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2,000 ubercart custom shipping module Nalezené pracovní možnosti

Καλησπέρα, διαθέτω 2 eshop το ένα κατασκευασμένο με OpenCart και το άλλο ειναι κατασκευασμένο με custom CMS (αρκετα αρχαίο) απο ελληνικη εταιρεια η οποια έχει και το hosting , και...

€160 / hr Average bid
€160 / hr Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky
Eshop prestashop
Ukončeno left

Hledám programátora php a html, pro custom úpravy eshopu postaveného na platformě prestashopu. Nabízím dobré finanční ohodnocení, práci v menším kolektivu. Požaduji alespon 20hod/týdně po dobu 2-3 měsíců.

€26 / hr Average bid
€26 / hr Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

On the live site, the users purchases a woocommerce product to enrol in a course created in LearnDash… the products and courses are linked together by custom plugin… the custom pugin is migrated to the staging site and all functionalities working… when we started the development on the staging site, we duplicated the live site and restore it in the staging site, the development took 4 months, so in the last 4 months we don’t have the data on the staging site. That’s what we need to now migrate from LIVE to STAGING. We need to migrate Users, Users metadata, WooCommerce Orders, and anything related to users, and we need to migrate the learndash data which is the LMS plugin, and we have online classes, so some users have made progress in their c...

€45 / hr Average bid
€45 / hr Průměr. nabídka
8 nabídky

Two years ago, I had a plugin created to calculate the price of pencil printing. After updating the woocommerce, my files were probably overwritten - the price with the print on the product page, in the cart and others is not displayed. You will need a good knowledge of the core of woocommerce and programming Link for example : input quantity 100 - select "potisk předmětu - online kalkulačka" click "zvolte technologii" select "tamponový tisk" click "Upřesněte technologii" select "jednobarevný potisk" click vypočítat cenu potisku ... now see only NaN Kč... Nan - It should be the sum of the price of the products + the price of the print Multiple files need to be modified for functionality

€60 Average bid
€60 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

...In individual branches and mention and incorporate the methodology of work (not the solution; the solution is the subject of another assignment). Form of text output: - Module name: XY - Methodology of work of our company - Content (as determined by headings and numbering of individual categories) - Name and number audit subcategories + describe the text theoretically. Here is an example of the form of work of one developed module for strategy: Approximate word range for one module = 2000-5000 words Required scope of work = 10,000 - 20,000 words Required developed modules: 1. graphic design development networks Více o zdrojovém textuPro

€139 Average bid
€139 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

Hledáme vývojáře na plný úvazek na 3+ roky pro vývoj CRM na míru v jazyce Java, GUI extJS, DB Oracle. Ideálně v lokalitě Praha/Brno/Znojmo (CZE resident preferred, fluent czech language is a must).

€30 / hr Average bid
€30 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
Project for Jaroslav
Ukončeno left

Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...

€1 / hr Average bid
€1 / hr Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
Project for Tomas H.
Ukončeno left

Hledáme JavaScript vývojáře na full-remote projekt. Sazba: 3.000 - 5.000,- Kč/MD Začátek: Ihned Trvání: 6-24 měsíců Jedná se o tvorbu custom widgetů a reportů do stávajícího systému. Jedná se o samostatnou práci (každý vývojář pracuje na jednom widgetu), ale v rámci týmu 7 vývojářů, kteří jsou schopni v případě potíží poradit a pomoct. Práce je vhodná i pro mediory (2+ let zkušeností). Widgety a reporty jsou založeny na Logi frameworku, který poskytuje hotové komponenty a nástroje pro efektivní práci. Nutnou podmínkou je základn&ia...

