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    Stav zakázky
    2,000 using phone camera windows Nalezené pracovní možnosti

    Jedná se o byt 3+kk, import z Autocadu (DWG), ale zdi nejsou rovné (jedná se o rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2D) ...rekonstrukci činžovního domu, který je celý křivý) s poměrně náročnými okny, které nejdou vytlačit kvůli těm zdem. Já musím udělat Design projekt, ale zasekla jsem se s těmi stěnami a už týden řeším obrysy. Potřebuji pomoc. I will send the floorplan in .dwg (2...

    €300 Average bid
    Neodkladné DOM
    €300 Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months

    €5189 - €10379
    Neodkladné Zapečetěný
    €5189 - €10379
    3 nabídky

    K nastavení a údržbě systému Windows Server 2019 v Amazonu je zapotřebí kompetentní správce systému. Práce je vzdálená, na vyžádání, tj. jedná se o příležitostnou práci. První fází je správné nastavení a další fází je podpora a řešení případných problémů.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...Azure) včetně jejich nastavení, správy a řešení problémů. - Dobrou znalost počítačových systémů, zabezpečení, správy sítí a systémů, databází a systémů pro ukládání dat a telekomunikačních systémů. - Zkušenosti s virtualizačními technologiemi jako je VMware nebo Hyper-V. - Zkušenosti s prací s síťovými protokoly a službami (např. TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VPN). - Zkušenosti s prací v systémech Linux a Windows Server. - Znalost nástrojů pro monitorování systémů (např. Nagios, Zabbix). - Znalost zálohovacích a obnovovacích řeše...

    €19 Average bid
    €19 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky
    Web Scraper -- 3
    Ukončeno left

    Hi, I need Download data from 3 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email The data will be in 3 files. Each url category will be 1 file. Sample file in attachment.

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Průměr. nabídka
    31 nabídky
    Web Scraper -- 2
    Ukončeno left

    Hi, I need Download data from 4 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Průměr. nabídka
    39 nabídky

    Zdravím, chtěl bych vytvořit jednoduchý koncept hry pro android (poběží na smartphonu) s Augmented reality / mixed reality, která by používala externí kameru. Jednoduchou hru myslím něco na způsob plošinovky známé z nejstarších her. Jde mi o to skloubit to s tou externí kamerou a AR, rozjet ideálně na UE nebo unity, záleží co půjde lépe s tou externí kamerou a jedním, resp dvěma markery. Více bych doplnil později. Jak jste na tom s dostupností do budoucna? Moc díky za Váš čas a odpověď Vojta M

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky
    Web Scraper
    Ukončeno left

    Download data from 2 website categories. Needed data: - URL category - Name -Address - Phone - Email Sample file in attachment.

    €32 Average bid
    €32 Průměr. nabídka
    55 nabídky

    Cíl je vytvořit jednoduchou trategickou hru inspirovanou Starcraftem, která by byla hratelná i na mobilcích zařízeních. Video ukázka - - Uprava UI - Doprogramování systémů dle DD. Určeno pro: - Windows - Android

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Potřebuji vytvořit ukázkový kód pro odesílání EET pro platformu FMX (Windows/Android). Delphi Seattle 10.2 nebo Delphi RIO 10.3.

    €99 Average bid
    €99 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    ...MS SQL Serveru Výběr - instalace dalších podpůrných modulů a nástrojů (např. ) WSO2 VSCode extension pro Visual Studio – preferované WSO2 Integration Studio Další nástroje… Výstupem by měl být podrobný popis kroků pro instalaci a základní nastavení všech používaných produktů. Pomoc s integrací již běžících služeb pomocí WSO EI Poznámky: - WSO EI Windows prostředí (pokud by to bylo výhodnější – Linux), asi by mělo běžet na virtuálním serveru - Měli bychom být schopni pomocí výstupů z jednotlivých bodů načerpat know-how abychom byli sc...

    €2063 Average bid
    €2063 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky

    Windows 10 pro OS support and SSD swap

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    alarm clock using proteus (isis) using MIKROC Pro coding

    €22 Average bid
    €22 Průměr. nabídka
    5 nabídky

    Mám databázi SQL obsahující objednávky zákazníků u odběratelů obsluhovanou v sw naprogramovaném v C#. SW běží ve Windows 7. Každá objednávka je definována identifikací odběratele, identifikací dodavatele, identifikací produktů, datumem a prostředníkem, přes kterého je objednávka dodána odběrateli. Potřebuju vytvořit reporty o těchto objednávkách ve formě 10-ti grafů a jedné tabulky. Reportům musí předcházet výpočty příslušných hodnot zobrazovaných v grafech přímo v SQL. Pro exporty se jeví jako vhodné namapovat SQL databázi s výpočty na excelov&yacu...

