Summary of literature review examplepráce
Mám návaznou práci k našemu předchozímu projektuCreation of Professional Product Images'
We have half an image of a card, it is in grayscale. We need to obtain the rank, suit, and the probability of the result's correctness from it. Ranks are A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, J, Q, K Suites are h, d, c, s (Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades) Also recognizing a Joker card is needed. It should work for any cards in the world. We have several thousand samples. Processing time for one card max 150 ms The result will be a trained network, capable of processing card images from disk. Delivery time: 1-2 months
...ElasticSearch nebo Redisu. Pokud umíš i JS, můžeš nám pomocí s vývojem ve Vue.js, TypeScript nebo ExtJS, ale není to nutnost, hledáme i čistě backenďáky. Na messaging používáme RabbitMQ, verzujeme v GITu, testy (Codeception) a statickou analýzu kódu spouštíme v Gitlabu. Pro napojení partnerů provozujeme API všeho druhu (REST, XML, SOAP), které dokumentujeme v Postmanovi. Úkoly evidujeme v Redminu, code review a merge requesty v Gitlabu. Docker pro lokální vývoj - v budoucnu i na produkci. Proč pracovat s námi? Vyjdeme ti vstříc v práci i v osobním životě, abys mohl/a skloubit práci, rodinu, z&...
... we are looking for professional testers to join this campaign. We are looking for testers with a specific internet service, so that we can provide a TV box to test new software that has not yet been released on the market. This is a work from home job and you must live in Hungary or the Czech Republic. Hourly paid. No more than 8 hours of tests spread over 1 month. Job description: -Tasks will include user testing and bug reporting: documentation of process, tests, results and analysis. Job Requirements: - Experience in testing or software development. - Proficiency in English. - Experience in software testing/QA/Software development - Live in Hungary or Czech Republic Do you want to learn more about us? Check out: Crowdtesting Platform: Managed
Hi, I am looking for someone able to customize my Wordpress website. I have a functional site built with template and plugins, but I have some more requirements that I need to adjust. It is a private project about selling Sphynx cats. Expected start of cooperation: March 2022 I prefer Prague located, czech speaking developers.
...před sebou. Author's foreword This book gets into the hands of you, dear readers, thanks to the three Marys. The first was my mother. It was for her pleasure and consolation that I wrote Údolí and Uncle František. I was inspired to the Valley by the memory of a "black watch" with her sitting in a dark room with me, a child, and I encouraged her again and again to tell me about once walking with her mother through the Silent Eagle Valley and then through the tunnel to Willingly at the station where her dad worked, and how the train once ran, and how terribly afraid it was then, hidden with her mother in a tunnel alcove. How vividly I remembered it then, what horror I experienced with her and how vividly I still have it in front of...
We run an app that needs a new FE in React or Vue.js The new UX has been prepared including a styleguide in Adobe XD. We are using REST API between FE and BE. We will be doing BE with our own team. We estimate this to 20-30 MD, about 200 hours. We will not consider any offers until we can review your code. Then we will provide access to the current application, user manuals and access to the new UX to prepare your estimate. We prefer someone for full time, but you can do this as a side job, however we expect 20h/week as a minimum commitment.
I need 3D scanned models in any of the following formats: Autodesk Alias (*.wire) AutoCAD DWG Files (*.dwg) Autodesk Fusion 360 Archive Files (*.f3d) Autodesk Fusion 360 Toolpath Archive Files (*.cam360) Autodesk Inventor Files (*.ipt, *.iam) CATIA V5 Files (*.CATProduct, *.CATPart) DXF Files (*.dxf) FBX (*.fbx) IGES (*ige, *iges, *igs) NX (*prt) OBJ (*.obj) Parasolid Binary Files (*.x_b) Parasolid Text Files (*.x_t) Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Parametric Files (*.asm, *.prt) Pro/ENGINEER Granite Files (*.g) Pro/ENGINEER Neutral Files(*.neu) Rhino Files (*.3dm) SAT/SMT Files (*.sab, *.sat, *.smb, *.smt) SolidWorks Files (*.prt, *.asm, *.sldprt, *.sldasm) STEP Files (*.ste, *.step, *.stp) STL Files (*.stl) SketchUp Files (*.skp) 3D scanning models of the following models require... and scope as (I will buy this WP Theme). I need the installation and functional setup from you (working menus, each page type in one working example) then I will fill in the content myself, I will clone the pages myself to publish more rooms, more articles, etc. Content - I will transfer from my old website - all content from here must be available in new design and I need to add room booking based on WooCommerce as available in the Theme. I am not in hurry, but I need to keep the cost low and good final quality. So, pls review my above requirements and verify your bid. Pro pripravovany projekt maleho pensionu jsem zvolil WP theme Bellevue Hotel, ktery koupim. Poptavam pomoc pri nastaveni, instalaci a pripadnych drobnych
Poptávám kvalitní překlad článku z AJ do ČJ, nemusí se jednat o doslovný překlad. Quality translation of the article from English to Czech, it doesn´t have to be a literal translation.