€1 - €1 / hr
€1 - €1 / hr
0 nabídky
€145 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky
Custom Program
Ukončeno left

Build a custom program 1234567

€102 Average bid
€102 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

...dokončení (docela na úpravy spěcháme). Také prosíme o reference a jak dlouho již s Prestou pracujete a jaké máte zkušenosti s vývojem modulů a zásahů do kódu Presty. Děkujeme. Požadavky na naše úpravy: 1) u každého produktu aby si zákazník mohl vybrat grafický podklad dle nabízené grafiky (viz. níže příklad existujícího modulu) s možností dopsání vlastního přání do textového pole (je možno využít custom field v samotné prestě, případné jiné řešení) 2) zároveň aby si mohl vybrat u každého produktu, jak bude za...

€1138 Average bid
€1138 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky

...Vedlejsi funkce - Aplikace by mela umet spojovat dokumenty, napr. PDFka - napriklad mam dve sablony, a kdyz splni nejake kriteria, spoj dve sablony do jednoho PDFka - Prehledy - pocet vygenerovanych dokumentu, generovaci report (tzn. Muzu jit do tohoto reportu a projet vsechny merge policka a videt, co se presne ze Salesforce vytahuje a kam) - Jsem schopny generovat i Opportunity Line Items a custom objects atd. Vice detailu na online briefingu....

€3080 Average bid
€3080 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

Dobrý den, máme shop s bateriemi, adaptéry a klávesnicemi. Běží na Prestashopu. Každý produkt v eshopu má několik stovek kompatibilit. Potřebujeme vytvořit XML feed, který bude generovat názvy v kombinaci s každou kompatibilitou. Příklad: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK ACER 19V 3.42A (5.5X1.7) Kompatibility v databázi: Acer Aspire 1200, Acer Aspire 1200X, Acer Aspire 1200XV, Acer Aspire 1202, Acer Aspire 1202X, Acer Aspire 1203X, Acer Aspire 1203XC, Acer Aspire 1203XV, Acer Aspire 1360, Acer Aspire 1410 Výsledek v XML exportu: NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200 NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200X NABÍJEČKA NA NOTEBOOK Acer Aspire 1200XV NABÍJEČKA N...

€28 - €236
€28 - €236
0 nabídky

Aby-Ball Galerie in myaby App-System.

€1152 Average bid
€1152 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

...programátora/kodéra pro správu a vylepšování již zaběhlých webů běžících na systému Wordpress. Také je potřeba aby jste měli zkušenosti s tvorbou webu na WP od A do Z. Požadavky: -znalost WP na úrovni dokumentace (např. umíte používat filtry, udělat vlastní plugin, příp. si dohledat potřebné funkce a rychle se v nich orientovat, znáte dokonale strukturu WP) -znalost PHP -znalost a praxe s ACF (nebo jinými custom fields pluginy) -znalost HTML a CSS (pozažmo HTML5 a CSS3) -javascript (jQuery) -samostatnost, kretivita, spolehlivost -dostupnost přes Skype v dopoledních hodinách Výhodou: -znalost a schopnost tvoř...

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Průměr. nabídka
19 nabídky
Komunitní portál
Ukončeno left mimo ČR), připravujeme nový projekt. Jedná se o komunitní web, který bude sdružovat vývojáře algo strategií a pomáhat jim vytvářet komunity pro společný vývoj. Web (landing page, blog atd.) poběží na Thrive Lead Generation a komunitní síť bychom rádi postavili na Buddy Press + bude potřeba vytvořit custom bloky. Naše firma zaměstnává na plný úvazek webaře (není programátor), který pomůže s designem, hledání pluginů apod. Na vás bude tedy vytvoření a odladění WP + pluginů, vytvoření custom bloků a případné přepracování designu do CSS. Ná...

€1852 Average bid
€1852 Průměr. nabídka
5 nabídky

Project for akshay for creating a custom wp plugin

€14 / hr Average bid
€14 / hr Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky
Custom fields!
Ukončeno left

Zdravo Trajko, zanima me dali mi možeš implementirati da je "field Job Position vidljiv i natisljiv i na narudžbenici, fakturi itd!