    €487 Average bid
    €487 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    ...7/2017 (bude dále existovat, ale datově se zmrazí) a nahradí ji jiný Gemius systém, kterému ovšem bude scházet datová historie, proto chceme udělat tuto zastřešující novou aplikaci, která to bude spojovat. Od 1.7.2017 se budou do SPIR OLA dostávat nová data jinou cestou: Každý den bude k dispozici proprietární datový GEM soubor obsahující komplet netmonitor data. K tomuto GEM souboru existuje windows offline API, které ho umí číst a vracet výsledky. Musíte tedy zvládnout přes toto offline API každý den automatizovaně dostávat data do nové aplikace SPIR OLA. Nová d...

    €2447 Average bid
    €2447 Průměr. nabídka
    32 nabídky

    Tvorba části našeho systému, která bude sloužit k tvorbě a editaci workflow - oběhu dokumentů. Nástroj v současné době existuje v podobě exe programu pro Windows, chceme jej přepsat do webové podoby. Jde o to, že v prostředí webu nakreslím vývojový diagram, každému prvku vývojového diagramu přidělím nějaké atributy. Výsledný graf předám ve formě JSON na server, který si jej uloží v databázi (serverová část není součástí zadání), zadání je pouze na tvorbu webového interface. - stavět se bude pravděpodobně na hotové knihovně pro tyto účely GoJS - -...

    €1050 Average bid
    €1050 Průměr. nabídka
    6 nabídky
    Project for cerven
    Ukončeno left

    ...nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spolupraca, Pocet ...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    ...kodéra pro nasi webovou aplikaci. V první fázi potřebujeme změnit stávající šablony do nového designu, v druhé fázi (po vašem osvědčení) nakódovat šablony od nuly a budete mít tedy možnost nastavit si prostředí a trendy podle vás. Technologie: HTML5 CSS JavaScript (jQuery a ideálně znalost Angular nebo KnockoutJS, ale není podmínkou) Git Vzhledem k větší rozsáhlosti projektu je nutné pracovat ve Windows a Visual Studiu. Stačí ale základní znalosti, do všeho zaškolíme. Jsme otevřeni různým formám spolupráce (kratkodobá/dlhodobá spoluprac...

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    Projekt přechod z prostředí MISYS / GEPRO do prostředí QGIS, spočívající v propojení QGIS a MS SQL server. MS SQL databázový stroj je dnes funkční a nainstalovaný na hardware ve firmě (verze 2008, případně 2014) Nultá fáze: instalace QGIS na pracovních stanicích 3 uživatelů, připojených do firemní síťové domény instalace QGIS do virtuálních pracovních stanic MS Windows server (terminal) Pilotní fáze: uživatel si v prostředí QGIS promítne rastrovou WMS mapu PK z cuzk uživatel zakreslí polygon tvaru parcely v prostředí QGIS uživatel polygonu přidělí ID hotov&yacu...

    €402 Average bid
    €402 Průměr. nabídka
    2 nabídky

    Aplikace bude zobrazovat články, videa, kontakty na odborníky (místo na mapě, přímé volání), jednoduché testy (dotazníky). Možnost průběžné aktualizace obsahu, push notifikace o novém obsahu

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 nabídky

    Analytické a implementační práce probíhají v sídle společnosti zákazníka. Předmětem implementace jsou: 1. ReadSoft Invoices - řešení pro automatizované vytěžování dat z přijatých faktur a souvisejících polostrukturovaných dokumentů 2. ELO ECM - systém pro správu dokumentů se schvalovacím workflow 3. Přenos dat mezi podnikovým informačním systémem a Invoices a ELO Potřebné technické znalosti: - Windows server, vč. práce s virtuálním serverem - SQL - Java - XML, XSL Základní instalace ReadSoft Invoices a ELO ECM prostřednictvím instalačního průvodce,...

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    4 nabídky

    I'm seeking a professional chauffeur to provide high-end, luxury car services primarily for airport transfers and corporate travel. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct airport transfers in a punctual and professional manner. - Provide chauffeur services for corporate events and meetings. Booking System: - Clients will book services via phone reservation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience as a professional chauffeur, particularly with luxury cars. - Excellent driving record and understanding of the local area. - Strong interpersonal skills for client interactions. - Experience with corporate travel preferred.