Dobrý den, začínám nový projekt ohledně nabíjecích krytů pro všechny druhy iPhonů. V příloze zasílám fotografii produktu, abyste měli představu, jak produkt vypadá. Co potřebuji, je produkové video. Produktové video, které přesně ukáže, jak produkt funguje a jaké má výhody. Výhody vám napíši, abyste s tím neměli starosti. Toto video se bude používat pro placenou reklamu na sociálních sítích facebook a instagram. Rád bych tedy člověka, který má zkušenosti s natáčením produktů pro reklamní účely. Hezký den.
Hledám někoho, kdo mi přeloží 3 strany dokumentace XML k účetnímu systému Abra do EN. Termín do pondělí 14.8.2017
Hledám někoho, kdo mi přeloží 3 strany dokumentace XML k účetnímu systému Abra do EN. Termín do pondělí 14.8.2017
Ahoj hledám rychlou tvorbu loga na téma náhradní díly automobilů a pneumatiky / Hello! I am looking for fast creation of logos on the theme of spare parts for cars and tires
Blognames: 1. HeyImVictor 12. HowToSurviveTomorrow 13. FreeSpinSiteReviewer
osc , paymentech upgrade , review to assure completion
Creating any design on T-shirts. Creating on my computer. Photoshop and other programs
Potřebuji se presentovat nějakým logem, které bude vyjadřovat poskytování více služeb v oblasti IT. Programování, design, analýzy, poradenství, podpora atd. Logo by mělo zahrnovat písmena TBE, která představují písmena obsažená v mém jméně Tomáš Bednář.
Poptávám nákódování template pro QuickCart. Jde o tuto template: šablonu zaplatím v "čístém html" a předám k nakódování pro QuickCart 6.2. Případně můžete nabídnout vlastní podobnou šablonu. Předem děkuji za nabídky.
Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Vietnam speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to downloa...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
Malay Recording Project Recruitment ( Malay ) Recording Project Malay Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 819 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Malay speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Malay speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our so...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 10$ for 819 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
Russian Recording Project We need Russian Speakers for long term recording project. Recruitment (Russian) Recording Project Russian Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 40 sentences in total. Every sentences is just 2 word. No skills required. As long as you are a Russian speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 2$ for 40 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
Create an animation of someone pushing a ball up a hill compared to someone pushing the ball off the top so it rolls down the hill. The purpose of the animation is to compare these two stories - how one is hard and the other is easy.
I have an existing google review business card for one of our companies. - We want the design copying to our other business. - I have included the original card for you to see. - The business we are designing the new card for with all the contact details. - The logo & the QR code we want to use. (Take the little dinosaur logo out the middle of the QR code please.) Sizes for the card 85mm x 55mm + 3mm bleed
Malay Recording Project Recruitment ( Malay ) Recording Project Malay Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 819 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Malay speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Malay speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our so...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 10$ for 819 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just ...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
...meetings with their advocates effortlessly. - Document sharing: A secure platform for sharing legal documents. - Real-time chat: Instant communication channel between clients and advocates. - Case Management: Clients should be able to track and manage their case updates. - Generative AI for summary analysis: Leveraging AI to simplify complex legal documents and case details. Key Advocate Features: - Case management: Advocates should have a dedicated space for managing their cases. - Generative AI for summary analysis: Advocates should also leverage AI for efficient case and document analysis. - Billing and invoicing: A feature for tracking billable hours and generating invoices. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in app development, particularly in the legal sector or...