€96 Average bid
€96 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

34 + 5 Simco

€160 Average bid
€160 Průměr. nabídka
1 nabídky

I ´m looking for coding of template for QuickCart. This template: template pay in "clean html" and pass the coding for QuickCart 6.2Alternatively. The result is a template for QuickCart 6.2 You can offer a similar custom template.   Thank you for your offer and I apologize for my English

€85 Average bid
€85 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

1. Please set a realistic bid, no budget discussions Description: I have 10 different modules (approximately 20x20mm) that share a similar form factor. I want various 3D printed enclosures (FDM/FFF) that can be connected like DIN rail clamps, including end caps. The enclosures will differ depending on the module header. Each enclosure should include a DIN rail mounting (no extra parts). Externally, the enclosures should have a uniform/similar appearance and size with an attractive design. I need the 3D files in Inventor (ipt) or alternatively in STEP format. 3D-Files of the modules will be provided after initial discussion and project start.

€140 Average bid
€140 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

...all accommodation-related terms with car rental terms "Accommodation Type" becomes "Car Type"; listings adjusted accordingly -Search Bar & Results: Update search fields to include car rental specifics (pickup/drop-off points and date/time) -Product Page: Revamp booking form for car rental details Remove irrelevant information (e.g., sleeping arrangements) -Login/Sign Up: Modify pages to allow custom fields and file uploads Introduce a validation process where users submit documents for admin approval, with pending status until approved -New Listing Submission: New car listings by owners go to pending mode for admin validation before going live Front-end functionality added for managing pending listings -User & Admin Dashboards: Vendor/Customer das...

€125 Average bid
€125 Průměr. nabídka
27 nabídky

EBAY BULK LISTING FOR AUTO PARTS I specialize in eBay bulk listings for car parts and understand the key factors that help an item get indexed and found quickly by customers searching on eBay. The most important factors include: Cross-references (O...listings for car parts and understand the key factors that help an item get indexed and found quickly by customers searching on eBay. The most important factors include: Cross-references (OEM, aftermarket) Car compatibility (KType) Detailed information (size, length, weight, etc.) I create listings that include all these essential features. Services I offer: 1,000 listings starting from 100 euros Custom eBay listing template page – 300 euros Daily quantity updates from your store management software to eBay by a csv file – 3...

€347 Average bid
€347 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

...WordPress developer to modify our current WooCommerce shipping system. Currently, our shipping is based on pincode validation within 10 km of our store. We want to transition to a distance-based shipping model where delivery charges are dynamically calculated based on the actual distance from our store location. Key Requirements: Expertise in WordPress and WooCommerce development. Experience with custom shipping rules and shipping plugins. Ability to integrate Google Maps API (or similar services) to calculate distance-based shipping. Strong knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and API integrations. Experience in setting up radius-based delivery restrictions. Project Scope: Modify the existing pincode-based system to a distance-based shippin...

€11 Average bid
€11 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

Looking for a Mentor in Fine-Tuning Custom Machine Learning Models I'm seeking an experienced mentor to guide me in fine-tuning supervised machine learning models on custom data, specifically for text processing. I have a basic understanding but need help refining my approach to achieve optimal performance. What I'm Looking For: Proven experience in fine-tuning supervised machine learning models Strong expertise in handling text data within a machine learning context Ability to enhance model accuracy and performance through fine-tuning techniques Your Role: As my mentor, you'll help me understand best practices, troubleshoot challenges, and optimize my model. The goal is to significantly improve its performance while deepening my understanding of fine-t...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Průměr. nabídka
46 nabídky

I'm looking for a unique travel itinerary gift that focuses on exploration in India. Will provide day by day lodging and destinations. Just want it to look great. Key aspects to include: - Food: Recommendations for local cuisine and eateries. - Lodging: Suggestions for accommodation, ranging from budget to luxury, depending on the location and experience. -Culutral activities Ideal skills for this project include: - Experience in creating detailed, thoughtful travel itineraries. - Experience in scrapbooking. Hoping it has a fun, non glossy feel.