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    115 nabídky

    I'm in need of a genuine, unedited selfie video recorded in Greek, lasting between 30 to 50 seconds. The purpose of the video is marketing material for my course "Money Smart: Navigating Tomorrow's Financial Challenges". It should convey excitement and be suitable for social media. You don't need prior experience for this job, but you should be able to: - Express real emotions comfortably on camera - Ensure good lighting for clear video quality Please note the following rules: - Record with one hand - Avoid reading directly from a script; instead, memorize a short script and add your own enthusiasm and personal touch - Read instructions correctly Your bid should reflect a budget of $25 and a timeline of 1-2 days.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Průměr. nabídka
    15 nabídky
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Camera Legacy
    6 dní left

    I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a modern, sleek, and innovative logo for my multimedia company, Camera Legacy. - Design Aesthetic: The logo should reflect a creative edge consistent with the multimedia industry. The preferred color palette includes shades of blue, white, and gray, which should convey a professional yet dynamic look. - Logo Type: I am interested in a combination logo (text and symbol). The text should be 'Camera Legacy' and the font should be clean, contemporary, and easy to read. - Symbolism: The logo should incorporate elements representing multimedia, specifically using symbols of a camera or lens. - Usability: The logo will be used across various platforms - digital, print, and merchandise. Ideal candi...

    €10 Average bid
    12 příspěvky

    ...Responsibilities: Research Companies: Identify businesses within our target industries. Find Key Contacts: Locate the marketing professional (e.g., Marketing Manager, Marketing Director, CMO). If no marketing person is listed, find the primary decision-maker (e.g., Owner, General Manager, CEO). Collect Accurate Contact Information: Full Name Position Company Name Email Address (must be valid and verified) Phone Number (if available) Deliver leads in an organized Google Sheet or CRM (template provided). Ensure leads meet the following criteria: Based in New England (close to boston). Relevant industry (e.g., real estate, athletic brands, resorts, or tech products). What We’re Looking For: Proven experience in B2B lead generation or contact research. Strong understanding o...

    €943 Average bid
    €943 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky
    Cobol Work
    9 dní left

    Cobol program emulating in Windows 11

    €7 Average bid
    €7 Průměr. nabídka
    1 nabídky

    I am seeking legal counsel regarding a serious issue with our HOA President. The president is not providing access to complete financial records despite multiple formal requests, and has installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provide all financials details to the board , , we told him that if he doesn't come transparent to financials , we will call a special unit meeting to inform all units owners , we gave president ...

    €907 Average bid
    €907 Průměr. nabídka
    8 nabídky

    I need a lawyer to help me file a lawsuit against our HOA president who has been abusing their power. I have a strong case with plenty of documented proof as well as several witness statements. am seeking legal counsel regarding a serious issue with our HOA President. The president is not providing access to complete financial records despite multiple formal requests, and has installed a camera with audio recording capabilities without disclosure. and conducted election very secretly without involving other board members to remove treasurer. when I (ex treasurer ) )came to know the president is mismanaging HOA funds, I raised this issue to the other board members , we had special board members meeting in July 2024 , all board members told president to come transparent and provid...

    €1642 Average bid
    €1642 Průměr. nabídka
    12 nabídky

    I'm seeking a developer to help create a support ticket system, akin to Zendesk or Freshdesk, using Blazor MAUI Hybrid Apps with C# and .NET 8. This will include: - A Windows desktop, Android, iOS, and Mac agent interface. - A Web Admin interface for myself, the admin. The coding architecture will be provided by me, and we'll work together on the development. This system must include: - Multi-channel support (email, chat, social media). - Automated ticket routing and assignment. - Knowledge base integration. User roles: Admin, Agent, and Customer. In addition to the support ticket system, I also need a Blazor Web App based website to showcase and sell this service, with the primary goal of generating sales leads. Ideal skills for this project include: - Exten...

    €256 Average bid
    €256 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    I'm seeking a seasoned web developer with a strong background in Django and Python to build a comprehensive customer service contact website, akin to Core Features: - **Company Directory**: A detailed directory spanning various industries. - **Contact Information**: Regularly updated contact details for each company, which include phone numbers, email addresses, live chat options, and social media links. - **Best Contact Methods**: Insightful guidance on optimal ways to contact a company's customer service, factoring in wait times and effectiveness. - **User Reviews and Ratings**: An interactive section enabling users to share their experiences and rate different companies' customer service. - **Search Functionality**: An efficient search tool to help u...

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Průměr. nabídka
    36 nabídky

    Seeking a talented developer to create a freelance application for both iOS and Android focused on the Saudi market. Key Features: - User profiles and ratings - Job posting and bidding - In-app messaging User Authentication: - Phone number verification Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in iOS and Android app development - Experience in creating freelance platforms - Knowledge of user verification systems, specifically phone number verification. - Understanding of the Saudi market and freelance industry The developer should have a proven track record of creating user-friendly, secure and efficient applications. The goal is to have an application that not only meets the basic requirements but also provides a seamless experience for the users.