I'm looking for an experienced web designer to create a sleek, Key Features: - Modern, minimalist design that conveys a professional and trustworthy image - Comprehensive online store with product search and filters - Customer review system for product feedback - Secure payment gateway for safe transactions - E-commerce format to facilitate seamless online sales Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in e-commerce website design - Strong portfolio of modern, minimalist web design - Excellent understanding of secure payment integration - Ability to create an intuitive product search and filter system - Experience with implementing customer review systems The primary goal of this website is to facilitate online sales while showc...
Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Vietnam speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to downloa...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
...Evidence: Provide supporting reasons drawn from course materials to strengthen your analysis. Demonstrate Understanding: Show a strong grasp of the issue with critical insights. Feasible Recommendations: Offer practical and mature responses with actionable recommendations. Simulation Techniques: Examine real-life problem modeling using Monte Carlo simulation. Utilize Excel's built-in simulation tools for solving complex problems. Analyze using the @RISK add-in for enhanced simulations. Spreadsheet Simulation Steps: Plan and translate to a spreadsheet. Generate random numbers for input-output relations. Create scenarios and compute outputs. Analyze results with summary statistics and graphs. Present final results clearly. @RISK Advantages: Access various probability di...
...for a reliable agency that can provide a team of 20 Virtual Assistants to help with a large-scale website data review and processing project. The ideal agency should have a team ready to start immediately, with experience in data entry, web research, and bulk processing tasks. Project Details: - Task: Reviewing and processing data from a website - Team Size Needed: 20 Virtual Assistants - Workload: High-volume tasks requiring speed and accuracy - Estimated Hours: Flexible, but each VA should be available for at least 20-30 hours per week - Tools: Google Sheets, website logins (credentials provided), and web-based tools - Training: Brief training will be provided before starting Requirements for the Agency: ✔ Ability to quickly deploy a team of 20 VAs ✔ Experienc...
My WhatsApp Business API app has been rejected due to permission request issues. I'm seeking an experienced developer to help troubleshoot and navigate the review process. Key Requirements: - Review of my app setup and permissions. - Diagnosis of the reasons behind the rejection. - Assistance in preparing the right screencast and test user setup. - Guidance for a successful re-submission. I've partially followed WhatsApp's guidelines and added a test user. However, I need help demonstrating the app usage. Please reach out if you have relevant experience and can provide an estimated time for resolution. Budget is flexible based on your experience. Looking forward to your message detailing your approach!
Malay Recording Project Recruitment ( Malay ) Recording Project Malay Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 819 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Malay speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Malay speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to download our so...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 10$ for 819 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
I have a photo with a specific object that I need to be vectorized. The main subject of the photo is an object that I want to isolate and convert into a vector format for personal use.
Portuguese Recording Project Recruitment ( Portuguese) Recording Project Portuguese Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 565 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Portuguese speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Portuguese speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just ...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 7$ for 565 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
More details: Which type of content are you planning to post on these social media accounts? Promotional content Do you have any specific target audience in mind for these social media accounts? General audience What style of hyper-realistic models do you want? Photorealistic humans
Please review your private notes for completed jobs and remember this is only for the month of February. You will be payed for March in 1 month.
I'm seeking an experienced WordPress developer to create a high-quality, fast website for selling luxury pashmina products. The s...descriptions, High-resolution image gallery - Other features: WhatsApp chat option, latest products carousel, WooCommerce, lightweight Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of developing high-end e-commerce WordPress sites - Strong understanding of modern web design principles, particularly minimalist, classic and elegant aesthetics - Excellent skills in SEO and digital marketing strategies aimed at American and European audiences - Ability to integrate customer review systems and high-resolution image galleries into product pages. I look forward to your bids. Please include examples of similar projects you&...