€278 Average bid
€278 Průměr. nabídka
67 nabídky

I'm looking for a custom, vintage-style logo. The logo should be designed using earthy colors and incorporate floral patterns. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation. - Strong understanding of vintage design elements. - Ability to work with earthy color schemes. - Experience in integrating floral patterns into designs. - Proficient in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop.

€313 Average bid
€313 Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky
Trophy icon LOGO for Shipping Company
2 dní left

Title: Logo Design for Shipping Company | “LL” Concept Preferred . Name : L& L Shipping Line This is a sister company of Lotus shipping and Litco Line ( logos in sample ) if we can incorporate those designs then will go with that as well. Description: I am looking for a professional and minimalistic logo for a shipping company. A concept featuring the letters “L” and “L” in a rectangular shape is preferred, but I am also open to other creative logo ideas related to shipping. The design should be clean, modern, and visually appealing. Requirements: • Icon-based logo (LL concept preferred, but not mandatory) • Shipping-related themes are welcome • Professional, simple, and minimalistic d...

€11 Average bid
172 příspěvky

### **Project Title:** E-Commerce Saree Shop App Using Angular – Admin & User Management ### **Project Description:** I am looking for a skilled **Angular developer** to build a **custom eCommerce application** for my **saree shop**. The platform will have **two panels**: 1️⃣ **Admin Panel** – To manage products, categories, orders, and customers. 2️⃣ **User Panel** – To browse products, place orders, and make secure payments. ### **Key Requirements:** ✅ **Tech Stack:** **Angular (Frontend), Node.js (Backend), MongoDB/MySQL (Database)** ✅ **Admin Panel Features:** - Product & category management - Order tracking & processing - Customer & inventory management - Sales reports & analytics ✅ **User Panel Fea...

€1228 Average bid
€1228 Průměr. nabídka
22 nabídky

I need an Android application that connects to my server, receives text messages, and reads them aloud using the default system voice. The app has two screens: the first for authentication via Basic Authentication, and the second for displaying a custom graphic. Key Features: - First screen for username/password authentication - Server verification via a URL - Reading of configuration for second page's content - Displaying a custom graphic on second page - Keeping the screen on if in focus - Accepting and reading text messages even if screen is off or app is not in focus Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with Text-to-Speech implementation - Understanding of Basic Authentication - Ability to work with server communication and URL verific...

€136 Average bid
€136 Průměr. nabídka
25 nabídky

I need a custom-coded website designed to resemble the home page of TerraPower. The main purpose of this site is to enhance my brand visibility. The website needs to be mobile-responsive, as a significant portion of web traffic these days comes from mobile devices. Key Features: - The home page should include an 'About Us' section that provides a succinct yet engaging overview of our company. - A 'Services Overview' section that outlines the services we offer in a clear and appealing way. Ideal Candidate: - Should have extensive experience in custom website coding. - Prior work in creating mobile-responsive websites is a must. - An understanding of branding and visibility strategies through web design will be highly advantageous. - A portfolio showcasing...

€966 Average bid
€966 Průměr. nabídka
132 nabídky

...receiving and sending messages (via "Telegram - Watch Updates" and "Telegram - Send a Text Message or a Reply" modules). Google Sheets API for data storage (via "Google Sheets - Add a Row" module). Data Storage: Data Store for temporary storage of registration states (replacing any external database). Context: The bot must fully replicate the logic of the existing Telegram bot implemented in , preserving message handling routes and step-by-step registration as per the provided JSON. 2. Functional Requirements The scenario must: Operate as a Telegram Bot: Use the "Telegram - Watch Updates" module to receive messages via Webhook or polling. Handle commands /start, Registration, Finish, and responses to registration steps. Send a Welc...