    €999 Average bid
    €999 Průměr. nabídka
    102 nabídky

    ...this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 3) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important fie...

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky

    I'm looking for a designer to create minimalist-style mockups for a phone cover. The mockups should be in a back view only, adhering to a sleek, uncluttered aesthetic. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design skills with a focus on minimalist style - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop - Experience in creating product mockups - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines

    €55 / hr Average bid
    €55 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    7 nabídky

    I need assistance troubleshooting an app using and Docker containers on my local Windows machine. There's a simple issue in its configuration that I can't identify. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in - Experienced with Docker, Auth0 - Knowledgeable in Windows OS Please reach out if you can help.

    €18 Average bid
    €18 Průměr. nabídka
    13 nabídky

    ...operational insights. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a data collection system to capture textual information related to bioprinting protocols and user agreement verifications. - Design a secure and efficient system for transferring this data to AWS. - Ensure the software can support predictive analysis of the collected data. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with C++ and Windows executable software. - Proven track record with AWS cloud services. - Strong understanding of predictive data analysis. - Experience with software creating and implementing API key systems for user authentication. I'm looking for someone who can not only complete this task, but can also contribute ideas to enhance the project's overall scope and potential. Your input wi...

    €53 / hr Average bid
    €53 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    57 nabídky

    I am looking for an expert in telephony and VoIP to set up a call forwarding system that enables: Incoming calls: Redirect calls from a USA number to a French number...purchase of local French numbers. Therefore, an alternative call forwarding solution is needed. Objectives: Propose a reliable solution compatible with Twilio or an alternative service. Ensure optimal call quality at minimal cost. Required Skills: Expertise in VoIP and telephony integration (Twilio or similar services). Experience with international call forwarding. Knowledge of French and USA phone number specifics. Deliverables: System setup and configuration. Documentation or user support materials. Timeline: Project to be completed as soon as possible. Note: I am open to your recommendations for achieving th...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Průměr. nabídka
    17 nabídky

    ...needs (majority of the work will be on this platform). •Integrate (Go High Level) with to ensure seamless data transfer. •Extract client data from and import it into •Create automations and workflows in to optimize client management processes. •Provide live hourly screen-sharing sessions to collaborate and explain the process (camera not required). Required Skills and Qualifications: •Proven experience working with and •Strong expertise in CRM setup, customization, and management. •Familiarity with open APIs and ability to leverage them for potential integrations ( supports open APIs). •Advanced problem-solving skills with an eye for detail. •Clear communication skills in English.

    €8 / hr Average bid
    Doporučené Neodkladné
    €8 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    3 nabídky

    I'm seeking an expert in battery state of charge (SOC) estimation, specifically utilizing the Kalman filtering method. The goal is to achieve an estimation accuracy within the 3-5% range. Key requirements: - Proficient in Kalman filtering - Experience with lithium-ion battery SOC estimation - Ability to work with voltage and current measurements The data available for this project consists of voltage and current measurements. If you have the right skills and experience, I look forward to your proposal.

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    14 nabídky

    I'm looking for a Python expert to create a script that will independently detect "mobs" in Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the Minecraft and collect loot from them. Key Features: - The script should be able to use commands within the game. - It should have the ability to move independently. - If possible, I would like the ability to manage several accounts simultaneously. Detection Method: - The script should use image recognition to detect the mobs. Platform Compatibility: - The script must be compatible with Windows. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience with Minecraft scripting. - Knowledge of image recognition techniques. - Ability to create scripts that can operate ...

    €116 Average bid
    €116 Průměr. nabídka
    69 nabídky

    ...real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: Working daily in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, WordPress, Laravel. Designing and building web applications using Laravel and other platforms. Converting PSDs into pixel perfect responsive Laravel and custom PHP sites. Resolving cross-browser compatibility issues. Writing ...

    €1036 Average bid
    €1036 Průměr. nabídka
    42 nabídky

    I am looking for a skilled developer to create a comprehensive food delivery application using the following technologies: Frontend: React Native with Expo Backend: with Prisma The application will include the following features: Application Features Customer Features: Authentication: Login and register using email or phone number. Support for social login (e.g., Google). Browse Restaurants and Stores: View nearby restaurants based on geolocation. Filter restaurants by category (e.g., Fast Food, Desserts, Drinks). See restaurant ratings and previous reviews. Menu: Browse menus with images, descriptions, and prices. Search functionality to find specific dishes or restaurants. Cart and Checkout: Add items to the cart and modify quantities. View order details, inc...