I'm in search of a designer who can help me create eye-catching graphic prints for a new line of sportswear t-shirts. (NO AI) see image Key Responsibilities: - Develop creative and unique graphic designs for t-shirts - Ensure designs are suitable for sportswear and casual wear - Understand and incorporate current trends in sportswear and graphic design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong portfolio in t-shirt and sportswear design - Ability to deliver on time and communicate effectively I am looking for original, visually appealing designs that can stand out in the competitive sportswear market. Please provide samples of relevant past work.
K zobrazení podrobností se zaregistrujte nebo přihlaste.
I'm seeking a talented web designer to enhance my...usability and aesthetic appeal. - Color Scheme: Apply a more sophisticated and harmonious color palette. - Typography: Use elegant and readable fonts to enhance the overall design. I have specific examples of designs I admire, which I will share with you upon selection. Your ability to interpret and apply these inspirations will be key. Please ensure your proposal includes a link to your upgraded version of my site. I will choose the winner based on the quality of your submission and your ability to adhere to my requirements. The selected freelancer will be tasked with the complete overhaul of the site. Your Submission must align to my request. Please do not waste my time. Please avoid irrelevant submiss...
I have a PDF of a building's exterior walls, but it doesn't include square meters. I need someone to help me calculate the measurements using AutoCAD and then draw it for me. The project is in PDF. Requirements: - Calculate wall area, window area, gutter length, and other details - Deliver 2D AutoCAD drawings in PDF format Please note that I only require 2D drawings, not 3D models.
I have a PDF of a building's exterior walls, but it doesn't include square meters. I need someone to help me calculate the measurements using AutoCAD and then draw it for me. The project is in PDF. Requirements: - Calculate wall area, window area, gutter length, and other details - Deliver 2D AutoCAD drawings in PDF format Please note that I only require 2D drawings, not 3D models.
I have an app that is pretty much done. I just need a few API's added. It's a movie and tv series review app. I'm having trouble with all the movies and tv shows showing up under the right categories . I'll need a netflix, hulu, amazon prime, disney, apple tv, peacock and starz api so when you click on each category you'll be able to see and search for movies and tv series. Then i'll need help deploying it to the android play store and the apple app store.
Vietnam Recording Project Recruitment ( Vietnam) Recording Project Vietnam Native Speaker 1: Very simple recording project 363 short sentences in total. No skills required. As long as you are a Vietnam speaker. 2: We have two requirement. 1: As long as your native language is Vietnam speaker. You can participate in this project. 2: you just need to downloa...our text and record it, it's a very easy job. Each person Price is 5$ for 363 short sentences record, After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50% and then after checking completed and then we will pay u remaining 50%. It will take 5-7 days. If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact me. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of t...
I'm seeking a comprehensive literature review focusing on the advancements in archery equipment during the modern era. Ideal Skills: - Research and academic writing - Knowledge of archery and its equipment - Familiarity with modern era historical context What I need: - A thorough exploration of the evolution of archery equipment, highlighting key developments, innovations, and their impact on the sport. - Clear, concise, and coherent presentation of findings. - The Literature Review needs show the connections between four different types of sources: A full length Movie/Documentary A Book A Webpage A short YouTube video, episode of a series/documentary, TED talk, etc.
I'm in urgent need of a professional who can connect me with contacts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangladesh. The assistance required involves obtaining an official No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the ministry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Established contacts within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh - Proven experience in facilitating the procurement of official documents - Excellent negotiation and communication skills - Familiarity with the process of obtaining an NOC for educational purposes - Ability to work swiftly and efficiently under pressure.
...blocking them”). • Detect critical conditions and advise patients to seek medical attention urgently. 3. Voice Integration for Seamless Communication • Implement speech-to-text (STT) and text-to-speech (TTS) using Google Speech API / AWS Polly. • Ensure natural, clear voice conversations to support users with low literacy levels. 4. AI Chat Analysis & Summary Generation After each chat session, AI should: • Summarize key points of the conversation. • Categorize discussions (e.g., diagnosis, treatment, symptoms). • Generate performance reports for healthcare workers’ training. • Provide engagement insights for patient education. 5. Mental Health Emergency Detection & Escalation • AI should detect high-r...