€29 Average bid
€29 Průměr. nabídka
2 nabídky

...Key Features displayed prominently ✅ Latest Offers & Services highlighted via WooCommerce & WHMCS ✅ Customer Reviews & Portfolio Showcase ✅ Quick Contact Form via WPForms or Contact Form 7 2️⃣ Services Page ✅ Structured List of All Services (Grid or List format) ✅ Dedicated Service Pages with detailed descriptions ✅ Instant Service Request Button (Order Now) ✅ Pricing Tables via WooCommerce or Custom Pricing Sections ✅ Customer Testimonials Section for each service 3️⃣ E-Commerce Store (WHMCS + WooCommerce) ✅ Fully Integrated Store for domains, hosting, and servers via WooCommerce & WHMCS Bridge ✅ Domain Search & Registration System through WHMCS Domain Reseller ✅ Hosting & Server Plans Displayed with Pricing Details ✅ Automated Billing & Payment Man...

€207 Average bid
€207 Průměr. nabídka
48 nabídky

Custom Image Cropping and Sizing Tool for Wix Store We are seeking a skilled Wix developer to create a custom solution that enhances our customers' experience by allowing them to visualize and customize their product sizes before purchase. This involves creating a seamless integration between our product pages and a lightbox with image cropping and sizing features. Essential Skills The ideal candidate should possess: Proficiency in Wix Velo: Deep understanding of Wix's Velo platform, including datasets, dynamic pages, and custom code implementation. JavaScript Expertise: Strong JavaScript skills are crucial for implementing image cropping, sizing, and price calculation logic. HTML/CSS Knowledge: Necessary for structuring and styling the lightbox and its ...

€127 Average bid
€127 Průměr. nabídka
17 nabídky

...functionalities and search/filter options within the directory. You must Advise on the best WordPress Directory Plug-in (Paid or Fee) to use, to manage the listings Key project requirements: - Develop a WordPress site featuring Safari listings - Implement search and filter options - Include interactive maps within the site - Design a comprehensive filtering system based on categories, locations, and custom keywords Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in WordPress development - Expertise in creating interactive and user-friendly directory websites - Proficiency in implementing comprehensive search and filter options - Familiarity with integrating interactive maps into websites - Prior experience with location-based and category-based filtering systems would be a pl...

€195 Average bid
€195 Průměr. nabídka
72 nabídky

I need a professional web developer who can build a service-oriented website frontend in React and a Python backend. This site will serve as a platform for selling custom GPT-driven digital products using a personalized database hosted on Amazon Cloud. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly, service-oriented website frontend in React - Develop a robust Python backend - Integrate a custom GPT with a personalized database - Utilize Amazon Cloud for hosting - Responsive design - Payment integration with Revolut - Limitation for subscription packages - Signin - signup - Mongodb database - A bot using google api that scrapes content from websites and put in database Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and Python - Experienced in designing service-oriented websites - Fam...

€498 Average bid
€498 Průměr. nabídka
53 nabídky

? Professional Video Editor | Engaging & High-Quality Edits ? Hi, I’m Labhanshu, a passiona...Editing (Vlogs, Gaming) ✅ Instagram Reels Editing (Fast, Trendy, and Engaging) ✅ Thumbnail Design (Attractive & Click-Worthy) ✅ Corporate & Promotional Video Editing ✅ Velocity Video Editing ,such as Famous Personality Edits including Velocity Edit for any specific ( icons ,actors ,athletes ) etc. ? Why Choose Me? ✔️ 100% Professional & High-Quality Work ✔️ Fast Delivery & Unlimited Revisions ✔️ Custom Edits Based on Your Needs ✔️ Affordable Pricing with Top-Notch Results ✔️With 4K & 1080p, High Quality Videos EDITS If you're looking for a skilled video editor to bring your content to life, let’s work together! ? Message me now, and let’s ...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky

...the same. Note : Must work remotely by AnyDesk to the selected pc. Don't apply or bid on the project if you cant do. I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer who can assist me with theme customization on a selected PC via AnyDesk. The project entails: - Layout and design alterations to an existing theme - Adding new features to the theme - Connecting and configuring a selected API and also a custom payment system (local- by cash option) The initial setup of the site has already been completed, so I need help with customization and API configuration. The ideal freelancer would be someone with a strong understanding of WordPress development, experience with theme customization, and proficiency in API connection and configuration. About the website: its a web hosting...