    €1096 Average bid
    €1096 Průměr. nabídka
    145 nabídky

    Please write the answer to this question at the top of bid "what is the capital of Australia?" I'm looking for native speakers of English with Australian Accents to help with a voice recording project. No equipment needed, just a mobile phone. For people in Australia, Hourly Rate Based on Australian minimum wage. For expats, roughly similar rates. Please write "I have an Australian Accent and can start now" Please write "I can do 2 hours of voice recording for _____usd"

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Průměr. nabídka
    10 nabídky

    ...that demonstrate and work through the basic maths concepts +, -, x, / and decimals. Those videos show my hands solving equations whilst I commentate on what is happening. There is the potential to create videos to cover the rest of elementary/primary curriculum (and beyond) using Montessori materials. I am knowledgeable in theories of learning, the problems with our current education system as well as the theoretical application of the Montessori Method. I would be able to prepare videos with me speaking directly to camera or interviewing people if wished. I am looking for a partnership with a skilled freelancer to monetise my skills and these educational videos. The videos will be useful to any home based learning. The videos are narrated in English by me and conseq...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    19 nabídky
    Short CGI Video Creation
    6 dní left

    ...towering in full view. The camera zooms in as the statue’s torch glimmers faintly. • Focus: A hand reaches out, lifting the Namah coffee mug from the table. Scene 5: The Sip That Ignites • Visuals: The person (a silhouette to keep it universal) takes a deliberate sip of the coffee. As they lower the mug, the torch of the Statue of Liberty suddenly bursts into a vibrant, radiant glow, symbolizing strength and brilliance. • Sound Effect: A warm, resonant hum as the torch’s brightness intensifies. • Narration/Caption: “Namah—strength in every sip, brilliance in every moment.” Scene 6: A Lasting Impression • Visuals: The yacht sails past the Statue of Liberty, leaving ripples in the water. The Statue’s torch remains ...

    €252 Average bid
    €252 Průměr. nabídka
    33 nabídky
    Windows PDF to HTML Desktop App
    6 dní left

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Windows desktop application that can convert PDF files into HTML with tags. The app should maintain the original formatting of the PDF in the converted HTML. Key Features: - Support for both file upload and drag-and-drop methods for importing PDF files - A conversion process that preserves the original formatting of the PDF in the HTML Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in desktop application development - Proficiency in Windows OS development - Strong understanding of PDF and HTML structures - Proven track record of creating applications with drag-and-drop functionality Please ensure that your bid reflects your understanding of the project's requirements and your relevant experience.

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Průměr. nabídka
    41 nabídky
    Milestone 2 of 3
    6 dní left

    ...this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 4) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important fie...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Průměr. nabídka
    34 nabídky

    ...this job manually. You will have to automate it by writing and running web scraping script or using 3rd party App or platform. 4) Do not use chatGPT’s fake email address and phone numbers it spit out. Those are not correct. I will randomly pick some data and call them to verify the quality of your data collection. 5) No duplicate contact is allowed. Daily update is required. Finding the URL, writing script or using any other form of tools, platform, VPN, are your responsibilities. I will NOT provide anything. 6) Populate the Excel sheet, remove duplicate, clean it up with proper formatting, post link to the populated Excel sheet. Do not send me junk or screen shot. I do not want to see email in phone column or vice versa. Email is the most important fie...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Průměr. nabídka
    35 nabídky

    ...developer with jailbreaking expertise to write a tweak for my iPhone running iOS 14 with Taurine. The tweak should modify the camera's behavior when taking photos. Here's what I need: - The tweak should allow my phone to capture a screenshot of the camera preview instead of the actual photo when the camera takes a picture or when any app requests to take a photo. - It should work with all apps that use the camera, not just the built-in Camera app or third-party ones. - If the camera is accessed by multiple apps simultaneously, it should capture screenshots for each app, not disable the camera for secondary ones. Ease of use is paramount; the tweak should function seamlessly without requiring complicated actions from the user....

    €556 Average bid
    €556 Průměr. nabídka
    63 nabídky

    I need help with my WordPress site, specifically with content editing. The primary focus is on text and articles. Tasks include: - Formatting and styling text - Revising existing articles - potentially revisiting the images and bullet points to make them look better on a phone I would prefer a freelancer with strong WordPress experience, particularly in content editing. You should have a keen eye for detail and be able to help me enhance the overall quality and presentation of my site content.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Průměr. nabídka
    152 nabídky