the audience. - Create content similar in style to competitors like @bennyscarf and other betting/gambling accounts. Look at current @brittopunts videos on Instagram and use that as a guideline. Ideal Skills: - Experience in video editing with a strong portfolio showcasing engaging content. - Proficiency in relevant editing software.
I'm looking for a film editor to help polish my action drama short film into a smooth and cinematic piece. - The film has an action drama theme, so you should be able to handle and enhance sequences with tension and excitement. - The editing style should be smooth and cinematic, so experience with pacing, transitions, and sound design is crucial. - Your editing will help convey the film's narrative and emotional beats effectively. An ideal candidate would have prior experience editing short films, particularly in the action or drama genres. A portfolio demonstrating a smooth and cinematic editing style will be highly regarded. Please include examples of your work in your proposal.
Eating/ ASMR/Mukbang Review/Remix Video Project We're seeking a creative and skilled video editor to produce a humorous and entertaining review/remix video that showcases a collection of popular mukbang channels. _Project Overview:_ This project involves creating a unique review/remix video that combines clips from various mukbang channels, adding humorous commentary, memes, stickers, sound effects, and other engaging elements. The goal is to create a light-hearted, comedic video that pokes fun at the mukbang genre in a playful way. Think of it as a "best of" or "funniest moments" compilation, but with a humorous twist. We're looking for someone who can creatively edit together clips from different mukbang channels, adding their own brand of humor an...
I'm in search of talented freelance copywriters. Your primary responsibilities will involve crafting compelling content that drives engagement and conversions. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional command of the English language - Strong understanding of SEO and digital marketing - Proven experience in copywriting - Creative thinking and ability to generate original ideas - Strong research skills to gather accurate information - Proficient in editing and proofreading content - Expertise in persuasive writing techniques - Experience in creating effective advertising copy - Experience in writing for social media platforms Experience: - Prior freelance copywriting work preferred - Portfolio of previous copywriting projects required Your role will be to help me generate income thr...
I'm seeking a video editor for my PC/Console game project, which encompasses all genres, including Action/Adventure, RPG, and Puzzle/Strategy. Ideal candidates should possess: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with game footage - A passion for video games. The purpose of the video is entertainment, aiming to catch the eyes of viewers and showcase the game's features and appeal. The ability to create compelling, high-quality content is essential.
Looking for a video editor for the VoiceofXcellence YouTube channel. I’m a small wrestling (WWE) channel who makes talking head commentary ://@VoiceofXcellence I haven’t had the time right now to edit, shoot and script videos while working a full-time job 6 days out of the week and get them out at a reasonable time so I’m looking for a partner. I will be uploading 2-3 videos a month and while I can't guarantee a full-time position at the moment because of my work schedule, but if I can turn this into a full time gig than this could be definitely turn into a full time hire. I will handle the initial editing steps, like trimming the raw footage into a Final Cut, adding background music & cleaning up the audio. The only thing I would need is enhancing the v...
I'm in need of a VoIP professional who can set up and configure a private SIP panel on a cloud-based virtual setup for calling to US phone numbers. This system must be completely independent from public providers like Twilio or Plivo, allowing us full control over our communication. Key requirements include: - Extensive experience in SIP configurations and VoIP infrastructure - Ability to implement call routing and forwarding functionalities - Experience in creating secure, high-performance telephony solutions that can handle up to 50 concurrent calls Your technical proficiency will be crucial in building a reliable, self-sufficient calling system that operates seamlessly without third-party dependencies. If you have the skills and experience to deliver this private SI...
I am in need of a mid-level Virtual Assistant for my digital marketing agency, the Bot Agency. This role is primarily focused on telecalling to follow up on potential sales leads, but will also involve handling email correspondence, providing customer support, and performing various administrative tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Telecalling to follow up on leads - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling appointments - Data entry Ideal Skills: - Telecalling - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling - Data entry Preferred Qualifications: - Experience working in a digital marketing agency - Fluent in Hindi - Willing to work according to Indian time Please note, telecalling experience is highly desirable, and proficiency in Hindi will be considered a bonus. You mu...
I'm in need of a skilled photo editor to edit out a person from a portrait image. The image has a plain and solid color background. I do not require any additional touch-ups such as enhancing colors or smoothing skin. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop or similar - Demonstrable experience in image manipulation and retouching - Attention to detail to ensure the final image looks natural and undisturbed - Ability to work efficiently and deliver high-quality work within a short time frame.
Project Overview: AI-Powered Virtual Assistant MVP Project Summary I'm seeking a developer to build an AI-powered virtual assistant mobile application (iOS & Android) that combines AI-driven automation with live human assistance. The platform will allow users to request recommendations, task management, and purchase-related services through an interactive chatbot and live support agents. This project will be built as a cloud-native, serverless application with a focus on scalability, security, and seamless user experience. The MVP should be designed for future expansion and modular enhancements. Core Features for MVP 1. Mobile App (iOS & Android) Cross-platform mobile app (React Native preferred) User authentication (Google, Apple, Email sign-in) AI chatbot inte...
I'm seeking an experienced video editor to help refine a mixed (animated and live-action) educational video aimed at the general public. The video is designed to be informative yet engaging, so a good understanding of pacing, content, and visual appeal is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, After Effects) - Experience with mixing live-action and animation - Strong understanding of pacing for educational content - Ability to enhance visual appeal and engagement Please include samples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I need a talented photo editor to enhance my baby's pictures. I want them to have a natural glow, and I need some additional edits done such as brightness/contrast adjustment, color correction, and removal of background distractions. The final images should be delivered as high-resolution digital files. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) - Experience in portrait and baby photo editing - Attention to detail - Ability to deliver high-quality edits in a timely manner - Experience with natural skin retouching to maintain realistic textures. - Ability to edit RAW files for greater detail and quality. The project includes editing 1-10 photos. Please aim for a warm and cozy style for the final photos....