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Průměr. nabídka
21 nabídky

We're seeking a developer (or team) to build our trading bot that integrates three key components: • TradingView charts/indicators for; we need assistance in integrating these elements into a cohesive bot strategy. We're aiming for an immediate start with a strict timeline. The strategy has been evaluated to achieve a 3000% weekly return minimum. Deliverables: • Seamless integration of TradingView for charting and signal generation • Aggregation of market data from specified API sources • Implementation of a prediction module displayed as a forecast icon on the interface powered by ChatGPT • Testing to ensure the bot works reliably under market conditions • Documentation for future maintenance Timeline: Immediate star...

€169 - €337
Zapečetěný DOM
€169 - €337
21 nabídky

Project Overview: I’m looking to create a custom cryptocurrency token and a fully functional website that will serve as the central hub for users to purchase the token and join our crypto community directly. The website will need to integrate with multiple payment methods such as UPI, bank transfer, USDT, and credit/debit cards to allow users to purchase the token seamlessly. Key Requirements: Token API Integration: Integrate the token’s API for easy access to token purchase and transactions. Payment Portal: Set up a payment gateway to support various payment methods, including UPI, bank transfer, USDT, and credit/debit cards. User Interface: Create a clean, intuitive design that allows users to purchase the token and join the community with minimal effort. Community ...

€586 Average bid
€586 Průměr. nabídka
13 nabídky

...need a full website built from scratch using Custom HTML/CSS/JS. The site will integrate an invoicing system that sends all invoices to Discord as embeds, with the ability for users to edit them as needed. Key Features: - Admin Dashboard: Admins need to be able to assign user roles and manage page access. - Fleet Servicing Page: This page will allow different departments to schedule service for their fleet. - Monthly PDF Invoicing: A monthly PDF needs to be generated that outlines what each department owes for the month. - Invoice Generator: I have a photo for the invoice generator, and you will need to build off of that. Once the website is completed, I will need it set up on a local server with AnyDesk. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Custom HTML/CSS/JS - Experience wi...

€149 Average bid
€149 Průměr. nabídka
43 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a specialized ordering feature for my ecommerce website. This system will cater specifically to physical products and will incorporate a variety of customizations. Key Requirements: - Develop an ordering feature with customizable product options. - Focus primarily on size and color variations for the products. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ecommerce website development. - Experience with creating customizable product features. - Skilled in designing for size and color variations.

€436 Average bid
€436 Průměr. nabídka
95 nabídky

I'm looking for a skilled PHP developer who can connect my pixel through Meta's Conversion API on my custom PHP landing page. - Primary Goal: The main objective of this integration is to track lead form submissions. - Meta Conversion API: Currently, my lead form submission data is being sent directly to the Meta Conversion API. - Technology: My landing page is built with custom PHP, so no frameworks or content management systems like WordPress or Laravel are involved. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with strong PHP skills, experience with Meta's Conversion API, and a solid understanding of tracking lead form submissions.

€28 Average bid
€28 Průměr. nabídka
15 nabídky

I'm looking for an experienced PCB designer to create a double layer PCB in KiCad (or Eagle) based on the provided schematic (hand drawing). The design should incorporate a range of features and components, as outlined below: - XIAO-ESP32-C6 module from SeedStudio (only pinhead for it) - SIM800L module (pinhead for it + additional capacitors) - RS485 communication on the MAX3486 (IC + dicrete parts round) - 2x MT3608 step-up (IC + dicrete parts round) - LM2596 step-down (IC + dicrete parts round) - one 5mm pitch 4-pin connector for RS485 - one 2mm pitch 4-pin connector for I2C - one 5mm pitch 2-pin connector for battery Please take look at the attached photo of the 'proof-of-concept' design made on development board. The result should be the full documentati...

€120 Average bid
€120 Průměr. nabídka
40 nabídky

...a facility based on available time slots. • Allow modification or cancellation of a reservation. • Send automated email notifications for reservation confirmations or cancellations. 4. Subscription Management: • Record monthly or yearly subscriptions for specific activities (e.g., access to the gym or swimming pool). • Manage subscription expiration dates. 5. Payment and Billing: • Integrate a module to process payments for reservations and subscriptions (online or on-site) • Automatically generate invoices for each transaction. 6. Reports and Statistics (Administrator): • Monitor reservations by day, week, or month. • Provide statistics on revenue generated by facility type. • Manage active users and subscriptions. Technical Constrain...

€13 Average bid
€13 Průměr. nabídka
7 nabídky
OphthaSys Pro
6 dní left

I am looking for a seasoned developer to create an all-encompassing web-based clinic system. The system should primarily focus on: 1. Medical Record Module: This is the top priority. The module should efficiently handle patient records, including but not limited to medical history, treatment plans, and prescription details. 2. Managerial System Module: This module should cover staff scheduling and patient appointment management. It should facilitate smooth operations within the clinic. 3. Financial System Module: This should include billing and invoicing as well as expense tracking. The system needs to accurately manage the clinic's finances. Additionally, the system should come with integrated AI features and a speech-to-text functionality. Id...

€143 Average bid
€143 Průměr. nabídka
28 nabídky

...Admin dashboard for monitoring and managing the platform. 3. Documentation for both technical teams and end users. 4. Deployment on a secure and scalable server environment. --- #### **Timeline** **Phase 1: Requirements Gathering and Planning** - 2 weeks **Phase 2: Design and Prototyping** - 3 weeks **Phase 3: Development (Frontend & Backend)** - 6 weeks **Phase 4: AI Module Integration** - 4 weeks **Phase 5: Testing and Quality Assurance** - 3 weeks **Phase 6: Deployment and Feedback Collection** - 2 weeks Total Estimated Duration: **20 weeks** --- #### **Success Metrics** 1. Seamless user registration and login experience. 2. High user engagement with chat and group functionalities. 3. Accurate and timely AI-powered insi...

€666 Average bid
€666 Průměr. nabídka
36 nabídky
Trophy icon Logo Design - 01/03/2025 08:41 EST
18 hodiny left

...U?rlkey=kiqeo5pbefq1apxknpubyc97d&dl=0 ******** No AI designs ******** I'm seeking a modern, minimalist logo that is a custom, handwritten-styled wordmark. It should encapsulate the essence of a contemporary, sleek design while being easy to read and aesthetically pleasing. Key requirements: - Expertise in minimalist and modern design - Proficient in custom, handwritten font creation - Strong understanding of wordmark-based logo design - Portfolio demonstrating previous work in similar styles The ideal candidate will have a portfolio filled with innovative, modern designs, demonstrating a keen eye for minimalist aesthetics and an ability to create unique, custom font styles. I'm looking for someone who can translate my vision into a compelling l...

€96 Average bid
Neodkladné Zaručené
1478 příspěvky

I'm looking for a skilled professional who can convert 5 aircraft from FSX to MSFS 2020 for me. The models need to be High level, meaning they are fully detailed and functional. Key Requirements: - Convert 5 aircraft from FSX to MSFS 2020 - Ensure models are high-level detail: fully detailed and functional - Make specific aircraft systems functional: Navigation systems, Engine management, Autopilot - Use default liveries for the converted aircraft Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in aircraft modeling software - Prior experience with FSX and MSFS 2020 - Ability to create high-detail aircraft models - Knowledge of aircraft systems and their implementation in simulators - Attention to detail and quality control I do not require custom liveries; the default liverie...

€22 Average bid
€22 Průměr. nabídka
3 nabídky